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1、 UNIT NINE UNIT NINEPersonnel Financial ManagementPersonnel Financial ManagementthemegalleryObjectivesTo get familiar with banking and insurance To know something about banking and insurance To learn new words and expressions To master how to analyze difficult and long sentences1. Background Informa

2、tion2. Introduction to the Text3. Business Terms 4. Words and Expressions5. Notes to the TextText A Using Online Banking, Pros and Cons Personal Financial Management is mandatory in todays world. It provides the means of keeping track of personal expenses, personal debt and subsequently helps the ca

3、lculation of a persons net worth financially. Just as the saying goes, “Even if youre a navigational genius, its hard to figure out how to get somewhere when you dont know where you are. 1. Background Information1. Background Information Theme of the Text This unit is about personnel financial manag

4、ement. Personal financial management is mandatory in todays world. It provides the means of keeping track of personal expenses, personal debt and subsequently helps the calculation of a persons net worth financially. Text A shows us online banking, its pros and cons. 2. Introduction to the Text2. In

5、troduction to the Text本商务语篇为关于网上银行的说明文,从两个方面本商务语篇为关于网上银行的说明文,从两个方面具体介绍了使用网上银行的利弊。具体介绍了使用网上银行的利弊。文中涉及的商务语言准确、确凿、严谨、言简意赅、没有冗文中涉及的商务语言准确、确凿、严谨、言简意赅、没有冗长的解释,符合人们商务英语使用过程中希望节省时间提高长的解释,符合人们商务英语使用过程中希望节省时间提高效率的要求。文中多用简洁、易懂、缩略词,修饰语少,内效率的要求。文中多用简洁、易懂、缩略词,修饰语少,内容上直截了当。文中还使用大量的新词语,随着科学的进步容上直截了当。文中还使用大量的新词语,随着科

6、学的进步和工商业的发展,随之而来的就是新的商务术语的增加。和工商业的发展,随之而来的就是新的商务术语的增加。 本语篇的这些文体特征使读者清晰、准确地掌握了网上本语篇的这些文体特征使读者清晰、准确地掌握了网上银行的利与弊。银行的利与弊。 文体文体特征特征分析分析2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text Online banking (or Internet banking) allows customers to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operate

7、d by their retail or virtual bank, credit union or building society.Online banking Online banking 网上银行网上银行3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms accessibility /k.sesibiliti / n. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsthe quality of being at hand when needed; the attribute of being easy to m

8、eet or deal with The accessibility to Learning English over Internet 英语网络学习的易接触性 (2) outweigh /autwei/ v. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsbe heavier than; to be greater or more important than something else The benefits outweigh the risks. 利益大于风险。 (3) eliminate /ilimineit / v. ere

9、4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions (4) receipt /risi:t/ n. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions (5) discrepancy /diskrepnsi/ n. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsa difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; an event that departs from exp

10、ectations Many reasons for this discrepancy are discussed in this chapter. 本章还讨论了两者矛盾的一些原因。 (6) register /redist/ v. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsrecord in writing; enter into a book of names or events or transactions; record in a public office or in a court of law register the

11、 students 给学生注册Visitors Please Register 来宾登记 (7) navigate /nvi.geit/ n.& v. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionssail along, over or through; to browse; to direct the way that a ship, aircraft, etc. will travel, or to find a direction across, along or over an area of water or land,

12、 often by using a map The first woman to navigate the Amazon alone. 第一个独自在亚马孙河上航行的女子。Please try to click other link through our navigate bar. 请根据本页的导航栏尝试其它连接。 ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions (8) be confident in ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and E

13、xpressions4. Words and Expressions (10) take a minute to do ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions (11) chances are that (11) chances are that 解析解析 本句是简单句,主语是本句是简单句,主语是the conveniencethe convenience,谓语是谓语是hashas,宾语是,宾语是appealappeal,介词短语,介词短语of of being able to handle your financesbeing

14、able to handle your finances作主语作主语的后置定语,介词短语的后置定语,介词短语from the comfortfrom the comfort作状作状语,语,of you own homeof you own home作作comfortcomfort的后置定语,的后置定语,介词短语介词短语at any time of the day or nightat any time of the day or night作状语,作状语,thatthat引导的从句作引导的从句作the day or nightthe day or night的后置定语。的后置定语。 5. No

15、tes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 释义释义 Yet there are critics of online banking. Yet there are critics of online banking. They see online banking as dangerous or They see online banking as dangerous or impersonal and prefer the more impersonal and prefer the more traditional methods. traditional me

16、thods. 解析解析 本句是简单句本句是简单句, that, that引导的定语从句修饰主语引导的定语从句修饰主语criticscritics,criticcritic意为:批评家意为:批评家, , 评论家,例如:评论家,例如:An objective criticAn objective critic客观的评论家;客观的评论家;a musical a musical criticcritic一位乐坛评论家。一位乐坛评论家。5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 释义释义 There exist both convenience or accessi

17、bility and There exist both convenience or accessibility and disadvantages of online banking. For many people the disadvantages of online banking. For many people the convenience and accessibility of online banking convenience and accessibility of online banking outweighs the disadvantages.outweighs

18、 the disadvantages. 解析解析 本句是简单句本句是简单句, , 句子的主语是句子的主语是the convenience and the convenience and accessibility, thataccessibility, that引导主语的定语从句,句子的谓语引导主语的定语从句,句子的谓语outweighsoutweighs,宾语是,宾语是disadvantagesdisadvantages,后面,后面thatthat引导的是宾语的引导的是宾语的定语从句。定语从句。5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 解析解析 本句是

19、主从句本句是主从句, , 主句是主句是There be There be 句型,句型,thatthat引导的从句作主语引导的从句作主语possibilitypossibility的同位语从句,的同位语从句,解释、说明其内容,句中解释、说明其内容,句中between andbetween and意意为:在为:在.和和.之间,例如:之间,例如:between labour between labour and capital and capital 劳资之间。劳资之间。 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 释义释义 Online banking is

20、not for everyone. Thus you will Online banking is not for everyone. Thus you will continue to see more and more financial establishments continue to see more and more financial establishments build new office buildings and offer more and better build new office buildings and offer more and better se

21、rvices to their customers. These customers prefer a services to their customers. These customers prefer a more personal approach to their banking. more personal approach to their banking. 解析解析 本句是并列句本句是并列句, ,第一个并列的分句是简单句;在第二个并列的分第一个并列的分句是简单句;在第二个并列的分句中句中whowho引导的定语从句修饰其前面的引导的定语从句修饰其前面的their customer

22、stheir customers。5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text1. Background Information2. Introduction to the Text3. Business Terms 4. Words and Expressions5. Notes to the TextText B Insurance in Your Financial Plan In fact financial planning is far from mysterious, and family is closely related to such

23、personal financial services in the seventies and eighties of last century. It has been more developed in the international city has a mature market. Financial management for clients, client assets are mainly based on the situation and risk preference, focus on customer needs and goals, to help custo

24、mers as the core idea of taking a set of standard pattern, to provide customers with all aspects involved in the full life financial advice, and call savings, such as insurance, stocks, bonds, funds, trusts and other financial products. Financial planner look for one of the most suitable combination

25、 of financial management to ensure the preservation and appreciation of its assets for customers. 1. Background Information1. Background Information Theme of the TextThis unit is about personnel financial management. Personal financial management is mandatory in todays world. It provides the means o

26、f keeping track of personal expenses, personal debt and subsequently helps the calculation of a persons net worth financially. Text B gives some suggestions on insurance in financial plan. notifications. 2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text本商务语篇是以说明文体为主的商务报道,介绍本商务语篇是以说明文体为主的商务报道,介绍

27、了财政计划中的保险,并分别说明了几种险种。了财政计划中的保险,并分别说明了几种险种。本商务语篇与保险业密切相关本商务语篇与保险业密切相关, , 多用专业词汇。而且多用专业词汇。而且,本文多用陈述句表示委婉的祈使语句,这体现了,本文多用陈述句表示委婉的祈使语句,这体现了礼貌原则,表示对对方的尊重和理解,使对方容易礼貌原则,表示对对方的尊重和理解,使对方容易接受自己的主张,从而接受保险这种理财方式。接受自己的主张,从而接受保险这种理财方式。文体文体特征特征分析分析2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text文中涉及的商务语言清晰准确,

28、行文简洁,用文中涉及的商务语言清晰准确,行文简洁,用语礼貌正式的特点。商务英语语言的最显著的语礼貌正式的特点。商务英语语言的最显著的特点就是它是商务实践、商务理论知识的载体特点就是它是商务实践、商务理论知识的载体, , 用词具有明显的专业性。用词具有明显的专业性。 In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. Insurance is defined as the equi

29、table transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; an insured or policyholder is the person or entity buying the insurance policy. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a ce

30、rtain amount of insurance coverage, called the premium. insurance insurance 保险保险3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms In an insurance policy, the deductible is the portion of any claim that is not covered by the insurance provider. It is the amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an

31、 insurer will cover any expenses. The first commercial insurance deductible was introduced by Norman Baglini in 1952. Typically, a general rule is: the higher the deductible, the lower the premium, and vice versa. Deductible Deductible 免赔额免赔额3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms sound /saund/ adj. ere

32、4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsfinancially secure and safe; exercising or showing good judgment; in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay; in excellent physical condition Sound quality 完好的质量sound investments 合理投资a sound economy 保险经济 ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words

33、and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressi

34、ons4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions供给某人To cover with insurance. 为保险 To cover with armor. 用装甲保护 ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions(10) keep in mind(10) keep in mind ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions (11) seek to (11) seek

35、to 解析解析 本句是简单句本句是简单句, , 句子的主语是句子的主语是different types different types of insuranceof insurance,句子的谓语是,句子的谓语是protectprotect,意为:维,意为:维护;投保,例如:护;投保,例如:Laws protect the enjoyment Laws protect the enjoyment of our rights. of our rights. 法律保护我们享有权利。句子的法律保护我们享有权利。句子的宾语是宾语是you and your loved onesyou and your

36、loved ones。 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 解析解析 本句是简单句本句是简单句, , 句子的主语是句子的主语是auto insuranceauto insurance,句子的谓语是句子的谓语是protectprotect,意为:维护,意为:维护, 句中句中from to from to 表示范围,例如:表示范围,例如:From Record to From Record to Documentation Documentation 从展示到纪录;从展示到纪录;From 2% to 5% From 2% to 5% 从从2%2%到到5

37、%5%。 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 解析解析 本句是简单句本句是简单句, , 句子的主语是句子的主语是the cost of auto the cost of auto insuranceinsurance,句子的谓语是,句子的谓语是variesvaries,现在分词短语,现在分词短语depending ondepending on作状语,意为:取决于;依赖,例作状语,意为:取决于;依赖,例如:如:Depending on the type of virus, it can Depending on the type of virus,

38、it can simply clog up memory or, even worse, erase simply clog up memory or, even worse, erase data. data. 根据病毒的类型,它可以简单的阻碍计算机根据病毒的类型,它可以简单的阻碍计算机的存储,甚至更糟,删除数据。的存储,甚至更糟,删除数据。5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 解析解析 本句是主从句本句是主从句, when, when引导的是时间状语从句。引导的是时间状语从句。 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to th

39、e Text 解析解析 本句是简单句本句是简单句, , 句子的主语是句子的主语是insuranceinsurance,动词不定,动词不定式式to cover the high costto cover the high cost作主语的后置定语,介作主语的后置定语,介词短语词短语of nursing home or at-home health careof nursing home or at-home health care作名词作名词costcost的后置定语,句子的谓语是的后置定语,句子的谓语是is becoming is becoming more widespreadmore wi

40、despread。5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text1. Background Information2. Introduction to the Text3. Business Terms 4. Words and Expressions5. Notes to the TextText C How to Be a Billionaire What does it take to get that rich? Are billionaires completely different from you and me? Over the last f

41、ive years the China Market Research Group interviewed real estate tycoons in China, Internet pioneers in the U.S., conglomerate tycoons in India and retail heirs in Europe. In all, we interviewed about a dozen billionaires and several dozen people worth more than $100 million. While almost everyone

42、we interviewed said luck and timing played a role in their success. Most of the truly rich, perhaps surprisingly, are not that different from you and me. 1. Background Information1. Background Information Theme of the TextThis unit is about personnel financial management. Personal financial manageme

43、nt is mandatory in todays world. It provides the means of keeping track of personal expenses, personal debt and subsequently helps the calculation of a persons net worth financially. Text C introduces three secrets which help the truly rich get to where they are. 2. Introduction to the Text2. Introd

44、uction to the Text本语篇为一则商业评论,结构逻辑合理,意义连本语篇为一则商业评论,结构逻辑合理,意义连贯。贯。 本文围绕一根主线展开,包括三个部分本文围绕一根主线展开,包括三个部分, , 运用运用“问题问题一解决型一解决型 (Problem (Problem一一Solution Pattern)Solution Pattern),即先综合后分,即先综合后分析的语篇思维模式。析的语篇思维模式。文体文体特征特征分析分析2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text文中涉及的商务语言准确、确凿、严谨、言简文中涉及的商务语

45、言准确、确凿、严谨、言简意赅、没有冗长的解释,这一特点是由商务交意赅、没有冗长的解释,这一特点是由商务交际的性质决定的际的性质决定的, , 因为国际商务交际非常讲究因为国际商务交际非常讲究效益、效率,使用常用的词语便于交易双方的效益、效率,使用常用的词语便于交易双方的理解和接受;修饰语少,内容上直截了当。理解和接受;修饰语少,内容上直截了当。 A billionaire, in countries that use the short scale number naming system, is a person who has a net worth of at least one bill

46、ion units of a currency, usually the United States dollar, Euro, or Pound sterling. Forbes magazine updates a complete list of U.S. dollar billionaires around the world every year. There were 1,011 officially known short scale billionaires in the world as of 2019. Billionaire Billionaire 亿万富翁亿万富翁3.

47、Business Terms 3. Business Terms Conglomerates were popular in the 1960s due to a combination of low interest rate(s) and a repeating bear/bull market, which allowed the conglomerates to buy companies in leveraged buyouts, sometimes at temporarily deflated values. As long as the target company had p

48、rofits greater than the interest on the loans, the overall return on investment (ROI) of the conglomerate appeared to grow. Also, the conglomerate had a better ability to borrow in the money market, or Capital market, than the smaller firm at their community bank.Conglomerate Conglomerate 企业集团企业集团3.

49、 Business Terms 3. Business Terms optimism /ptimizm / n. ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsthe optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well; a general disposition to expect the best in all things Optimism is an intellectual choice. 乐观是明智的选择。 ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions ere4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressionsmarked by a t


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