



1、职位描述文件职位识别信息职位名称技术部总经理所属部门资讯科技部职位编号所在城市SZ工作地点资讯科技部出差要求无偶尔经常常驻版本号V1.0生效日期2005年5月15日工作网络关系直接上级职位资讯科技部总监汇报职位直接下级职位Tech ni cal Support Man ager; Applicati on Developme nt Man ager; Kno wledgeMan ager人员 管理 权限薪酬无建议权决定权直接下级人数3绩效无建议权决定权直接管辖团队15配 备无建议权决定权业务指导职位CTO, Gen eral Man ager of other departme nts对职位产

2、生影 响的外部机构受到职位影 响的外部机 构任职资格教育程度Graduate专业方向Senior man ageme nt in con tact cen ter tech no logy工作经验More than 8 years IT experie nee in MNCs, 4 of which in China con tact cen ter in dustry行业经验Con tact center IT培训经历管理技能? Control? Planning? Delegation? Coordination专业技能? Con tact cen ter tech no logy man

3、 ageme nt? Con tact Cen ter project man ageme nt? Knowledge on hardware and clie nt/server applicati on, database adm ini stratio n.Kno wledge on con tact centre /pag ing centre systems, LAN/WAN man ageme nt and ACD/IVRS support.通用技能? Communication? Leadership and people man ageme nt职位目的与职责职位目的存在 的理

4、由,限制和 目标To build, man age and mai ntai n a state-of-the-art con tact cen ter platform for th compa ny职责范围名称、定义、该职责所要到达的结果/目标责任级别全部/ 局部/协 助衡量标准数量、质量业务类战略层面? To build, man age and maintain areliable,stable,multi-cha nnelaccessible,flexible,easilyexpa ndableand easily compatible con tact cen terplatfor

5、mto supportbus in ess growth? Full? Senior man ageme nt assessme ntOperatio nalLevel?To carry out tech no logy/soluti ondevelopme nt and evaluatio n to con ti nu ously en rich the con tact cen ter platform and adopt the state-of-the-art tech no logy to the con tact centre systems for improvi ng effi

6、cie ncy and productivity?To desig n, i mpleme nt, developleadi ng edge con tact-ce ntre CTI tech no logy.? To desig n and impleme nt customized soluti ons to meet various cha nging program dema nds and bus in ess n eeds.All? KPIs on systems? Internal customer satisfacti on? External customer satisfa

7、cti on? Staff attrition第4页,共 5页内部文档,注意保密 还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。翻开 编辑菜单中的 替换对话框,把光标定位在 查找内容输入框中,单击 高级按钮,选择 特 殊字符中的段落标记两次,在输入框中会显示“ PAP,然后在替换为输入框中用


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