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1、2009年3月第12卷第5期中国管理信息化China Management InformationizationMar.,2009V01.12.No.5面向服务的现代商务系统信息集成架构张迎春(上海电子信息学院计算机应用系,上海201411摘要BPM是企业级的协调的商务流程活动,而SOA可支持企业创建更灵活的信息基础架构。SOA使用户轻松地将商务流程连接到基础系统。从而节省时间和IT资源。将BPM向SOA迁移,可最大程度地降低企业商务流程本身的复杂性,提升企业信息的集成化水平。关键词SOA;BPM;4-孝息集成;商务流程中图分类号F270.7文献标识码A文章编号】16730194(200905

2、0069021SOA的思想根源传统信息运作方式虽然大大推进了企业生产力,但又反作用于信息技术,促使企业内外部商务信息的大规模集成。从面向过程到面向服务的4个关键阶段可以看出,程序语言发展的过程实质为逐步降低耦合性的过程,也是接口与接口实现逐渐分离的过程(见表1。表1程序语言的发展阶段面向过程面向对象面向组件面向服务耦合度紧密(函数松散(ooP特色松散(接口类间有一定解耦松散(进一步解耦重用性差较好(仅允许本地调用对象好(可远程调用优秀接口类无无有有传输协议无无非标准化协议标准SOAP协议在Web Service的基础上发展起来的面向服务架构(ServiceOriented Architectu

3、re,SOA的思想将企业应用看作一些可跨越企业边界、自我描述、实现某一特殊功能的服务集合。通过标准化的机制,能够将这些服务注册于公共数据库中,并能被感兴趣的请求者发现;服务者和请求者之间能够进行动态绑定和直接交互,实现一定的企业功能逻辑(SOA模型如图1所示。而作为SOA的一种实现手段,Web服务以其完好的封装性、松散的耦合性、协议规范的标准性以及高度的可集成性等特点,能够良好地满足SOA应用模式的需求。2从BPM到SOA的跃迁商务流程管理(Business Process Management, BPM在SOA之前出现并已成功实施。早期企业通常会建立各业务部门相对独立且相互之间缺乏协同的流程


5、AI、企业流程建模分析(BPM的核心和监控企业活动以实现流程持续改进(BAM等每个BPM的应用场合中,SOA都扮演着至关重要的角色。要从BPM迁移到SOA,跨越信息技术与业务之间的鸿沟,需引入一个服务层,该层包含支持特定业务域的服务线、可跨多个业务域共享的可复用技术服务以及Web Services平(h田忧MANAG日踟小嬲引孓刀O脓删/69企业管理信息化台,允许以各种独立于底层服务和技术平台的方式定义和利用服务。从技术层面看,SOA和BPM结合的方法主要有以下两种:(1BPEL+WSDL。先定义好一个BPEL流程,然后将其纳入到SCA容器。在定义构件时,可使用子元素的pI'OCCSS


7、成中间件平台集成ABC公司与其供应商z公司之间的异构ERP系统,使整个供应链的商务流程更加完整和流畅。集成后的SOA架构应用模式为:OA系统首先根圈2产品采购商务流程示意图据内部登录人员的配置信息确定用户身份并给予相应权限,根据此权限范围内的工作流程和列表提供流程表单。用户需在表单上填写与流程控制、ERP系统相关的参数及其他字段信息。工作流引擎根据流程定义文档控制流程执行,当流程流转到某个需要调用Web Ser-vice的活动时,发送SOAP请求信息给服务提供者。Web Service利用数据访问逻辑组件操作数据库表。以采购申请为例(图2为采购流程定义,用户调用ERP的采购管理Web Serv

8、ice的“采购信息保存”方法,将采购的物料编号、采购数量、价格范围、供应商等信息存储到ERP的数据库。服务提供者实现服务之后,将包括单据编号和状态等信息的SOAP返回信息传回OA系统。工作流引擎根据WSDL文档解析该SOAP返回信息,将它自动存人流程表单并将表单传送给服务器,然后根据工作流控制数据和组织/角色模型将流程表单传递给下个执行者,并同时发送Email通知。4结语基于SOA架构的BPM可使企业机构快速部署和为/C卜刀MG日面日盯懈DRM蛤办凹V翰770N 改变流程,有助于满足跨越系统、地域和组织界限的端到端商务流程需求,使企业具备敏捷的商务竞争优势。下一步面临的问题是:如何持续改进BP

9、M流程,识别出最有价值的商务流程模型去实施企业级SOA;在此基础上,如何逐步积累经验,更深入广泛地推广BPM应用。实践表明,在影响项目成功实施的各种因素中,除了在战术层面需要能正确实施BPM和SOA的混合分步部署的系统架构师以外,管理理念与组织协调等人为方面的难题远大于技术难题。因此,要成功部署SOA,企业不能仅关注技术,更应把持续改进流程作为先进的管理理念和必不可少的长期商务战略。主要参考文献1罗鸿,王忠民日啦原理、设计、实施M.北京:电子工业出版社,2003:4560.2刘艳.吴健.基于SOA的OA与ERP的整合应用J.计算机应用,2008,2s(3:816818. 面向服务的现代商务系统

10、信息集成架构作者:张迎春, ZHANG Ying-chun作者单位:上海电子信息学院,计算机应用系,上海,201411刊名:中国管理信息化英文刊名:CHINA MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONIZATION年,卷(期:2009,12(5引用次数:0次参考文献(2条1.罗鸿.王忠民ERP原理、设计、实施 20032.刘艳.吴健基于SOA的OA与ERP的整合应用期刊论文-计算机应用 2008(3相似文献(10条1.期刊论文张勇.周俊林.ZHANG Yong.ZHOU Jun-lin BPM和SOA在系统集成中的应用-计算机科学2008,35(10针对企业ERP与CRM系统信息群岛的集成

11、问题,提出了基于SOA的解决方案,以弥合长期以来企业与IT基础设施之间的鸿沟,实现IT向业务看齐,从而支持企业快速灵活地变迁其业务流程,实现IT架构的灵活性和IT资产的重用,使企业能充分利用内部资源和外部资源,优化全局管理.2.期刊论文丁剑.韩萌.DING Jian.HAN Meng基于SOA和BPM的系统集成框架研究及实现-微计算机信息2009,25(15为了重用和整合现有的计算机软件资源,提出了一种基于SOA与BPM的五层结构企业级框架.其实现机制是采用SOA对现有系统进行包装,直接重用现有的系统.采用SOA与BPM流程对现有服务进行了复杂的逻辑组合,在不改变现有系统的内部结构下实现有效集

12、成,提高了服务的复用性,这是一种系统重用和集成现有系统的良好方法.本文以教学系统的集成为例展开计论.3.外文会议Liu. Yang.Hu. Enzhao.Chen. Xudong.ICIII Architecture of Information System Combining SOA and BPMIn respond to the challenge of complexity and variability that business information systems are facing nowadays, this paper proposes a solution of a

13、rchitecture combining Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA and Business Process Management (BPM. First, we explain the definition, characteristics and implementation of SOA; second, we introduce the concept and mechanism of BPM; finally, we give an overall architecture with combination of SOA and BPM,

14、 along with the concrete designing procedure. This solution brings complimentary advantages, as SOA answers for the technological problems such as integration and encapsulation, while BPM issues a revolution in management which concentrates on business process, demanding the enterprise to establish

15、a clear process system and manage it effectively. Architecture combining SOA and BPM improves the agility of business and the enterprise from both management and techniques, and makes the enterprise more competitive by adapting swiftly to the ever-changing market.4.外文会议Tang. Jian.Qu. Haitao.Wang. Qi

16、an.Luo. Xiaoxiang.Pi. Renjie.ICPCA Transform traditional OSS by using SOA and BPMWith the emergence of new business and the change of customers' needs, the traditional OSS gradually can't response to all of these. It cost much to develop a new business, and can't quickly adjust the exist

17、ing business to meet the change of the market's needs. So how to change this situation? Now, SOA became more and more popular with system designers and integration staff, and BPM breaks the limits among department, system and individual, promoting the traditional artificial work to be replaced b

18、y the computer automation. This paper proposes a method to transform the traditional OSS to a flexible and extendable system by bringing in SOA and BPM. In a word, it uses SOA to construct the infrastructure of OSS by using Web Service to wrap functions to services; it use BPM to develop and manage

19、business by combining services to processes. So it can easily manage the existing business and develop new business; it could quickly response to the changes of the market, and it can meet diverse needs of customers.5.外文会议Christoph F. Strnadl.;Bridging Architectural Boundaries Design and Implementat

20、ion of a Semantic BPM and SOA Governance ToolIn order to increase IT and business agility or to improve IT systems and business processes integration many organizations are currently implementing business process management systems (BPMS or adopting a service-oriented architecture (SOA paradigm. How

21、ever, in doing so, IT complexity will admittedly increase and IT managers then are in need of effective governance techniques covering both strategic initiatives, BPM and SOA. This contribution re-examines the problem domain in the novel Enhanced Process-Driven Architecture (ePDA model in order to s

22、ystematically derive the requirements for combined BPM and SOA governance. We then formulate a semantic meta model capable of capturing necessary artifacts and describe its technical implementation in Software AG's and Fujitsu's joint CentraSite governance registry/repository. As "lesso

23、ns learned" from several projects we systematically derive governance benefits using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP and highlight measures on software deployment issues.6.外文会议Christoph F. Strnadl Bridging Architectural Boundaries Design and Implementation of a Semantic BPM and SOA Governan

24、ce ToolIn order to increase IT and business agility or to improve IT systems and business processes integration many organizations are currently implementing business process management systems (BPMS or adopting a service-oriented architecture (SOA paradigm. However, in doing so, IT complexity will

25、admittedly increase and IT managers then are in need of effective governance techniques covering both strategic initiatives, BPM and SOA. This contribution re-examines the problem domain in the novel Enhanced Process-Driven Architecture (ePDA model in order to systematically derive the requirements

26、for combined BPM and SOA governance. We then formulate a semantic meta model capable of capturing necessary artifacts and describe its technical implementation in Software AGsgovernance benefits using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP and highlight measures on software deployment issues.7.外文会议Chri

27、stoph F. Strnadl Bridging Architectural Boundaries Design and Implementation of aSemantic BPM and SOA Governance ToolIn order to increase IT and business agility or to improve IT systems and business processes integration many organizations are currently implementing business process management syst

28、ems (BPMS or adopting a service-oriented architecture (SOA paradigm. However, in doing so, IT complexity will admittedly increase and IT managers then are in need of effective governance techniques covering both strategic initiatives, BPM and SOA. This contribution re-examines the problem domain in

29、the novel Enhanced Process-Driven Architecture (ePDA model in order to systematically derive the requirements for combined BPM and SOA governance. We then formulate a semantic meta model capable of capturing necessary artifacts and describe its technical implementation in Software AG's and Fujit

30、su's joint CentraSite governance registry/repository. As "lessons learned" from several projects we systematically derive governance benefits using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP and highlight measures on software deployment issues.8.期刊论文王辉.邵贝恩.WANG Hui.SHAO Bei-en用SOA和BPM组合架构实时企业

31、-计算机应用研究2007,24(6根据对实时企业提出的要求,分析了SOA和BPM这两种方法各自的特点,从管理和技术两个角度利用两者优势互补,给出了一种SOA-BPM组合框架,以帮助企业构建实时企业.9.期刊论文方江雄.何红波.李义兵.FANG Jiang-xiong.HE Hong-bo.LI Yi-bing基于SOA和BPM的ERP系统的研究与实现-计算机应用2007,27(5分析了传统ERP解决方案所面临的不足,提出了基于面向服务架构和业务流程管理实现ERP系统的解决方案.在深入探讨面向服务的框架模型原理及业务流程管理思想的基础上,给出了一个面向服务和业务流程管理的企业应用框架.并结合企业

32、实践项目,详细阐述了基于SOA和BPM集成的方法和步骤,充分论证了基于SOA和BPM的ERP系统集成开发的可行性及优越性.10.外文会议Thomas Woodley.Stephane Gagnon BPM and SOA: Synergies and ChallengesWhile BPM and SOA have evolved independently, there is an inevitable symbiotic relationship between them. As well, a SOA can be developed using various service formats, whether unique Web Services, orchestrated services using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL, or other service providers. A SOA promotes the creation of highly accessible, loosely coupled, discrete business serv


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