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1、大学英语综合课程(二)第三单元: QuizPart 1 Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s)(每小题:1分,满分10分)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s).1.I learned at a very young age how to eliminate tasks and appointments that could possibly _me from doing what needed to be done.(Sugg

2、ested first letter(s): dis )2.More and more urban people are turning to organic food, and anything that is _as "natural" and "organic" sells well.(Suggested first letter(s): l )3.Although his working experience _mine, he is hired as a manager while I am only a computer operator i

3、n the company.(Suggested first letter(s): pa )4.The chairman was very persuasive and repeatedly gave more details to _his argument until finally no one could argue with him.(Suggested first letter(s): re )5.The skillful magician, though very young, _his audience into thinking that he had really sawe

4、d the woman in half.(Suggested first letter(s): de )6.He maintains if you don't throw away a lot of worthless ideas, you are unlikely to come up with creative and _ones, either.(Suggested first letter(s): sen )7.China refused to exclude the possibility of _to force to interfere with an independe

5、nt country if all the diplomatic efforts failed.(Suggested first letter(s): re )8.Police appealed for information from anyone who had _the accident, particularly people who were there at about the same time.(Suggested first letter(s): wit )9.Charles Booth described how each country in Europe had its

6、 own _flavor because of its distinctive building structures.(Suggested first letter(s): pe )10.The teenager felt he was mature enough to think for himself and bitterly _being treated like a child by his parents.(Suggested first letter(s): re )Part 2 Fill in the blanks with the given words(每小题:1分,满分2

7、0分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form where necessary. Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.deceivedistractconfusehesitatesnaprouseaffirmsurrenderwitnessacquaint1. More and more unexpected stress and pressure beg

8、an to get to her, and one morning she just (1) _as she could no longer bear them.2. The young and handsome speaker was standing in front of a large crowd of people, attempting to (2)_ the crowd with a cry for action.3. No matter where we are, we must not let cultural, racial, or social barriers (3)_

9、 us from the job that must be done on our responsibility.4. The government has (4)_ itself to the pressure from big business and companies and eventually brought down interest rates.5. The fresh air and bright sunlight (5)_ me into thinking I might still have some youthful energy left in these old b

10、ones of mine.6. The man denied having (6)_ the accident because he was afraid of getting himself involved in a long process of investigation.7. The press gave a completely different version of the events, which greatly (7)_ those who tried to understand the truth.8. He continued to (8)_ that the int

11、roduction of divorce would make it more difficult for people to lead "good moral lives".9. Staff members were asked to (9)_ themselves with what had been discussed and covered if they were absent from the meeting yesterday.10. The young writer (10)_ , reluctant to destroy any part of his o

12、wn work, for which he had devoted all his time for quite a few years.Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage or dialog.consideringsomewhatsomehowovernightapartup-to-datecontemporaryhollowcommercialpeculiar1. There is a feeling among a lot of people that the 1980s generation of novel wr

13、iters in China have become too (11)_ in their writing.2. Religious and private schools receive little or no support from public funds in the United States, so they are usually (12)_ expensive to attend.3. He was young, yet his face (13)_ gave people the impression that he was approaching 60, especia

14、lly when he was deep in thought.4. It shouldn't be too difficult to bargain with the company, (14)_ the overwhelming evidence you've already collected against your employer.5. In my opinion, the language the author used in this book seems overused and out of touch with the (15)_ society and

15、reality.6. Your standards and abilities may have been perfectly fine for the level you were at a year ago, but have you worked to keep your skills (16)_ with your position?7. It was really a big challenge for the local government to evacuate more than 500 children (17) _who were at risk in that disa

16、strous earthquake.8. I almost forget the exact age difference between my friend Mark and his brother Brian they're about two or three years (18)_ .9. No matter how people look at it, it was something of a (19)_ victory she won the case but lost all her bank savings in legal fees.10. A symptom li

17、ke this one is strange, rare, and (20)_ , and it is often of great importance to the doctor who diagnoses it.Part 3 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs(每小题:1分,满分10分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Fill in each blank with

18、 only ONE word. 1.I might as well resign myself _ the fact that I'm not going to get a job as a TV producer because it's too challenging.2.There is nothing attractive about the house apart _ the fact that it has a good view and easy access to freeway.3.It's interesting to see that very o

19、ften some people are likely to fall _ a sleeplike condition when they are in deep thought.4.In online learning you can have a responsible teacher, who is never tired _ repeatedly answering your questions at any time and at any place.5.The company makes the best possible use of its staff, and it is v

20、ery strict _ respect to work ethics and the relationships between employer and employees.6.One of the problems for hand-raised birds is that they are bond _ humans so they are unable to socialize with their own kind.7.If non-smokers are not kept separate _ smokers, the smoke will do great harm to no

21、n-smokers, even more harmful than it will to the smokers.8.Sometimes we tend to focus on others' looks when we make some decisions, and much of the impression we get from them is based _ their physical appearance.9.Children usually follow their parents implicitly, so smoking by parents could hav

22、e a negative effect _ their children.10.I can see that I may have some difficulty explaining the first part of my story, especially to anyone not acquainted _ the academic life.Part 4 Banked Cloze(每小题:1分,满分10分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from t

23、he word bank. Each word can be used only once. Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.A. mysterious B. previous C. fluid D. liquid E. indispensable F. stable G. miserable H. labeled I. shift J. implicit K. exploit L. explore M

24、. tends N. intends O. frame I don't want any sort of traditional stability in my life right now. The thought of marriage, staying in one place and doing one thing, will make me feel 1. _because there are too many things on my to-do list. Don't take me wrong that I won't 2.

25、_ to marriage, but certainly not yet. The 3._ four common life phases, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, are now added with two more, 4._ "odyssey" and "active retirement". Of the new ones, the less understood is odyssey that frequently occurs between adolescence and

26、 adulthood. For our parents' generation, adulthood 5._ to be defined by achieving certain things. We all know them owning a house, having a 6._ career, getting married and ultimately having children. We use "finding ourselves" to 7. _the concept of the odyssey years, but it's more

27、important for us to understand the 8._ meaning: the pursuit of knowledge and making use of the accessibility of information and experiences around us. In a time when everything is 9._ , it seems that the old recipes and time frames for accomplishing things don't apply. We don't have the same

28、 expectations as we once had. We 10._ to find our own meanings to things and give voices to our hearts. It seems it becomes more important to find out why we are here before we choose to settle.Part 5 Paragraph Translation(每小题:5分)Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into English. 几千年来,中国人一

29、直都很重视家庭。由于传统的中国家庭受儒家思想影响很大,大家庭受到高度的重视。几代人一起生活在一个屋檐下是很常见的。四世同堂被认为是家庭繁荣和幸福的标志。年纪最大的男性是家庭的领导者,有最大的权力决定所有重要的事情,譬如年轻家庭成员的教育、婚姻、和职业生涯。即使年轻人不同意长辈的决定,他们最终也会服从(obey)长辈的意愿,并会在他们的晚年时照顾他们。确实,孝顺尊重和照顾家庭中的长辈在传统上被认为是所有素质中最重要的。Part 6 Vocabulary and Structure(每小题:1分,15分)Directions: For each of the following sentences

30、 there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 1.The winter was very severe, especially at night, so the mom had to put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _.A. he catches a coldB. he be catching a coldC. he caught a coldD. he would catch a cold

31、2.He might have been killed _ the timely arrival of the ambulance and immediate operation in the hospital.A. besidesB. except forC. but forD. except3.People are aware that coal, which has gone to mass production, is still a finite resource, though _ than either oil or gas.A. a much more abundant ene

32、rgy sourceB. the much more energy abundant sourceC. much more energy abundant sourceD. energy source more abundant4.Because of the shortage of money, they've set up a plan _ they can spread the cost over a quite long period.A. whereaboutsB. whereverC. whereasD. whereby5.Even though they were in

33、danger, they did not find _ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.A. worth their whileB. it worthC. it worthwhileD. it worthy6.Once _, this nuclear power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with clean and low-cost electricity.A. completedB. it completedC. it bein

34、g completedD. it completes7.Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A. in whichB. in thatC. in order thatD. in that way8.If you have never planted anything, you won't be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing y

35、ou have planted _.A. growB. to growC. grownD. to be grown9.I will take your suggestion into consideration as it is beneficial to the company and I am sure it will _ the problem.A. contribute to solveB. be contributed to solveC. contribute to solvingD. be contributed to solving10.All the flights _ be

36、cause of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead, though it would take much longer time.A. were canceledB. had been canceledC. having canceledD. having been canceled11.These days the president of the college, together with the deans, _ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a s

37、eries of regulation.A. wereB. areC. wasD. is12.Since our research so far has not produced any answers to the problem, we need to adopt a different _ to it.A. approachB. mannerC. styleD. method13.He wanted to become a writer, but his father didn't think it was a _ profession, so he had to give it

38、 a second thought.A. respectfulB. respectiveC. respectableD. respecting14.An _ degree was awarded to him by Cambridge for his great contribution in the theoretical physics.A. honorableB. honoraryC. honoredD. honoring15.The audience applauded enthusiastically as the girls from the ballet school perfo

39、rmed a _ dance.A. gratefulB. graciousC. gradualD. gracefulPart 7 Skimming and scanning(每小题:1分,满分10分)Directions: You are going to read a passage or passages with 10 statements attached to each. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the i

40、nformation is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.1. More youngsters move out of their parents' home when the economic situation is favorable while they stay home for a longer time during

41、 the recession. 2. The recession has a great effect on the family construction/formation and childbearing plan. 3. Due to the unfavorable employment situation, many youngsters have had to return to school in order to be more competitive in the future employment. 4. Many parents offer to help adult c

42、hildren pay their education, rent, vehicle expenses and so on. 5. Many parents are willing to offer the help to their children so that their kids won't be faced with too many financial difficulties. 6. It is very likely for children with good personalities, even at a young age, to get financial

43、support. 7. Considering their career development' people with higher levels of education postpone having kids. 8. According to a sociologist, the relationships between parents and children are closer especially when children get financial help from their parents. 9. With parents' financial s

44、upport some youngsters experience fewer financial problems such as loans. 10. The life of older people is financially affected if they accommodate their adult children because more family members would rely on their income.Part 8 Reading comprehension(每小题:2分,满分20分)Directions: Read the following pass

45、ages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.When important events are happening around the worl

46、d, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC, for their news. However, now people can write diaries and post them on a web site, known as a "blog." Blogs, short for "web-logs," are online diaries, usually kept by individuals, but sometimes by companies an

47、d other groups of people. They are the fastest growing type of web site on the Internet. A blog differs from a traditional web site in several ways. Most importantly, it is updated much more regularly. Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day. Also, most blogs use s

48、pecial software or web sites which are specifically aimed at bloggers, so you don't need to be a computer expert to create your own blog. This means that ordinary people who may find computers difficult to use can easily set up and start writing their own blog. There are many different kinds of

49、blogs. The most popular type is an online diary of links, where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or new articles that they find interesting, with a few comments about each one. Other types are personal diaries, where the writers talk about their life and feelings. Som

50、etimes these blogs can be very personal. There is another kind of blogging, called "moblogging," short for "mobile blogging." Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos, which are posted instantly to the Internet. The use of mobile phones in this way made the headli

51、nes in Singapore when a high school student posted on the Internet a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student and tearing up the student's homework. Many people were shocked by the student posting a video of the incident on the Internet. As blogs become more common, news repor

52、ting will rely less on big media companies and more on ordinary people posting news to the Internet. Possibly, the news will be less like a lecture and more like a conversation, where anyone can join in.1.What is the main idea of this passage?A. The history of the Internet.B. The introduction of new

53、 types of media.C. The increase in popularity of computers.D. growing number of people writing diaries.2.To start your own blog, what do you need most?A. Special software.B. An Internet account.C. An interesting point of view.D. Access to the Internet.3.What is the most significant difference betwee

54、n blogs and traditional web sites?A. Blogs are updated much more often.B. Blogs use special software.C. Blogs contain links to other web sites.D. Blogs contain personal information.4.What is "moblogging"?A. Mobile phones that made the headlines in Singapore.B. Use phones to take photos and

55、 then post them online.C. Negative news posted on the Internet.D. Pictures posted instantly to the Internet.5.According to the passage, which one is most likely to happen in the future?A. Everyone will have a blog.B. Large media companies will be unnecessary.C. People will learn the news from differ

56、ent points of view.D. Blogging technology will be banned.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.Have you ever flown? Did you fly to another country to study English? How do you feel about flying? People who have to fly all the time for business usually find it boring. People

57、who fly only once in a while are excited. However, some people feel only terror when they board an airplane. They suffer from a phobia, an illogical fear. If you are afraid of poisonous spiders (有毒蜘蛛), this is logical. If you are afraid of all spiders, even harmless ones, this is a phobia because it is illogical. Some people have phobias about heights being shut up in a small or large open area. It's not logical to


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