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1、教 学 设 计 钢城四小 吕璐单元8课题My room课时2nd课型会话教学内容Part2,3教学目标To listen and say the chantTo do the exercises重点难点To understand the sentences: Wheres my? Look . (prep.)the . Its not there. The is (prep.) the.教学准备教具,展示台,录音机教 学 过 程 设 计复 备Step 1:GreetingReview some prep :on, under, in front of ,behind, in.T: Hello,

2、 boys and girls, Lets do the finger Movement. Step2:Presentation1. Show a picture of a room. Review some words of room.(房间里只有单词,没有图片,要学生看图片读单词并将图片贴在房间里相应的位置。) 有的图片在房间里找不到单词,新授”Its not there.”(板书”Its not there.”)2.T: Im Toby.(师戴Toby 头饰) This is my room. Can you describe my room? Review the pattern of

3、 “there be”3.T: Wheres my ? / S1: Its (prep.) the .T: We also can say: The is (prep.) the .( 板书Wheres my ?和The is the .)操练The is the . Sundays Plan Time Do 9:00do homework4.Show a plan .(创设情境)T:Today is Sunday.Its nine oclock. Im going to do my homework.,I need some schoolthings. What are they? List

4、en to the chant. Take out your paper, circle the right schoolthings.Check the answer:pencil,ruler,book.5.listen again. Find out where I am Looking for my schoolthings. Match.Check the answer:pencil (under the wardrobe),ruler(behind the curtains), book(under the table).T:Can you make a mark in my roo

5、m?(引导学生边在图上用彩色吸铁石做记号边说句型Wheres my ? “Look . the .”(板书:“Look . the .”)6.Listen the third time.T:Is my pencil under the wardrobe? S:No. Its not there.(让学生明白文具不在那些位置。为顺利过渡到第三题练习做铺垫。)7.Open the books. Read the chant together.8.Look at the board, read the chant.9.Read it in groups. Show time.Step 3:Conso

6、lidation 1.T:Wheres my.? Who can help me looking for my schoolthings?2. Circle the pencil,ruler,book and eraser.3.Talk in groups. The is the.4.Check the answer in class. Step4: Extension1. Show the plan .Its two oclock .Im going to a party. I need some clothes. Wheres my tie? Can you help me? T stic

7、k four cards(卡片正面都是空白,只有一张卡片反面有tie的图,其余均为空白) in the room .Let the pupils look for the right place . 2. Make a new chant together.(师要进行创编chant方法的渗透.)3. Wheres my cap? (过程同上)Step 5:Practice in groups.1. Show the plan (情境延续). T:Its seven oclock .Im going to play with my toys. Take out your paper of you

8、r room . You can choose a toy to make a chant. Work in groups. Talk about the chant ,then write down.2. Show time.3. Whos room is tidy and beautiful? (展示各小组的房间效果图,简单点评。) Step 6:Summary&Homework 1. Everything,you can find it if your room is tidy. (让学生明白,房间整洁,东西就容易找到)2. Homework :Choose a thing, m

9、ake a chant.教学评价每组给孩子们准备的奖品都是房间里物品的贴纸,孩子们将得到的贴纸用于装饰自己的房间,既激发了他们的学习热情,为后面的小组操练做铺垫,又培养他们养成将房间布置干净整洁的好习惯。附录:To the children:1. Circle the right schoolthings.(圈出Toby 在找的文具)2. Match.(Toby在哪些地方找的这些文具,请连线。) 3. Finish the chant.( 小组活动,完成韵律诗的编写)Wheres my _? Wheres my _?Look _ the _. Look _ the _. Its not there. Its not there.Wheres my _? Wheres my _?Look _ the _. Look _ the _. Its not there. Its not there.Wheres my _? Wheres my _?Look _ the _. Look _ the _. Its not there. Its not there.Wheres my _? Wheres my _?Look _ the _. Look _ the _. Its here. Its here. The _ is _ the _.To the groups:My r


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