已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一单元姓名_ 学号_1.禁止吸烟No smoking/ Do not smoke2. 不应该吸烟shouldnt smoke3. 禁止乱扔垃圾No littering4. 禁止停车No parking5. 禁止骑车No cycling6. 请勿触摸Do not touch7. 危险Danger 8. 禁止吃喝No eating or drinking9. 请勿践踏草坪Keep off the grass 10. 在草坪上走walk on the grass11. 保持安静Be quiet/Keep quiet 12. 发出噪音make noise13. 公共标志public signs 14

2、. 他的表弟his cousin15. 她的表妹her cousin 16. 只有四岁only four years old17. 离开stay away from / keep off 18. 表示不同的意思mean different things19.在鸟笼上on the birds cage 20. 散步take a walk / go for a walk21. 谈论talk about 22. 环顾四周look around23. 捡起来pick up 24.把它捡起来pick it up25. 把它们捡起来pick them up 26.把钱包捡起来pick the purse

3、up/pick up the purse 27. 一位公园管理员 a park keeper 28. 在网上on the Internet29. 一张十元纸币 a ten-yuan note 30. 许多问题 a lot of questions31. 问和答ask and answer 32. 问老师一些问题ask the teacher some questions 33. 回答问题answer the questions 34.上来come up (to35. 指向point to 36. 对说say to37. 在墙上的标志the sign on the wall 38. 给我十元gi

4、ve me ten yuan / give ten yuan to me 39. 突然suddenly 40.总是always41.附近nearby 42.禁止游泳No swimming43. Fine¥10 _ 44. put the rubbish in the bin _45.shake the head _ 46. the sign over there _47. pick up her camera _ 48. look around _49. make noise _ 50. my cousin _51. Keep off the grass_ 52. a ten-yuan not

5、e _53. come up _ 54. a park keeper_55.stay away from_ 56. public signs _1. Ben正在干什么?他正在看一个故事。What Ben ? a .2. 我能在那里骑车吗?不能,那个标志是“禁止骑车”。_ I _ there? No, you _.That sign means “ _”.3. 我们不能再草坪上走路和丢杂物。We _ _ on the grass or _ on the grass.4. 我想要我的电脑,我想写点东西。I want my _ . I want _ _ something.5. 我能现在上网吗?_

6、I _ the _ now?6. 这个标志是什么意思?_ does this _ _?它的意思是你不可以在这里停放汽车。It _ you _ _ your car here.它意味着你不应该在草地上行走。It _ you _ _ _ the grass.7. 你必须远离这幢建筑。You _ _ _ _ the building.8. 杰克仅仅四岁。Jack is _ _ _ old.9. 墙上有一个标志。_ _ a sign _the wall.10. Mr Smith 正在公园里散步。Mr Smith is _ _ _ in the park.11.我可以看电视吗?不可以,你应当做家庭作业。

7、_ I _ _ now? No, _. You should _ _ _.12.我能玩电脑游戏吗?不,你不能。你现在应该去睡觉了。Can I _ _ ? No, you . You should _ _ bed now. 13.我能把车停这儿吗?不能。看!那儿有个标志。Can I _ my car here? No, _ _. Look! _ a _ over there.14. 他正在问Ben 一些公共标志的问题。He _Ben_them.15. 现在我了解了许多公共标志。Now I _.16. 先生,难道你没有看见在那边的标志吗?_ _ _ the _ _ _, sir?第二单元姓名_ 学

8、号_ 1. 1月1日the first of January 2. 2月2日the second of February3. 3月3日the third of March4. 4月4日the fourth of April5. 5月5日the fifth of May6. 6月8日the eighth of June7. 7月12日the twelfth of July 8. 8月20日the twentieth of August9. 9月21日the twenty-first of September 10. 10月30日the thirtieth of October11. 11月29日

9、the twenty-ninth of November 12. 12月25日the twenty-fifth of December 13. 在3月in March 14. 在3月4日on the fourth of March15. 5月1日the first of May 16. 一张日本卡通片的光碟 a VCD of Japanese cartoons 17. 拜访他/她visit him/her 18. 一张中国卡通片的光碟 a VCD of Chinese cartoons19.在本的班级里in Bens class 20. 在本的生日聚会上at Bens birthday par

10、ty21. 作为一件生日礼物as a birthday present 22. 作为你的生日礼物as your birthday present 23. 作为他的生日礼物as his birthday present 24. 举行生日聚会have a birthday party25. 吉姆的班里Jims class 26. 吹灭蜡烛blow out the candles27. 脱下take off 28. 脱下他的戏服take off his costume29. 等着看wait and see 30.马上到come soon /get near31. 星期几what day 32.几月几

11、日what date33. 在海湾in the bay 34.有许多葡萄的蛋糕 a cake with lots of grapes 35. 生日快乐Happy Birthday 36. 一个大的生日蛋糕 a big birthday cake37. 去游泳go swimming/ go and swim 38.我想要。Id like to. / Id love to. 39. 做一张生日卡片make a birthday card 40.为他制作一张生日卡片make a birthday card for him41. 一起回家go home together42. Chinese New

12、Year_43. a piece of paper_ 44. watch“Aladdin”_45.write a message_ 46. blow out the candles_47. wait and see _ 48. a blouse with many flowers_ 49. the twelfth of June_ 50. on the first of March_51. in Bens class _ 52. a VCD of Japanese cartoons _ 53. in the bay_ 54. have a birthday party_55. the firs

13、t of May _ 56. on the fourth of March_1. 你想要什么作为你的生日礼物?你想要一些画吗?不,我想要一件漂亮的毛衣。What would you like _ your _ _ ?Would you like _ _? No, Id like a _ _.2. 你的生日在五月九日吗?不,我的生日在八月份。Is your birthday _ the ninth of _? No, my birthday is _ _.3. 你的生日在哪一天?在10月5日。_your_? Its _ _ _of _.4. 杨玲的生日就快到了。Yang Lings birthd

14、ay _ _ _.5. 他们正在谈论吉姆的生日聚会。They _ _ _ Jims _ _.6. 今天几月几日?今天四月三日。What _ is it? Its _ _ _ _.7. 你的生日在什么时候?在5月2日。_ your _? Its _ _ _ _.8. 你想要什么作为生日礼物?What _ you _ _a _ _?9. 他/她想要什么作为生日礼物?What _ _ /_ like as _/_ birthday present?10. 我们什么时候能看到这部卡通片?_ can we _the cartoon?11. Ben 正在举行一个生日聚会。Ben _ _ a _ _.12.

15、你想要来参加我的生日派对吗?我非常想。Would you like _ _to my birthday party?Sure. / Yes, Id _ _ . / Yes, Id _ _ .13.有多少个学生他们的生日是在六月份?没有一个人。_ _ students _ their _ _ June? _ one.第三单元姓名_ 学号_1. 一部手机 a mobile phone2. 一副耳机 a pair of earphones3. 两副眼镜two pairs of glasses4. 三卷胶卷three rolls of film(s5. 一本日记本 a diary6. 两本日记本two

16、 diaries7. 一个光盘随身听 a CD Walkman 8. 刚才 a moment ago / just now9. 体育运动日Sports Day 10. 观看一场赛跑比赛watch a running race11. 进行一场赛跑比赛have a running race 12. 一场赛跑 a running race13.游泳比赛 a swimming race 14. 寻找她的照相机look for her camera15. 听MP3 listen to the MP3 16. 在地上on the ground17. 非常兴奋(指人 very excited 18. 非常兴

17、奋(指事 very exciting19.在我们前面in front of us 20. 靠近电脑next to the computer21. 试着记住try to remember 22. 在黑板上写write on the blackboard23. 拜访他们visit them 24. 在黄色的盒子里in the yellow box25. 部分物品的名称the names of some of the things 26. 这些东西的名字the names of these things 27. 教他/她teach him/her 28.帮助他/她help him/her29. 拍些

18、照take some photos 30.在3月in March31. 不要乱扔垃圾No littering/ Do not litter 32.在红色的盒子里in the red box33. 捡起来pick up 34.把它捡起来pick it up35.把它们捡起来pick them up 36.在包的中间between the bags37.把这张五元纸币捡起pick the five-yuan note up/pick up the five yuan note38.为我把它们捡起来pick them up for me39.two pairs of glasses_ 40. a C

19、D Walkman_41.Sports Day_ 42. buy some diaries_43.pick the five-yuan note up_ 44. an interesting book_45. write a message_ 46. have a running race_47. watch a running race_ 48.look for his camera_49.very excited_ 50.try to remember_51.write on the blackboard_ 52.the names of some of the things_ 53.th

20、e names of these things_ 54.teach him/her_1.我的书包在哪里?它昨天晚上在椅子后面。但是现在不在了。Where is my school bag? It _ _ the chair yesterday evening. But now it _ there.2.孩子们正在观看游泳比赛。The _ _ _ the swimming _.3.南希在干什么?她在地上找钱包。What is Nancy doing? Shes _ _ her _on the ground.4.南希和她的父母亲每天做蛋糕。Nancy _ _ with _ _ every day.

21、5.南希上周和她的父母亲做了个蛋糕。Nancy _ a cake with _ _ last week.6.我正在寻找我的胶卷。它们一会儿前还在我的沙发上。7.I _ _ _ my films. They _ on my _ just now.8.你们有什么爱好?他喜欢集邮,我喜欢听音乐。What _ your _? He _ stamps. I like _ to music.9.我的手机刚刚还在这儿,可是现在不在了。My _ _ _ here _, but it _ here now.10. 所有的学生都很兴奋。Aii the _ are very _.11. Su Yang 正在找她的照

22、相机。Su Yang is _ _ her camera.12. 这些胶卷刚才还在地上。These films _ _the _ _ _.13. 你能为我把它们捡起来吗?Can you _ _ _ _ me?14. 你的手机在哪了?它刚才还在桌子上。_ your _ _ ?It_ _the desk _ _.15. 你的眼镜在哪了?它们刚刚在我的书包里。_ _ your _?第五单元姓名_ 学号_1. 烧菜cook food2. 做许多食物cook a lot of food3. 收鸡蛋collect eggs4. 挤奶牛milk cows5. 采桔子pick the oranges6. 采许

23、多桔子pick a lot of oranges7. 品尝桔子taste the oranges 8. 品尝他们taste them9. 拔萝卜pull up carrots 10. 在农场on the farm11. 国庆节假期National Day holiday 12. 上周last week13.上周末last weekend 14. 课前before class15. 在周二上午on Tuesday morning 16. 一部有趣的卡通 a funny cartoon17. 水果树fruit trees 18. 浇花water the flowers19. 参观一个农场visit

24、 a farm 20. 参观农场visit the farm21. 参观动物园visit the zoo 22. 看电影watch a film23. 听音乐listen to music 24. 打扫房屋clean the house25. 打排球play volleyball 26. 住在一个小城镇live in a small town27. 在野营地at the camp 28. 在山上走walk in the mountains29. 去野营go camping 30. 弹钢琴play the piano31. 种花plant flowers 32. 玩得很开心have lots o

25、f fun/ have a good time33. 洗衣服wash clothes 34. 看卡通watch a cartoon / watch cartoons35. cook a lot of food_ 36. pick the oranges_37. taste the oranges_ 38. pull up carrots_39.on the farm_ 40. National Day holiday_41. last week_ 42. visit a farm_43. before class_ 44. a funny cartoon_45.fruit trees_ 46.

26、 walk in the mountains_47. plant flowers_ 48. have lots of fun/ have a good time_49.by the campfire_ 50.under a bright star_1.学生喜欢每天在操场上做游戏。The students _ _ games in the _ every day.2.我上课前在办公室遇见了李老师。I _ Miss Li in the office _ class.3.去年农场有许多果树吗?没有。_ there many _ trees on the farm _ year? No,there _

27、.4.上周二大卫干了什么?他拜访老朋友了。What_David_last Tuesday? He _ his old friends.5.昨天格林先生为我们烧了许多好吃的食物,我们非常喜欢。Mr Green _ _ _ _ _ yesterday. We _ the food very much.6.林涛的奶奶给我们看了她的照片。Lin Taos grandma _ _ _ _ _.7.上周三我和父母看了一部有趣的卡通片。Last Wednesday I _ _ _ with my _.8.上星期天你干了什么?我洗衣服的。What _ you _ last Sunday? I _ _ _.9.

28、上个周末你开心吗?是的。_ you happy _ _? Yes, I _.10.上周末他做了什么?他看卡通片。_ did _ do _ _? He _ cartoons.他还做了什么?他还参观了动物园。_ _did _ _? He _ the zoo.第六单元姓名_ 学号_1.元旦New Years Day2. 在元旦on New Years Day3. 儿童节Childrens Day4. 国庆节National Day5. 劳动节May Day6. 教师节Teachers Day7. 春节Spring Festival 8. 在春节at Spring Festival9. 在复活节at

29、Easter 10. 在万圣节at Halloween11. 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 12. 端午节Dragon Boat Festival13. 今年this year 14. 去年last year15. 去年国庆节last National Day 16. 和我的家人吃一顿大餐have a big lunch with my family 17. 在圣诞节at Christmas 18. 在圣诞日on Christmas Day19.装扮dress up 20. 盛装打扮dress up in costumes21. 变得很激动get very excited 22

30、. 与他的学生们谈论节日talk to his students about holidays 23. 吃粽子eat rice dumplings 24. 拜访亲戚和朋友visit the relatives and friends 25. 吃月饼eat moon cakes 26. 吃许多美食eat a lot of delicious food27. 赏月watch the moon 28. 玩灯笼play with lanterns29. 举行龙舟赛have dragon boat races 30. 看龙舟赛watch the dragon boat races 31. 度一个长假ha

31、ve a long holiday 32. 他/她特别喜爱的节日his/her favourite holiday33. 我特别喜爱的节日my favourite holiday 34. 去聚会(两种表达go to parties / go to a party 35. 在.之后到来come after 36. 在圣诞节之后到来come after Christmas37. 抓蚱蜢catch grasshoppers 38. 玩气球play with balloons39. 一个通俗的节日 a popular holiday 40. 去海滩go to beaches41. 制作南瓜灯笼make

32、 pumpkin lanterns 42. 唱歌跳舞sing and dance43. 给朋友的礼物the presents for friends 44. 把礼物给你的朋友give presents to your friends 45.外出go out 46. 去游泳go swimming47. 顺便问一下by the way 48. 在元旦去聚会go to a party on New Years Day49. 在中秋节赏月watch the moon at Mid-Autumn Festival50. last National Day _51. dress up in costume

33、s_ 52. get very excited _53. eat rice dumplings _ 54. eat a lot of delicious food_55. have a long holiday_ 56. come after Christmas _57. full of love and joy _ 58. the beginning of New Year_59. a popular holiday_ 60. talk to his students about holidays _ 61. go to beaches _ 62. a class project_63. e

34、njoy holidays_ 64. spend time with their family _65. visit the relatives and friends _ 66. watch the dragon boat races_67.have dragon boat races_ 68. my favourite holiday_1. 前天他去游泳了。He _ _ the day before yesterday.2. 你最喜欢的假日是什么?是圣诞节。_ your _ holiday? Its _.3. 你妈妈最喜欢的节日是什么?_ your _ _ holiday?4. 麦克最喜欢

35、的节日是六一儿童节。_ _ _ is _ Day.5. 去年春节,我们吃了许多美食。_ Spring Festival, we _ _ _ nice food.6. 他常在周末看望他的叔叔和表弟。上周六,他又去看望了他们。He often _ his _ and his_ at the weekends. _ _ he _ _ _.7. 人们通常在春节做什么?What _ _ usually _ _ Spring Festival?8. 人们通常在儿童节做什么?What _ _ usually _ _ Childrens Day?9. 去年中秋节你赏月了吗?_ you _ the moon _

36、 Mid-Autumn Festival?10. Mr Green 正在和他的学生谈论节日。Mr Green is _ _ his students _ holidays.第七单元 姓名_ 学号_ 1在圣诞树下 under the Christmas tree 3. 这一个 this one 5. 他的手表 his watch 7. 他们的计算器 their calculator 9. 我的梳子 my comb 11. 一个吹风机 a hairdryer 13. 下车 get off 15. 今天早上 this morning 17. 得到许多礼物 get lots of presents 2

37、0. 喜欢喝茶 like drinking tea 21. 圣诞礼物 Christmas presents 23. 在后面 at the back of 25. 指向 point to 27. 把带到 take to 29. 避开 stay away from 31. 看赛跑比赛 watch a running race 33. 作为生日礼物 as a birthday present 35. 我最喜欢的节日 my favourite holiday 37. 找我的书包 look for my school bag 39. 植树 plant trees 41. 走亲访友 visit the r

38、elatives and friends 43. 盛装打扮 dress up in costumes 45. 上周日 last Sunday 47. 上周六 last Saturday 49. eat rice dumplings _ 51. the nice present from Dad_ 53. the man in front of me _ 55. the picture of football_ 57. an exciting film _ 59. have a chat_ 61. no littering_ 63. dress up in costumes_ 65. have

39、a chat _ 67.taste apples_ 69. a funny cartoon _ 71. so many presents_ 73. go camping _ 75. in front of _ 77.the woman beside him_ 2. 如此多的礼物 so many presents 4. 一个漂亮的钱包 a beautiful wallet 6. 你的茶壶 your teapot 8. 一个滑板 a skateboard 10. 她的镜子 her mirror 12. 他旁边的那个妇女 the woman beside him 14. 上车 get on 16.警

40、察局 police station 18. 他朋友送的礼物 the presents from his friends 20. 来自于杨林的一架模型轮船 a model ship from Yang Ling 22. 去超市 go to the supermarket 24. 在前面 in front of 26. 在他外祖母的家里 in his grandparentshouse 28. 拔萝卜 pull up carrots 30. 在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon 32. 元旦 New Years Day 34. 去年春节 last Spring Festival 36. 拣起 pick up 38.一张我的家庭照片 a photo of my family 40. 过得很愉快 have a goo


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