



1、 Press Presse Prensa 新闻稿PPPensaPrensas Medical Solutions西门子医疗系统集团For the trade press用于行业刊物Erlangen埃尔兰根,, April 176, 2003年4月17日Siemens西门子 introduces a new generation of 新一代physiological recording生理记录 systems系统新鲜出炉AxiomXIOM Sensis率先将血液动力和电生理检查整合于单一 is the first to combine hemodynamic and electrophysio

2、logical measurements in one system系统。.Axiom Sensis is tThe new all-round talent for invasive cardiology from 是Siemens Medical Solutions西门子医疗系统集团 ((Med))出品的功能完善的新型心脏介入诊疗仪。所有血液动力和电生理检查第一次可以在一台测量仪上完成和记录。 is the Axiom Sensis. For the first time, all hemodynamic and electrophysiological exams can be perf

3、ormed and recorded at one measurement station. The new 新型system系统可用来评估电生理异常的原因,帮助医师有效治疗心律失常。 can uncover assess the causes of electrophysiological irregularities, and provideSensis lends the physician with valuable assistance in treating cardiac rhythm disturbancesarrhythmia. 该仪器可以完全集成到心导管实验室中,并且能够有

4、效整合独具创新的IT解决方案和高级测量站技术。医师可以直接通过触摸屏使用It can be fully integrated into the cardiac cath lab and merges innovative IT solutions with advanced measurement-station technology. The physician is able to directly access all major functions of the Axiom Sensis的所有主要功能。 via the touchscreen. The system系统连接能让我们访问

5、不同用户采集的所有数据,大大提高治疗效果和临床工作效率。s connectivity means ready access to all data acquired by various users, thus increasraising both the treatment quality of treatment and the efficiency of the clinical workflow efficiency. Axiom Sensis能让医师轻松使用,可以支持介入诊疗、支架植入以及电生理消融等功能。 puts the systemis located right at th

6、e physicians side, to support interventions, stent implantation, and electrophysiological ablations. Sensis可用来测量、解释和分析生理数据,其中包括 measures, interprets and analyzes physiological data, including hemodynamic signals, 血液动力信号、ECKG以及心内电位图等等。s, and intracardiac electrograms. Sensis在连接Axiom产品家族的所有 excels whe

7、n connected tolinked with all cardiac angiography 心血管造影systems系统时能够充分发挥各种优势,有效补充心导管实验室。 of the Axiom family, providing the perfect complement to any cardiac cath lab.独具创新的信号处理技术可以生成精确度极高的数据,各种数值可以清楚显示出来并易于读取。这可以大大提高诊断的可靠性,使医师和其他临床人员从中解脱出来,集中精力治疗病人。 Innovative signal processing technology produces hi

8、ghly accurate data of outstanding quality, so values are clearly displayed and easy to read. This improves diagnostic reliability, freeing the physician and other clinical staffpersonnel to focus even more on the patient.As a combined 作为一套组合system系统,, Sensis完全能够应对心导管实验室将来面临的诸多挑战。 is able to meet the

9、 future challenges in the cardiac cath lab. 广泛的软件选择可以确保系统具备具有非常高的适应能力,随时满足不断膨胀的需求或者预算更改需求。A broad range of software options ensures the systems adaptability to increased demands or budget changes at any time. Sensis具有一种或两种血液动力和电生理测量选择。 is available with one or both hemodynamic and electrophysiology

10、measurement options. 而且,Moreover, it is possible to integrate Sensis可以同病人扫描床一侧的 with the control of Axiom Artis控制装置紧密集成。 at the patients tableside. 新型解决方案基于The new solution is based on “syngo(新沟通)”操作系统,这种软件应用于, the software standard for all medical applications from Siemens Medical Solutions西门子医疗系统集

11、团出品的所有医疗应用。这种直观的操作软件使得系统易于理解和使用。诊断报告采用微软的. This intuitive operating concept makes the system easy to learn understand and use. With Microsoft Word模板,并且能够创建和存储 templates for findings diagnostic reports as well as the ability to create and store Dicom报告, reports, Axiom Sensis可以确保工作人员访问各个部门的所有病人数据, gua

12、rantees access to all patient data from various departments, making diagnosis and treatment highly efficient.大幅提高诊疗效率。 由于Because Sensis可以选择性地连接临床数据流,因此新型解决方案还能跟踪用户定义的检查 is optimally connected to clinical dataflow, the new solution is also able to keep track of user-definable exam supplies. 内容。在检查结束之

13、后,相应的软件可以记录各种材料(比如导管、拭子以及套管等)以及其他程序数据。库存记录可以不断更新,购买订单可以自动发出。After an exam is complete, the appropriate software records the materials used (e.g. catheters, swabs, canulas) along with all the other procedure-related data. Inventory records are continually updated and purchase orders issued automatica

14、lly.You will find a picture of the system如欲浏览新闻稿的相关图片,请访问以下网站:系统图片请访问: at Siemens Medical Solutions西门子医疗系统集团(Med)是全球医疗领域最大的设备供应商之一。集团始终倡导为客户提供创新的产品、服务和完善的解决方案,业务几乎囊括医疗行业的各个领域,提供从用于诊断与治疗的影像系统、电子医学和听力技术,到优化医院、诊所和医生办公室的业务流程以及提高其工作效率的IT系统解决方案。西门子还可以为客户提供各种数据管理解决方案,是目前最大的应用服务提供商。2002财年(截至9月30日),医疗系统集团的全球

15、员工大约为31,000名,公布的销售额达到76亿欧元,订单额为84亿欧元,EBITA高达10亿欧元,如欲获知更多信息,请登录公司网站:。西门子医疗系统集团 ((Med)) is one of the largest suppliers of healthcare equipment in the world. Med is renowned for its innovative products, services and complete solutions, ranging from imaging systems系统 for diagnosis and therapy equipment

16、 for treatment, to electromedicine and hearing instruments to IT solutions that optimize workflow and increase efficiency in hospitals, clinics and doctors' offices. Siemens西门子 also offers a variety of data management solutions for customers and is currently the largest Application Service Provi

17、der. Employing approximately 31,000 people worldwide, in fiscal 2002 ((September, 30)), Med reported sales of 7.6 billion EUR, orders of 8.4 billion EUR and EBIT of 1 billion EUR. More information can be obtained through the Company´s website http:/www.siemens西门子.Siemens Medical Solutions of Si

18、emens AG (NYSE: SI) with headquarters in Malvern, Pennsylvania and Erlangen, Germany, is one of the largest suppliers to the healthcare industry in the world. The company is known for bringing together innovative medical technologies, healthcare information systems, management consulting, and support services, to help customers achieve tangible, sustainable, clinical and financial outcomes. From i


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