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1、说说中国的扇子说说中国的扇子说说中国的扇子-Something about Chinese FansA Chinese hand fan is an implement used to induce an airflow for the purpose of cooling or refreshing oneself. Moving a fan up and down can create a small airflow. “Shaken in hand and a cool breeze embraces you,” this is one description of the coolin

2、g power of the delicate Chinese fans. In addition, the implementation of the fan in your hand could have different indications.进了21世纪,人们虽然使用扇子少了,知道些中国的扇子故事还是有趣的。扇子还可以说话呢!不信?把扇子翻来翻去,是说“你让人讨厌”,手拿扇子半遮面是问“你喜欢我吗”,把扇子快速地扇来扇去,是说“我不喜欢你”。瞧,这多有趣!说说中国的扇子知道我国有哪些扇子种类?它们有哪些特点吗?我国扇子的种类有500多种。如广东的葵扇,岳州的小套扇,杭州的黑纸扇,苏

3、州的檀香扇和丝绸扇。像广东的葵扇,造型美观,纤维密,出风大,可惹人喜爱了!它曾经在巴拿马国际博览会上拿了金奖呢!杭州的黑纸扇大的好像是“半把伞”,折叠方便,扇纸经处理,可以防日晒,可以遮雨淋。苏州的檀香扇用料讲究,轻轻一摇,香味扑鼻而来。 这些多有趣呀! The oldest existing Chinese fans are a pair of woven bamboo side-mounted fans from the 2nd century BC. Since then, Chinese fans have been developed to more than 500 kinds.

4、The great numbers of fans include such as feather fans made of goose feathers, silk fans are usually in the shape of the moon, so are also called a “round fan,” Hand held fans are popular among educated men. Some hand held fans are made of precious materials like sandalwood and ivory. These fans are

5、 valuable antiques now说说中国的扇子Hand Held HansWhen talking about fans today, we usually refer to the exquisite folding fans. They can be easily folded and carried with people. The folding fans more like a piece of handicraft. The fan ribs are made of different materials, from common bamboo to valuable

6、sandalwood, ivory, ox horn, and jadeite. The fan ribs are usually covered with paper or silk. Almost all hand holding fans have Chines painting and calligraphy. Some of them are valuable. For example, a hand folding fan with Chinese calligraphy by a famous Chines artist called Zhang Daqian had been

7、sold for $8,000 in Hong Kong. 说说中国的扇子Paper Hand Held Fans说说中国的扇子火画扇火画扇。象牙扇象牙扇说说中国的扇子檀香扇檀香扇是用檀香木制成,其木质坚硬。白者白檀,皮腐色紫者紫檀,白檀为胜。有天然香味,轻轻摇,馨香四溢。此扇有“扇存香存”的特点,保存十年八载后,扇起来依然幽香阵阵,沁人心脾。夏令既去,藏入衣箱,还有防虫、防蛀的妙用。花式品种有拉花、烫花、雕花、绘画、印花、镶嵌和接骨等。一般经锯片、组装、锼拉、裱画、绘画和上流苏等十多道工序组成。 檀香扇以其独特技艺,独具风格,富有工艺性,而至今深受人们的喜爱。说说中国的扇子杭州的黑纸扇杭州的

8、黑纸扇大的好像是“半把伞”。 A large Black paper Hand Held Fan could be used as an umbrella说说中国的扇子Feather Fans说说中国的扇子Feather Fans-羽毛扇The feather fans are made of animal feathers, like goose feathers and were popular among the government and military advisers in Chinese history.诸葛亮轻拂鹅毛羽扇,舌战群儒使得天下三分;周公瑾羽扇纶巾,“谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。说说中国的扇子Silk Round Fans - 丝绸扇,团扇说说中国的扇子团扇The silk fans, in the shape of the moon, are called a “round fan,” and were deeply loved by young ladies, and they had been popular for more than one thousand yea


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