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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前2020-2021学年人教PEP版六年级上册期中检测英语试卷一题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、听力题1.听录音,选出你听到的单词。_ 1. A. comic B. early C. traffic_ 2. A. fast B. ferry C. film_ 3.A. today B. tonight C. tomorrow_ 4. A. pizza B. poem C. price_ 5. A. must B. museum C. moo

2、ncake2.听录音,选出与录音相符的图片。_ 1. A. B. C. _ 2. A. B. C. _ 3. A. B. C. _ 4. A. B. C. _ 5. A. B. C. 3.听录音,选出与你所听到的问句相对应的答语。_ 1. A. It's next to the cinema. B. It's interesting. C. It's blue and white._ 2. A. We must stop. B. We must go. C. We must clean the classroom._ 3. A. A word book. B. I

3、9;m going to the supermarket. C. I come on foot._ 4. A. I go by ship. B. I'm going to dance. C. We're going to draw some pictures._ 5. A. This evening. B. Pay attention to the lights. C. It's near the door.4.听录音,根据录音内容将句子补充完整。1. It's next to the _.2. Where is the _?3. What are you go

4、ing to do _?4. He is going to read a book _.5. My brother is going to Shanghai by _.5.听录音,选择正确的答案。_ 1. What day is it today?A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday._ 2. What is Paul going to do on Sunday morning?A. He is going to visit a science museum. B. He is going to visit his grandfather.C. He is goi

5、ng to visit his grandparents._ 3. Paul is going to the science museum _.A. by bus B. by train C. by subway_ 4. Paul is going to have lunch _.A. at school B. at home C. in an Italian restaurant_ 5. What is Paul going to do after he finishes his homework?A. He is going to play basketball with his frie

6、nds. B. He is going to clean his bedroom.C. He is going to have dinner.评卷人得分二、选择题选出不同类的一项。6.AlibraryBzooCpizzaDbookstore7.ApleaseBdictionaryCpostcardDbook8.AfollowBvisitCtakeDstraight9.ArestaurantBcinemaCbikeDhospital10.AsubwayBfootCtrainDtaxi11.Shes going to buy _ books. ( )AaBanCsome12.My father _

7、 going to Beijing next weekend. ( )AareBisChas13.In the USA people _ bikes must wear a helmet. ( )AonBinCat14.The light is red. We must _. ( )Astop and goBstop and waitCslow down15._ can I get to the post office? ( )AWhereBWhatCHow16.Excuse me, where is the post office? ( )_.AIt's near the super

8、marketBYes, there isCNo, there isn't17.Mary is going to the park _ her parents. ( )AForBandCwith18.She is going to the _. She wants to buy some fruit. ( )AcinemaBsupermarketCmuseum19.Are they going to the zoo _ bus or _ foot? ( )Aon; byBby; onCby; by20.David _ tomorrow morning. ( )Ais writing an

9、 emailBlikes singingCis going to draw some pictures评卷人得分三、填空题21.I'm going to see a film in the c_.22.We should s_ and wait at a red light.23.Where is the post office? I want to buy a p_.24.Turn right at the park. Then turn l_ at the zoo.25.I want to buy some c_ books this afternoon.26.What about

10、 _ (go) shopping this weekend?27.Tim and I usually _ (come) to school on foot.28.There are two _ (dictionary) on the desk.29.Look! Amy is _ (draw) pictures there.30.1 am going to_ (take) a trip next week.31.Where is the _?It's next to the _. 32.What are you going to do next week? We are going to

11、 _ a _.33.How do you go to the park? _ _.34.How can I get to the museum? _ straight and turn left at the supermarket.35.How do you come to school? We come to school _ _.评卷人得分四、补全对话A: Excuse me. 36.B: It's next to the park.A: 37.B: Yes, it's far.A: 38.B: You can take the No.12 bus. 39.A: I

12、9;m going to send a postcard. Thank you.B: 40.AYou're welcome.BIs it far from here?CWhat are you going to do there?DWhere is the post office?EHow can I get there?评卷人得分五、连词成句41.you, have, do, dictionary, a (?)_42.buy, to, where, a, you, going, book, are, word (?)_43.the, get, from, USA, to, how,

13、China, do, you (?)_44.in, it's, the, front, museum, of (.)_45.school, sometimes, taxi, Mike, to, by, goes (.)_评卷人得分六、看图仿写46.Where is the science museum? It's near the cinema. What about the hospital? (看图仿写句子)_47.How does Sarah go to the cinema? She goes by bus. What about Mike? (看图仿写句子)_48.W

14、hat are you going to do today? I'm going to see a film. And you? (看图仿写句子)_49.How do you come to school? I come to school by bus. What about you? (看图仿写对话)_50.What are you going to do in the park? I'm going to fly a kite. And you? (看图仿写句子)_评卷人得分七、阅读理解下面是Susan收到的一条留言:I'm William, your uncle

15、. I'm in Australia now. The cities here are beautiful and people in Australia are very friendly. But the traffic here moves on the left. It's different from China. How interesting! The food here is different from China, too. They usually go to a fish-and-chip shop to have them. I think they

16、are delicious. I'd like to have a try, too. Tomorrow morning we're going to visit a school and a big nature park. Then we are going to meet some friends. We are going to have a picnic with them in the afternoon. Next Friday I'll come back. I am going to bring (带给) you a doll. Do you like

17、 that? Oh, it's twelve. I must stop here. Goodbye Susan.51.Where is William? ( )He is in _.ABC52.The traffic in Australia moves on the _. ( )ArightBleftCsouth53.Tomorrow morning they're going to visit _. ( )Aa company and a factoryBa zoo and a factoryCa school and a nature park54.Tomorrow af

18、ternoon they are going to _ with some friends. ( )Ago hikingBtake a tripChave a picnic55.William will come back _. ( )Anext FridayBtomorrowCat twelveTomorrow is Sunday. We are going to have a busy Sunday! My mother is going to buy some food in the morning and clean the room in the afternoon. My fath

19、er is going to visit my grandparents. I'm going to do homework. In the evening, we're going to the cinema by bus. That will be fun!56.Today is Saturday. _57.My mother is going to buy some food in the afternoon. _58.My father is going to clean the room. _59.We are going to see a film in the e

20、vening. _60.We will have a busy Sunday. _参考答案1.     C     A     B     C     A【解析】1. traffic 2. fast 3. tonight 4. price 5. must2.     A     B   &

21、#160; A     C     C【解析】1. What are you going to buy tomorrow? I' m going to buy a comic book.2. How do you come to school, Peter? I come to school by bike.3. Where is your home? It's next to the cinema.4. How can I get there? Turn right here.5. What ar

22、e you going to do tomorrow? We are going to see a film.3.     A     A     C     A     B【解析】1. Where is the hospital?2. What must we do when the light is red?3. How do you come here?4. How do you go to

23、 Shanghai?5. What must we do when we cross the road?4.     museum     supermarket     tomorrow     tonight     plane【解析】1. It's next to the museum.2. Where is the supermarket?3. What are you going

24、 to do tomorrow?4. He is going to read a book tonight.5. My brother is going to Shanghai by plane.5.     B     A     A     C     B【解析】Today is Saturday. Paul isn't going to school tomorrow. In the

25、 morning, he is going to visit a science museum. He is going there by bus. He is going to have lunch in an Italian restaurant. In the afternoon, he is going to play basketball with his friends. At about 4:00, he is going home to do homework. Then he is going to clean his bedroom. After that he is go

26、ing to watch TV in the evening.6.C7.A8.D9.C10.B【解析】(1)A. library图书馆;B. zoo动物园;C. pizza比萨饼;D. bookstore书店。A、B和D都是地点名词,C是食品名词,C不同与其它,故选C。(2)A. please请;B. dictionary字典;C. postcard卡片;D. book书。A是动词,B、C和D都是学习用品名词,A不同与其它,故选A。(3)A. follow跟随;B. visit拜访;C. take乘;D. straight直的。A、B和C都是动词,D是形容词,D不同与其它,故选D。(4)A.

27、restaurant饭馆;B. cinema电影院;C. bike自行车;D. hospital医院。A、B和D都是地点名词,C是交通工具名词,C不同与其它,故选C。(5)A. subway地铁;B. foot脚;C. train火车;D. taxi出租车。A、C和D都是交通工具名词,B是身体部位名词,B不同与其它,故选B。11.C【解析】12.B【解析】题干句意:我父亲下周末要去北京。由next weekend可知,句意是一般将来时,其动词部分的结构为be going to do/sp.,主语my father是第三人称单数,be动词要用 is,故选B。13.A【解析】句意:在美国人们骑自行

28、车必须戴头盔。在自行车上使用介词 “on”,因此本题选择A。14.B【解析】句意:灯是红色的。我们必须。A停下来,走吧,B停下来,等待,C减速。根据常识,红灯时要停下来,等待,故选B.15.C【解析】句意:我怎样到达邮局?A哪儿,B什么,C怎样。根据句意怎样到达某个地方,应该用疑问副词how引导。故选C。16.A【解析】句意:打扰了,邮局在哪里? 。A.它在超市附近。B.是的,有。C.不,没有。根据问句,应该回答具体的地方,故选A。17.C【解析】句意:玛丽打算和她的父母亲去公园。A.为了;B.并且;C.和。表示和某人,应该用with sb.。故选C。18.B【解析】句意:她将要去_。她想要买

29、一些水果。买水果去的是超市,对应B。A电影院,C博物馆,均不符合语境。故选B。19.B【解析】句意:他们将要乘公交还是走路去动物园?乘公交车by bus,走路on foot,固定搭配,故选B。20.C【解析】句意:大卫明天上午 _。由tomorrow morning可知,句子应当是一般将来时,其动词部分的结构应为be going to do / will do。A. 正在写邮件,其动词结构为be doing;B. 喜欢唱歌,其动词为第三人称单数形式;C. 将画一些画,其动词结构为be going to do。选项C符合题意,故选C。21.cinema【解析】句意:我要去 _ 看电影。由常识可知

30、,看电影通常要去电影院,结合所给首字母 c ,该空应当填电影院cinema,故答案为cinema。22.stop【解析】句意:红灯时我们应该 _ 并等待。由常识可知红灯时应当停下并等待,结合所给首字母 s,可知该空应填停下stop,故答案为stop。23.postcard【解析】句意:邮局在哪里?我想买一张 _。由题意和常识可知,到邮局买的东西通常是信封或明信片,结合所给首字母 p,可知应当是明信片postcard,故答案为postcard。24.left【解析】句意:在公园右转,然后在动物园左转。左转 turn left,故答案为left。ic【解析】题意:今天下午我想买一些 _ 书。由bo

31、oks可知“我”是想买什么书,结合所给首字母c,题意应当是想买comic books漫画书,故答案为comic。26.going【解析】句意:这个周末去购物怎么样?what about doing sth? 做某事如何,提建议的一种方式,故答案为going。e【解析】句意:我和蒂姆通常步行去上学。根据usually可知该句用一般现在时态,主语是复数,故谓语动词用原形,故答案为come。28.dictionaries【解析】句意:桌子上有两本字典。字典dictionary,可数名词,前面有two修饰,要用复数形式,故答案为dictionaries。29.drawing【解析】句意:看,艾米正在那

32、里画画。正在做某事,现在进行时态,谓语动词be doing结构,故答案为drawing。30.take【解析】句意:我打算下周去旅行。be going to + 动词原形,故答案为take。31.     bookstore     hospital【解析】题意:_在哪儿?它在 _ 旁边。问句后面的图片是一个书店,所以该空应当填书店bookstore;答句后面的图片是一所医院,所以该空应当填医院hospital。故答案为bookstore;hospital。32.     t

33、ake     trip【解析】句意:你们下周打算做什么?我们打算去_。根据所给的图片,可知是去旅行take a trip,固定短语,该句为一般将来时,be going to后面接动词原形,第一个空为take,第二个空为trip,故答案为take;trip。33.     By     subway【解析】句意:你怎么去公园?图片是地铁,所以是乘地铁,故答案为By; subway。34.Go【解析】句意:我怎么去博物馆?直走,在超市左转。图片是直行交通提示牌,该空应填直行 g

34、o staight,其句首字母要大写,故答案为Go。35.     on     foot【解析】句意:你们怎样来学校?我们 _ 来学校。根据所给的图片,可知是步行on foot,固定短语,故答案为on;foot。36.D37.B38.E39.C40.A【解析】(1)答句句意:它在公园边上。根据答句可知问句是问地点,选项D邮局在哪里?符合语境,故选D。(2)答句句意:是的,它远。根据答句可知问句是一般疑问句,且是问是否远。选项B它离这里远吗?符合语境,故选B。(3)答句句意:你可以乘坐12路公交车。根据答句可知问句

35、是问交通方式,选项E我可以怎么到达那里?符合语境,故选E。(4)答句句意:我将要去寄一张明信片。根据答句可知问句是问将要去做什么?选项C你将要去那里做什么?符合语境,故选C。(5)回答谢谢说不客气,故选A。41.Do you have a dictionary?【解析】you你,have有,do助动词,dictionary字典,a 一个。根据所给的问号和助动词 do,可知句子是一个一般疑问句,由所给词义可以连成句子:你有字典吗?故答案为 Do you have a dictionary?42.Where are you going to buy a word book?【解析】buy买,are

36、 going to将要去,where哪里,a一,you你,word book词汇书。根据所给问号可知是个疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:你将要去哪里买一本词汇书?故答案为Where are you going to buy a word book?43.How do you get to the USA from China?【解析】the USA美国,get to到达,from从,how怎样,China中国,do助动词,you你;你们,根据所给的问号和词,可知句子是特殊疑问句,跟所给的词义可以连成句子:你怎样从中国到达美国?故答案为How do you get to the USA fro

37、m China?44.It's in front of the museum.【解析】in front of 在前面,it's它是,the那个,museum博物馆。根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,由所给词义可以连成句子:在博物馆前面。故答案为It's in front of the museum.45.Mike sometimes goes to school by taxi.【解析】goes to school去学校,sometimes有时候,by taxi乘坐出租车,Mike迈克。根据所给句号可知是个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:迈克有时候乘坐出租车去学校

38、,故答案为Mike sometimes goes to school by taxi.46.It's near the park.【解析】句意:科学博物馆在哪里?它在电影院附近。医院呢?由图片可知,医院在公园附近。故答案为It's near the park. 47.He goes by bike.【解析】原句句意:Sarah是如何去电影院的?她是乘坐公交车去的,Mike呢?看图仿写句子,回答Mike的交通方式,图片显示骑车by bike,故答案为He goes by bike.48.I'm going to the supermarket.【解析】句意:今天你打算去干

39、什么?我打算去看电影。你呢?根据图片,可知是超市。故答案为I'm going to the supermarket。49.How do you come to school? I come to school by subway. What about you?【解析】句意:你怎么来学校的?我坐公共汽车来学校。你呢?图片是一辆地铁。根据例句,题意应当是写出:你怎么来学校的?我坐地铁来学校。你呢?故答案为How do you come to school? I come to school by subway. What about you?50.I'm going to draw a picture.【解析】例句句意:你将去公园干什么?我将去放风筝。你呢?看图仿写句子,要回答我将要去干什么:I'm going to do sth. 图片显示画画draw a picture. 故答案为I


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