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1、英语时事阅读第15期目录主题Passage 1阅读理解前事不忘,后事之师。守望相助,共抗疫情Passage 2阅读理解他们用血肉之躯,筑起抗疫的“钢墙铁壁”Passage 3阅读理解疫情当头,团结才是解决之道Passage 4词汇填空助力疫情防控,高科技设备大显身手Passage 5阅读表达疫情中展现的中国精神Passage 6七选五外国学生眼中的中国文化Passage 1: Learning from the past can save usAs you read the news about novel coronavirus pneumonia (NC P 新型冠状病毒 肺炎),you

2、might feel a bit nervous. But China and other Asian countries have survived similar epidemics 院彳T 病)in recent years.In 2002 and 2003, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS,非典型肺炎) struck 32 countries and regions around the world. China was hit the hardest, with 5,327 casesand 349 deaths on the Chin

3、ese mainland. Just like this new epidemic, SARS is caused by a type of coronavirus (冠状病毒).Similarly, it causesflu-like symptoms 位状),such as coughing and difficult breathing.About nine years later, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS,中东呼吸综 合征)first appearedin Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯).It is also caused

4、 by a type of coronavirus. Although this disease affected far fewer people than SARS (about 2,500 cases), it killed 858 of them, giving it a mortality rate (致死率)of 34 percent, according to NPR. The disease was eventually traced back to camels.Both of these diseases are caused by viruses, which makes

5、 them very difficult to treat. However, we have learned from these previous outbreaks.China ' experience in fighting SARS made it able to respond faster to NCP. China has also learned to seek international help and cooperation (合作)whilefighting the disease this time.Li Bin, vice minister of the

6、National Health Commission, told reporters that Beijing is sharing all relevant (相关的) data on NCP with international institutes,including WHO.“With relatively complete prevention and control systems for sudden and infectious (传染的) diseases in place since SARS . and with the support of the broadmasse

7、s of the public, we are confident of victory,” he said.1: From the story, we know that SARS .A. is also caused by a type of coronavirusB. is the deadliest virus in the worldC. only affected China in 2003D. killed around 5,000 people2: What do we know about MERS?A. MERS doesn t affect old people.B. N

8、o people died from MERS.C. MERS affected more people than SARS.D. MERS has a higher mortality rate than SARS.3: To fight against NCP, according to Li Bin, China .A. is putting more money into medical researchB. is seeking international help and cooperationC. is developing a vaccine to treat NCPD. is

9、 learning from other countries experience4: How does Li Bin feel about the situation of NCP ?A:depressed B:negativeC:worried D:confident参考答案: ADBDPassage 2: Doctors deserve praiseChina is always well protected by the bravest ( 最勇敢的 ) of them, ” former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger once wrote

10、. Indeed, in the fight against the novel coronavirus, it is medical workers who are risking their lives on the frontlines of theepidemic.As of Feb 17, more than 32,000 medical workers from all over China have been sent to Hubei, the center of the viral (病毒的) outbreak. They are working underunusual c

11、onditions, unimaginable stress and intensiv喊集的)schedules.In Wuhan mobile cabin hospitals, medical workers take shifts (轮流 ) to treat patients. They usually have to work consecutively (连续地 ) for six hours, as well as take one hour to put on and take off their protective clothing. To help them recogni

12、ze (认出 ) each other, they write their names on their clothing. To save time going to the bathroom, they choose to wear diapers氐尿裤),The Paper reported.Many doctors and nurses were infected (感染 ) during the earliest period of the outbreak becauseof a lack of knowledge about the virus, as well as a sho

13、rtage of medical supplies (供应 ). Some of them were treated, recovered 康复( ) and went back to work. Some of them, unfortunately (不幸地), lost their lives.According to China Ns ational Health Commission, a total of 1,716 medical workers in China were infected with the new coronavirus as of Feb 11, while

14、 six passed away.With the support (支持 ) of the central government, the working conditions for medical staff in heavily-impacted (受影响大的) cities like Wuhan have beenimproved. They are confident that they will win the battle (战役 ) against the virus.These medical workers are just ordinary people. To fig

15、ht the epidemic, parents leave their children and couples get separate眼开的).They are mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, sons and daughters, and also warriors 化).Teen essay on medic parent going to Wuhan warms heartsYang Xiayu is a sixth grader at the No 2 Experimental School Affiliated to Shang

16、hai Normal University in Putuo district, Shanghai. His mother is a chief nurse (护士长)at No 905 Military Hospital of the People' s LiberatiornMrmy Navy (民解放军海军第 905 医院 ). During the winter break, Yang wrote an essay about his mother going to Wuhan to help fight the virus. The story has touched man

17、y people. Here s part of the essay.“Jan 24 was the eve of the Lunar New Year. A phone call woke me up from a sweet dream. As I opened my drowsy ( 昏昏欲睡的 ) eyes, my mom was already on the phone: “ Yes, director 主任( ), I am on holiday with my family in Changzhou (a city in Jiangsu province). When is th

18、e time? OK, we will be on our way at once.Click! Mom turned on the bedroom light and jostled ( 推了推 ) my dad and me awake. “ Hurry up! We have to pack up and go back to Shanghawi .nIoneed to report for urgent (紧急的) work in Wuhan at 11 am. ”We arrived in Shanghai in time and mom rushed home. After 10

19、minutes, she was downstairs again with a small bag. Looking at mom, I was about to cry. I know mom won t be with us for a long time, and I won t be able to ematohmerisdishesgoing to fight the dangerous virus.I turned on the television. It was broadcasting (播报 ) news about reinforcements (增援 ) of mil

20、itary medics ( 军队医务人员 ) being sent from Shanghai to Wuhan, and mom was on the screen.Wuhan, tonight you will no longer be on your own! Mom and her comrades are coming! ”1: The story is mainly about .A. scientists research on the virusB. workers from all walks of lifeC. shortages of medical suppliesD

21、. medical workers at the frontlines2: From Paragraph 3, we can learn that .A. Wuhan is now short of medical suppliesB. only doctors can fight against the virusC. there are enough medical workers in WuhanD. working at the frontlines is very hard3: We might use the word“_”_to describe the medical work

22、ers at the frontlines.A. GreatC. unfortunateB. StrictD. ordinary 4:What does “Wuhan, tonight you will no longer be on your ownmean?A:We will take on Wuhan todayB:There are many people in Wuhan together C:we will fight the virus togetherD:Wuhan used to be quiet 参考答案: DDACPassage 3: Don t let your fea

23、r go viralFear and misinformation are proving to be as contagious as the novel coronavirus. China is the country of origin for the novel coronavirus, and its people have experienced a newfound level of racism 种族歧视() during this epidemic.In times of fear, it nsot uncommon for people to think illogica

24、lly. Singling someone out who doesn ltook like you and falsely believing they are more susceptible (易受影响的) to the virus is more comforting than facing the facts: Thevirus doesn t discriminate when infecting people.“This new virus has triggered41起)something that is always latently (潜伏地) there, under

25、the surface, which is this fear of the other and the idea that bad things come from elsewhere, ” Roger Keil, a professor in the environmental studies department at York University, said to The Verge.theThere is also a history of xenophobia a fear or dislike of foreigners in the West, in relation to

26、people from China. The reaction today is similar to the SARS outbreak, which began in Guangdong province in 2002. However, the history of discrimination goes even further back than that: China was once referred to as sick man of Asia ” in the 19th centuryo.uOrsf ec, outbreaks occur in other countrie

27、s as well: H1N1 first emerged (出现 ) in North America and mad cow disease mostly affected the UK -but these diseasesdidn ' Cause the same discrimination as those from China.“ This is a time when we need to be pullingtogether as a multicultural, inclusive(包容性的) and diverse community to support eac

28、h other and people affected by theoutbreak, and not use an event like this to promote division and xenophobia,Judkins, the immediate past president of the Australasian College of EmergencyMedicine, said to the Guardian.Rather than pointing fingers to people who look a certain way, some prominent (著名

29、的)leaders and organizations are using their heads and donating money toward relief efforts. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example, have pledged (许 诺)$100 million (nearly 700 million yuan) to help find a vaccine (疫苗)for the virus. China now has over 80 running or pending (即将发生的)clinical

30、trials on potential treatments for the virus, according to Nature.In our globalized world, we are all in this together.1: What is the main reason for the rise of racism during this epidemic according to the text?A. The infectivity of the coronavirus.B. The connection of the virus with SARS.C.The lac

31、k of effective vaccines for the virus.D. Misinformation and the deeply rooted xenophobia.2: By mentioning H1N1 and mad cow disease, the author intended to.A.illustrate the negative impact of xenophobia8. show different outbreaks across the worldC.prove the worlds crsndiination against Chinese people

32、D.compare their effects with those of the novel coronavirus3: What are the last three paragraphs mainly about?A.Giving support as a global community.8. Reducing the impacts of the virus.C.The importance of preventing discrimination.D.The contributions of some leaders and organizations.参考答案:DCAPassag

33、e 4 Technologies help to fight virusDoctors diagnose (诊断)patients online. Robots help to send food to patients. Drones 比人机) (监测) people in crowds. We are using new ways to fight the novel coronavirus. They are safe. They can help people (避免)contact with each other. Lets meettechseeiiiigers!Telemedic

34、ine system 远程医疗With remote video system 恒程视频系统),doctors can diagnose patients (with) seeing them in person. Also, doctors from different hospitals can have a meeting by using the system the same time. This saves a lot of time. Both Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals have this system.Drones warn p

35、eople in groups无人机监督聚众群体In some(农村的)places, police use drones to monitor people in groups.When the drone finds big groups of people, police will warn them through the loudspeaker on the drone. In some places, people also use drones to disinfect 消毒) their (社区).3D 'hospital' 3D 病房A company in

36、Shanghai printed (打印)15 rooms by using 3D technology. They sent the rooms to Hubei for patients to live in. Each room is about the size of your bedroom. A 3D printer (take) 24 hours to build the rooms.AI system check for fever AI 系统监测体温At the Mudanyuan subway station in Beijing, an AI system can che

37、ck people in crowds to see they have fevers. When people pass by, the system (扫 描)people ' s faces. The system can check about 300 people in one minute.Smart机器人送餐Time to eat! In some hospitals, smart robots help to deliver food to patients. The robots can also help to hand out medicine and show

38、the way to people.参考答案: monitor; avoid; without; at; rural; communities;Takes;If; scans robotsPassage 5 Behavior of heroesAs part of the country ' s sweeping) (efforts to fight the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒),China ' s armed forces mobilized) their personnel on the front line.As of March 2, the

39、 Chinese military had sent over 4,000 military medical staff toWuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.Mao Qing, a specialist in the army, is one of them. After he learned that Wuhan urgently needed medical support, the 56-year-old immediately signed up and left forWuhan on Chinese New Year s Eve.“ Fig

40、hting the epidemic 疫情)is the top priority of our country. As a soldier and also a doctor, I have no reason to deny (拒绝 ) it. It msy task and duty, ” Mao told Xinhua.最美逆 s way (If the medical staff standing on the front line are heroes in harm行者),ordinary people have also formed a solid坚强的)shield to

41、win the battle.While tens of millions of people in China have adjusted their lifestyles in response to the government ' s proaciVe ( containment efforts, Wu Hui, drives a brand-new electric motorcycle across the city of Wuhan under lockdown, delivering daily necessities and hope.Wu, 39, works as

42、 a food deliveryman for Meituan-Dianping, an on-demand service platform. Since Jan 23, he has delivered over 300 takeout orders in the locked-down city.“ In the beginning, I felt that being a rider was a low-level job. But the situation gives it new meaning, because if we riders work normally, it me

43、ans that many people are working normally and that the city is operating normally,” Wu told China Daily.“ The sense of being needed gives me the power to behave like a hero.”1: How many military medical staff to Wuhan As of March 2?2: How old is Mao Qing?3: What did Wu Hui do during the lockdown of

44、Wuhan?4: What did Wu Hui tell China Daily ?1: over 4,0002: 56-year-old3 : He drove a brand-new electric motorcycle across the city of Wuhan under lockdown, delivering daily necessities and hope.4: The sense of being needed gives me the power to behave like a hero.Passage 6Besides the main subjects,

45、international students at the Shanghai MaritimeUniversity are also offered a window into Chinese culture. 1.Dragon boat classes have always attracted many international students. 2.Benjamin Baffoe, a member of the team, says,“It is great to come to China andhave the chance to learn about drgon boating that I used to see when I was a


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