1、中考复习精选试题五一. If you travel in Europe, youd better choose Italy as a good place tovisit,because Italy is a very famous country with a long history, and there are many in terest ing cities inthis coun try.There are three milli on people each yearthat visit Pisa. Its known for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
2、The tower looksas if it might fall at any time.In fact, some visitors stopat the tower just l ongeno ugh to take a picture, the n they hurry away. The tower has 294 steps. Visitors who can climb to thetop and come dow n will feel like heroes.Engin eers say that the visitors are safe, though the towe
3、r does lea n. This tower has bee n leaning for about eight hun dred years. And it lea ns a tiny bit more every year. If this keeps on. the towerwill fall at last. But many engineers are trying their best to keep the tower sta nding as long as possible.Judge the follow ing stateme nts True(T) or Fals
4、e(F).1.Italy is famous for a long history and many interesting cities.2.Sta nding n ear the tower is dan gerous.3. People visit Pisa because a tower has falle n dow n.4. The tower will fall if it keeps on leadi ng .5. The tower was built more tha n 800 years ago.二. 语音Choose the sentences from the bo
5、x to complete the dialogue.( There are two extra1. May I ask you who s calling?2. Don t forget to lock the door when you leave the classroom.3. Do you mind my smok ing here?4. What about going out for a pic nic this weeke nd?25. What a lovely day!三.完形填空Choose the best an swer to complete the passage
6、.When I was 14, I bega n an after-school job to work for a n ewspaper.Though thework was very hard, I was_ it .It was a challenge because people_ a stranger knocking on their doors.Once a man closed his door in front of my face heavily and shouted,I dont wantany_ .” I made myself knock again and was
7、 able to tell him how great the paperwas. I ended up_ him a subscription (订单).1 was soon amongthe top subscriptionsellers an d, like other_salesme n, taught n ewcomers.Aroundthistime I started playing the guitar. Soon 1 was playingin a bandWhenl turned18, Itriedto become a professional(专业的)neverlost
8、sightof this dream.I m sure it came fromI lear ned from knocking onstra ngersdoors.That experienee _me in many ways. Early in my music career(事业)I got into trouble with a former man ager. He made me back off but I_Havi ng all those doors closed in my face as a kid gave me the stre ngth(力量) to stand
9、up to this man.thistime therewas one differenee:I wasthe one say ing no.And I won.1.A.tired ofB. afraid ofC.tha nkful forD. afraid of2.A.dislikedB. keptC.sawD.loved3.A.bookBletterC.pictureD.paper4.A.sendingB. selli ngC.buy ingD.givi ng5.A.successfulB. usefulC.carefulDcrowded6.A.sellerB. musicia nC.t
10、eacherD.writer7.A.thatBthisCwhatD. where8.A.helpedB. harmedC.madeD.hurt9.A.agreedB. promisedC.acceptedD.refused10.AForBButC.OrD. And四. 单项填空We should do what we can_the homeless people.A.helpB.helpi ngC. to helpD. helpedLook! That teacher is expla ining someth ing to her stude nts aga in and aga in!_
11、 teacher she is!A. How patie ntB. What patie ntC. How a patie ntD.What a patie nt五.选词填空able,alien,circle,express,mightmystery,outdoors,purpose,see,valuableCrop circles( 麦田怪圈)are patter ns in fields that appear overni ght.At first theywere just some simple 76.1._,now the patter ns have become very co
12、mplicated(复杂的).From a plane crop circles can look like a work of art 77.2._Si nee the first crop circles were found in Brita in in 1978, it has become a great78.3. . Howthese crop circles are made* Whomakes them ? What is the 794of making3them?Somescientists think that some of the crop circles 80.5
13、be manmade.They believe that tha nks tomoder n tech no logy , it is possible to create such complicated patter ns in a short time.However, others think that crop circles might be the work of some 81.6._ . Becausethey often apper in areas shortly after there have been UFOsto be 82.7. They also think
14、that thecircles are so complicated that n obody on earth is 83.8._ to makea true crop circle.Although different opinions about these crop circles have been 84.9., one thingeverybody agrees on.That is these crop circles are 85.10. to the local economy(经 济).Thousands ofvisitors come here to see crop c
15、ircles every year.六.任务型阅读Music is an art that almost every one enjoys.Every onecan make sounds by si ngin g.Allover the world , many kinds of music developed as people found out how to make sounds in differe ntways.There are so many kinds of music to hear that you can soon finda kind that you like.P
16、eople can get all kinds of feelings by listening to music.Music can make youdance , and it can make you feel happy or sad.More than other arts , music can affect your feelings.This is why music is so popular. Every country hasits own kind of music and many people like music in their own n ati onal s
17、tyle.But there are also peoplewho enjoy classical music a nd pop music.With the help of the recorders and radios,music is spread all over the world.However,there are still great differe nces betwee n the music of the West and that of theEast.Ma ny of the in strume nts are very differe nt.阅读短文,完成表格。每
18、空词数不限。The reason that you can find your favorite music 71.1The role( 作用)of music72.273.3 亠Spread ing ways74.4一75.5The reas on of popularity(流行)-七. 语法填空1._ You must believe in yourself.Thats one ofthe_ (secret) of success.2.1 ts a_ (pleased) for me to go shopp ing with you.3. How do you like your En
19、glish teachers_(pronounce)?Pretty good.You may thi nk she is a n ative En glish speaker.4. The two villages are_(conn ect) by a bridge.5. Mary ofte n helps me with my homework.She is very_(help)八. 单词拼写1._You are not执照)4allowed to drive a car without a_ (2._ There is a man( 举起 ) a big stone.3._ He ca
20、me to this school for his English( 课程 ) 4._Do you know why I want to( 采访 ) you?5.If you want to know the way, ask one of the_ 当地的 ) people.九阅读理解We know music is very important in our daily life.Do you notice music playing atany of those places whenyou go somewhere?Today most stores ,stations , resta
21、urants and otherplaces play music.You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave.They think that the sound of Westernclassical music makes people feel richer.When a restaurant plays classical music ,people spend moremoney on food an
22、d drinks.When the restaurant plays modern music , people spend lessmoney.Without music, people spend even less.Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster.Somerestaurants play fast music during their hours.This makes people eat faster and leavequickly.Restaurants can make m
23、ore money in this way.Somescientists think that music makes you think and learn better.They say that music helps students tobe more active.It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed.And listening to music can helpyou relax.The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful , it might influenc
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