2、础上,选取了在我国中小商业银行中具有代表性的包商银行在公司金融事业部改制过程中绩效管理方面存在的实际问题为案例,从公司金融事业部实际运营情况出发,对包商银行事业部改革过程中绩效考核方面当前的现状进行了深入分析,发现其中存在的问题,并对目前运行的绩效考核体系、考核办法进行修订、分析并重新设计了适合于当前事业部制组织架构的绩效考核体系,使事业部绩效考核体系更加符合包商银行目前的发展现状,更具有实用性,科学性和系统性。与此词时,本文的研究成果对国内中小商业银行设计科学合理的考核体系也具有借鉴意义。关键词:包商银行,组织架构改革,事业部制,绩效考核AbstractThroughout the hist
3、ory of the global banking industry can be found,a commercialbank has been able to succeed, and it has an efficient and reasonable performanceevaluation system are inseparable.Reasonable performance evaluation model is animportant factor in the success of a bank possess.Heengineering the organization
4、structure of commercial banks more and more attention, and in the adjustment of theorganizational structure of the business unit,the performance appraisal system reform isone of the key factors in the success of its organizational restructuring. Scientific andeffective performance evaluation system
5、measures can provide more professionalservices for business unit customers.At the same time, reasonable performanceevaluation system can provide long-term sustainable development of manpowerreserves of commercial banks to ensure healthy growth and stability of the overallquality of staff to enhance
6、and improve the overall performance and profitability ofbanks.This article is mainly based on the theories and methods of performance evaluationof human resources, on the basis of theoretical research on performance appraisal, selectthe actual representative of small and medium commercial banks in t
7、he contractorsperformance management banking presence in Corporate Finance Division restructuringprocess problem for the case,from the Corporate Finance Division,the actualoperations of view, the current status of the contractor banking division reform processperformance appraisal conducted in-depth
8、 analysis of the problems found, and theperformance appraisal system is currently running, assessment Measures were revisedand re-designed for the analysis of the current performance appraisal system divisionsystem organization system,so that business unit performance appraisal system more inline wi
9、th the current development status contractor Bank,more practical, scientific andsystematic.Meanwhile, the results of this study on the domestic small and mediumcommercial banks design scientific and reasonable evaluation system also has areference.Key words:BSB5organizational structure reform,the di
10、vision system,performance appraisal 目录第一章绪论1.1研究背景1.2研究意义1.3研究内容1.4研究方法第土章理论基础2.1绩效考核2.1.1绩效的内涵2.1. 2绩效考核2.2绩效考核的系统构成2.3绩效考核的原则2.4绩效考核的方法2.4.1目标管理MBO2.4.2关键绩效指标(KPI)2.4. 3平衡计分卡(BSC)2.4.4个人绩效承诺(PBC)2.4.5 360度考核法第三章包商银行公司金融事业部改制中绩效考核现状及存在的问题3.1包商银行公司金融事业部改制3.1.1包商银行简介3.1.2包商银行人力资源现状3.1. 3包商银行公司金融事业部改制
11、3.2包商银行公司金融事业部改制中绩效考核现状3.2.1绩效考核的指标体系3.2.2绩效考核的导向性3.2. 3绩效考核的组织管理3. 2. 4绩效考核主体3. 2. 5绩效考核频次3. 2. 6绩效考核的方法3. 2. 7绩效考核结果的应用3. 2. 8绩效考核结果的反馈3.3绩效考核中存在的问题3. 3.1没有建立完整科学的指标体系3.3.2考核与战略导向相脱节3.3.3考核的组织管理较混乱3.3.4考核主体不明确3. 3. 5考核频次过长3. 3. 6考核方法不科学3. 3. 7考核结果运用片面性3.3. 8缺乏配套措施第四章包商银行公司金融事业部绩效考核体系再设计4.1包商银行公司金融部绩效考核指标的再设计4.1.1绩效考核指标设计的理念与原则4.1.2绩效考核指标的再设计4.2绩效考核的组织管理4.3绩效考核主体4
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