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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密启用前2020-2021学年江苏省宿迁市沭阳县译林版(三起)六年级上册期末阶段性检测英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.The girl walked through the city _ her new clothes yesterday. ( )AinBputs onCwears2._ your sister and brother at home last week? ( )AIsBWereCAre3.Lucy _ some jiao

2、zi, some bread and honey for lunch yesterday. ( )AbringBbroughtCbrings4.We are going to see _ interesting parrot show next week. ( )AaB/Can5.World Environment Day is on _. ( )A22nd April 1B5th JuneC22nd July6.It _ heavily outside today. A lot of people dont like _ days. ( )Arained; rainyBraining; ra

3、inedCrains; rainy7.What _ the signs on the wall _? ( )Ado; meanBdoes; meanCdoes; means8.What _ this street dirty and messy? ( )Much rubbish.AmakingBmakeCmakes9.Lucy _ home yesterday. ( )Awalked toBwalkedCwalks10._ the park clean, We should throw the rubbish in the bin. ( )AKeepingBTo keepCKeep11.The

4、re _ much coal _ oil on Earth. ( )Aisnt; andBare; andCisnt; or12._ plastic bottles _ bad for our city. ( )AToo many; isBToo much; isCToo many; are13.The boys are _ about their plans _ the winter holiday. ( )Atalking; aboutBtalking; forCtalking; in14.Bobby and Sam said “_ nice poster”! ( )AWhatBWhat

5、aCHow15.Can I have _ water? ( )Sorry, there isnt _ in the bottle.Asome; anyBany; anyCsome; some评卷人得分二、填空题16.He is so c_, because he answered my questions quickly.17.It is Lucys t_ to say sentence.18.Its going to rain, because there are many black c_ in the sky.19.You can find flowers a_ the park.20.

6、I didnt like reading n_ five years ago.21.Trees help _ (keep) the air clean.22.Dont shout! The little baby _ (sleep) in the bedroom.23.We _ (cook) some TangYuan tomorrow.24.What about _ (make) a fruit salad?25.Much energy _ (come) from coal and oil.26.They _ (plan) for their winter holiday now.27.It

7、 is nice _ (get) your letter.28.Is our classroom _? (clean)29.Did you _ any fish yesterday? (catch)30.She is _ about the show. (excite)评卷人得分三、匹配题A. I read many stories at home.B. Beijing.C. By plane.D. It was great fun.E. Im sorry.31.Dont throw the rubbish in the water. _32.How do you go to Shanghai

8、? _33.Where is he going? _34.What did you do last night? _35.How was your summer holiday? _评卷人得分四、句型转转36.He could fly kites. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ kites?37.Its time for breakfast. (同义句)Its time _ _ breakfast.38.They are going to do a project tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)_ are they going to _ tomorrow?39.Liu Tao did

9、 his homework late last night (改为否定句)Liu Tao _ _ his homework late last night.评卷人得分五、连词成句40.food, are, you, to, what, going, cook (?)_评卷人得分六、翻译41.在春节,我的父母将为我买新衣服。_ Chinese New Year, my parents are going to buy new clothes for me.42.我能再利用塑料瓶做玩具。I can reuse plastic bottles _ _ toys.43.下周末就是教师节。It is g

10、oing to _ Teachers Day next _.评卷人得分七、阅读理解Dear Anna,My name is Lucy. Im eleven years old. I have two brothers. One is John and the other is Jason. They are twins and they are fourteen years old. I also have a little sister.We live with grandparents in a big house in Chesterfield, in the north of Engl

11、and. My friends and I often go to the park at weekends.Do you like games? I like football, and my brothers like basketball. My little sister doesnt like games. My favourite team is Manchester United (曼联队). Im really good at playing football.I have three pets-two dogs and a little cat. I want a bird,

12、 but my mother doesnt like.Please write to me soon.Lucy44.There are _ children in this family. ( )AthreeBfourCfive45.Lucy plays _ well. ( )AfootballBtable tennisCbasketball46.The girls family live in _. ( )Aa small houseBthe west of EnglandCa big house47.Lucy wants _ but his mother doesnt like. ( )A

13、five goldfishBa dogCa bird48.This is a _. ( )AletterBstoryCfilmIn everyday life, we have a lot of things, such as used paper, old newspapers, used plastic bags, cans, bottles and so on. It is important to make good use of the waste (废物) things. There are some ways to reuse the wastes. We can reuse t

14、he plastic bags to contain (装) our family rubbish. We can make the empty tins into ashtrays (烟灰缸). We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handiwork (手工艺品). That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we dont know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling stations

15、(回收站). There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life.49.Making good use of the waste things is very important in everyday life. _50.We can use the plastic bags to make ashtrays. _51.We can sell the was

16、tes to the recycling station. _52.To recycle the wastes, we should try our best. _53.We can learn many ways to reuse the wastes from this passage. _评卷人得分八、书面表达54.2月12日的春节离我们越来越近,你对自己的春节有什么计划或打算吗?请以 “Plans for Chinese New Year” 为题写一篇作文。要求:书写工整,语句通顺,不少于5句。Plans for Chinese New Year_参考答案1.A【解析】句意:昨天那个女

17、孩穿着新衣服在城里走。因为句子含有动词,所以选项BC不对,B表示动作,C表示状态,选项A符合语境,故选A。2.B【解析】句意:你姐姐和弟弟上周在家吗?last week上周,是一般过去时的时间标志,所以动词要用过去式;your sister and brother是复数,所以be动词要用复数。are的过去式是were,故选B。3.B【解析】句意:露西昨天中午带了一些饺子,一些面包和蜂蜜。A动词原形,B动词过去式,C动词的第三人称单数,yesterday可知是一般过去时,故选B。4.C【解析】句意:下周我们将要去看一场有趣的鹦鹉秀。interesting有趣的,开头字母是元音,前面加an,故选C

18、。5.B【解析】句意:世界环境日在六月五日。A四月二十二日,B六月五日,C七月二十二日。根据常识,故选B。6.A【解析】句意:今天外面下了大雨。很多人不喜欢下雨天。today可知是一般过去时,动词用过去式,days名词前用形容词,故选A。7.A【解析】句意:墙上的标志意味着什么?根据主语the signs可知,此处助动词需用do。mean意味着,位于助动词do后,需用原形。故选A。8.C【解析】句意:什么使得街道又脏又乱?许多垃圾。what作主语视为第三人称单数形式,故选C。9.B【解析】句意:昨天Lucy走回家。根据句中yesterday,可知该句为一般过去时,谓语动词为动词过去式,walk

19、的过去式为walked,走回家为walk home,B选项符合,故选B。10.B【解析】句意:为了保持公园干净,我们应该把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。A动词的ing形式,B动词不定式,C动词原形,选项B符合语境,故选B。11.C【解析】略12.C【解析】句意:太多的塑料瓶对我们的城市有害。由题意可知瓶子为复数,应用too many修饰,be动词应用复数形式are,结合选项C符合题意,故选C。13.B【解析】句意:男孩们正在讨论他们的寒假计划。讨论talk about,的计划plans for,故选B。14.B【解析】句意:波比和赛姆说:多么漂亮的海报啊!根据所给叹号可知,句子为感叹句。由于poster海

20、报为可数名词,因此感叹句句型应为:What+a/an+adj.+单数可数名词! B项符合要求,故选B。15.A【解析】句意:我能喝些水吗?对不起,瓶子里没有任何水。根据题意,可知some通常用于肯定句,any通常用于否定句或疑问句,但是句子若是征询对方意见,表示请求,用some而不用any,故第一个问句用some,第二个否定句用any,A选项符合,故选A。16.clever【解析】句意:他是如此的_,因为他回答我的问题非常快。根据句意和所给首字母可知,此处应是clever聪明的。故答案为clever。17.turn【解析】句意:轮到露西说句子了。turn机会,故答案为turn。18.cloud

21、s【解析】句意:要下雨了,因为天空中有许多黑色的_。根据句意和首字母可知,此处应是cloud云彩。根据many可知,此处cloud需用复数形式clouds。故答案为clouds。19.around【解析】句意:你可以在公园周围找到花。根据所给字母提示,可知考查单词周围around,故答案为around。20.newspapers【解析】句意:五年前我不喜欢读_。根据题意和所给的首字母,可知考查单词newspaper报纸,可数名词,复数形式为newspapers,读报纸read newspapers,句意为五年前我不喜欢读报纸,故答案为newspapers。21.keep【解析】句意:树木帮助保

22、持空气干净。帮助某人做某事为help sb do sth,动词keep需用原形。故答案为keep。22.is sleeping【解析】句意:不要喊!小宝贝正在卧室里睡觉。根据句意可知该句是现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词构成现在进行时,主语The little baby是单数,be动词用is,故答案为is sleeping。23.will cook / are going to cook【解析】句意:我明天要煮汤圆。由tomorrow可知,该句时态为一般将来时,结构为:will/be going to+动词原形,主语we(我们)为复数,其对应的系动词应用are,动词原形cook意为煮,故答案为

23、will cook / are going to cook。24.making【解析】句意:做个水果沙拉怎么样?根据题意,可知What about doing sth做怎么样?表示建议,make的动名词为making,故答案为making。es【解析】句意:许多能源来自煤和石油。energy第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数,故答案为comes。26.are planning【解析】句意:他们正在为寒假做准备。由now可知该句时态为现在进行时,结构为:be+doing,主语they为复数形式,其对应的系动词为are,plan(计划)的现在分词为planning,故答案为are planning。

24、27.to get【解析】句意:很高兴收到你的来信。考查动词不定式,后接动词原形,故答案为to get。28.clean【解析】句意:我们的教室干净吗?clean干净的,故答案为clean。29.catch【解析】句意:你昨天抓到鱼了吗?助动词后加动词原形,故答案为catch。30.excited【解析】句意:她对演出很兴奋。excite使兴奋,为动词。根据is可知,此处应是形容词,由于主语为She,因此需用excited兴奋的。故答案为excited。31.E32.C33.B34.A35.D【解析】(1)句意:不要往水里扔垃圾。E选项 Im sorry.我很抱歉。符合要求,故选E。(2)句意

25、:你怎么去上海?答语应回答交通方式。C选项By plane.乘飞机。符合要求,故选C。(3)句意:他打算去哪?答语应提到他打算去的地方。B选项Beijing.北京。符合要求,故选B。(4)句意:你昨晚做了什么?答语应回答昨晚做了什么。A选项I read many stories at home.我在家读了很多故事。符合要求,故选A。(5)句意:你的暑假怎么样?答语应提到暑假怎么样。D选项It was great fun.它非常有趣。符合要求,故选D。36. Could fly【解析】原句句意:他能放风筝。由于原句有情态动词could,因此变一般疑问句时,需将could提到句首,其他部分照抄。故

26、答案为Could;fly。37. to have【解析】句意:该是吃早餐的时候了。Its time for +名词=Its time for to do sth.“该是做.的时候了“,故同义句:Its time to have breakfast.故答案为to have。38. What do【解析】句意:他们明天要做一个项目。对划线部分do a project提问,明天他们打算做什么?用疑问代词what,故答案为What;do。39. didnt do【解析】句意:刘涛昨天晚上做作业做到很晚。由题意可知句子为一般过去时态,变否定句应在助动词did后加not,做作业用动词原形do,故答案为di

27、dnt;do。40.What food are you going to cook?【解析】food食物,are going to打算做,you你,what什么, cook烹饪,根据所给问号和单词,可知是疑问句,根据词义可连成句子:你打算做什么菜?故答案为What food are you going to cook?41.On【解析】在节日,介词用on,在春节on Chinese New Year,故答案为On。42. to make【解析】制作玩具为make toys,根据句意可知,此处想表达目的,动词不定式to do可表目的。故答案为to make。43. be weekend【解析】下

28、周为next weekend,是为be,打算做某事为is going to do sth,be动词需用原形。故答案为be;weekend。44.B45.A46.C47.C48.A【解析】(1)问句为:这家有几个孩子?根据I have two brothers.I also have a little sister.可知,这家有四个孩子。故选B。(2)问句为:露西什么玩得好?根据Im really good at playing football.可知,露西足球踢得好。A足球,B乒乓球,C篮球。故选A。(3)问句为:这个女孩一家住在哪里?根据We live with grandparents i

29、n a big house in Chesterfield, in the north of England. 可知,他们住在英格兰北部切斯特菲尔德的一所大房子里。A一个小房子,B英格兰西部,C一所大房子。故选C。(4)问句为:露西想要一个什么但是他妈妈不喜欢?根据I want a bird, but my mother doesnt like.可知,她想要一只鸟。A五条金鱼,B一只狗,C一只鸟。故选C。(5)问句为:这是一篇什么?根据短文可知,这是一封信。A信,B故事,C电影。故选A。49.T50.F51.T52.T53.T【解析】(1)句意:充分利用废物在日常生活中是非常重要的。根据 It

30、 is important to make good use of the waste things. 充分利用废物是很重要的。可知句子与短文相符,故答案为T。(2)句意:我们可以用塑料袋来制作烟灰缸。根据We can reuse the plastic bags to contain our family rubbish. 我们可以重复使用塑料袋来装我们的家庭垃圾。可知句子与短文不符,故答案为F。(3)句意:我们可以把废物卖到回收站。根据If we dont know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling stations . 如果我们不知道如何再利用废物,我们


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