1、Chapter 4 Word Formation IIThe Minor Processes of Word-Formationcopyrights reserved 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II2Minor Processes of Word FormationInitialismsAcronymsAcronymyBack clippingsFront clippingsFront and backPhrase clippingsClippingSee PP 120-124of Text BookBlendingBack-FormatiomNam
2、es of scentistsNames of politiciansNames of placesTrade marks and Lit.Words fromProper NamesReduplicationNeoclassicalFormationMiscellaneousEight Minor Processes2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II31. Initialism nDefinition:nInitialism is a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to for
3、m a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase. An initialism is pronounced letter by letter. nBBC; VOA; EU; FBI; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II4a) The letters represent full words nUN = United Nations nMIT = Massachusetts Institute of TechnologynIOC = International Olympic CommitteenISBN = I
4、nternational Standard Book NumbernRAM = random-access memorynROM = read-only memory; UFO; WHO; nABD (All But Dissertation); 准博士nPOW; 战俘2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II5b) The letters represent elements in a compound or just parts of a word.nTV; nTB = Tuberculosis; nID = identification card; n G
5、CE Alevel and Olevel; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II6c)nc) A letter represents the complete form of the first (or the first two) word(s), while the second word is in full form.nH- bomb = hydrogen bomb2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II7Acronym Gr. akro = at the end + anyma = name nAcronyms
6、differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words rather than as sequences of letters. nNATO; SAM = surface-to-air missile; UNESCO; OPEC; ASEAN; RADA =radio detecting and rangingnAIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; TOEFL; nSARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.2022-1-30Chapter
7、IV Word Formation II82. Clipping/shortening nDefinition:nThe deletion of one or more syllables from a word (noun), which is also available in its full form.ngas - gasoline; bus - omnibus; prefab - prefabricated house; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II9a) Back clippings: nThe deletion occurs at t
8、he end of the word.nauto - automobile;n amp - ampere; amplifier; nad - advertisement; ndeb - debutante, nlim - limousine; nphoto; taxi; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II10b) Front clippings: n phone; plane; copter = helicopter; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II11c) Front and back clippings:
9、nThe deletion occurs at both ends of the word.nflu = influenza; nfridge = refrigerator; nscript = prescription 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II12d) Middle clippings: nThe deletion occurs at the middle of the word. n bike; mike; maths; secs = spectacles2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II13e) P
10、hrase clippings: nThe shortening of a phrase into one word.n pub = public house; nprefab = prefabricated house; npop = popular song singer; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II143. Blending portmanteau word nportmanteau Fr. porter = carry + manteau = a cloak a stiff suitcase that opens into two com
11、partmentsn Definition: the new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms:n newscast = news + broadcast; nbrunch = breakfast + lunch2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II15a) The first part of the
12、 first word + the last part of the second word. naviation + electronics = avionics; nmean + stingy = mingy; nstagnation + inflation = stagflation; nbinary + digit = bit; nmotel; nsmog; nbeauty + utility = beautility; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II16d) First part of the first word + full form
13、of the second word. nmedicare; medicaid; motown; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II173. Back-formation nDefinition: nBack-formation is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by he deletion of a supposed affix. It is considered to be the opposite process of affixation. And it is al
14、so known as a reverse derivation. 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II18nSelf-destructnRefrigeratenArm-twistnDiagnose nDonatenEnthuse nElectrocute nLoaf nSculptnEavesdropnself destructionnrefrigeratornarm-twistingndiagnosisndonationnenthusiasmnelectrocutionnloafernsculptorneavesdropping2022-1-30Cha
15、pter IV Word Formation II195. Words from proper names1)Words from the names of scientists nWatt-, nVolt-, nOhm-, nAmpere-nHertz-, nFaraday- farad faradize; faradizationnpasteurize, - ndiesel n British physicistn Italian physicist VoltanGerman physicistnFrench physicistnGerman physicistnBritish physi
16、cist farad , - Louis Pasteur (1822-1895); nGerman inventor; 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II202.Words from the names of politicians and statesmen nNicotine, nJohn HancocknFranklin: We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately.nQuisling V.A.I Quisling (1887-1945)nMcCarth
17、yism- J.R. McCarthy (1909-1957)2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II213.Words from the names of places nchina; njapan nchampagne nBerlin Wall nWatergate, nIran-gate, nWhitewater2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II224. Words from trademarksnMickey Mouse nKodak; nVaseline, 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Fo
18、rmation II235. Words from literature n Judas,n Solomon na Shylock; na BenedicknLilliputian nscrooge nCatch-22 2022-1-30Chapter IV Word Formation II244.6 Reduplication: nDefinition:nA compound is created by the repetition of one word or by putting together two almost identical words, with slight vowel or consonant changes.n(See p134 of text book)2022-1-30Chapter IV
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