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1、 When I 1._ _ _ these times And the dreams we 2._ _ Ill be glad cause I 3._ _ to get To have you in my life When I 4._ _ _ these days Ill look and see your face You were right there for meIn my dreams Ill always see you 5._ _the sky In my heart There always be 6._Ill keep a part of you with me And e

2、verywhere I am There youll be And everywhere I am There youll be Well you showed me how it feels To feel the sky 7._ _ _And I always will remember 8._ _ _ you gave to meYour love made me 9._ _ _Oh, I 10._ so much to you 1.think back on 2. left behind 3.was blessed 4.look back on 5. soar above 6.a pl

3、ace for you for all my life 7.within my reach 8.all the strength 9.make it through 10. owe When I think back on these times And the dreams we left behind/ Ill be glad cause I was blessed to get To have you in my life / When I look back on these days Ill look and see your face / You were right there

4、for me In my dreams Ill always see you soar above the sky/ In my heart There always be a place for you for all my life/ Ill keep a part of you with me And everywhere I am There youll be / Well you showed me how it feels To feel the sky within my reach/ And I always will remember all the strength you

5、 gave to me/Your love made me make it through Oh, I owe so much to you 九宫格 议论文一开头往往不直接点出1._,而是写一个有兴趣的2._ or _.他的功能是抓住读者留意力,给读者一个清新活泼的印象,从而自然的导入中心论点。 另一个要素位于文章结尾。读结束尾段开头的重申全文论题的_ 后,心里能够会想,这篇论述有什么意义呢?能从得出什么启示呢 ?所以文章结尾要提点建议,或说点风趣的话,来回答读者心中正想着的问题,这个全文的收尾构造叫_ Hook narration Thesis sentence contrastAfter

6、the Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles a few years ago, I discovered something interesting about my pets. My cats took care of themselves by hiding in places where things could not fall on them, and they ate whatever food they could find. On the other hand, my dog was crying and needed to be taken

7、 care of. He still needed me to feed him and take him for a walk. From my experience, I saw that indoor cats make better pets than indoor dogs because cats do not need to be exercised, they clean themselves, and they are born potty-trained. thesisrestatement so-what Indoor cats make better pets than

8、 indoor dogs because cats dont need to be exercised, they clean themselves, and theyre born potty-trained. Think about these things the next time youre considering owning a pet. Unless you dont have enough to do in your life already, a cat should be your choice. The thesis statement contains the cen

9、tral idea of the essay. It should be a declarative statement and assert an opinion instead of stating a fact. It usually appears at the end of the introduction, bringing the logic of the introduction to a close and providing a natural transition to the body. 论点是作者对论题所持的观念。一篇论说文要求有一个中心论点,往往在第一部分的末尾,以

10、陈说方式表述出来。 中心论点句可以只对全文论题发表看法: Media violence exerts a negative influence on children. Media violence affects children by : increasing aggressiveness and anti-social behavior; making them less sensitive to violence and to victims of violence; and encouraging their appetite for more violence in enterta

11、inment and in real life.The universities are expanding the enrolment. 只陈说现实,没有观念。Universities shouldnt expand the enrolment.2. Can you imagine life without water? 中心论点不应以问句方式出现:问句不能明确摆明观念。 Life can not exist without water.3. I believe that it is possible that the increase of cars could have a negati

12、ve influence on traffic. 评判语太多。The increasing number of cars has a negative influence on traffic.4. All businessmen are foxy. 观念过于绝对。 Too many businessmen are foxy. 5. In this article I will talk about cohabitation among university students. 一:不够简练,“ In this article I will talk about 多余,不需出现中心论点中。 二

13、:只需论题,没有观念。 Cohabitation should be discouraged among university students.大学里面没有甩人和被甩大学里面没有甩人和被甩的阅历,人生不完好的阅历,人生不完好 为什么我的眼里常含泪水,由于我对他爱得深沉 同窗们不要趴在桌子上,这方面我很有阅历的,大学时我几乎每节课都趴桌子, 所以我的每一本书都很脏。跟大家说,人生贵在坚持,今天我能看到他们曾经很高兴了,我们再坚持一会儿,还有 还有4个小时是吧? 学英语的那个郁闷 以后中国强大了,让小鬼子学汉语,小学升初中,初中升高中,高中考大学都要考汉语,用毛笔答题,这是客气的,真实不行,一人

14、丢个他们一把刀,一个乌龟壳,让他们刻甲骨文,作文标题就是: 论三个代表 中国古代两大著名美女林黛玉和杨贵妃, 前者是美人上马马不知, 后者是美人上马马不支 一个段落总是围绕主题句展开,任何一句话都不能与主题句无关。我们把主题句后面的一串句子叫做承题部分.support承题部分承题部分 Development 展开 Illustration 例释定义关键词描画过程比较与对照阐明因果 举例例举统计数据 Secondly, drinking soybean milk is healthier than drinking milk. Milk is good for health, but it ha

15、s cholesterol and lactose while soybean milk does not. Thus, those who have a habit of drinking milk have a higher risk of getting hypertension. By contrast, the habit of drinking soybean milk keeps people in a safer distance from being caught by those diseases, and at the same time contributes to s

16、trengthening immunity and maintaining physical condition. Accordingly, soybean milk is more beneficial to health. Firstly, soybean milk is more nutritious than milk. Milk is said to be rich in protein. However, the content of protein in soybean mild is 2.56%, 0.56%higher than that of milk. Significa

17、ntly, the amount of iron in soybean milk is 25 times of that in milk. It is obvious that soybean milk provides better nutrition than milk does. A Over B Hook narration Thesis sentence contrastAfter the Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles a few years ago, I discovered something interesting about my

18、pets. My cats took care of themselves by hiding in places where things could not fall on them, and they ate whatever food they could find. On the other hand, my dog was crying and needed to be taken care of. He still needed me to feed him and take him for a walk. From my experience, I saw that indoo

19、r cats make better pets than indoor dogs because cats do not need to be exercised, they clean themselves, and they are born potty-trained.topic sentence 1 Supportdevelopment contrast wrap-up Indoor cats do not need a person to exercise them but dogs do. Dogs need to be walked every day so that they

20、can be healthy and calmer. Cats do not depend on a person for exercise because cats exercise on their own. Although both pets need their exercise, cats manage on their own. Therefore, cats need less attention than dogs. Topic sentence 2 support (illustration) contrast wrap-up Indoor cats are easier

21、to keep clean than dogs. For instance, when dogs are taken for a walk, they usually do not come back as clean as when they left. Dogs will get dirty by walking through mud puddles and rolling around on peoples lawns. Cats do not need to be taken on walks, so they are not as dirty as dogs. When dogs get dirty, they need to be given a bath, and when cats get dirty, they clean themselves. Therefore, cats have a better sense of hygiene than dogs do. Topic sentence 3 support(development) contrastCause and effect wrap-up Finally, cats are e


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