1、分类号 S511 单位代码 10410 UDC 学 号学 位 论 文免耕对水稻生长发育和土壤肥力的影响及高产配套技术研究Effects of No-tillage on Rice Growth and Soil Fertility and I ts High Yield Cultivation Technology of Rice吴建富指导教师姓名: 潘晓华 教授 申请学位级别: 博 士 学 科 名 称 : 作物栽培学与耕作学 论文提交日期:2008.4 论文答辩日期:2008.6学位授予单位和日期: 江西农业大学 2008.6江西农业大学二零零八年五月独 创 性 声 明本人声明,所呈交的学位
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4、季稻免耕抛栽的立苗问题、稻田连续免耕抛栽对土壤理化和生物学性状的影响、免耕抛栽对水稻生长发育及其生理生态特性的影响、免耕抛栽对水稻营养特性的影响以及氮肥运筹对免耕抛栽水稻生长发育及其生理生态特性的影响5个方面进行了较为系统的研究,旨在为该技术的推广应用提供理论基础。主要的研究结果如下:1.免耕抛栽对水稻生长发育及其生理生态特性的影响结果表明:免耕抛栽水稻分蘖时间比翻耕移栽早而比翻耕抛秧的迟,成穗率免耕高于翻耕。免耕1-2年,水稻的结实率和产量均高于翻耕处理,随着免耕时间(3年)的延长,结实率和产量开始下降。水稻根系绝大部分分布在表层(0-5cm)土壤,水稻单穴根系固持力呈翻耕移栽 (CT翻耕抛
5、秧 (CCT免耕抛秧 (NCT,随着免耕年限的延长,这种趋势更明显。分配在叶片中的干物质比例早、晚稻免耕高于翻耕。茎叶干物质表观输出率和转换率均呈NCTCCTCT,输出率和转换率与产量呈显著正相关。水稻群体光合势、势粒比免耕高于翻耕,粒叶比免耕低于翻耕。光合势与产量呈显著正相关,势粒比与结实率、千粒重和籽粒平均灌浆速率呈显著正相关,粒叶比与结实率、千粒重和籽粒平均灌浆速率呈显著负相关。齐穗期颖花伤流量呈NCTCTCCT,颖花伤流量与结实率呈显著正相关。源库增量比呈NCTCCT,CT,源库增量比与产量呈显著正相关。剑叶中叶绿素含量呈NCT CCTCT, POD、CAT活性和MDA 含量免耕均低于
6、翻耕处理,免耕抛栽有利于延缓叶片衰老。2.免耕抛栽水稻的营养特性研究结果表明:早、晚稻氮、磷、钾的总吸收量均呈NCTCCTCT,除晚稻氮吸收量抛秧处理极显著高于翻耕移栽处理外,其它均不显著。早、晚稻生育前期群体氮、磷和钾的吸收量免耕处理均比翻耕处理少,生育中、后期免耕抛秧与翻耕抛秧相近,但均高于翻耕移栽。生产100公斤籽粒所需N、P2O 5、K2O的量各处理差异不大。肥料N的利用率均呈CCTNCTCT,肥料P2O 5、K2O的利用率均呈NCTCCTCT。早、晚稻氮、磷、钾的总吸收量与产量均呈显著相关。3.免耕抛栽对土壤理化和生物学性状的影响稻田免耕1年(2季),有利于土壤物理性状的改善,随着免
8、栽和采用化学药物处理均有利于扎根立苗,早生快发,促进地上部生长。非直立苗的立苗速度与秧龄长短有很大关系,短秧龄有利于加快非直立苗的立苗速度和水稻生长。秧苗抛栽后立苗期每株平均根数和根长、地上部可溶性糖和全氮含量都与立苗密相关。5.氮肥运筹对免耕抛栽稻生长发育及其生理生态特性的影响在施氮量为0-240kg/hm2范围内,免耕抛栽早稻产量随施氮量的增加而显著增加。晚稻产量随施氮量的增加而显著增加,当施氮量超过180 kg/hm2时,产量显著降低。在施氮量为180 kg/hm2条件下,氮肥基蘖肥与穗肥比例早稻以8:2施用效果最好,晚稻以7:3施用效果最好。早发度随着施氮量和基蘖穗肥施氮比例的增加而降
10、一生中氮素的积累量与施氮量呈显著正相关,早、晚稻抽穗至成熟期茎叶氮素的运转率与产量呈显著正相关。免耕抛栽早稻氮肥的吸收利用率随施氮量的增加而增加,随基蘖穗肥施氮比例的增加而降低,晚稻则随施氮量和基蘖穗肥施氮比例的增加而降低,氮肥的生理利用率和农学利用率均随施氮量的增加而降低。关键词:双季稻;免耕抛秧;产量;生理生态特性;立苗;氮肥运筹Effects of No-tillage on Rice Growth and Soil Fertility andI ts High Yield Cultivation Technology of RiceABSTRACTTo investigate the
11、physiological and ecological characteristics of no-tillage in paddy and its high yield cultivation technology of rice, in order to provide the scientific and theoretic foundation for popularizing and applying the technology of no-tillage with seedling throwing, some field experiments were conducted
12、in double cropping rice field during 2005-2007 to study the technology of seedling establishment of no-tillage and cast transplanting rice, effects of paddy field continuous no-tillage and cast transplanted on soil physical and chemical and biological characteristics, effects of no-tillage and cast
13、transplanted on rice growth and development and physiological and ecological characteristics and rice nutritional characteristics, effects of nitrogen management on no-tillage and cast transplanting rice growth and development and physiological and ecological characteristics. The results were as fol
14、lows:1. Effects of no-tillage and cast transplanted on rice growth and physiological and ecological characteristicsThe tillering time was earlier than that in conventional tillage transplant treatment, but was slower than that in conventional tillage cast transplant treatment. the productive tiller
15、percentage was higher than that in conventional tillage cast transplant treatment. After one to two years of continuous no-tillage, the filled grain percentage and rice yield were higher than that in conventional tillage transplant treatment,respectively, as the time (three years of no-tillage prolo
16、ng, the the filled grain percentage and rice yield were decreased, respectively.The profile distribution of root amount was mainly in the 05cm soil layer,the fixing force of rice root was Conventional-tillage transplanting (CT )Conventional-tillage cast transplanting (CCT )No-tillage cast transplant
17、ing (NCT, as the time of no-tillage prolong, the tendency was moreobvious.The ratio of early and late rice dry matter distributed in leaf blades under no-tillage treatment was higher than that under conventional tillage treatment. Apparent transportation ratio and transformation ratio of dry mater i
18、n stems and leaves from fully heading to maturity stage were NCTCCT CT, there was a positive correlation significantly between the apparent transportation ratio and transformation ratio and yield.The population photosynthetic potential and photosynthetic potential-grain ratio of no-tillage and cast
19、transplant treatment were higher than that in conventional tillage treatment,respectively, the grain-leaf ratio of no-tillage and cast transplant treatment was lower than that in conventional tillage treatment.There was a positive correlation significantly between photosynthetic potential and yield,
20、 there was a positive correlation significantly between photosynthetic potential-grain ratio and filled grain percentage and 1000-grain weight and average grain filling rate, there was a negative correlation significantly between grain-leaf ratio and filled grain percentage and 1000-grain weight and
21、 average grain filling rate.The spikelet-root bleeding intensity of fully heading stage was NCTCT CCT, there was a positive correlation significantly between spikelet-root bleeding intensity and filled grain percentage.The ratio of source to sink in increment was NCTCCT ,CT, there was a positive cor
22、relation significantly between source to sink in increment and yield.The content of chlorophyll in flag leaf after heading was NCTCCT CT. The POD and CAT and the content of MDA in flag leaf under no-tillage and cast transplant treatment were lower than that under conventional tillage treatments, res
23、pectively, no-tillage and cast transplant treatment was beneficial to retardation leaf senescence.2. Study on the nutritional characteristics of no-tillage and cast transplanted rice The results showed that total N, P2O 5 and K2O accumulation in early and late rice followed the order that NCTCCT CT,
24、 late rice N accumulation of NCT and CCT was higher than that of CT. The early and late rice N, P2O 5 and K2O accumulation ofNCT in the early stage was lower than that of CCT and CT, NCT and CCT were similar at middle and late stages, and were higher than that of CT. The N, P2O 5 and K 2O requiremen
25、t per 100 kg grain of different treatments were the same. The N use efficiency of early and later rice followed the order that CCTNCT CT, the P2O 5 and K2O use efficiency followed the order that NCTCCT CT.There was a close correlation between the amount of N, P2O 5 and K2O uptake and rice yield.3. E
26、ffects of no-tillage and cast transplanted on soil physical and chemical and biological characteristicsThe no-tillage treatment of one year (two season)improved soil physical properties, as the time (three years six season of no-tillage prolonged, the physics characteristics were going to be bad. Bu
27、t after two years of no-tillage, the cultivated horizon soil density was decreased and the total porosity and non-capillary were increased by milk vetch and straw incorporation. The no-tillage treatment increased soil nutrients content in the surface layer.Soil analysis showed that in no-tillage fie
28、ld, three kinds of soil microbe amounts were lower than that in conventional tillage treatment, the amount of soil bacteria was increased, while that of soil antinomies and fungi was reduced.The urease activity of surface layer soil was increased, while the catalase and peroxidase activity were redu
29、ced. There was a significantly positive correlation between the urease, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity and soil organic matter and total N, while there was a significantly positive correlation between peroxidase activity and soil total N and available K.4. Study on the seedling establishme
30、nt characters and seedling establishment technology of no-tillage and cast transplanting riceThe results showed that no-tillage seedling broadcasting cultivation was beneficial to root standing, seedling establishment, early growth and above-soil growth under the condition of appropriate low water(a
31、round 1 cm,short seedling age ,appropriate increase N at the early growth stage, appropriate straw incorporation(1200 kg/hm2, dry land seedling raising on plastic trays and chemical medicines. The speed of seedling establishment no-direct seedlings had great relationto seedling age, short seedling a
32、ge quickened seedling establishment and promoted rice growth.There was a close correlation between average root number and roots length per plant, soluble sugar, total N content of topsoil and seedling establishment after seedling broadcasting with no-tillage.5. Effects of nitrogen management on no-
33、tillage and cast transplanting rice growth and physiological and ecological characteristicsThe grain yield of no-tillage and cast transplanting early rice was significantly increased with the nitrogen application from 0 to 240 kg.hm-2, while that of no-tillage cast transplanting late rice was signif
34、icantly increased with the nitrogen application from 0 to 180 kg.hm-2, during the amount of N application in excess of 180 kg.hm-2, the grain yield was significantly decreased. At the same application levels of N(180 kg.hm -2),the N(8:2 (basic-tiller fertilizer: panicle fertilizer treatment had the
35、highest grain yield in early rice, while the N(7:3 treatment had the highest grain yield in late rice.The ratio of shoot dry weight to LAI in 1st branch differentiation period was decreased with the nitrogen application and proportion of N application used as basic-tiller fertilizer and panicle fert
36、ilizer increasing,there was positive correlation significantly between the ratio of shoot dry weight to LAI in 1st branch differentiation period and the productive tiller percentage and yield.The dry matter yield of no-tillage and cast transplanting early and late rice was increased with the amounts
37、 of nitrogen application increasing; there was a positive correlation significantly between the dry matter yield and grain yield and the N accumulation of rice population. The N (7:3 treatment had the highest dry matter yield of early and late rice, while the N (10:0 treatment had the lowest dry mat
38、ter yield of early and late rice at the same application levels of nitrogen.The population photosynthetic potential after heading and spikelet-root bleeding intensity of heading stage of no-tillage and cast transplanting early and late rice were increased with the amounts of nitrogen application inc
39、reasing, on the contrary, these were decreased with the proportion of N application used as basic-tiller fertilizer andpanicle fertilizer increasing. There was a positive correlation significantly between the amounts of N application and population photosynthetic potential, while there was a negativ
40、e correlation significantly between the proportion of N application used as basic-tiller fertilizer and panicle fertilizer and population photosynthetic potential. There were positive correlation significantly between the population photosynthetic potential and spikelet-root bleeding intensity and g
41、rain yield.The N accumulation of no-tillage and cast transplanting early and late rice at maturity stage was increased with the amounts of nitrogen application increasing, while it was decreased with proportion of N application used as basic-tiller fertilizer and panicle fertilizer increasing at the
42、 same application levels of nitrogen. There was a positive correlation significantly between the amounts of N application and N accumulation; there was a positive correlation significantly between the N transfer efficiency and grain yieldThe fertilizer-N recovery efficiency of no-tillage cast transp
43、lanting early rice was increased with the amounts of nitrogen application increasing, while it was decreased with the proportion of N application used as basic-tiller fertilizer and panicle fertilizer increasing, but that of no-tillage and cast transplanting late rice was decreased with the amounts
44、of nitrogen application and the proportion of N application used as basic-tiller fertilizer and panicle fertilizer increasing, the fertilizer-N physiological efficiency and agronomic efficiency were decreased with the amounts of nitrogen application increasing.KEY WORDS: Double cropping rice; No-til
45、lage cast transplaning; Yield; Physiological and ecological characteristics; Seedling establishment; Nitrogen management目 录摘 要.I ABSTRACT. IV 缩写语.XIII前言.1第一章 水稻免耕栽培研究进展.21.免耕的涵义与特点. 21.1免耕的涵义. 21.2免耕栽培的特点. 22.免耕的发展现状. 32.1 国外免耕的发展.32.2国内免耕的发展. 53.稻田免耕对土壤特性的影响. 63.1免耕对土壤物理性状的影响. 63.2 免耕对土壤化学性状的影响.93.
46、3免耕对土壤生物学性质的影响. 134.免耕对水稻生长发育的影响. 144.1 对水稻生长和群体结构的影响.144.2 对水稻产量和经济效益的影响.165.水稻免耕抛秧在生产中应注意的几个问题. 165.1 化学除草灭茬问题.165.2 有机肥料施用问题.175.3 立苗难的问题.175.4 倒伏的问题.185.5 高产稳产问题.185.6 后期早衰问题.196.水稻免耕抛秧还值得研究的问题. 19第二章 免耕抛栽对水稻生长发育及其生理生态特性的影响.201.材料与方法. 201.1供试材料. 201.2试验设计. 201.3测定指标与方法. 211.4有关指标的计算方法. 221.5 数据处
47、理.232.结果与分析. 232.1 免耕对水稻产量及构成因素的影响.232.2 免耕对水稻分蘖和叶面积动态的影响.252.3 免耕对水稻根系生长的影响.272.4 免耕对水稻干物质生产与转运的影响.292.5 免耕对水稻群体透光率的影响.322.6 免耕对水稻源库特性的影响.322.7 免耕对叶片衰老的影响.392.8 免耕对稻米品质的影响.413.讨论. 42第三章 免耕抛栽水稻的营养特性研究.451.材料与方法. 451.1供试材料和试验设计. 451.2测定指标与方法. 451.3数据处理. 452.结果与分析. 452.1群体氮的吸收特性. 452.2群体磷的吸收特性. 482.3 群体钾的吸收特性.492.4 生产100 kg籽粒N、P2O 5、K2O的需要量.512.5 肥料N、P2O 5、K2O的利用率. 522.6 水稻群体氮磷钾的吸收量与产量的关系.523.讨论
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