1、 Designation:B 21/B21M 01e 1Standard Specication forNaval Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes 1This standard is issued under the xed designation B 21/B21M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number
2、 in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e 1N OTE Section 1.4was added editorially in January 2003.1. Scope *1.1
3、This specication establishes the requirements for naval brass rod, bar, and shapes produced from Copper Alloys UNS No. C46200, C46400, C47940, C48200, or C48500. 1.1.1For piston-nish rod or shafting refer to the Other Requirements Section.1.1.2For hot forging material, refer to Specication B 124/ B
4、124M.1.2Units The values stated in inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, SI units are shown in brackets. The values in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used inde-pendently of the other. Combining values from the
5、 two systems may result in nonconformance with the specication. 1.3Warning Mercury is a denite health hazard in use and disposal (seePerformance Requirements.1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
6、 of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:B 124/B124M Specication for Copper and Copper-Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes 2B 154Test Method for Mercurous Ni
7、trate Test for Copper and Copper Alloys 2B 249/B249M Specication for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Rod, Bar, Shapes and Forgings 2B 601Classication for Temper Designations for Copper and Copper AlloysWrought and Cast 2B 858Test Method for Determination of Susceptibility to
8、Stress Corrosion Cracking in Copper Alloys Using an Ammonia Vapor Test 2E 8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials 3 E 8M Test Method for Tension Testing of Metallic Materi-als (Metric3E 18Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Supercial Hardness of Metallic Materials 3E 478T
9、est Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys 43. General Requirements3.1The following sections of Specication B 249/B249M constitute a part of this specication:3.1.1Terminology,3.1.2Materials and Manufacture,3.1.3Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance, 3.1.4Sampling,3.1.5Number of Tests and Retes
10、ts,3.1.6Specimen Preparation,3.1.7Test Methods,3.1.8Signicance of Numerical Limits,3.1.9Inspection,3.1.10Rejection and Rehearing,3.1.11Certication,3.1.12Mill Test Report,3.1.13Packaging and Product Marking, and 3.1.14Supplementary Requirements.3.2In addition, when a section with a title identical to
11、 that referenced in 3.1, above, appears in this specication, it contains additional requirements which supplement those ap-pearing in Specication B 249/B249M.4. Ordering Information4.1Include the following when ordering product under this specication:4.1.1ASTM designation and year of issue,4.1.2Copp
12、er Alloy UNS No. designation (Scope, 4.1.3Temper (TemperSection and related Tables,1This specication is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05on Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.02on Rod, Bar, Wire, Shapes and Forgings.Current edition approved April
13、 10, 2001. Published August 2001. Originallypublished as B 21 18T. Last previous edition B 21 00. 2Annual Book of ASTM Standards , V ol 02.01.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards , V ol 03.01. 4Annual Book of ASTM Standards , V ol 03.06. 1*ASummary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. C
14、opyright ©ASTM International, 100Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. 4.1.4Form:cross-section such as round, hexagonal, square, and so forth,4.1.5Diameter or distance between parallel surfaces, width and thickness (Dimensionsand Permissible Variations
15、, 4.1.6Length (Dimensionsand Permissible Variations, 4.1.7Edge contours (Dimensionsand Permissible Varia-tions,4.1.8Number of pieces or total weight, for each size and form, and4.1.9When product is specied for agencies of the U.S. Government (Purchasesfor U.S. Government.4.2The following are options
16、 available under this speci-cation and are to be specied in the contract or purchase order when required:4.2.1Tensile test for product 1 2in. 12mmand over, for the alloys and tempers listed in Table stress test (PerformanceRequirements sec-tion,4.2.3Piston nish rod or shafting (Other
17、Requirements section,4.2.4Certication (Specication B 249/B249M, and 4.2.5Mill test report (Specication B 249/B249M. 5. Chemical Composition5.1The material shall conform to the chemical composition requirements specied in Table 1for the Copper Alloy UNS No. designation specied in the ordering informa
18、tion.5.2These composition limits do not preclude the presence of other elements. Limits may be established and analysis required for unnamed elements by agreement between the manufacturer or supplier, and purchaser.5.3For copper alloys in which zinc is specied as the remainder, either copper or zinc
19、 is permitted to be taken as the difference between the sum of results of all elements deter-mined and 100%.When copper is so determined, that differ-ence value shall conform to the requirements given in Table 1. 5.4When all elements listed in Table 1for the Copper Alloy UNS No. specied in the order
20、ing information are determined, the sum of results shall be 99.6%minimum.6. Temper6.1Tempers, as dened in Practice B 601, available under this specication are shown in Tables 2and 3.TABLE 2Tensile Requirements, in./lbTemper DesignationDiameter or Distance BetweenParallel A Surfaces,in.Tensile Streng
21、th,min, ksiYield Strength at0.5%Extension Under Load, min, ksiElongation in 43Diameter of Thickness of Specimen, min,%BCodeNameCopper Alloy UNS No. C46200M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes502030O60soft anneal rods and bars, all sizes 481630O50light annealrods and bars:0.500and under582722over 0
22、.500to 1.000, incl 562725over 1.000to 2.000, incl 542625over 2.000to 3.000, incl 522527over 3.000to 4.000, incl 502230over 4.000502030H60cold heading, forming rods, all sizes 481822H02half-hardrods and bars:0.500and under582722over 0.500to 1.000, incl 562725over 1.000to 2.000, incl 542625over 2.000t
23、o 3.000, incl 522527over 3.000to 4.000, incl 502230over 4.000502030H04hardrods and bars:0.500and under644013over 0.500to 1.000, incl 623813over 1.000to 2.000, incl583418Copper Alloy UNS No. C46400M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes 522030O60soft annealrods and bars:1.000and under542030over 1.000
24、to 2.000, incl 522030over 2.000502030shapes, all sizes 522030O50light annealrods and bars:0.500and under602722TABLE 1Chemical RequirementsElement,%Copper Alloy UNS No.C46200C46400C47940C48200C48500Copper 0.501.00.501. 0.20max 0.20m
25、ax remainder remainder remainder remainder remainder Iron 0.10max 0.10max 0.10max Nickel A.0.100.50.AIncludingcobalt. TABLE 2ContinuedTemper DesignationDiameter or Distance BetweenParallel A Surfaces,in. Tensile Strength,min, ksiYield Strength at0.5%Extension U
26、nder Load, min, ksiElongation in 43Diameter of Thickness of Specimen, min,%BCodeNameover 0.500to 1.000, incl 602725over 1.000to 2.000, incl 582625over 2.000to 3.000, incl 542525over 3.000to 4.000, incl542227over 4.000542230H50C extruded and drawn C shapes, all sizes 582520H02half-hardrods and bars:0
27、.500and under 602722over 0.500to 1.000, incl 602725over 1.000to 2.000, incl 582625over 2.000to 3.000, incl 542525over 3.000to 4.000, incl542227over 4.000542230H04hardrods and bars:1.000and under 674513over 1.000to 2.000,incl623718Copper Alloy UNS No. C47940M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes5020
28、30O60soft anneal rods and bars, all sizes 482030O50light annealrods and bars:0.500and under583018over 0.500to 1.000, incl 563020over 1.000to 2.0, incl 542522over 2.000502525H50C extruded and drawn C shapes, all sizes 562520H02half-hardrods and bars:0.500and under583018over 0.500to 1.000, incl 563020
29、over 1.000to 2.000, incl 542522over 2.000502525H04hardrods and bars:0.500and under705510over 0.500to 1.000, incl 655213over 1.000to 2.000, incl624515Copper Alloy UNS No. C48200M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes 522025O60soft annealrods and bars:1.000and under 542025over 1.000to 2.000, incl52202
30、5over 2.000502025shapes, all sizes 522025O50light annealrods and bars:1.000and under 602718over 1.000to 2.000, incl 582620over 2.000to 3.000, incl 542520over 3.000to 4.000, incl542220over 4.000542225H50C extruded and drawn C shapes, all sizes 582515H02half-hardrods and bars:1.000and under 602718over
31、 1.000to 2.000, incl 582620over 2.000to 3.000, incl 542520over 3.000to 4.000, incl542220over 4.000542225H04hardrods and bars:1.000and under 674511over 1.000to 2.000,incl623715Copper Alloy UNS No. C48500M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes 522020O60soft annealrods and bars:1.000and under542020over
32、 1.000to 2.000, incl 522020over 2.000502020shapes, all sizes 522020O50light annealrods and bars:1.000and under602712over 1.000to 2.000, incl582620 TABLE 2ContinuedTemper DesignationDiameter or Distance BetweenParallel A Surfaces,in. Tensile Strength,min, ksiYield Strength at0.5%Extension Under Load,
33、 min, ksiElongation in 43Diameter of Thickness of Specimen, min,%BCodeNameover 2.000to 3.000, incl 542520over 3.000to 4.000, incl542220over 4.000542220H50C extruded and drawn C shapes, all sizes 582515H02half-hardrods and bars:1.000and under 602712over 1.000to 2.000, incl 582620over 2.000to 3.000, i
34、ncl 542520over 3.000to 4.000, incl542220over 4.000542220H04hardrods and bars:1.000and under 674510over 1.000to 2.000,incl623713A For rectangular bar, the Distance Between Parallel Surfaces refers to thickness. BIn any case, a minimum gage length of 1in. shall be used. CThis temper does not apply to
35、hollow shapes.TABLE 3Tensile Requirements, SITemper DesignationDiameter or Distance BetweenParallel A Surfaces, mmTensile Strength, min, MPaYield Strength at0.5%Extension Under Load, min, MPaElongation in 43Diameter of Thickness of Specimen, min,%BCodeNameCopper Alloy UNS No. C46200M30as-hot extrude
36、d all forms, all sizes34514030O60soft anneal rods and bars, all sizes 33011030O50light annealrods and bars:12and under40018522over 12to 25, incl 38518525over 25to 50, incl 37018025over 50to 75, incl 36017027over 75to 100, incl 34515030over 10034514030H60cold heading, formingrods, all sizes33012522H0
37、2half-hardrods and bars:12and under40018522over 12to 25, incl 38518525over 25to 50, incl 37018025over 50to 75, incl 36017027over 75to 100, incl 34515030over 10034514030H04hardrods and bars:12and under44027513over 12to 25, incl 42526013over 25to 50, incl40023518Copper Alloy UNS No. C46400M30as-hot ex
38、truded all forms, all sizes 36014030O60soft annealrods and bars:25and under37014030over 25to 50, incl 36014030over 5034514030shapes, all sizes 36014030O50light annealrods and bars:12and under41518522over 12to 25, incl 41518525over 25to 50, incl 40018025over 50to 75, incl 37017025over 75to 100, incl
39、37015027over 10037015030H50C extruded and drawn Cshapes, all sizes 40017020H02half-hardrods andbars:TABLE 3ContinuedTemper Designation Diameter or Distance Between Parallel ASurfaces,mmTensileStrength,min,MPaYield Strength at0.5%Extension UnderLoad, min,MPaElongation in 43Diameter of Thickness of Sp
40、ecimen, min, %BCode Name12and under 41518522 over 12to 25, incl 41518525 over 25to 50, incl 40018025 over 50to 75, incl 37017025 over 75to 100, incl 37015027 over 10037015030 H04hard rods and bars:25and under 46031013 over 25to 50, incl 42525518 Copper Alloy UNS No. C47940M30as-hot extruded all form
41、s, all sizes 34514030 O60soft anneal rods and bars, all sizes 33014030 O50light anneal rods and bars:12and under 40021018 over 12to 25, incl 39021020 over 25to 50, incl 37517522 over 5034517525 H50C extruded anddrawn Cshapes, all sizes 39017520 H02half-hard rods and bars:12and under 40021018 over 12
42、to 25, incl 39021020 over 25to 50, incl 37517522 over 5034517525 H04hard rods and bars:12and under 48538010 over 12to 25, incl 45036013 over 25to 50, incl 43031015 Copper Alloy UNS No. C48200M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes 36014025 O60soft anneal rods and bars:25and under 37014025 over 25to
43、50, incl 36014025 over 5034514025 shapes, all sizes 36014025 O50light anneal rods and bars:25and under 41518518 over 25to 50, incl 40018020 over 50to 75, incl 37017020 over 75to 100, incl 37015020 over 10037015025 H50C extruded anddrawn Cshapes, all sizes 40017015 H02half-hard rods and bars:25and un
44、der 41518518 over 25to 50, incl 40018020 over 50to 75, incl 37017020 over 75to 100, incl 37015020 over 10037015025 H04hard rods and bars:25and under 46031011 over 25to 50, incl 42525515 Copper Alloy UNS No. C48500M30as-hot extruded all forms, all sizes 36014020 O60soft anneal rods and bars:25and und
45、er 37014020 over 25to 50, incl 36014020 over 5034514020 shapes, all sizes 36014020 O50light anneal rods and bars:25and under 41518512 over 25to 50, incl 40018020 over 50to 75, incl 37017020 over 75to 100, incl 37015020 over 10037015020H50C extruded and drawn C shapes, all sizes 400170 15B 21/B 21M 0
46、1e1 TABLE 3 Continued Temper Designation Code H02 Name half-hard Diameter or Distance Between ParallelA Surfaces, mm rods and bars: 25 and under over 25 to 50, incl over 50 to 75, incl over 75 to 100, incl over 100 rods and bars: 25 and under over 25 to 50, incl Tensile Strength, min, MPa Yield Stre
47、ngth at 0.5 % Extension Under Load, min, MPa 185 180 170 150 150 310 255 Elongation in 43 Diameter of Thickness of Specimen, min, %B 12 20 20 20 20 10 13 415 400 370 370 370 460 425 H04 hard A B For rectangular bar, the Distance Between Parallel Surfaces refers to thickness. In any case, a minimum g
48、age length of 25 mm shall be used. C This temper does not apply to hollow shapes. 7. Mechanical Property Requirements 7.1 The product shall conform to the mechanical property requirements given in Tables 2-4 for the Copper Alloy UNS No. designation specied in the ordering information. 7.1.1 Rockwell
49、 HardnessFor the alloys and tempers listed, the product 12 in. 12 mm and over in diameter or distance between parallel surfaces shall conform with the requirements given in Table 4, when tested in accordance with Test Methods E 18. For the alloys, tempers, and sizes listed in Table 4, Rockwe
50、ll hardness shall be the basis of acceptance or rejection for mechanical properties except when the tensile test is specied in the contract or purchase order. 7.1.2 Tensile StrengthThe product shall conform with the requirements of Tables 2 and 3, when tested in accordance with Test Methods E 8 and
51、E 8M. 8. Performance Requirements 8.1 Residual Stress Test: 8.1.1 When specied in the contract or purchase order, the product shall pass a test for residual stress according to the requirements of Test Method B 154 or Test Method B 858. 8.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer, or
52、 supplier, and the purchaser, the manufacturer shall have the option of using either the mercurous nitrate test or the ammonia vapor test. When the ammonia vapor test is used, the test pH value shall be 10 unless otherwise specied by the purchaser. (WarningMercury is a denite health hazard, and ther
53、efore equipment for the detection and removal of mercury vapor produced in volatilization is recommended. The use of rubber gloves in testing is recommended. NOTE 1A residual stress test provides information about the adequacy of the stress relief of the material. Bar straightening is a method of me
54、chanical stress relief. 9. Other Requirements 9.1 Piston-Finish Rod and Shafting: 9.1.1 When so specied in the contract or order, round rods over 12-in. 12 mm diameter shall be furnished as piston-nish rods or shafting. 9.1.2 Piston-nish rods shall have a special surface produced by turning or grind
55、ing and shall comply with the special diameter tolerances specied in Piston-Finish Rod Section under Dimensions and Permissible Variations. 9.1.3 The straightness tolerances for piston-nish rod are subject to agreement between the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser. 9.2 Purchases for U.S. Go
56、vernment: TABLE 4 Rockwell Hardness Requirements NOTE 1Rockwell Hardness Requirements are not established for diameters less than 12 in. 12 mm. Copper Alloy UNS No. Temper Designation Code C46400 H02 H04 C48200 H02 H04 C48500 H02 H04 A Diameter or Distance Between Parallel SurfacesA, in. 0.500 to 1.
57、000, over 1.000 0.500 to 1.000, over 1.000 0.500 to 1.000, over 1.000 0.500 to 1.000, over 1.000 0.500 to 1.000, over 1.000 0.500 to 1.000, over 1.000 incl incl incl incl incl incl mm 12 to 25, incl over 25 12 to 25, incl over 25 12 to 25, incl over 25 12 to 25, incl over 25 12 to 25, incl over 25 12 to 25, incl over 25 Rockwell B Hardness Determined on the Cross Section Modway Between Surface and Center Name half-hard hard half-hard hard half-hard hard 6080 5580 7090 6590 6585 6085 7090 6590 6585 6085 7090 6590 For rectangular bar, the Distance Between Parallel Surfaces
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