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1、名词性物主代词教学. Activities 1What color is my felt pen?【材料准备】 不同颜色的彩笔,数量按班级人数定。【 活动说明】这个游戏大范围地进行“mine”和“yours”的操练,在问与猜中正确区分“我的”和“你的”两个单词的用法和含义,提高学生使用单词的积极性。老师把全班同学分成三大组,事先随机发给每人一支水彩笔,以小组为单位,互相竞猜对方小组成员课桌里彩笔的颜色,彩笔归猜对的小组所有,彩笔最多的小组获胜。【教学用语】1.     Boys and girls, there is a felt pen in the

2、desk. Lets play a guessing game. What color is my felt pen?2.     There is a felt pen in your desk. Please guess group by group. If you guess it right, your group will get it. The group who has got the most pens will be the winner.2.在教学过程中,我是这样进行操作的。出示问句Whose book is this? 并回答It&

3、#39;s mine。训练到了我认为并没有结束,还应该扩展并复习以前的形容词性物主代词。接着说我们还可以这样说:It's my book.    按照同样方法训练以下句型,板书如下:Whose T-shirt is this?      It's mine.           It's my T-shirt.Whose bag is this?   &

4、#160;   It's his.            It's his bag.Whose caps are these?    They are hers.      Theyre her caps.Whose sweaters are these? They are ours.       Th

5、eyre our sweaters.告诉学生第二列单词为名词性物主代词第三列单词为形容词性物主代词,并引导学生对两列单词进行对比,并鼓励学生能发现点什么,找出规律。1. 形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,用在名词前。2. 名词性物主代词起名词的作用。主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词Imemyminehehimhishissheherherhersyouyouyouryoursitititsitsweusourourstheythemtheirtheirs 当学生找出规律后,出示以下口诀:形容词性物主代词能力差,自己不能来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性物主代词能力强,自己独来又独往。

6、3.Game 1: Little train【活动说明】 老师在课堂教学中始终不能忽视一点:要帮助学生反复使用已经学过的单词。字母接龙游戏在充满趣味的气氛中,学生像开火车一般,一边观察教室里的物品,一边按照字母的顺序,一个接一个用不同字母开头的单词询问物主的主人,这样可以巩固大量的单词和句型。【教学用语】 Look at the objects in the classroom and ask“Whose_ is that?” with different beginnings of the letters one by one.Example:T: Whose apple is that?

7、Its my apple. Its mine.T: Whose book is that? Its Peters book.Its his book. Its his.S1: Whose classroom is that? S2:Its our classroom.Its ours.4 Lost and Found【活动说明】 创设模拟情景,能够帮助学生把已学到的语言材料真正用到生活中去,并在模拟情景中感受到英语的实用性。老师把五个男同学的铅笔盒放在讲台(暂做失物招领柜台)上,把它们当作已丢失的物品,在规定的一分钟内,有女同学通过提各种问题,从五个男同学的回答中找到线索,尽快将物品物归原主。

8、【教学用语】1.Five boys lost their pencil-boxes. Theyre on the teachers desk. Girls, can you ask the boys some questions to find out the owners?2.Whose pencil-box is that? Why?【活动提示】1.     老师可以给出一些关键词作为提示:colornewoldWhats in it?2.     可以让男女生互换角色,以达到全面操练的效果。5.Role-pl

9、ay【活动说明】 在老师精心设计的语篇故事中,可以留下一个供学生无限遐想的空间,去创造学生自己喜欢的结尾。老师可以请学生根据想象,自己创编小品,把没有结束的语篇继续排下去。小品活动最能展示学生的个性特长,他们能唱能演,能通过肢体语言表达生动有趣的情景故事,观赏表演的学生也特别容易集中注意力,对他们来说,也是一次听力训练的自然形式。学生可以围绕“Whose watch is it?”的主题内容,开展小品活动,小品角色分别为Jack, Peter, Jane以及the class teacher.【教学用语】 Lets have a role-play according to the dialo

10、gue we just heard. Can you give the story a good or surprising ending? Please make a group of three and have a role-play together. Here is the beginning of the role-play:Jack: Lets go to the Teachers Office and give it to our class teacher.Jane: All right.S1: Peter S2: the class teacherS3: Jack S4:

11、Jane二 作业设计(一)、找出下列单词的中文意思,把序号填在前面的括号内。( )1. mine A. 你( )2. yours B. 他( )3. his C. 她( )4. hers D. 她的( )5. you E. 他的( )6. he F. 我的( )7. she G. 你的(二)、选择题1.   This is my book. are over there.A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine2.   Whose pen is it? Its .A. her B. hers C. she 3.  

12、; This room is ours, and that one is .A. they B. them C. theirs 4. This is Ms Smarts book. Yes, its . A. her B. hers C. she 5. Is this your hat? Yes, its . A. mine B. me C. my 6. bag is this? Its Linglings bag A. Who B. Whose C. What 7. Is this Sams cap? Yes, its . A. he B. Sam C. his 8. This is swe

13、ater. A. Jim B. Jims C. Jims 9. Whose pen is it?  Its .   A. her       B. his       C. he     10.Whose shoes are these? They are .    A. me        B. mine 

14、      C. my       (三)、理解填空 Using: mine,ours,yours,his,hers,theirs 1. This is my sweater.The sweater is _. 2. That is his cap.The cap is _. 3. These are their skirts.These skirts are _. 4. Those are our coats.Those coats are _. 5. These are your shirts.These shirts are _. 6. Those are her trousers.Those trousers are _. (四). 代词巧变化 1. This is not your bike. It is _(my). 2. Where is Tom?_(he) mother is looking for _(he). 3. This dress is so beautiful. I like _(it) colour. 4. Is that


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