



1、37课型设置【自研 45'+20' + 展示60 '】一、高考要求:Unit2 , M4 1文章大致内容、重点单词、词组2.基于对文本的理解,进行创展性的拓展输出。二、定向导Self-stud y&Self-explorati onCoopera tion &Explora tionShow & Improveme ntCon clusi on & Summarizati on互动策略(内展示方案自学指导随堂笔记内容学法时间容形 式时内容形 式时间成果记录知识生成同步演练间)组长主Step1 :自检自学持(HostStep2 :任务型阅读

2、填空1.经过早读对单词的by theGood after noon , 1 am delighted to have读诵,我们对本单元的team展示单兀been invitedto your school to talk about the单词已经熟悉了,那么leader )' .historyand 1.of the请完成复习讲义上OlympicGames.I' llbrieflyshare somepage71的晨记有道部对学:词汇处理interesting facts and stories with you.The分的内容。相互探-小组2.Olympics began

3、in 776 BC.Men讨,成员将复and 3.women were allowed to2.词汇延伸step1 词习讲义上compete in it.But today , athletes from around在完成以上内容汇延伸晨记有道、the world can take part.The moder n games,时,你是否页联想到下中的词考点对接、first held in 1896, were designed to make it面的这些词汇呢?尝和部分的内possible for countriesand people to live试着写出他们的意思复习容呈现在4.t

4、ogether.Some famous athletes吧。讲义上黑板上。made Olympic history.TheOlympia nshavehang哪些词brought joy to people with their attempts toRecover from形成对要求:push the 5.of humanachievement.One ofexcited应?内容清晰;the examples is MuhammadAli who came toexcit ingPass through讲解清晰;publicatte nti onduri ngthe 1960 RomePas

5、s away流程清晰;Olympics.He won the gold medal for the USAunder his 6.name Cassius Clay.ln五人互提示:1996 , he lighted the Olympic flame at theStep2 :探究文本助组:小组间可opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in认真研读课本本单1小组长以相互合Atla nta.Ch in eseathleteshave also made元Reading部分的文主持,互作展示;importa nt 7.to the Olympics.In章,

6、熟悉文章大意,借相交流1984 , China returned to the Games after 32助所学单词完成随堂题目中years ' absence.Deng Yaping , who won four gold笔记中的文章信息填的疑惑medals , is perhaps the 8.female空。部分。table tennis player the world has ever2探讨并see n.Liu Xia ng 9.people all over解答Asia when he became the first Asian to win thestep2 中gol

7、d medal in the men ' s 110-metre hurdles .I的任务wish the Olympic moveme nt a 10.futureStep3 :拓展提升型阅读to match its glorious past.Tha nk you.在完成以上自研的基的填空础上,我们回归到复所填的展示单兀习讲义上的考点对接词,有没 :上有其他Step3:三年考情调研部分。答例:Symbol n. 象征;符号;标志案?文本信息vt.象征;标志:要求:在完成句子翻处理-译之前,请大豕利用子3.听听针对文本reform典查阅随堂笔记中所我的观信息处理,On vacati

8、o n给词的意思! !点:交流并分享将 step2、晨诵文本pote ntial自己的两部分的ugli ness见解。内容呈现 在黑板上。Step4 :晨诵链接A.借助字典完成十人共 同体:要求:晨诵文本屮step1的内 容根据本文章大意组所抽梳理清晰;B.明天早上的晨到的任讲解清晰;务,在组诵课上熟读乂本并完成step2-3 的内容长的带提示:领下进小组间可行互动以相互合交流,形 成本组 的展示 方案。注意:合 理分配 人员及 其所展 示内容, 尽量让 全组成 员都参 与。作展示;晨诵文本:【美文赏析】-第一课时Dear Lower School Pare nts ,I hope you a

9、re enjoying a wonderful summer and taking the time to be lazy before school beg ins August 11.1 have take n some time off to visit family and friends and rm enjoying having time to read.But I have also been very busy preparing for the upcoming year.Ihave no ted below some in formati on to keep you u

10、pdated before August.We will continue to offer Exte nded Day Care for any Lower School stude nt who n eeds tostay after their school day en ds.Exte nded Day runs un til 5: 30 p. m.un der the direct ion of one of our teachers,Becky Hahn with assistanee from two other teachers.We will alsocon ti nue t

11、o offer Homework Hour for 1st5th graders.Debbie Gree n will run the 1st3rd grade hour and Dale Cofield will run the 4th an 5th grade hour.I will also be host ing Lower School coffees throughout the year for anyone who wouldlike to come and visit.The coffees will be at 8: 00 a. m.and will not have an

12、 agenda.Our first coffee will be held in the Lower School Turner Library on Wedn esday, September15th.The teachers are already missing their students and have started returning to their classrooms to prepare for the upco ming year.A nd Mr.Charles has fini shed clea ning and polish ing our buildi ng.

13、The halls are bare but soon they will be bright and cheerful as we prepare for the childre n.Please watch for a letter from your child's new teacher giving details about the upcoming year .In the mean time you can access the Valwood web page and find the summer readi ngassig nments for 3rd 5th g

14、raders.Additi on ally,this year all in formati onregard ing thebeg inning of the 20102011 school year will be posted on the Valwood website.Pleasevisit www.V and click on“Back to School” to view and print theforms.Complete and retur n them to the school by August 10.If you have any questio

15、ns or concerns regarding the Lower School, please do not hesitate to call me at Valwood, extension(电话分机)7333.Si ncerely ,Rhonda Hamma nLower School Dea n随堂笔记引言:本文是某学校负责人在 学校开学前致学生家长的一封信, 向家长说明了新学年的一些注意事 项。处的单词。B:现画面,结 乂。st希寻读一脉络把握1.下列对于Lower Schoo coffees 的描述,正确的用 T 误的用F2确的們第四段的大意的描述,Step1 : upco mi

16、ngagenda mean timeAdditi on allyStep2 :1.A.B.C.D.2.A.B.C.D.(assista nee detailassig nmentThey are inten ded for stude nts only. They will be held every Wedn esday.The first one will be held in August.They will be hosted by Rhonda Hamma n.hesitatehow the stude nts miss their teachershow the teachers

17、prepare their less onshow the pare nts prepare for the new term how the school gets ready for the new school year)学法指导Step3:品读一读出理解Accord ing to Paragraph 5,pare ntsStep3:A. are asked to help their children learn onlineB. may offer their suggestions on the school's websiteC. will receive a letter from the


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