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1、Accessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersChang-Dong WangSun YaUniversity, P. R.wangchd3Course website:Accessing the CloudOutlineAccessing the CloudDr. Wang1PlatformsWeb Application Framework Web Hosting Service Proprietary MethodsPlatformsWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web

2、Browsers2Web Applications3Web APIsWhat Are APIs?How APIs Work4Web BrowsersPlatformsAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDefinitionA platform is how a cloud computing environment is delive

3、red to you.Web Application FrameworkWeb Hosting Service Proprietary Methods123Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersWeb Application FrameworkAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDefinition

4、A web application framework is used to support the development of dynamic web sites, web applications, and web services. The goal of a framework is to reduce the overhead that comes with common activities in web development.Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersWeb Application FrameworkAccessing the

5、CloudDr. WangExampleFrameworks provide libraries that are aly written so thedeveloper doesnt have to develop from scratch every time a web site is developed.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFWeb ApplicationsWeb

6、APIs Web BrowsersWeb Development TechniquesAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFTwo web development techniques used for creating interactive web applicationsAJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript

7、and XML) DjangoWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersAJAXAccessing the CloudDr. WangDefinitionAsynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a group of web development techniques used for creating interactive web applications1.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic

8、Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFPropositionBy using AJAX, web applications can retrieve data from the server asynchronously.Because it is being done in the background, it wont interfere with the display and behavior of the current page.Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers1http:/en.wikip

9、/wiki/Ajax_%28program%29AJAXAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFTechnologiesAdvantages DisadvantagesWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersTechnologiesAccessing the CloudDr. WangPr

10、opositionAJAX helps web applications communicate with a server, but without interfering with the current state of that page.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFExtensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) and Casc

11、ading Style Sheets (CSS) for presentation1The Document Object M interaction with datafor dynamic display of and2XML and Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations (XSLT) for the interchange and manipulation of data, respectivelyThe XMLHttpRequest object for asynchronous communicationJavaScript

12、to bring these technologies together3Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers45VBScript, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), HTML.AdvantagesAccessing the CloudDr. WangAmong the advantages of AJAX are the following capabilities:1 Simply retrieve new information and adjust how the content is presented: Re

13、move redundancy and reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed and reduces load times.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureF2 Allow thes web browser to be more interactiveWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsersand respon

14、d quickly to user inputs.3 Connections to the server are reduced.DisadvantagesAccessing the CloudDr. WangDisadvantages to AJAX includePlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDynamically created w browsers history engi

15、ne.ges do not show up in the1It is difficult to bookmark a dynamically created web page.If a browser does not support AJAX or if JavaScript is disabled, AJAX functionality cannot be used.23Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersThere is no standardsAJAX.4DjangoAccessing the CloudDr. WangDefinitionPlat

16、formsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDjango is an open-source web application frameworkwritten in. Django is developed to ease the creationof database-driven web sites and uses reusability ofcomponents. Django utilizes

17、 the principle of DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself). It also uses an administrative CRUD(create, update, and delete) interface that isWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsersdynamically generated2.2/wiki/Django_(web_framework)DjangoAccessing the CloudDr. WangIncluded in the core framewor

18、k are12A lightweight and standalone web server for development and testing.A form serialization and validation system which can translate between HTML forms and values suitable for storage in the database.A template system that utilizes the concept of inheritance borrowed from object-oriented progra

19、mA caching framework which can use any of several cache methods.Support for middleware classes which can intervene at various stages of request processing and carry out custom functions.An internal dispatcher system which allows components of an application to communicate events to each other via pr

20、e-defined signals.An internationalization system, including translations of Djangos own components into a variety of languages.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureF3456Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers78A seria

21、lization system which can produce and representations of Django minstances.XML and/or JSON910A system for extending the capabilities of the template engine.An interface tos built-in unit test framework.DjangoAccessing the CloudDr. WangThere are many online resources of DjangoDjango Official Document

22、ation3 Tango with Django412345PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureF5Two ScoopsDjango Packages6 Django Basics7There is aDjango book can be found at.Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers34567Web Hosting ServiceAccess

23、ing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDefinitionWeb hosting service will allow you to store your data and applications.Amazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersAmazo

24、n Elastic Compute CloudAccessing the CloudDr. WangDefinitionPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFAmazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud8.Allow you to obt

25、ain and configure capacity with minimal friction.Provide complete control of your computing resources.Reduce the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes.Change the economics of computing.Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers8Amazon Elastic Compute CloudAccessing the CloudDr.

26、 WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFAmazon EC2 uses Xen virtualizationEach virtual machine, called an instance, is a virtual private server and can be one of three sizes: small, large, or extra large.Sun Micr

27、osystems OpenSolaris, Solaris ExpressWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersCommuEdition, Linux and Windows Server 2003MossoAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDefinitionMosso is the home

28、of The Hosting Cloud and CloudFS,9providing enterprise-grade hosting and storage services .Mosso provides an easily managed interface so that developers, designers, and IT managers can deploy reliable web applications quickly and easily as well as ahigh-performance cloud-based storage service.Web Ap

29、plicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers9MossoAccessing the CloudDr. WangThere are three components to Mossos offering:Cloud Sites:Advertised as “the fastest way to put sites on the cloud”; runs Windows or Linux applications across hundreds of servers.Cloud Files:Provides unlimited online storage for media,

30、which is served out via Limelight Networks Content Delivery Network10.Cloud Servers:Able to deploy from one to hundreds of cloud servers instantly and creates advanced, high-availability architectures.1PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoP

31、roprietary Methods AzureF2Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers3For more information, visit.10Proprietary MethodsAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFIndividual companies offer their own,

32、 proprietary methods to connect to the cloudMicrosoft Azure FWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersAzureAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersFigure : M

33、icrosoft Azure.AzureAccessing the CloudDr. WangDefinitionThe Azure Services Platform is Microsofts cloud solution that spans from the cloud to the enterprise datacenter11.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDelive

34、r content across the PC, web, and phone.Combine cloud-based developer capabilities with storage, computational, and networking infrastructure services.Deploy applications in the cloud.Take advantage of their existing skills, tools, and technologies.Use commercial or open-source development tools and

35、 technologies.Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers11AzureAccessing the CloudDr. WangKey components of the Azure Services Platform include the following:PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFWindows Azure Microsoft

36、SQL Services Microsoft .NET Services Live ServicesMicrosoft SharePoint Services and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Services12345Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersAs a key part of their cloud offering, Microsoft has builtdatacenters tiver onlirvices.FAccessing the CloudDr. WangDefinitionF, a PaaS from, is

37、another way to create and deploy business applications. By replacing the complexity of software platforms with a complete, scalable service, F provides developers a fast way to turn ideas into business impact.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute Clou

38、dMossoProprietary Methods AzureFWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersF: FeaturesAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFThe features of F includeBuild any kind of business application, and a

39、utomatically deploy them as a service.Run multiple applications within the sameinstance.Create on-demand operating system, database.12Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers3F: VisualforceAccessing the CloudDr. WangDefinitionVisualforce is a part of the F platform.PlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJA

40、XDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFDesign application user interfaces for any experience on any screen.Meet the requirements of applications that feature many different types of users on a variety of devices. Use HTML, AJAX, and Flex for business ap

41、plications. Enable the creation and delivery of any user experience, offering control over an applications design and behavior.1234Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersA page-based mand is complemented with both a5component library for implementing common userinterface elements and a controller mnew

42、 interactions between those elements.for creatingF: VisualforceAccessing the CloudDr. WangVisualforce features and capabilities includePlatformsWeb Application FrameworkAJAXDjango Web Hosting ServiceAmazon Elastic Compute CloudMossoProprietary Methods AzureFPagesEnables the design definition of an a

43、pplications user interface.ComponentsProvides the ability to create new applications that automatically match the look and feel of Salesforce applications.Logic ControllersEnables customers to build any user interface behavior.12Web ApplicationsWeb APIs Web Browsers3Web ApplicationsAccessing the Clo

44、udDr. WangIf you are going to use applications on the cloud, there are a number of choices. Much of your decision-making process will come down to your provider and what they offer.But what if your provider doesnt offer an application that you want?PlatformsWeb ApplicationsWeb APIs Web BrowsersIt ma

45、y be that someone else has aly created theapplication and its simply a matter of using what they have created.If you dont see an application that you want, ask your service providerthey may have it offline somewhereor they can point you to it.InteractionList three web applications that are widely us

46、ed, stating both their pros and cons.Web APIsAccessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb ApplicationsWeb APIsWhat Are APIs? How APIs WorkWeb BrowsersFigure : An API works in between two pieces of software to exchange information.What Are APIs?How APIs WorkWhat Are APIs?Accessing the CloudDr. WangPlatfor

47、msWeb ApplicationsWeb APIsWhat Are APIs? How APIs WorkWeb BrowsersFigure :DefinitionAn application programinterface (API) is a set of programinstructions and standards for accessing a web-based program.What Are APIs?Accessing the CloudDr. WangPlatformsWeb ApplicationsWeb APIsWhat Are APIs? How APIs WorkFigure : An API works in between two pieces of software to exchange information.APIs are not user interfaces!Web BrowsersHow APIs WorkAccessing the CloudDr. WangPropositionAn API is an interface that defines the way in which two things will communicate.PlatformsWeb Applica


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