



1、广西工学院留学生申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR OVERSEAS CANDIDATESTO STUDY IN GUANGXI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY姓名(用全称)full legal name原文in native language国籍nationality像photo片中文in Chinese性别sex健康状况health condition婚姻状况marital status宗教信仰religion出生地点/日期place/date of birth职业occupation护照号码/有效期Passport no./Valid until 随行人员(

2、写明姓名、性别、身份、与本人关系)companions to China(state name, sex, status, and relation with you本人现在通讯地址及电话(有效期至 年 月 日)current correspondence address and telephone number (valid until date mth yr.)主要教育经历 major education experience校名school在学时间dates of study主修专业major fields of study主要学习课程main subjects studied取得学位证

3、书qualifications工作经历 work experience工作时间date工作地点及单位place职位position其他经历(如发表的作品、获得的荣誉、职位、外语水平及研究兴趣等)(supplementary information (publications, additional qualifications, knowledge of other language and research interest, etc.)留学类别(请在方格内打勾)category of students (please tick appropriate box below)短期留学生 普通进

4、修生 高级进修生 本、专科生 short-term students general advanced students senior advanced student undergraduate在华学习专业、时间及要求 major field and duration of stay in China拟到校学习日期 proposed start date at GXUT在华研究详细计划(此栏由高级进修生用汉语填写)to be filled out in Chinese by senior advanced students)经费来源 source of finance申请人保证 I here

5、by affirm that1 上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的。All the information filled in this form is true and correct.2 在华学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度。I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government and school regulations. 申请人签字applicants signature: 日期date: 备注 note1 申请时请寄来:学位证书/毕业证书复印件。在华逗留三个月以上者提供正式医院出具的有效健康证明(自签

6、发之日起半年内有效)。护照复印件。Please enclose:two copies of transcripts. those to stay in China 3 months or over should provide a statement of health and physical condition(6 months validity from the date of issue) from a medical doctor on his/her letterhead, when you mail this form. xeroxed copy of your passport.2. 来校注册时需交近期一寸照片十张(规格34厘米/短期班学生交五张)。Ten most recent passport sized photos will be needed at registration/Five photos for short-term students.填好本表后请按下列地址邮寄 Please return the completed form to: 中国 International Office of Cooperation & Exchanges Tel: 86-772-2687357广西柳州市 Gu


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