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1、毕业论文(设计外文翻译题目:虚拟仪器技术及其发展系部名称:专业班级:学生姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:2013 年3月22 日一、汉语翻译虚拟仪器技术及其发展1、虚拟仪器的产生背景当今我们处于一个正在高度发展的信息社会,要求在有限的时空上实现大量信息的交换,必然带来信息密度的急剧增大,要求电子系统对于信息的处理速度越来越高,功能越来越强,这使得系统结构日趋复杂。一方面电子技术及市场的发展从客观上要求测试仪器向自动化及柔性化的方向发展,另一方面,电子技术及市场的发展也给虚拟仪器的产生提供了可能。在这种形式下,基于微计算机的虚拟仪器逐步变得现实,它的出现和广泛使用为测试系统的设计提供一个极佳的模

2、式,并且使工程师们在测量和控制方面得到强大功能和灵活性。2、虚拟仪器的概念虚拟仪器Virtual Instrument,简称 VI的概念是由美国国家仪器公司NI 在20 世纪 80 年代最早提出的。虚拟仪器就是在以通用计算机为核心的硬件平台上,由用户设计定义、具有虚拟前面板、测试功能由测试软件实现的一种计算机仪器系统。其核心的思想是利用计算机的强大资源使本来需要硬件实现的技术软件化,以便最大限度地降低系统成本,增强系统功能与灵活性。虚拟仪器代表着从传统硬件为主的测试系统到以软件为中心的测试系统的根本性转变。虚拟仪器的出现是仪器发展史上的一场革命,代表着仪器发展的最新方向和潮流,对科学技术的发展

3、和工业生产的进步将产生不可估量的影响。虚拟仪器具有性能高、扩展性强、开发时间短、无缝集成等优势。3.图形化虚拟仪器开发平台LABVIEW 简介及其优势LABVIEW 是 Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench 实验室虚拟仪器集成开发环境的简称,是由美国国家仪器公司National instruments IN创立的一个功能强大而又灵活的仪器和分析应用开发工具。Labview 一种图形化的编程语言,主要用来开发数据采集,仪器控制及数据处理分析等软件,功能强大。目前,该开发软件在国际测试、测控行业比较流行,在国内的测控领域也得到广泛应

4、用。函数信号发生器是在科学研究和工程设计中广泛应用的一种通用仪器。LABVIEW 软件开发平台具有以下优点:1图形化的编程方式,设计者无需写任何文本格式的代码,是真正的工程师的语言。2提供了丰富的数据采集、分析及存储的库函数。3既提供了传统的程序调试手段,如设置断点、单步运行,同时提供有独到的高亮执行工具,使程序动画式运行,利于设计者观察程序运行的细节,使程序的调试和开发更为便捷。432bit 的编译器编译生成 32bit 的编译程序,保证用户数据采集、测试和测量方案的高速执行。5囊括了 DAQ GPIB PXI VXI RS-232/485 在内的各种仪器通信总线标准的所有功能函数,使得不懂

5、总线标准的开发者也能够驱动不同总线标准接口设备与仪器。6提供大量与外部代码或软件进行连接的机制,诸如 DLL动态连接库、DDE 共享库、ActiveX 等。7强大的 Internet 功能,支持常用网络协议,方便网络、远程测控仪器的开发。图形化程序设计编程简单、直观、开发效率高。随着虚拟仪器技术的不断发展,图形化的编程语言必将成为测试和控制领域内最流行的发展趋势。4.虚拟仪器的发展方向虚拟仪器作为新兴的仪器仪表,其优势在于用户可自行定义仪器的功能和结构等,且构建容易、转换灵活,它已广泛应用于电子测量、声学分析、故障诊断、航天航空、机械工程、建筑工程、铁路交通、生物医疗、教学及科研等诸多方面。随


7、展趋势,传统测试仪器渐渐有被取代的趋势。如果运用虚拟仪器技术,以微机为基础,构建集成化测试平台,代替常规仪器、仪表,不但满足电工电子实验教学的需要,而且将这批微机可作为其他有关计算机课程教学用机,大大提高了设备利用率,降低了实验室建设的成本。当前应该解决的是如何使虚拟仪器和现有仪器配合,挖掘现有仪器的潜力,达到逐步淘汰和取代传统仪器的目的。总之,虚拟仪器有很广阔的发展空间,并最终要取代大量的传统仪器成为仪器领域的主流产品,成为测量、分析、控制、自动化仪表的核心。5.信号发生器概述信号发生器signal generator又称信号源或振荡器,是一种能提供各种频率、波形和输出电平电信号,常用作测试


9、一起,利用计算机强大的数字处理能力实现仪器的大部分功能,打破了传统仪器的框架,形成的一种新的仪器模式。本文摘译自:Computing Paradigm.ISBN:3-540-64948-4中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译 二、英语原文 Virtual Instrument Technology and Its Development 1、The generation background of virtual instrument Today we are in a highly developed information society which require a limitedtime

10、and space to achieve a large amount of information exchange inevitably bringabout the rapid increase of information density,required the electronic systems have afaster speed and more powerful function for information processing. On the one handthe development of electronic technology and market req

11、uirements objectively makethe test instrument develop to the direction of automation and flexible On the otherhand the electronic technology and market development also make virtual instrumentpossible. In this situation the virtual instruments based on micro-computer graduallybecome a reality its ap

12、pearance and extensively use provide an excellent model forthe design of test system and allows engineers more powerful and flexible in measureand control. 2 、The concept of virtual instrument Virtual Instruments Virtual Instrument referred to as VI concept is firstproposed by the National Instrumen

13、ts NI in 1980s . The virtual instrument is akind of Computer equipment system which based on the general purpose computer asthe core hardware platform defined by the user with a virtual front panel the testfunction is performed by a computer testing software. The core idea is to use apowerful comput

14、er resources that would otherwise require hardware to software ofthe technology in order to minimize system cost enhance system functionality andflexibility. The virtual instrument represents the fundamental changes from traditionalhardware-based test system to Software-centric test system. The emer

15、gence of virtualinstrument is a revolution in the history of instruments it represents the latestdevelopment direction and trend of instrument produced an immeasurable influenceon the development of science and technology and industrial production progress.Virtual instrument have many advantages suc

16、h as high performance scalabilitystrong development time is short and seamless integration. 4 中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译 3、graphical virtual instrument development platform-LABVIEW introduction and itsadvantages LABVIEW is short for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench itis a powerful and flexib

17、le instrumentation and analysis of application development tool created by National Instruments National instruments IN 。 Labview is agraphical programming language mainly used to develop data acquisition instrumentcontrol and data processing and analysis software. Currently the development ofsoftwa

18、re is popular in the international test measurement and control industry measurement and control areas in the country has also been widely used. FunctionGenerator is a generic instrument widely used in scientific research and engineeringdesign。LABVIEW software development platform has the following

19、advantages: 1. It use graphical programming approach the designer do not need to write any code in text format It is the true language of engineers. 2. It provides a wealth of data collection analysis and storage of the library functions. 3. Provides both the traditional debugging tools such as sett

20、ing breakpoints single step while providing a unique tool for highlighting the implementation of that program to run the animation style which will help designers to observe the details of running so that debugging and development of more is convenient. 4. The 32bit compiler generates 32bits compile

21、d program to ensure that user data acquisition test and measurement solutions for high-speed implementation. 5. Include the functions of the communication bus in DAQ GPIB PXI VXI RS-232/485 and other kind of equipment making the developer who do not know the different bus stand can driver the interf

22、ace devices and instruments 6. Provide a substantial amount of code or software for connecting external mechanisms such as DLL dynamic link library DDE shared libraries ActiveX and so on. 7. Powerful Internet capabilities support for common network protocols to facilitate networking remote monitorin

23、g and control equipment development. Graphical program programming is simple and intuitive the development and high efficiency. With the continuous development of virtual instrumentation and graphical programming language test and control areas will become the most popular trends. 5 中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译

24、4、The development direction of virtual instrument As a new instruments the advantage of the virtual instruments is thatuser-defined functions and structure of the instrument and easy to build Conversionflexible it has been widely used in electronic measurement acoustic analysis faultdiagnosis aerosp

25、ace mechanical engineering construction Engineering railwaytransportation biomedical and many other aspects of teaching and research. With thedevelopment of computer hardware and software technology communicationstechnology and network technology providing a vast world of the development of thevirtu

26、al instrument Chinese and foreign equipment sector is the large market.Monitoring equipment will be the efficient high-speed high precision and highreliability and automation intelligence and network direction. Open standards fordata collection will put instrument on a standardized universal serial

27、and modularway. The virtual instrument as a new teaching tool has been slowly walked into theclassroom and laboratory and is gradually changing the traditional mode of electronictechnology teaching which is the inevitable development of modern educationaltechnology. In the construction of electric a

28、nd electronic laboratory some laboratoryequipment have been conventional aging some have technical backward in thecurrent school funds under the circumstances of less If buy regular instrument andmeter it is difficult for the school to pay for it and it is not fit with the schoolssituation. Moreover

29、 with the test equipment digitalized computerized trend thetraditional test instruments have the trend been gradually replaced. If the virtualinstrument technology computer-based building integrated test platform instead ofconventional instruments meters not only to meet the needs of electrical ande

30、lectronic experimental teaching and will these computer courses on computer can beused as teaching other machines greatly improving Equipment utilization reducingthe cost of laboratory construction. The current should be addressed is how to makevirtual instruments and existing instruments together a

31、nd tap the potential of existingequipment to phase out and replace the traditional instrumentation . In short thevirtual instrument has a broad space for development and ultimately to replace thelarge number of traditional instruments into the mainstream of the field instrumentation products as meas

32、urement analysis control automation instrumentcore. 6 中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译 5、 Signal Generator Overview Signal generator signal generator also known as signal source or oscillator is akind of equipment to provide a variety of frequency waveform and output levelsignal the signal source used for testing or excitation. It has been widely used in thescience and technology and production practice. With the development of modernelectronics computers and signal processing technology Advancing digitaltechnology in the application of electronic measuring instrum


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