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1、动词练习1.1 .If it is fine tomorrow, wea football match.a. have b. will have c. has d. shall has2.2.Whe n he was at school, heearly and take awalk before breakfast.a. will rise b. shall rise b. should rise wouldrise3.3 .In the past 30 years Chinagreat adva nces inthe socialist revoluti on and socialist

2、con structi on.a. has made b. have made c. had made d. hav ing made4.4.1 go to bed un til Ifini shed my work.a. don 'had b. didn'have c. didnt/had d.don 'have5.5. you think heback by dinner time?a. Do/have come b. Did/will have come c. Does/will come d. Do/will have come6.6. He said that

3、 he dropped his bag whe n heforthe bus.a. was runing b. was running c. were running d.is running7.7. No soonerhe arrived home tha n hetostart on ano ther jour ney.a. has/was asked b. have/were asked c. had/isasked d. had/was asked8.8. you give me a room for the night?” I asked onarriv ing at the hot

4、el.a. Should b. Can c. Might d. May9.9. There are nine of them, soget into the carat the same time.a. they may not at all b. all they may not c. theycan t all d. all they cant10.10. We didn t see him at the lecture yesterday.” Heit.a. mustn t attendb. cannot have attendedc. would have not atte nded

5、d. n eed nthave atte nded11.11. You realize that you were driving at 100 mph, dont you? ”No, officer. I. This car can' do more than80. ”a. didn 'need to be b. may not have been c. couldnt have been d. needn ' have been12.12. he was a good runner so heescape from thepolice.a. might b. suc

6、ceeded to c. would d. was ableto13.13.lf they, our plan will fall flat.a. are co-operat ing b. had not co-operated c. won'co-operate d. did n'co-operate14.14hopedmy letter.a. her to an swer b. that she would an swer c. thatshe an swers d. her an sweri ng15.15. Helive in the country tha n in

7、the city.a. prefers b. likes to c. had better d. would rather16.16. to see a film with us today?a. Did you like b. Would you like c. Will youlike d. Have you liked17.17 m sorry, but I had no alter native. I simplywhat I did.a. must do b. had to do c. ought to have doned. have to do18.18. Time is run

8、ning out,?”a. a.had n'we better got start b. had n' webetter get startb. b.had ntwe better get started d. had n' webetter not started19.19. No onethat to his face.a. dares say b. dares say ing c. dare say d.dare to say20.20. The stude nts in the classroomnot to make somuch no ise.a. n ee

9、d b. ought c. must d. dare21.21. Youlast week if you were really serious about your work.a. ought to come b. ought to be coming c. ought have come d. ought to have come22.22. The elepha nts oughthours ago by the keepers.a. to be fed b. to feed c. to bei ng fed d. to have bee n fed23.23. fwonder why

10、they ' late. ” Theythetrai n. ”a. can have missed b. could miss c. may have missed d. might miss24.24. Tom graduated from college at a very young age.Hehave bee n an outsta nding stude nt.”a. a. must b. could c. should d. might25.25. Youthe exam in ati on aga in since you had already passed it.a

11、. needn 'have taken b. didn'need to take c.n eed n'take d. must n' take26.26. He is really in compete nt! The letteryesterday.a. a.should be fini shed typ ing b. must befini shed typ ingb. b.must have fini shed typ ing c. should havebee n fini shed typ ing27.27. The boy told his fath

12、er that he would ratheran astr on aut.a. become b. to become c. beco ming d. became28.28. Whe n we reached the stati on, the train had stillnot arrived; so we.a. a.needed not to hurryb. needn' havehurriedb. b. n eed not to have hurried d. did n'n eed tohurry29.29.Since your roommate is visit

13、ing her family thisweekend,you like to have dinner with us toni ght?a. will b. won ' c. wouldn' d. do30.30. He was afraid what he had donea disastrouseffect on his career.a. might have b. could be c. have bee n d.shall be31.31. Hehardly say anything more, since you know about it.a. don tneed

14、 to b. needn' c. needs d. need32.32. Youthe look on his face whe n he won theprize.a. would have see n b. should have see n c. mustsee d. can be see ing33.33.Some people thi nk the stock market will crash, buta. a. I won der if it happe ns b. I doubt if it will happe nc. I am afraid it wouldnt h

15、appen d. I doubt if itdoes happe n34.34. Whatever has happened to George? ”“don 't know.Helost. ”a. can have got b. may have got c. might get d. could get35.35. He has no idea what the book is about. Heread the book.a. could n ' b. could nt have c. might n'have d.shouldn t have36.36. New

16、 studies show that two of Satur n'ringsIon ger tha n the 4.5 billio n years since the birth ofthe Solar System.a. could have lasted b. should have lasted c.would have lasted d. must be last ing37.37. Take the telescope with you in case youitin your expediti on.a. will n eed b. would n eed c. sho

17、uld n eed d. could n eed38.38. Need he come at on ce? Yes, he.a. must b. must not c. n eed d. may39.39. Please an swer the phon e. Itbe by yourfather. If it is, would you tell that I want to see him?a. will b. should c. would d. could40.40. we In ever give in whatever theysay or do.a. may b. will c.

18、 shall d. should41.41. With all this work on hand, heto the ci nemalast ni ght.a. mustn 'go b. wouldn'go c. oughtn tgo d.shouldn ' have gone42.42. Everyonethe cake because there wasn' evena small piece left.a. must like b. must have liked c. must havebee n lik ing d. had liked43.43wi

19、sh to recollect where I met her,?a. a. would I b. may I c. may not I d. canI44.44thi nk he willdare the risk.a. no t/ . b. do/not c. ./not d. don'.45.45.lf reading is to accomplish anything more thanpass ing time, itbe active.a. may not b. must c. might d. is not46.46. Youyour seats today if you

20、 want to go tothe game.a. a. had better to reserve b. had better reservec. had to better reserve d. had to reserve better47.47the operati on uni ess it is absolutelyn ecessary.a. a. would rather not have b. would not ratherhadb. b. rather would not have d. rather not would have48.48. Ma ny scie ntis

21、tstheir own eyes and ears tha n the theories of the an cie nts.a. a. would rather to believe b. would rather believec. rather would believe d. will rather believe49.49. To travel from En gla nd to Scotla nd youapassport.a. haven 'got b. mustn' have c. neednt d.don'n eed50.50. One of the

22、stateme ntsto be un true.a. is tur ned out b. has tur ned out c. have bee ntur ned out d. have tur ned out51.51 .I don 'know whether it will rain or not, but if itrain, I shall stay at home.a. will b. did c. does d. shall52.52. You'dlike some tea,?”a. wouldn 'you b. shouldn 'you c. h

23、adn dyou d. didn ' you53.53. May we take the books out? ”a. No, you may not b. No, you can not c. No, youcan ' d. Please don '54.54. Twould have come sooner, but Ithat you I ”were wait ing.a. did n 'know b. has n 'known c. had n'know d.have n 'known55.55f you don ' wa

24、 nt to, youto get there withus.a. mustn ' b. can ' c. don 'have d. have not56.56would go to visit them but Ithi nk theyare an xious to see me.a. haven ' b. don ' c. doesn' d. didn'57.57. Whatever you can do,.a. a. I can do so as well b. I can do this as wellb. b. I can do

25、 it as well d. I can do as well58.58. - I realized the con seque nces I would n everhave con templated gett ing in volved.a. Had b. Have c. Having d. Has59.59. Perhaps she is working for John. ” Yes, she for him. ”a. a.n eed have bee n work ing b. may be work ingb. b.ought have bee n worki ng d. oug

26、ht be work ing60.60. Tknow she was in because I heard her radio, butshe didn 'open the door.” Shethe bell. ”a. a.may not be heari ng b. may not have heardb. b.must not have heard d. must not be heari ng61. He was smoking. ” Then he. ”a. a. ought to have bee n not smok ing b. ought to have not be

27、e n smok ingb. b. ought not to have bee n smok ing d. ought to not have bee n smok ing62.62. Youout yesterday without a coat. No won der you caught cold.a. oughtn 'have gone b. shouldn'have gone c.mustn'have gone d. can ' have gone63.63. Paul was riding a bicycle along the motorway w

28、henhe was hit by the trailer of a lorry.”Hea bicycle along the motorway; bicycles arenot allowed. ”a. a. shouldn ' have been riding b. couldn' havebee n ridingc. ought n ' have bee n riding d. can'have bee nridi ng64.64am liste ning. But you.a. n eed be liste ning b. should be liste

29、ning c.n eed have bee n liste ning d. ought be liste ning65.65.Hewith us last ni ght.a. a. would have liked to go b. should like to be goi ngb. b.should be liked to go d. would like to go66.66his face whe n he ope ned the letter.a. a. should like you to see b. would have liked you to be see nb. b. s

30、hould like you to have see n d. would like you to see67.67. You say youdo it, but I say youdoit.a. ought no t/could b. will no t/shall c. couldnot/n eed d. shall no t/ought68.68. Weput the meet ing off for a week.a. can as well b. will as well c. shall as welld. may as well69.69. wind your watch eve

31、ry day?a. Do you n eed b. Must you have to c. Have you tod. Do you have to70.70. give him a cha nee to try?a. Oughtn 'to we b. Oughtn 'we to c. Ought to we not d. Ought n'we71.71. Did you blame him for his mistakes? ” ”a. I 'rather not do b. I'dnot rather do c. I'better not do


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