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1、新版 7BUnit1 Dream homes重点知识点讲义1) day dream 白日梦 dream of/about.做()的梦E:l dreamed of /about having many delicious food last night. 我梦想着昨晚吃了很多美食。2) Summer Palace 颐和园Mou nt Fuji富士山the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔Big Ben大本钟3) next to紧挨着Palace Museum故宫博物馆 the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Phra Pathom Chedi 佛统佛塔Sai nt Sbasil

2、' s Cathed圣巴所大教堂E:The restaura nt is n ext to the restroon饭店紧挨着卫生间E: There is a big shopping mall next door.next door隔壁(后置定语)隔壁是一个大的购物商场。4) the capital of的首都(省会)E: Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu. 南京是江苏的省会。5) look out at sth.向外看到.E:We can look out at th

3、e beach and the sea from the window. 我们可以从窗户看到大海和海滩look out of sth. 从向外看E:We can look out of the window.我们可以向窗外看。6) on the beach 在沙滩上 lie on the beach躺在沙滩上E: It is comfortable to lie on the beach.躺在沙滩上很舒服。7) wooden adj 木质的E: It is a wooden house这是一个木屋。wood un.木头 E: It is made of the wood这是木制的。 woods

4、 n.小树林8) get into sth.进入.E: I climb a ladder to get into my house我爬楼梯进入我的房子。get on . 上车 E: Look!They are getting on the bus看! 他们正在上公交车!9) in my family =. of my family 在我家E: I am the sec ond child of my family.我 是我们家第二个孩子。E: I am the member in my family.我是我们家的主人。10) There is lots of rain here.=It rai

5、ns a lot here. 这儿多雨。11) .while.当的时候表示两件事同时发生E: I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner 我经常当我妈妈做饭时坐 在厨房12) in the centre of .在的中心 in the centre of the (city).在市中心E: I live in the centre of Changzhou.我住在常州的市中心。13) busy with .忙于.busy doing .忙于做.E: I am busy with my work.我忙于我的工作。E: I am

6、busy doing shopping我忙于购物。14) share v.共享share sth.with sb.禾口.共享.E: I share a bedroom with my sisiter. 我和我妹妹共用一个房间。15) the best place to do sth.做最好的地方E: A garden is the best place to grow flowers.16) most + n.大多数 most of the +n.中的大多数E: Most people like to go shopping 大多数人喜欢购物。E: Most of the students w

7、ears nike 大多数学生穿 Nike.17) look at on eself (in the mirror)(从镜子中)看到自己E: I can look at myself in the mirror.我可以从镜子中看到我自己。18) sit in the armchair 坐在扶手椅里E:我总是在做作业的时候坐在扶手椅里19)above 在.的斜上方 at the back of在的后部 betwee n在.禾口之间in front of在的前面in the middle of在的中间 next to紧挨着over在的正上方I always sit in the armchair

8、when I am doing my homework.after在之后(可用于时间)behi nd在之后(指方位)before 在.之前in the front of(在的前部)in side在里面opposite在.对面un der在.的正下方on the left of =on one ' s left在.的左边 on the right of =on one ' right 在.的右 边20) thousands of .成千的.hundreds of . 成百的.E: There are hun dreds of students in the playguoun操

9、场上有数百个学生。21) Cardi nal numbers 基数词Ordi nal numbers 序数词1=one1=first2=two2=second3=three3=third4=four4=fouth5=five5=fifth6=six6=sixth7= seve n7=seve nth8=eight8=eighth9二nine9二ninth10= ten11二eleve n12二twelve13二thirteen20=twe nty21=twe nty-one22=twe nty-two23=twe nty-three30=thirty10=te nth11=eleve nth1

10、2二twelfth13=thirtee nth20=twe ntieth21= twe nty-first 22=twe nty-sec ond 23=twe nty-third 30=thirtieth22) arrive v.到达arrive in至U达(用于较大的场所:coun try,city)arrive at .至U达(用于相对较小的场所:statio n ,ba nk,supermarke)E: I will arrive in Hongkong next week.我将在一周后到达香港。I will arrive at Changzhou bus station this ni

11、ght.23) 现在进行时表示将来: be arriving be coming be going be leaving24) can' t wait to do s迫不及待地做.E: I can ' t wahatve an ice-creambecause it ' s too hot today . 我迫不及待地想吃一个冰激凌因为这天太热了。wait for sb.(sth.) 等wait for one ' s tifrie的轮次25) free 1)空闲的2)免费的E: Today I am free 今天我很空。E: This ticket is f

12、ree.这张车牌免费。26) trip短途旅行 travel旅游 journey长途旅行E: We will have a trip this weekend.这周末我们将去短途旅行E: You will be tired after the long plane journey 长途旅行后你会很累的。27) from.to. 从.到.表示地点:E: The bus is from Wang fujing street toTian an ' men Square表示时间:E: From seven to half past seven a.m. , I brush my teeth

13、and wash my face . 表示单个数量或顺序:E: You can choose any girl fromto00你可以选择1100的任何一个女孩。E: Please read the number from 1 to 10请读出数字 110。28) really adv.真正的,实在的E: I really want to go to England .我真的很想去英国。really want to do sth .很想做某事E: I really want to tell you something about myself .我真的很想告诉你一些关于我的事29) Let s

14、b (宾格).do sth .让做.E: Let us go to the dinosaur park .我们一起去恐龙园吧。30) Don' t worry(about ) 别担心()E: Dont worry aborufe ,1 can do it别担心我,我可以做到31) take sb. to sp .带去.E: I can take you to the restroom我可以带你去卫生间。E: I can take you home .(home在这里作为副词,前面不需要加介词)我可以带 你回家。take care of .很注意 照顾 / 照料.= look after

15、 .照顾.E: Please take care of your health .请注意你的身体。E: Your mother is ill , please look after her carefully你妈妈病了,麻烦小心地照 顾她。It takes sb. sb . sm / st 钱/时间)to do sth .这花费了我.做.E: It takes me 30minutes to get up (It无实际意义)这花费了我30分钟起床。 take (one ' ts)rn(s) to do sth .等到的轮次E: I am taking my turn to play t

16、he computer games .我正在等我玩游戏的轮次。 take (a) photo(s) of .拍关于.的照片E: I like taking a photo of me .我喜欢拍艺术照。32) score n.得分 point n.(几)分E: ?:How many poi nts do you get in the exam in ati on考试中,你得了几分?My score is 99 points 我得了 99 分。33) at least 至少 at most 最多E: At least ,there are 50 boys pass the tes至少有 50个男

17、孩通过了测试。 You can play about 20 minutes at most你最多可以玩 20 分钟。34) be the same as .禾口 一样 =as same as .与之相反: be different from .禾口. 不一样E: Your bag is the same as mine (my bag).二Your bag is as same as mine . Your shoes is differe nt from mi nt ,but they both look cool .你的鞋子和我的鞋子不一样,但都很酷。35) Thank sb. for (

18、doing) sth .感谢.E: Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party . owner n.主人、拥有者 the owner of .E:I am the owner of my grey cat我是我的灰猫的主人。own v.拥有E: I own a bedroom 我拥有我的卧室。own adj.自己的E: I have my own bedroom 我有自己的卧室。36) 动词类型:1) 行为动词 :go come2) Be 动词:am is areA 系动词3) 感官动词:sou nd feel4) 情态动词:must should5) 助动词:do does didE: Your house is


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