



1、定语从句巩固练习1. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,        , of course, made the  others unhappy.     A. which            B. who      &#

2、160;           C. this                   D. what2. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town        

3、; he grew up as a child.   A. which            B. when                C. that             

4、      D. where 3. The gentleman         you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.  A. who                     B. about whom 

5、;     C. whom               D. with whom 4. Please take any seat         is free.  A. which            B. wher

6、e                      C. in which         D. that5. The old man has two sons,         is a soldier.  A. one of whom B.

7、both of them      C. all of whom              D. none of them6. This is the ship         we crossed the Pacific(太平洋).  A. by which      

8、;        B. by that                     C. where               D. in which7. New York is famous

9、 for its sky-scrapers(摩天大楼),        has more than 100 storeys.  A. the higher of them                             B. the high

10、est of which  C. the highest of them                            D. some of which8. My home village is no longer the same       

11、60; it used to be.  A. which              B. as                   C. where          &

12、#160;    D. when9. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,         many people have gone home.  A. whose time    B. that             

13、0;     C. at which            D. by which time10. The weather turned out to be very good,         was more than we could expect.   A. what      &

14、#160;      B. which               C. that                  D. it11. Mr. Wang is a boss,       &

15、#160; factory Li Ping worked.  A. in whose        B. whose               C. in whom           D. of which12. I shall never forget the y

16、ears         I lived in the country with the farmers,         has a good effect on my life.  A. that, which    B. when, which      C. which, that     

17、   D. when, who13.         is known to all, China will be an advanced and powerful country in 20 or 30yearstime.  A. What             B. That       &#

18、160;          C. As                    D. It14. Is this book         you want to borrow from the library?  A. that 

19、              B. which               C. the one              D. /15. Such a book    &

20、#160;    you showed me is difficult to understand.  A. that               B. which               C. as     

21、60;                      D. like16. The speaker spoke of some writers and some books         were popular then.  A. /     

22、60;             B. that                   C. which               D. who17.Mrs. B

23、lack took the police back to place she witnessed the robbery. Athe same; thatBthe same, asCthe same ;where Das the same ;as18. In an hour, we can travel to places_would have taken our ancestors days to reach. A. where B. when C. which D. what19. _ I explained on the phone, your request will be consi

24、dered at the next meeting. AWhenBAfter CAs DSince 20. What surprised me was not what he said but he said it . Athe way Bin the way that Cin the way Dthe way which 附加疑问句(反意疑问句)一、反意疑问句是附加在陈述句之后, 对所陈述内容提出质疑或通过反问以强化陈述内容的一种疑问句。前后肯定否定形式的相异性. 前一部分肯定,后一部分否定, 反之亦然。You are going to Nanjing next month, arent y

25、ou?He didnt pass English text, did he?前后be动词、助动词和情态动词的一致性Youd rather stay at home on Sundays, wouldnt you? Youd like to go to bed earlier, wouldnt you?Hed better leave early, hadnt he?反意疑问句的答语。用yes或no回答反意疑问句。yes和no的确定是根据事实确定。 You are not going out today, are you? 你今天不出去,是吧? No, I am not. 是的,我不出去。 Ye

26、s, I am. 不,我今天出去。反意疑问句的特殊情况小结:1. 在由 “祈使句 + 疑问部分” 构成的反意疑问句中,疑问部分通常用will youPass me the dictionary, will you? 把词典递给我好吗?Dont do that again, will you? 别再做那件事好吗?说明: 在含有let的祈使句后的反意疑问部分,如果let的宾语us包括听者(常写成lets)时用shall we;不包括听者(常写成let us)时用will you。Let的宾语是me时, 要根据意思用will you或may I。let的宾语是第三人称时用will you。 例如:L

27、ets go for a walk , shall we? 我们去散步好吗?Let us do it by ourselves, will you? 让我们自己做这件事好吗?Let me have a look at your photo, will you? (你)让我看看你的照片好吗?Let him speak first, will you? (你)让他先说好吗?2. 当陈述部分含有 must 时, 要注意 must 的含义。 表示 "一定要, 必须"时, 反意疑问句附加部分用 mustn't 或 needn'te.g. He must work ha

28、rd at physics, mustn't /needn't he? 表示推测 "一定是, 必定是"时, 反意疑问句附加部分有下列情况:A). 当陈述部分有 must be .时, 反意疑问句附加部分用 be 的现在时态。e.g. He must be very tired, isn't he? He must be working hard at the office, isn't he?B). must have + 过去分词 表示对过去的推测 a). 单纯表示对过去的推测, 与现在无关, 反意疑问句附加部分用过去式。b). 表示对过去

29、的推测且影响到现在或持续现在, 反意问句附加部分用现在完成式。e.g. He must have come yesterday, didn't he? You must have studied English for years, haven't you?3陈述部分的主语是指示代词this, that或不定代词(everything, nothing, anything, something等),不定式(to do),动名词(doing)或从句时,疑问部分主语用it。Nothing could prevent him from going there, could it? 什

30、么也阻止不了他去那里,对吗?Swimming in rivers is a good sport, isnt it? 在江河里游泳是一项很好的运动,是吗?To see is to believe, isnt it?What he said at the meeting is very important, isnt it? 他在会上所说的很重要,对吗?如果陈述部分的主语为nobody, somebody, none, someone, no one, anyone, anybody, everyone等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语用they或he。Somebody took my umbre

31、lla away yesterday, didnt they / he? Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)4. 当陈述部分带有that从句作宾语时,反意疑问部分应与主句的主语和谓语一致。陈述部分是I think, I suppose, I believe时,反意疑问部分应与that从句的主语和谓语一致。 但要注意否定转移。He said his father had been sent to hospital, didnt he? 他说他父亲已送去医院了,是吗?I think hell come to help us with our wor

32、k, wont he? 我想他会来帮助我们工作,是吗?I dont think he is fit for the job, is he?5. 如果陈述部分是I am,反意疑问部分用arent I。Im late, arent I? 我迟到了,是不是?6. 当陈述部分为感叹句时,反意疑问部分用否定形式,主语仍与感叹句的主语一致。What a fine day today, isnt it? 今天天气多么好,是吗?What beautiful hats, arent they? 7. 当陈述部分含有wish时,反意疑问部分的助动词用may。前后都用肯定形式。I wish to use your

33、dictionary, may I? 我想用你的词典,行吗?8. 当陈述部分含有youd better, youd like to时,反意疑问部分分别用hadnt you, wouldnt you。Youd better take his advice, hadnt you? 你最好还是听他的建议,好吗?Youd like to go to the party, wouldnt you? 你想去聚会,是吗?9. 当陈述部分含有have to时,反意疑问部分的助动词应根据have的变化,分别用dont, doesnt, didnt。I have to take this medicine, do

34、nt I? 我必须吃这药,是吗?10. 当陈述部分是there be句型时,反意疑问部分用be there。There is something wrong with the machine, isnt there? 机器出了毛病,是吗?There is no time left, is there? 没有时间了,是不是? 11. 当陈述部分含有seldom, hardly, scarcely, no, never, rarely, few, little, nobody, nowhere等否定动词时,反意疑问部分的动词用肯定式。He hardly speaks English, does h

35、e? 他几乎不会说英语,是吧?如果陈述句部分含有un-, in-, im-, ir-, dis- 等否定前缀构成的派生词时,该陈述句部分仍作肯定处理,疑问部分用否定形式。He dislikes chicken, doesnt he? 他不喜欢吃鸡肉,是吗?He is unkind to his classmates, isnt he?12. 陈述部分含有 need, dare 的反意疑问句A). 当 need , dare 为普通动词时, 反意疑问句附加部分用助动词 do 的某种形式。e.g. He needs help, doesn't he? She doesn'

36、t dare to go home alone, does she?B).当 need , dare 为情态动词时, 反意疑问句附加部分用其本身。e.g. We need not do it again, need we ? He dare not say so, dare he?13. 当陈述部分有 used to.时, 反意疑问句附加部分用 didn't / usedn't + 主语?e.g. She used to visi

37、t her uncle on holidays, didn't /usedn't she?15. 当陈述部分有 ought to 时, 反意疑问句附加部分用 ought 或 shoulde.g. We ought to start at once, oughtn't/ shouldn't we? Such things ought not to be allowed, ought/ should they?16. 当陈述部分谓语有 would rather 或 would like to 时, 反意疑问句附加部分用 wouldn't + 主语。e.g.

38、He would rather read the text ten times than recite it, wouldn't he?You'd like to have some bananas, wouldn't you?巩固练习:1. I dont think theyd rather stay in, _?A. do I B. hadnt they C. would theyD. wouldnt they2. His wife had the carpets and the curtains cleaned, _? A. hadnt sheB. had she

39、 C. didnt she D. did she 3. Its my sons wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that, _? A. havent I B. dont I C. dont he D. isnt it 4. Harry wouldnt become a teacher if it hadnt been for the holiday, _? A. would he B. had it C. would it D. had he 5. No one left here yesterday, _? A. didnt they B. did they C. didnt one D. did one 6. Birds rarely build nests in our garden, _? A. dont they B. do they C. didnt they D. did they 7. You must have been to the Great Wall, _? A. mustnt you B. havent you C. arent you D. must you 8. Learning how to repair motors takes a long


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