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1、/*说明*TX TXT 发送端 msp430F5438适用 msp430F149不适用不是最优程序,但是实践证明可以用,原创,请勿转载*主函数*/#include <msp430x54x.h>#include "SPI_function.h"#include "SPI_function.C"typedef unsigned char uchar;typedef unsigned int uint;#define keyin (P1IN & 0xF0)/ void delay(void);void SpiWriteRegister(uc

2、har reg, uchar value);uint tmp;uchar NIRQ;unsigned char ItStatus1,ItStatus2,ItStatusyy,ItStatusyy2,ItStatusyy3;/*主函数*/void main( void ) NIRQ=P2IN & BIT7; />>>>>>>>>>下面是5438芯片的管教配置程序,以及简单初始化>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&

3、gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; /关闭看门狗 /P2配置程序, P2.2 2.3 2.4 是GPIO0,1,2 /P2.6是nSEL /P2.7是nIRQ, 是4432有事件时候发送给5438的,是输入,不是输出,开始默认值为 0 /开始的时候 0-6 都置高 P2SEL=0

4、x00; P2OUT |=BIT0 + BIT1 + BIT2 + BIT3 + BIT4 + BIT5 + BIT6;/ P2IN &= BIT7; P2DIR =BIT0 + BIT1 + BIT2 + BIT3 + BIT4 + BIT5 + BIT6; /P4配置程序,P4全部是指示灯 /p4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3配置为按键指示 /p4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7配置为SPI指示 P4SEL=0x00; P4OUT=0xF0; P4DIR=0xFF; _delay_cycles(15000); P4OUT=0xFF; /亮一下,然后全部熄灭 /P10.7 P10.6是上面

5、的两个指示灯,暂用来指示初始化状态 P10SEL &= BIT7 + BIT6; P10OUT |= BIT7 + BIT6; P10DIR |= BIT7 + BIT6; /P3配置程序 /P3.0是SDN,只是在启动的时候用来给si4432下电一次 /PP3.1:SIMO P3.2: SOMI P3.3: CLK 其余的P3管教暂时不用 P3SEL |= BIT1 + BIT2 + BIT3; P3SEL &= BIT0; P3OUT &= BIT0; P3DIR |= BIT0; P3OUT |= BIT0; /仅仅用来硬件上下电复位一次 _delay_cycle

6、s(1500000); P3OUT &= BIT0; /SDN为底的时候为正常工作状态 /P1按键配置程序 P1SEL &= BIT4 + BIT5 + BIT6 + BIT7 ;/ P1IN |= BIT4 + BIT5 + BIT6 + BIT7 ; P1DIR &= BIT4 + BIT5 + BIT6 + BIT7 ;/<<<<<<<<上面是5438芯片的管教配置程序,以及简单初始化<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

7、;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /->下面是SPI的初始化配置程序- /P10.7点亮表示SPI配置程序开始 P10OUT &= BIT7; /下面为UCB0的配置全过程,来之于那个成功的例子程序 UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; UCB0CTL0 |= UCMST+UCSYNC+UCCKPL+UCMSB; /主机,同步,空闲状态下是高电平

8、,UCMSB表示高位首先发送 UCB0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2; / SMCLK UCB0BR0 = 0xFF; / 时钟被分频的系数 UCB0BR1 = 0; /时钟2次分频系数 UCB0CTL1 &= UCSWRST; /从复位模式下运行 / UCB0IE |= UCRXIE; /使能中断 _delay_cycles(150000); /P10.7熄灭表示SPI配置程序结束 P10OUT &= BIT7; /<-SPI初始化配置程序结束 over- /read interrupt status registers to clear the interrupt

9、flags and release NIRQ pinItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03);/read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04);/read the Interrupt Status2 register/SW reset SpiWriteRegister(0x07, 0x80); /write 0x80 to the Operating & Function Control1 register /wait for POR interrupt from the

10、 radio (while the nIRQ pin is high)while ( NIRQ = 1); /read interrupt status registers to clear the interrupt flags and release NIRQ pinItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03);/read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04);/read the Interrupt Status2 register/wait for chip ready int

11、errupt from the radio (while the nIRQ pin is high) /while ( NIRQ = 1); /read interrupt status registers to clear the interrupt flags and release NIRQ pinItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03);/read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04);/read the Interrupt Status2 register/*set t

12、he physical parameters*/set the center frequency to 915 MHzSpiWriteRegister(0x75, 0x75);/write 0x75 to the Frequency Band Select register SpiWriteRegister(0x76, 0xBB);/write 0xBB to the Nominal Carrier Frequency1 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x77, 0x80); /write 0x80 to the Nominal Carrier Frequency0 reg

13、ister/set the desired TX data rate (9.6kbps)SpiWriteRegister(0x6E, 0x4E);/write 0x4E to the TXDataRate 1 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x6F, 0xA5);/write 0xA5 to the TXDataRate 0 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x70, 0x2C);/write 0x2C to the Modulation Mode Control 1 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x58, 0x80);/write

14、0x80 to the 0x58 register/set the desired TX deviatioin (+-45 kHz)SpiWriteRegister(0x72, 0x48);/write 0x48 to the Frequency Deviation register /set the TX power to MAXSpiWriteRegister(0x6D, 0x1F);/write 0x1F to the TX Power register /*set the packet structure and the modulation type*/set the preambl

15、e length to 10bytes if the antenna diversity is used and set to 5bytes if not #ifdef ANTENNA_DIVERSITY SpiWriteRegister(0x34, 0x14);/write 0x14 to the Preamble Length register #else SpiWriteRegister(0x34, 0x0A);/write 0x0A to the Preamble Length register #endif/Disable header bytes; set variable pac

16、ket length (the length of the payload is defined by the/received packet length field of the packet); set the synch word to two bytes longSpiWriteRegister(0x33, 0x02);/write 0x02 to the Header Control2 register /Set the sync word pattern to 0x2DD4SpiWriteRegister(0x36, 0x2D);/write 0x2D to the Sync W

17、ord 3 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x37, 0xD4);/write 0xD4 to the Sync Word 2 register/enable the TX packet handler and CRC-16 (IBM) checkSpiWriteRegister(0x30, 0x0D);/write 0x0D to the Data Access Control register SpiReadRegister(0x30); /测试用,可删除 /enable FIFO mode and GFSK modulationSpiWriteRegister(0x7

18、1, 0x63);/write 0x63 to the Modulation Mode Control 2 register SpiReadRegister(0x71); /测试用,可删除 #ifdef ANTENNA_DIVERSITY/enable the antenna diversity modeSpiWriteRegister(0x08, 0x80); /write 0x80 to the Operating Function Control 2 register #endif /*set the GPIO's according the testcard type*/ #i

19、fdef ANTENNA_DIVERSITY SpiWriteRegister(0x0C, 0x17); /write 0x17 to the GPIO1 Configuration(set the Antenna 1 Switch used for antenna diversity ) SpiWriteRegister(0x0D, 0x18); /write 0x18 to the GPIO2 Configuration(set the Antenna 2 Switch used for antenna diversity ) #endif /* #ifdef ONE_SMA_WITH_R

20、F_SWITCH */ SpiWriteRegister(0x0C, 0x12); /write 0x12 to the GPIO1 Configuration(set the TX state) _delay_cycles(15000); ItStatusyy3 = SpiReadRegister(0x0C); /测试用,可删除 SpiWriteRegister(0x0D, 0x15); /write 0x15 to the GPIO2 Configuration(set the RX state) ItStatusyy2 = SpiReadRegister(0x0D); /测试用,可删除

21、/* #endif */ /*set the non-default Si443x registers*/set Crystal Oscillator Load Capacitance registerSpiWriteRegister(0x09, 0xD7); /write 0xD7 to the CrystalOscillatorLoadCapacitance register _delay_cycles(150000); ItStatusyy = SpiReadRegister(0x09); /测试用,可删除 while (ItStatusyy != 0xD7); /<-芯片初始化结

22、束 _delay_cycles(1000000); while(1) / _delay_cycles(100000); P4OUT &= BIT7 ;/*SET THE CONTENT OF THE PACKET*/set the length of the payload to 8bytesSpiWriteRegister(0x3E, 8); /write 8 to the Transmit Packet Length register/fill the payload into the transmit FIFOSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x42); /writ

23、e 0x42 ('B') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x55); /write 0x55 ('U') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpi

24、WriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4F); /write 0x4F ('O') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4E); /write 0x4E ('N') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x33); /write 0x31 ('3') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x0D); /write 0x0D (CR) to the

25、FIFO Access register/Disable all other interrupts and enable the packet sent interrupt only./This will be used for indicating the successfull packet transmission for the MCUSpiWriteRegister(0x05, 0x04); /write 0x04 to the Interrupt Enable 1 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x06, 0x00); /write 0x00 to the In

26、terrupt Enable 2 register/Read interrupt status regsiters. It clear all pending interrupts and the nIRQ pin goes back to high.ItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03); /read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04); /read the Interrupt Status2 register /*enable transmitter*/The radio

27、 forms the packet and send it automatically.SpiWriteRegister(0x07, 0x09); /write 0x09 to the Operating Function Control 1 register /*wait for the packet sent interrupt*/The MCU just needs to wait for the 'ipksent' interrupt.while(NIRQ = 1); /read interrupt status registers to release the int

28、errupt flagsItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03); /read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04); /read the Interrupt Status2 register/wait a bit for showing the LED a bit longer_delay_cycles(10000);/turn off the LED /LED1 = 0; P4OUT |= BIT7 ; _delay_cycles(100000); / if(P1IN !=

29、0xF0) /如果有键被按下 _delay_cycles(100); if(keyin = 0xE0) /再次检测按键状态 while (P1IN = 0xE0); /等待键盘被松开/Wait for releasing the push button /while( PB1 = 0 );/turn on the LED to show the packet transmission /LED1 = 1; P4OUT &= BIT0 ; /*SET THE CONTENT OF THE PACKET*/set the length of the payload to 8bytesSpi

30、WriteRegister(0x3E, 8);/write 8 to the Transmit Packet Length register/fill the payload into the transmit FIFOSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x42); /write 0x42 ('B') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x55); /write 0x55 ('U') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0

31、x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4F); /write 0x4F ('O') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4E); /write 0x4E ('N') to the FIFO Access

32、registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x31); /write 0x31 ('1') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x0D); /write 0x0D (CR) to the FIFO Access register/Disable all other interrupts and enable the packet sent interrupt only./This will be used for indicating the successfull packet transm

33、ission for the MCUSpiWriteRegister(0x05, 0x04); /write 0x04 to the Interrupt Enable 1 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x06, 0x00); /write 0x00 to the Interrupt Enable 2 register/Read interrupt status regsiters. It clear all pending interrupts and the nIRQ pin goes back to high.ItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0

34、x03); /read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04); /read the Interrupt Status2 register /*enable transmitter*/The radio forms the packet and send it automatically.SpiWriteRegister(0x07, 0x09); /write 0x09 to the Operating Function Control 1 register /*wait for the packet se

35、nt interrupt*/The MCU just needs to wait for the 'ipksent' interrupt.while(NIRQ = 1); /read interrupt status registers to release the interrupt flagsItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03); /read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04); /read the Interrupt Status2 register/

36、wait a bit for showing the LED a bit longer_delay_cycles(10000);/turn off the LED /LED1 = 0; P4OUT |= BIT0 ; /<-对于key1的程序添加结束 if(keyin = 0xD0) /再次检测按键状态 while (P1IN = 0xD0); /等待键盘被松开/Wait for releasing the push button /while( PB1 = 0 );/turn on the LED to show the packet transmission /LED1 = 1; P

37、4OUT &= BIT1 ;/*SET THE CONTENT OF THE PACKET*/set the length of the payload to 8bytesSpiWriteRegister(0x3E, 8); /write 8 to the Transmit Packet Length register/fill the payload into the transmit FIFOSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x42); /write 0x42 ('B') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegis

38、ter(0x7F, 0x55); /write 0x55 ('U') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4F); /write 0x4F ('O') to the F

39、IFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4E); /write 0x4E ('N') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x32); /write 0x31 ('2') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x0D); /write 0x0D (CR) to the FIFO Access register/Disable all other interrupts and enable

40、the packet sent interrupt only./This will be used for indicating the successfull packet transmission for the MCUSpiWriteRegister(0x05, 0x04); /write 0x04 to the Interrupt Enable 1 registerSpiWriteRegister(0x06, 0x00); /write 0x00 to the Interrupt Enable 2 register/Read interrupt status regsiters. It

41、 clear all pending interrupts and the nIRQ pin goes back to high.ItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03); /read the Interrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04); /read the Interrupt Status2 register /*enable transmitter*/The radio forms the packet and send it automatically.SpiWriteRegister(

42、0x07, 0x09); /write 0x09 to the Operating Function Control 1 register /*wait for the packet sent interrupt*/The MCU just needs to wait for the 'ipksent' interrupt.while(NIRQ = 1); /read interrupt status registers to release the interrupt flagsItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03); /read the Inte

43、rrupt Status1 registerItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04); /read the Interrupt Status2 register/wait a bit for showing the LED a bit longer_delay_cycles(10000);/turn off the LED /LED1 = 0; P4OUT |= BIT1 ; /<-对于key2的程序添加结束 if(keyin = 0xB0) /再次检测按键状态/Wait for releasing the push button while (P1IN = 0

44、xB0); /等待键盘被松开 /while( PB1 = 0 );/turn on the LED to show the packet transmission /LED1 = 1; P4OUT &= BIT2 ;/*SET THE CONTENT OF THE PACKET*/set the length of the payload to 8bytesSpiWriteRegister(0x3E, 8); /write 8 to the Transmit Packet Length register/fill the payload into the transmit FIFOSp

45、iWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x42); /write 0x42 ('B') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x55); /write 0x55 ('U') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x54); /write 0x54 ('T') to the FIFO Access registerSpiWriteRegister(0x7F, 0x4F); /


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