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1、中小学在线一对一主谓宾 句子成分介绍小学英语 主谓宾Review中小学在线一对一知识点回顾话题购物打电话问路小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一7、购物情景模拟:去超市买一条牛仔裤的对话在水果摊买一斤梨的对话小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一7、购物Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/What would you like? -Id like a/an/someAnything else? What about the red one? How many kilos? - Five kilos, please.How much is it/a

2、re they?-Its /Theyre twenty yuan. Heres your change.小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一8、打电话对话:J:你好,请问哪位?A:你好,这里是April,请问Jerry在吗?J:我就是。请问有什么事情吗?A:明天下午有一场足球比赛,要不要一起去看?J:不了,谢谢。我还有很多作业没有写完。A:没关系。再见。小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一8、打电话Hello, may I speak to Nancy?- This is Nancy speaking.Is that Tom (speaking)?-Yes, this is Tom s

3、peaking.Whos that(speaking)?- Its Liu Tao here.Wait for a minute. / Hold on , please.Sorry, she isnt in.小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一9、问路、指路Jerry,我想去你学校,怎么走?小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一9、问路、指路Excuse me. Wheres the nearest post office?How can I get to the nearest post office?Can you show/tell me the way to the neares

4、t post office?How far is the nearest post office from here?How many stops are there? 小学英语 主谓宾常见话题中小学在线一对一9、问路、指路Go along this road and then turn right/left at the third crossing.The post office is on your right/left.Its over there. Near the Bank of China.You can take bus No.8 and get off at the thir

5、d stop.Sorry, I dont know. You can ask the policeman.小学英语 主谓宾Homework中小学在线一对一情境匹配 IV( )1. Here is your watch, Mike. A. I know where your pen is. ( )2. I cant find my pen. B. You must look after your clothes. ( )3. Its twelve oclock. C. Put on your coat and shoes. ( )4. You must go to school now. D.

6、Thanks very much. ( )5. Here is your shirt, Jim. E. I must go now, bye-bye. 小学英语 主谓宾Homework中小学在线一对一情境匹配 V( )1. Who is the boy in brown? A. Its Mr. Browns, I think. ( )2. Whose jacket is this? B. Hes Anns brother Tom. ( )3. What colour is your bike? C. Its about six. ( )4. Whats the time, please? D.

7、 Its black. ( )5. Can I have an egg? E. Twenty. ( )6. How many cars can you see? F. Yes, please. ( )7. Its time to go to school. G. Thank you. ( )8. You have a nice skirt, Kate. H. Yes, lets go.小学英语 主谓宾中小学在线一对一小学英语 主谓宾主谓宾中小学在线一对一小学英语 主谓宾什么是主谓宾?中小学在线一对一组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语中句子成分有主语、谓语、宾语等等。顺序一般是: 主语+谓语+宾

8、语如: I eat an apple. 主 谓 宾 名词 动词 名词小学英语 主谓宾主语中小学在线一对一主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名词充当。The little boy likes watching TV.All the animals in the zoo are enjoying sunshine today.主语是执行句子行为或动作的主体,如“我写字”或“我跳舞”中的“我”,就是主语,他做出“写字”或“跳舞”这个动作。小学英语 主谓宾主语中小学在线一对一造句,说出下面的句子中的主语:With the help of my mom, I finish making a kite

9、.This morning her mother is making the bed.他们这周六将要去爬山。冬天时花死了。小学英语 主谓宾谓语中小学在线一对一谓语是句子中不可缺少的部分!(想想有没有主语和宾语可以没有的句子情况?)谓语说明主语的动作、状态或特征如“我写字”或“我跳舞”中的“我”是主语,他做出“写字”或“跳舞”这个动作,“写字”和“跳舞”是谓语。一般来说谓语是动词小学英语 主谓宾谓语中小学在线一对一谓 语简单谓语:由动词(或动词谓语)e.g. Li Ming is 11 years old. He puts on his jeans on Monday.复合谓语:情态动词+动词e

10、.g. I can speak a little English. You must stay away from the pandas.小学英语 主谓宾谓语中小学在线一对一造句,说出下面的句子中的谓语:She waters the flowers every day.Nancy gets off the bus at 10.a.m.老师正在和我的爸爸谈话。昨天我买了一件衣服。小学英语 主谓宾宾语中小学在线一对一谓语之后往往有宾语宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者,跟在动词之后。如:我踢足球“踢”是谓语,是我的动作“足球”是宾语,是动作的对象或承受者小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一

11、以上都是最简单的句型:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语英语中的复杂句型很多,下面来介绍更多相关知识小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一英语中基本句子结构一共五种: 1. 主语+谓语(简称主谓结构) 例句:I(主语) dance(谓语). The dog runs. 2. 主语+谓语+宾语(简称主谓宾结构) 例句:I(主语) eat(谓语) an apple(宾语). Tomorrow I will go to the cinema.小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一英语中基本句子结构一共五种: 3. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(简称主谓双宾语结构) 例句:I(主语) buy(谓语) yo

12、u(间接宾语) a book(直接宾语). 说明:一般来说代词为间接宾语,物品名词为直接宾语。 小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一英语中基本句子结构一共五种: 4. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(简称主谓宾宾补结构) 例句: I(主语) called(谓语) the car(宾语) Big boy(宾语补足语). 说明:宾语补足语,在谓语动词之后,接了宾语但句义依旧不完整,需要再加另外的成分补充说明宾语的意义,这个成分就是宾语补足语。 小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一英语中基本句子结构一共五种: 5.主语+系动词+表语(简称主系表结构) 例句: He(主语) looks(系动词)

13、 funny(表语). This hamburger tastes yummy.小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一主 系 表 (强调主语的身份、状态、特征)1)名词做表语:She is a TV reporter. This is my computer. 2)形容词作表语He is tall and strong.You look sad today. 小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一主 系 表 (强调主语的身份、状态、特征)3)数词做表语:I am 48 kg. You are 4 cm taller than me. 4)地点短语作表语Many clothes are in

14、 the closet.5)时间短语作表语My birthday is in April. 小学英语 主谓宾句子结构中小学在线一对一主 谓 宾 (强调主语的行为、动作) (一般现在时) We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. (现在进行时) They are climbing trees. (一般将来时) I am going to buy a comic book. (一般过去时) I played football. 小学英语 主谓宾Practice中小学在线一对一一、找出下列句子中的主语、谓语和宾语1. The students are doing a test

15、. 2. The students study English hard for the test in the school every day. 3. The students plant trees in the garden in the school every day. 4. Does the teacher from England have a little black dog? 5. The girl of your class eats an apple in the classroom every day. 小学英语 主谓宾Practice中小学在线一对一二、用括号中单词

16、的正确形式填空1. What _ the teacher from America _ you?(teach) 2. Why _ the teacher from America _ the teacher from England?(love) 3. How many baozi _ you _ every morning?(eat) 4. Where _ the students of your class _ trees every year?(plant) 5. The most clever little boy student of our class _ his homework

17、 in the school every day.(not do) 小学英语 主谓宾Practice中小学在线一对一二、用括号中单词的正确形式填空6.When _ the boy students of your class _ football on the playground in the school every day?(play) 7. Who _ in the classroom at 12:00 clock? (be) 8. I _ TV at home last night.(not watch) 9. He often _ books to her.(give) 10. We _ our class at eight.(begin) 小学英语 主谓宾Practice中小学在线一对一三、翻译句子1. 我爸爸正在书房里读书。2. You must listen to me.3. 她在10岁时非常喜欢英语。4. He often writes e-mails to his pen friends.5. 史密斯女士经常给她的宝宝讲故事。 小学英语 主谓宾Practice中小学在线一对一四、判断下


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