1、化妆品品牌授权合同甲 方:乙 方: 丙 方: 丁 方:签订日期:_年_月第1页 共16页签约各方:BETWEEN:甲方(授权方):Party A(Authorizing Party):乙方(被授权方):Party B(Authorized Party):丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Ma nu facturi ng andProcess ing Party):丁方(生产加工方):Party D (Ma nu facturi ng and Process ing Party):定义:DEFINITIONS:1、:系指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示,按照甲方提供的制造工艺
2、和相关技术生产制造的, 并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方 在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。1. The term“ ”as used here in mea ns such brand products asdirectly manu factured in Korea or as join tly manu factured by PartyC and PartyD subject to in struct ions of Party B and with the manu facture processes andrelated tech no logies provided by
3、 Party A here un der,and as Party A authorizes Party B tosell within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China in accorda nee with terms agreed here in.2、发货发:系指收到乙方书面订购产品订单的本合同当事方,包括 甲方、丙方和丁方。2.“Supplier”as referred to herein means such party to this Con tract as mayreceive writte n orders from
4、 Party B for,in cludi ng Party A,Party C as well as Party D.鉴于:WHEREAS1、甲方系一家依据大韩民国法律设立的企业法人,有意依据本合同之约定授权乙方在 中华人民共和国境内销售 产品,并愿意向丙方和丁方提供生产 产品的相关制造工艺和技术,以便丙方和丁方可即使依据乙方的指示向乙方提供 产品;1. Party A,a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the lawsof the Republic of Korea,desires to,pursuant to
5、 provisions contained herein,authorizeParty B as its age nt to sellwithin the territory ofChina,and agrees o provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and tech nologies for inten ded manu facture of,thusenabling Party C and Party D hereto to furnish to Party Bsubjectto in stru
6、ct ions of Party B;2、乙方系一家依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,愿意接受甲方的 授权和委托,按照本合同之约定在中华人民共和国境内销售 产品;2. Party B, a limitedliability corporation duly incorporated and valids Republic of Chinaexisting under the applicable laws and regulations of the Peoplehereby agrees to accept such authorization and entrustment
7、by Party A hereunder whereby toProducts within the territory of China pursuantto provisi ons described here in;3、 丙方和丁方均系依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,且具备生产sell品。3.Party C and Party D, both limited liability companies duly incorporatedandexisting under the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of C
8、hina andhav ing sufficie nt capability and compete nee to manufacture the saidProducts,hereby agree to provide Party B with desiredProducts in accorda nee herewith.上述各方经协商一致、就上术事宜,达成签订本合同,以兹各方共同信守执行。NOW,THEREFORE in con siderati on of promises andmutual cove nants con tai nedhere in,the parties here
9、to agree as follows.第一条授权销售区域Article 1 Authorized Territory依据本合同之约定及甲方之授权,乙方仅限于在中华人民共和国境内销售产品;未经四方事先另行书面授权,乙方不得擅自在中华人民共和国境外销售甲方的产品或者授权任何第三方在中华人民共和国境内外销售 产品Based on or pursua nt to provisi ons contained here inand authorizati on by PartyA hereunder,Party B is only allowed to marketProducts withinthe
10、territory of China; Party B is precluded from any intended sales by itselfof or from intended permitting any third parties to market any of Party Asproducts outside the territory of China in the abse nee or default of furtherwritte n authorizati on from Party A.第二条产品:1、产品之个体品牌为;1. The specific or pa
11、rticular bra nds ofProducts as describedhere un der are as follows:;2、产品之名称、品种、规格、单位、价格由双方届时以书面形式在 本合同之附件一中约定;2. The name,type,specifications,unit as well as price of theProducts hereunderare as provided for in Appendix A as attached heretowhich is to be reached by related parties hereto in writing
12、through friendly n egotiati on;3、如甲方开发出产品新的品牌成产品,或者 产品之名称、品种、规格发生变动的,双方应以书面形式确认,确认书应作为本合同附件。3. Any new brand or product as may be developed by Party A in the future or any change to the name,type,or specifications of Products hereunder are subject to a confirmationby bothParties hereto in writingwhi
13、chconfirmation,signed thereby,shall be attached hereto as its appendix.4、乙方必须按本合同附件中的约定的销售价格进行销售;4. Party B is required to marketProducts at the price set forthin related Appe ndix attached hereto;1、产品之个体品牌为;5、甲方保证:其提供的产品的质量均符合中华人民共和国官方规定的关于护肤品或化妆品的质量标准;依据其向丙方和丁方提供生产品的相关制造工艺和技术生产的产品的质量亦符合中华人民共和国官方规定
14、的关于护肤品或化妆品的质量标准5. Party A hereby undertakes and warrants that the quality of suchProducts as provided by the same will be up to or in line with applicablequality sta ndards prescribed by related compete nt authoritiesprocesses and tech no logies provided by Party A to Party C and Party D is also第三条产
15、品的生产Article 3 Manu facture ofProducts1、以下品牌的各类产品由甲方直接生产,并提供给乙方进行销售;1.TheProducts which are of the brands to be listed below shallbe directly manufactured by Party A for furnishing to Party B for sale hereunder;2、以下品牌的各类产品,甲方将向丙方和丁方提供生产该类产品的相关制造工艺和技术, 由丙方和丁方依据乙方书面订单所载的要求进行生产并提供给乙方进行销售;2.Party A will
16、furnish to Party C and Party D related manufacturing processesand tech no logies n ecessary for product ion by Party C and Party D,subject tothe requirements prescribed in the written order placed by Party B therewithof theProducts which are of the brands to be in dicated belowfor sale thereof by Pa
17、rty B here un der;3、丙方和丁方保证:无论何时、且无论本合同是否有效。(1)在未接到乙方的书面订of the PeoplesRepublic of China regarding skin-careproducts or cosmetics;in addition,thequality of suchProducts as manufactured withthe manufacturingin conformitywith applicable qualityauthorities of the Peoples Republiccosmetics.sta ndards pr
18、escribed by related compete ntof China regarding skin-care products or所载的要求销售给乙方,不得自得销售或提供给任何第三方销售;3. Both Party C and Party D hereby undertake that at any time or at all timesand whether this Con tract is valid: NoProduct will bemanu factured by Party C an d/or Party D without receiv ing writte n o
19、rders from Party B; and (ii) TheProducts as manufactured by Party C and/orParty D here un der may be only allowed to be sold to Party B subject to requireme nts set out in applicablewritte n orders as duly placed by Party Band may not be sold by Party C an d/or Party D themselves or itself,nor shall
20、be provided to any third parties for sale thereof;4、 乙方保证:作为产品在中国境内的销售商,其进货渠道仅限于依 据本合同约定的渠道(即依据本合同约定分别向甲方、丙方或丁购入相应品牌的产品后销售),乙方不得向非本合同当事方购入来自于任何渠道的产品,但本合同另有约定的除外。4.Party B hereby undertakes andwarrants that it,acting as the seller ofProducts within the territory of China,will purchaseProduct only fro
21、m the source as stipulated here in,i.e. purchaserelated Products of various brands,from Party A,Party C or单的前提下,丙方 和/或 丁方不生产任何的产品;(2)丙方和/Party D hereto for sale thereof within China hereunder,Party B shall refrainfrom maki ng any purchase from any third party other tha n to this Con tract,ofanyProdu
22、cts acquired in any manner or from any cha nnel,uni ess and un tilotherwise provided here in.第四条产品的质量和包装1.WiArticle 4 Quality and Package of Products1、甲方、丙方和丁方提供的产品的质量均应符合中华人民共和国官方规定的关于护肤品或化妆品的质量标准;1. The quality of suchProducts as provided by Party A,PartyC as well as Party Dhereunder shall be in l
23、ine with applicable quality standards regardi ngappropriate skin-care products or cosmetics that may be prescribedby related compete nt authorities of the Peoples Republic of China.2、 甲方、丙方和丁方提供的产品的包装应能保证产品的质量、无任何的破损,并且适合邮寄、运输、储存的等物流环节;2. The package of suchProducts as provided by Party A,PartyC as
24、well as Party D here un der shall be appropriate to en sure the quality ofproducts,prevent the delivered products from any possible damage,as wellas to logistics or distribution such as delivery by post,transport and storage,etc;产品的包装随货出售The package of Products will be sold together withsuchProducts
25、 that may be sold to customers.第五条交货方式Article 5Terms of Delivery3.1.Wi1、甲方、丙方和丁方应收到乙方的书面订单后 认后的 日内发货;天内回复乙方,在得到乙方确Party A,Party C and Party D shall make proper response or reply theretoandB;2、交货时间和交货地点:乙方在订单中指定的时间和地点;2. The date and place of such delivery of goods shall be as specified in thewritte
26、n orders duly placed by Party B;3、 运输方式:在保证产品质量、安全、无瑕疵和交货时间前提下的任何方式;3.Mode of transportation shall be any mode or form that is appropriate andsufficient to ensure the quality,safety,no-defectas well as delivery timeof ordered Products;4、 费用和风险的承担:费用由发货方负担:在货物验收通过前,货物毁损灭失的风险 由发货方负担。4.Assumption of ex
27、penses and risks: it is agreed that related expenses that mayarise shall be charged to the acco unt of Supplier; and the risk of loss an d/or destruction of ordered goodsshall be on the shoulders of the said Supplier priorto accepta nee thereof.第六条验收方法Article 6 Accepta nee Methods乙方收货后,应在收货到后的当日及次日(
28、次日为假期的,验收日顺延至假期最后一天 的次日)依据本合同各方共同确认的验收标准对货物进行验收。 乙方在验收过程中有异 议的,应及时通知发货方并妥善安排退货、调换等手续。Party B shall,on the day whe n the delivered goods may be received or on themake delivery of ordered goods withindays upon confirmationfrom Partyday immediately following the date when the delivered goods may be receivedday immediately follow ing the receipt of delivered goods falls onin case theholiday,then it shall be extended to the day immediately foll
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