典范英语 6 10 Jellyfish Shoes 水母鞋 词汇表_第1页
典范英语 6 10 Jellyfish Shoes 水母鞋 词汇表_第2页
典范英语 6 10 Jellyfish Shoes 水母鞋 词汇表_第3页




1、Jellyfish Shoes 词汇表jelly 'del shoes 水晶塑料鞋see-through'si:,ru: 透明的raspberry'rzbr jelly 树莓果冻tracks træks 鞋印,行踪Squidge'skwid 咕g嗤chtrodtrd in 踩到slippery'slpr 滑溜溜的liftlft up 抬起Ughhh! k 呃è(表示厌恶)What's that mess? mes什么乱七八糟的?jellyfish 水母,海蜇washed them up on the beach 把他们冲到海滩

2、上来cow-patka-pæt 牛粪团Slosh sl 哗啦spread spred out in pink puddles'pdls 散布开来,像粉色的小水洼Watch out 当心Give you a nasty'nst stingst 狠狠地蜇你一下Yuk! 恶心loads of 很多很多phew 噗p (表示臭,难闻)What a pong! 真难闻Spoil 弄坏An idea popped into his head. 他灵机一动are made of 用做的Don't be silly 别犯傻了shaky 颤抖thought 还以为what ha

3、ppens to 后来怎么了washed-up 冲上岸来shook her head 摇了摇头good at stories 很会讲故事come around 来到这里bin bags 垃圾袋shovel 铲went on 继续说道make them into 把它们做成the ones youve got on 你(脚上)穿的tore them off 把鞋扒了下来pongy 臭烘烘的threw them into 把鞋扔进bobbed about 飘荡着waves 海浪further and further away from 离开越来越远shore 海岸Good riddance! 走得

4、好!waving them goodbye 向它们挥手告别tiptoed 踮着脚走in her bare feet 赤脚dreamed about 梦见了crept 蹑手蹑脚地走along the beach 沿着海滩with in their hands 手里拿着bent down 弯下腰shovelled up 铲起whole shivering sackfuls of 颤颤巍巍满满儿袋的Flies 苍蝇buzzing all around them 在前后左右/四周嗡嗡叫waking up 惊醒了bad dream 噩梦told herself 自言自语地说gently 轻轻地washe

5、d in 朝岸边漂tops 上面,顶部neatly 整齐地side by side 并排(放着)What a bit of good luck! 真走运found 发现了held up 拿起I bet 我敢说tipped up 把.倒了过来winkle 螺丝fell out of the toe 从脚趾的地方掉了出来pushed the shoes away 把鞋推开了make me 强迫我on earth 究竟be pleased 高兴,乐意smelly 难闻的rushed out of 冲出了puzzled 困惑不解guilty 内疚had the shoes in his hands 手

6、里拿着鞋horrible 可怕的Not ever! 决不!didnt get time to 没来得及tiny 微小frilly 带皱纹的parachutes 降落伞They ware ping and brown and purple. 有粉色的/棕色的/紫色的baby 幼hundreds of 成百上千save 救get splatted on the sang 会被噼里啪啦地冲上海岸pong 发臭sting you 蜇人get made into 被做成couldnt help watching 情不自禁的望着sparkled like jewels 像宝石一样闪闪发光getting c

7、loser and closer to 离越来越近dried-up puddles 干涸的小水洼(指水母会干死掉)came racing back 飞跑回来change her mind 改变主意/想法grab 抓住tip them into 把它们倒进rock pool 岩石池子warn 警告babies 小崽scoop up 舀起The seas going out! 要退潮了!dash to 冲向rainbows 彩虹wouldnt work any more 再也走不动了gasp 气喘吁吁的说道The tides coming in! 要涨潮了Lift her head 抬起了头Hurray! 太好了yell 高喊道Its like in there 这里就像Where they belong 他们属于那里I was going to 我刚才正要They dont make out of 人们不用做I made it at all up! 全都是我瞎编的.honest 真的anyway 不管怎么说walked off by themselves 自己走了line 行,排lead right down to 一直通向point 指着说heading out to sea


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