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1、Proceedings of the 10thWorld Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation July 6-8, 2012, Beijing, ChinaAn Imaging Method for 360-Degree PanoramicBird-Eye ViewChunxuan Yu, Xiang Fang, Shuangze Tang, and Mengzhou WuSchool of Electronic Information and Control Engineering, Beijing University of Tech

2、nology, Beijing, ChinayuchxAbstractAn imaging method for 360-degree panoramic bird-eye view, which is applied to Panorama Parking Assist System, is presented. In order to remove the distortion of images collected, the camera is calibrated to obtain the parameters. Then, according to the relationship

3、 among coordinate systems, the conversion from the corrected image into bird-eye view is transformed by using the parameters, such as camera perspective, pitch angle and focal length, etc. Finally, image mosaic look-up table is established and the system can quickly generate the panoramic bird-eye v

4、iew image by this table. Experimental results show that this method has a good imaging effect.Keywordspanoramic bird-eye view, distortion correction, space perspective transformation, image mosaic360右 360右佪催右右偠 右1K. Kato1偒偊360右偒偊360右催2乬3右DLT4g978-1-4673-1398-8/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE360右偠24催1C1C4W1W4偠TE

5、-104乥PCVS2008OpenCV2.04902 2(a) W1C1W4 2(b) C2C43 偒偊 右 W2C3W3 右 3.1 OWXWYWZW 3 OWCD YW O OWCD OWOI ABCD PW(XW,YW,ZW) 4 OXYZ O1xy 2.1 4 1 fu fv u0 v0386.79 373.54 316.26 248.53k1k2 k3 k4-0.37321 0.15685 0.0028268 0.0038778X Y x y Z O1OO1 f3.2 3 4 6 2.2 2(a) 5 2 W ,Z)D E Zg4903 PW(XW,YW,ZW) p(x,y) XWW

6、=x2 (1) (tan)HYhWy=2YWtantan+2htan22 h 催 HW (1) 右 乬 : 7 偠 6 360 右 8 偠 2 5 DSP 4.1 7 xy uv H1 W1 4 右 5 偒偊 360 右 6 XY O L S l1 l4 右 360 右 H1W1 p(x,y) q(u,v) (2) W1 P 1P2 6 1108435h H W560 右g4904WWu=1x+1W12(2) H1H1v=Hy+21 P1(X1,Y1) HW HW ( ) (i,u,v) P2(X2,Y2) p1(x1,y1) p2(x2,y2) i=1,2,3,4 u v 360 右 P1(

7、X1,Y1)p1(x1,y1) (3) x1=X1 (3) H1+LyY=112(3) (2) P1(X1,Y1) p1(x1,y1) q1(u1,v1)WWHH+LHq1(u1,v1)=(1X1+1,1(1Y1)+1)2H122W1 P2(X2,Y2) p2(x2,y2) q2(u2,v2)350*560 3 (1,130,105) 右 1 130 105 4.3 偠 8 WWHH+LHq2(u2,v2)=(1X2+1,1(1Y2)+1)2H122W1P1 P2l1 p1 p2 l1 q1(u1,v1) q2(u2,v2) 4.2 4.1 6 360 右 乎 # # #g49052,220,

8、455) 360 右 佪 右 右 偠 右 1 K. Kato, M. Suzuki, Y. Fujita and Y. Hirama, Image synthesisdisplay method and apparatus for vehicle camera, United States Patent, US7139412, 2006.2 偀 偒偊 3 4 Zhang Z.Y, “A flexible new technique for camera calibration,”IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intellig

9、ence, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 330-1334, 2000.5 Bradski and Kaehler, Learning OpenCV, United States:OReilly Media Inc, 2008.6 7 K.T. Gribbon and D.G. Bailey, “A novel approach to real-timebilinear interpolation,” Second IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications, pp. 126-131, 2004. 8 B. Zitov and J. Flusser, “Image registration methods: asurvey,” Image and Vision Computing, vol. 21, no. 11, pp


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