



1、Read ing for writ ingThe Art of Livi ng-Find Real Happ in essThere was a little boy who was bored, so he went out to the tree to play. Soon theboy grew tired of play ing in the tree.“Im hungry, ” said the boy.“Here,”said the tree,“take an apple.”The boy took the apple and ate.“Iwant a bicycle, said

2、the boy,“butI don t haveeno ugh money to buy one.”“Here,”said the tree,take all my apples, andsell them so you can have eno ugh money to buy thebicycle you want.”The boy took the apples and went to the market.The tree was so happy to have helped his newfriend and looked forward to see inghow happy t

3、he boy will be riding around on his new bicycle.Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned into mon ths and mon ths to years. The boydid not visit the tree. Fin ally the boy retur ned, but he was not a boy any more. Hewas a young man, and he was un happy.“I want to travel, ” the young man complained, boat.”

4、“Here, said the tree,“cutme down and use my wood to build a boat.”The young man cut dow n the tree and built a boat.Many years passed and the tree did not see or hear from the young man whowas once a boy. Fin ally, he retur ned, but he was an old man, an un happy old man.“What is wron g?as”ed the tr

5、ee.“I am old and alone, and I have nothing.”“I have nothing to give you,” said the tree.“I just want to sit dow n.”The old man who was once a young man who was once a boy sat dow n on thestump that was once a beautiful tree. Then he wept. The old man fin ally understood.From The Givi ng Tree, by She

6、l SilversteinDonalways ask for more”The boy, like most people, wants conditional happiness. He did not understandbut I do not have athat we should accept life unconditionally, and that leads to happiness. We can allhave and enjoy the luxury of things-the latest digital product, the biggest TV , then

7、ewest and greatest cell phone-yet we must not forget that someone else in thisworld may be suffering because of our greed, because of our lack of understanding.To get whatever you want is to forget that wanting is the source of suffering. There isno limitation to happiness except for the conditions

8、we set for ourselves.Learn to be contentIf we get to know who we really are and what we really need, we may come torealize what is here right now is perfect. Thus, we should learn to be content withwhere we are and what we have now. When we live each moment with a peacefulstate of mind, when we look

9、 at the world with our“child”eyes, when we arehappy, truly happy, what we need automatically comes to us. It has been said thatwhen the student is ready the teacher comes. In the world, everyone and everyexperience can be our“teacher”. Believe in magic and the magic is -love whatyou are doing in the

10、 moment, which will reward you in spectacular ways you leastexpect, becausebeing happy doesnt just mean putting a smile on your face, andmaking you feel good about yourself. Happiness has far-reaching, positive effectson every aspects of life. When we are in ahappy mood, people like us better, and f

11、riendship and love are more likely to buildup.Develop a happy habit1. Learn to notice when you are actually happy and teach yourself to appreciatethose moments. Think up five moments in every day when you are conscious offeeling happy.2. When something bad happens, train yourself to put it behind yo

12、u rather than let itruin your day.3. Stop thinking that you can never be happy unless your surroundings change. Ifyou always delay your happiness like this, youre actually giving yourself muchunnecessary pain.4. Try to smile more and to chat more with people- and feel the levels of your ownhappiness rise as they respond positively to you.5. Accept that happiness is a skill that we can all work on-and that it can become ahabit.Answer the following questions.1. Why is thegivingtree happ


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