



1、1(全国通用)2014 届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(三十六)Module 6War and Peace 外研版选修 6(限时:45分钟)i.单项填空1I amwatching my_,so I only eatsome fruit and vegetablesfor supper.A. shape B. formC. figure D. body2I am sure David will find the libraryhe has a pretty good _ofdirectionAwarning BfeelingCexperience Dsense3After his wife died

2、 in an accident, hehad to keep himself_toforgethis sorrow for the time being.Aoccupy BoccupyingCoccupied Dto occupy4“Terrorists_ war on the United States, and war is what they got.Bush said.Aattacked BdeclaredCfought Doffered5Hearing this bad news, she _ the plate and broke it.Apicked BfellCdropped

3、Ddelivered 6We dont have enough money tountil next month.Aspend BcontinueCtake Dlast7. I can judge that they _ the enormous risks involved.Askimmed BobservedCoverlooked Dglanced8When and where to go for the on- salary holiday still_Aare remained to decide Bis remaining to decide Cremain to be decide

4、d Dremainsto be decided9.The travel through mountain turned out to be so hard that _ there wereonly several travelers left.Aunfortunately BfactuallyCactually Deventually10. _ the fact that Friday was always their busiest day, the girl seemedto be enjoying herself.2A. Despite B.Due toC. Besides D.If

5、only11. I_ through that bitter period without your gen erous help.A. would nt have gone B. did nt goC. would nt goD. had nt gone12. The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being _ to the careof stra ngers.A. dismissed B.abandonedC. stood D.quit13. _a certain doubt among the people as to th

6、e practica. l value of theproject.A. It has B.They haveC. It remai ns D.There remai ns14.Hewas told that it would be at least three more mon ths_he could recoverand return to work.A. when B.beforeC. si nee D.that15 . _ the end oftheir relati on ship, they still keep in touch with eachother.A. In spi

7、te of B.Apart fromC. Except for D.Due ton.阅读理解My father was Chief Engin eer of a mercha nt ship, which was sunk in WorldWarn. The bookNight of the U- boatstold the story.MemoriesIn September, 1940, my mother, sisterand I went to Swan sea, where myfathers ship was gett ing ready to sail. We brought h

8、im a family photograph to be kept with him at alltimes and keep him safe.Then I remember my mother lying face dow n, sobb ing. She had heard from a friend that theship had been sunk by a torpedo(鱼雷).I can remember the arrival of the telegram(电扌报),which in those daysalways brought bad news. My grandm

9、other opened it. It read,“Safe.Love Ted.”My most vivid memory is being woke n and brought dow n to sit on my fathers kn ee, his armin a ban dage.He was judged unfit to retur n to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war.For as long as I can remember, he had a weak heart.Mother sai

10、d it_ was caused by the torpedoes. Hesaid it was because of the cigarettes. Whichever, he died sudde nly in his early 50s.Ten years later I readNight of the U-boatsand was able to complete the story.TorpedoOne torpedo struck the ship. Father was in the engine room, where the third engineer waskilled

11、. He shut down the engines to slow the ship making it easier for it to be aba ndon ed.By the time he got on deck(甲板)he was alone. Every lifeboat was gone except one whichhad stuck fast. When he tried to cut it free, itswung against the ship,injuri ng his hand and arm.He had no choice but to jump sti

12、ll with the photograph3in his pocket.Three days later, he and other survivors were safe in Glasgow.All 23 with him sig ned theback of the photograph.A ToastIn my room is the book and the photograph. Often, glass in hand, I havewon dered how I would have dealt with an explosi on, asinking ship, a jum

13、p intoa vast ocean and a wait for rescue? Lest(以免)we forget, I have some more whiskya nd toast the heroes of the war.16. We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea_.A. to meet a frie ndB. to see the father offC. to take a family photoD. to enjoy the sailing of the ship17.What did the

14、authorlearn about the father from the telegram?A. He was still alive.B. His knee was broken.C. His ship had been sunk.D. He had arrived in Glasgow.18. The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 6 refers to the fathers_ .A. weak heartB. tak ing a shore jobC. failure to return to seaD. injury caused by a tor

15、pedo19. What can we know about the authors father after his ship was attacked?A. He lost his arm.B. He repaired the engines.C. He man aged to take a lifeboat.D. He was the last to leave the ship.20. What is the passage mainly about?A. A group of forgotten heroes.B. A book describing a terrifying battle.C. A ship engineers wartime experienee.D. A merchants memories


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