



1、 9B Unit1 复习提纲 Welcome to the unit1.被机器人照顾be cared for by robots2.戴着太空帽出去wear helmets to go out3.以药丸的形式in the form of pills4.使人们感到很不舒服make people feel very(terribly) ill5.弹吉他play the guitar6.戴着一付太阳镜wear a pair of sunglasses7.许多随身听many walkmans8.一盒火柴a box of matches9.渔网fishing net10.梦想在月球野营dream abou

2、t camping on the moonReading11.现在,目前at the moment=at present12.到2100年为止by the year 2100=by 210013.变得越来越拥挤,越来越来受污染的become more and more crowed and polluted14.装载大量的人去火星carry large numbers of people to Mars15.乘坐航天飞机花费很短时间take a very short time in space shuttles16.以光速的一半行驶travel at half the speed of lig

3、ht17.需要养气来生存need oxygen to survive18.地球重力的八分之三three-eighths of the gravity on Earth19.漂浮到太空中去float away into space20.穿着特别的靴子以使他们自己更重wear special boots to make themselves heavier21.各种各样的式样供移居者们从中选择various designs for settlers to choose from22.把A和B做比较compare A with B23.住在有10个卧室的穹顶状的建筑物里live in a dome

4、with 10 bedrooms24.被连接到星际间的网络上去be connected to an interplanetary network25.在网上学校at online schools26.和一样美味 有不同口味的食物as tasty asfood with different tastes27.一种能够阻止我们在空中漂浮的力量a force that can stop us floating in the air28.各种各样的交通工具all kinds of vehicles29.在正常的学校里in normal schoolsVocabulary30.拍高质量的图片take h

5、igh-quality images31.提供好多小时的空气provide many hours of air32.有很多储存空间with lots of memory space33.被储存很多个月be stored/kept/saved for many months34.被固定到墙上be fixed to the wall35.在行星的表面行走walk on the surface of the planet36.为太空服提供能量provide energy for the spacesuit37.干缩的食物dried food38.数码相机digital camera39.氧气罐air

6、 tank40.太空睡袋space sleeping bagGrammar41.在太阳系中in the solar system42.发送一个机器人到火星上去send a robot onto Mars42.使他的梦想实现make his dream come true43.对有把握be certain of sth肯定做某事be certain to do sth肯定做be certain +that 从句Integrated Skills 44.进行一个调查conduct a survey一个在镇江进行的调查a survey conducted in Zhenjiang45.学生的百分比p

7、ercentage of the students 百分之五十的学生50 percent of the students46.从地球搬出去move away from the earth47.由于住在那儿而生病get ill from living there48.远离be far away from49.以一个讨论开始start(begin) with a discussion50.与完全不同be quite different from51.害怕看到外星人be afraid of seeing aliens害怕做某事be afraid to do sth52.对有伤害do harm to

8、sb/sth(be harmful to )53.让机器人做所有的作业have robots do all the homework54.生活在火星上的有点(劣势)(dis)advantages of living on MarsStudy Skills, Main Task& Checkout55.略读和找读skimming and scanning56.完成绕太阳一圈complete a circle around the sun57.呈现出红色appear red58.142000000英里远142,000,000 miles away59.用激光使他们远离keep them a

9、way with laser light60.由交通引起的空气污染air pollution caused by traffic61.低重力的篮球比赛low-gravity basketball games62.火星美元Mars dollars63.每一元钱大概得到10火星美元get about M$10 for every ¥164.起飞/脱下take off65.坐在窗旁sit by the windowGrammar宾语从句 引导词:连接宾语从句的常用的连词有: that, if, whether, who, whom, whose, what, when, where, how, wh

10、y, whoever, whomever, whenever, wherever 一 陈述句充当宾语从句: 陈述句充当宾语从句用that引导,that可以省略。 Lily said that she was much better. I never doubt that you are a good boy.二一般疑问句充当宾语从句: 1一般疑问句充当宾语从句用if 或whether引导,从句应采取陈述句的语序。 I dont know if/whether he likes his motherland. I wonder if/whether Jack can swim in such a

11、 wide river. I doubt if /whether he can arrive on time. 2. whether引导宾语从句时可以互换,但是下列情况只能用whether。 1)介词后的宾语从句用whether引导。 Im worrying about whether she will come. 2)宾语从句提前时,用whether引导。 Whether you can come, I dont care.(我不介意你是否能来) 3)后面紧跟or not时,应用whether引导。 We dont know whether or not she will like the

12、gift. 4)与代替从句的不定式连用时,应用whether引导。 I dont know whether to go or stay. (我不知道是去还是留) 三.特殊疑问句充当宾语从句: 保留原来的疑问词,并改为陈述句的语序。 Do you know where Jims home is? The teacher asked me why you were late for school. Her brother asked me whose book this was . 四使用宾语从句应该注意的问题。 1主句与从句的时态应一致。如果主句为一般现在时,从句的时态可以根据情况用任何一种时态

13、。 I hear (that) he often reads this book. I hear (that) he is reading this book. I hear (that) he will read this book. I hear (that) he read this book. I hear (that) he has already read this book. 2如果主句为一般过去时,从句的时态必须是是含有过去的时态。(一般过去时,过去将来时,过去完成时,过去进行时) Tom said (that) he would visit his grandfather t

14、he next week.He asked me what had happened to me.We didnt know if he had seen this film. 注意:当宾语从句叙述的是事实,客观真理或谚语时,从句都用一般现在时。 例如:The teacher told us (that) the earth moves around the sun. My father said (that) there are four seasons in a year3从句的语序问题。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述句的语序。 注意:以下几个句子在改为宾语从句时不要改变句子顺序。I didnt

15、 know what was the matter.Can you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital?I want to know what is wrong with him.I wonder what is happening.4宾语从句否定前移的问题。 当主句的主语为第一人称,动词为“think, believe, suppose, guess”等时,若从句是否定句,应当把否定句转移到主句上来。 E.g: I dont think you are right. (我认为你不对) We didnt guess the girl

16、s team would win. (我们猜女队不会赢) 注意: 比较下列句子的不同: I dont know if he will tell (tell) me when he will come (come) here.I dont know if he will tell (tell) me when he comes (come) here. He didnt know how to solve this problem.= He didnt know how he could solve this problem I found that it was difficult to fi

17、nish the work in such a short time.I found it difficult to finish the work in such a short time.句型:1. How do you like life on Mars? = What do you think of life on Mars?2. I thought you liked Mars这里的thought为“原以为”e.g. Look, Kate is swimming in the river. I didnt know she could swim.3. Hopefully, we ca

18、n start again and build a better world on Mars.4. Our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars.5. What is the population of China? Two-thirds of the population in this town are workers.6. I think dried food is the most (least) important thing for an astronaut.7. I am wondering if there will be many people willing t to move to Mars.8. The surface of Mars is more like the surface of Earth than th


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