1、大鼠脑出血灶周围区粘附分子的表达 07-08-27 16:13:00 编辑:studa20 作者:李改丽 张守信 汪丙昂 张红宾 王百忍【关键词】 脑出血Expression of adhesion molecules in periintracerebral hemorrhage foci in
2、rats【Abstract】 AIM: To study dynamic changes of the expression of adhesion molecules in the intracerebral hemorrhage foci and to investigate the pathophysiological processes after intracerebral hemorrhage so as to provide theoretic basis for clinical treatment. METHODS: Collagenase was i
3、njected into the striatum of the rats to cause bleeding. Immunohistochemical ABC method was used to observe the expressions of ICAM1, VCAM1 and Eselectin 24, 72 h and 7 d after the intracerebral hemorrhage. RESULTS: Plentiful ICAM1like, VCAM1like and Eselectinlike immunopositive cells were fou
4、nd in striatum around hemorrhage foci in groups 24 h, 72 h and 7 d after the intracerebral hemorrhage and the numbers were significantly different (P<0.05) from those of the nonhemorrhage sides of striatum at the same time point. The expressions of same adhesion molecules around hemorrhage foci w
5、ere different at different time points. The numbers of the three kinds of adhesion molecules immunopositive cells at the hemorrhage sides in the 24 h group were the greatest ICAM1, VCAM1 and Eselectin were (152±4), (141±2) and (131±4) mm2, respectively. The numbers of the three kinds
6、of adhesion molecules immunopositive cells at the hemorrhage sides in the 72 h group (44±3), (98±4) and (36±5) mm2 and 7 d group (43±3), (96±4) and (35±3) mm2 all decreased, which were significantly different from those of the 24 h group (P<0.05). However, there was
7、no significant difference in number between the 72 h and the 7 d groups (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: The adhesion molecules are highly expressed in the hemorrhage area, which may be related to the course of intracerebral hemorrhage.【Keywords】 rat; intracerebral hemorrhage; adhesion mol
8、ecule; immunocytochemistry【摘要】 目的: 研究脑出血区粘附分子表达的动态变化,探讨脑出血的病理生理过程,为临床治疗脑出血提供理论依据. 方法: 纹状体内注入胶原酶造模,采用免疫组织化学ABC法观察粘附分子ICAM1,VCAM1和Eselectin在脑出血后24,72 h和7 d的表达变化. 结果: 大鼠脑出血后24,72 h和7 d组出血灶周围纹状体内均有明显的ICAM1,VCAM1和Eselectin免疫阳性细胞,与相同时间点的非出血侧纹状体比较均有显著差别(P<0.05);而且同一种粘附分子在不同时间点在出血灶周围的表达不全相同,24 h组出血
9、侧3种粘附分子阳性的细胞数量最多ICAM1,VCAM1和Eselectin分别为(152±4),(141±2)和(131±4) mm2,72 h组(44±3),(98±4)和(36±5) mm2和7 d组(43±3),(96±4)和(35±3) mm23种粘附分子阳性的细胞数量均减少,与24 h组比较有明显的统计学意义的差异(P<0.05),而72 h和7 d组之间无明显差异(P>0.05). 结论: 脑出血区粘附分子表达增高,可能存在与病程相关的炎性反应.【关键词】 大鼠;脑出血;粘附分子;
10、免疫细胞化学0引言脑出血是临床上常见的疾病之一1,2,其治疗效果仍不理想3. 近几年来关于脑出血后存在炎性反应的相关报道愈来愈多4,5. 炎性反应的发生涉及到白细胞和内皮细胞之间复杂的相互作用,而粘附分子又是这两种细胞相互作用中必需的介导物质6. 我们用免疫组化方法对脑出血灶周围粘附分子表达进行了动态研究.1材料和方法1.1材料雄性SD大鼠12只,体质量230250 g,由第四军医大学实验动物中心提供. 采用细菌胶原酶注射制作为脑出血模型7. 将大鼠用10 gL-1戊巴比妥钠(40 mgkg-1)ip麻醉,固定于立体定向仪上,剃毛,无菌操作下在纹状体部位定位(前囟尾侧1.0 mm,矢状缝右侧3
11、.6 mm,深度4.5 mm)注入胶原酶(Sigma) 0.4 U(1.2 L生理盐水稀释)和0.3 L肝素(12 500 UmL-1),10 min内注完,留针10 min后拔针,缝合皮肤. 术后随机分为脑出血后24 h组,72 h组和7 d组,每组4只. 全部动物按时给予食物和水. 脑出血模型制作比较成功,24 h组1只动物因出血量过大死亡,7 d组1只脑内无出血也被淘汰,其余动物均为中等量出血. 各组动物经上述不同的成活时间后,在10 gL-1戊巴比妥钠(40 mgkg-1)ip麻醉下开胸,经心脏灌注,先用生理盐水100 mL冲净血液,然后用预冷的40 gL-1多聚甲醛(pH 7.4)固
12、定液500 mL灌注,固定完毕,取出全脑,用40 gL-1多聚甲醛后固定2 h,再将脑放入200 gL-1蔗糖溶液,4过夜. 组织块完全沉底后挑选出血灶及其周围组织,用冰冻切片机连续冠状切片,片厚40 m.1.2方法先将切片经10 mmolL-1 PBS漂洗5 min×3次后,室温下浸入800 mLL-1甲醇和3 mLL-1过氧化氢封闭30 min以消除内源性过氧化酶的影响,10 mmolL-1 PBS漂洗5 min×3次. 接着用10 gL-1牛血清白蛋白和30 mLL-1正常羊血清在室温分别孵育切片20 min,以阻断组织与抗体的非特异性结合. 最后室温下将切片浸入3
13、mLL-1 Triton X100大约5 min增加组织的通透性,以利于组织细胞内抗原的显示. ABC法如下:首先将漂片浸入山羊抗大鼠ICAM1,VCAM1和Eselectin(1500,Santa Cruz),室温36 h;10 mmolL-1 PBS漂洗10 min×3次后入抗山羊IgG(1400,Vector),室温3 h;再用10 mmolL-1 PBS漂洗10 min×3次后最后入生物素化卵白素辣根过氧化物酶复合物(ABC,1200,NEB),室温2 h,10 mmolL-1 PBS漂洗10 min×3次. 用硫酸镍铵DAB蓝色反应法进行呈色,当阳性产物呈深蓝色而背底几乎无色时终止反应,贴片,脱水,透明,封片,BX60光镜下观察. 部分切片用做免疫组织化学方法对照实验,一抗(山羊抗大鼠粘附分子)用牛血清白蛋白稀释液替代,二抗(生物素化的抗
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