1、Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and br
2、idge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ecological lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotation of thought, caught built beautifu
3、l village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and five modified three built, project near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmar
4、k. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the peoples livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban something good and benefit. Adhere to the
5、affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment,
6、 the County vocational education center was named top School of vocational education in China, the third batch of national reform and development model through provincial . Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dyna
7、mism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to R
8、egulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management
9、 laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social ca
10、pital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. To support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermedi
11、ation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a技 术 交 底 记 录表C2-1编号工程名称航天花园39-43#楼交底日期2011-6-30施工单位北京纽约建设发展有限公司分项工程名称地面工程交底提要楼梯间、公共走道地面镶地砖施工工艺交底内容:1、 施工准备 1.1 材料及主要机具: 1.1.1 水泥:425号以上普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥,应有出厂证明。 1.1.2 砂:粗砂或中砂,用时要过筛含泥量不大于3%。 2.1.3 陶瓷地砖:进场后应拆箱检查颜色、规格、形状、粘贴的质量等是
12、否符合设计要求和有关标准的规定。2.1.4 主要机具:小水桶、半截桶、笤帚、方尺、水平尺、手锹、铁抹子、大杠、窄手推车、钢丝刷、喷壶,锤子、合金尖凿子、合金扁凿子(用16钢筋焊接K6一K8合金钢片)、小型切割机。2、 作业条件 2.1 墙面抹灰作完并已弹好+50cm水平标高线、踏步位置线及梯井中心线。3 操作工艺 3.1 工艺流程:清理基层、弹线刷水泥素浆水泥砂浆找平层水泥浆结合层铺贴陶瓷地砖修理灌缝养护 3.1.1 清理基层、弹线:将基层清理干净,表面发浆皮要铲掉、扫净。将水平标高控制线弹在墙上。在平台处弹出中心线以控制地砖位置及梯井宽度,要求平台砖与踏步砖通缝粘贴 3.1.2 刷水泥素浆:
13、在清理好的地面上均匀洒水,然后用笤帚均匀洒刷水泥素浆(水灰比为0.5)。刷的面积不得过大,须与下道工序铺砂浆找平层紧密配合,随刷水泥浆随铺水泥砂浆。3.1.3 水泥砂浆结合层:用13干硬性水泥砂浆(干硬程度以手捏成团,落地开花为准),铺设厚度约为20mm,用大杠将砂浆刮平,木抹子拍实,抹平整。结构偏差大时,用豆石砼提前补充,预留30mm粘接层。掌握好虚铺厚度,以防上部粘贴时将下部已经贴好的地砖,因挤压翘起,造成空鼓。3.1.4 找方正、弹线:量测房间内长宽尺寸,在房间中心弹十字控制线,根据陶瓷地砖尺寸,计算出所铺贴的块数,不足整张的应甩到边角处,不能贴到明显部位。(详见附图)楼梯踏步砖与平台砖
14、通缝粘贴,切割梯井部位踏步及立面砖时,应结合结构实际梯井宽度,梯板侧面预留20mm左右装修层,挂线保证梯井上下层宽度一致。3.1.5 做水泥浆结合层:在砂浆结合层铺平后,在地砖背面抹一道22.5mm厚的水泥浆结合层(宜掺水泥重量20%的建筑胶),应随抹随贴,铺贴在砂浆结合层上,用皮锤夯实、找平。3.1.6 依据弹出踏步位置线粘贴踏步砖踏步宽260,踏步砖挑出立面砖2-3mm。保证踏步角在同一斜面上,粘贴踢脚砖时,应先用水泥砂浆将墙面找平、找方后粘贴踢脚砖,踢脚砖出墙厚度5mm。 3.1.7 养护:陶瓷地砖地面擦缝24h后,应铺上锯末常温养护(或用塑料薄膜覆盖),其养护时间不得少于7d,且不准上
15、人。 3.1.12 冬期施工:室内操作温度不得低于+5,砂子不得有冻块,锦砖面层不得有结冰现象。养护阶段表面必须覆盖。4 质量标准 4.1 保证项目:陶瓷地砖的品种、规格、颜色、质量必须符合设计要求,面层与基层的结合必须牢固,无空鼓。 4.2 基本项目: 4.2.1 表面洁净,色泽一致,接缝均匀,周边顺直,陶瓷锦砖块无裂纹、掉角和缺楞现象。 4.2.2 踢脚线表面洁净,接缝平整均匀,高度一致,结合牢固,出墙厚度一致。 4.2.4 与各种面层邻接处的镶边用料及尺寸符合设计要求和施工规范的要求,边角整齐、光滑。4.3 允许偏差项目 陶瓷地砖地面允许偏差 项次项 目允许偏差 (mm)检验方法1表面平
16、整度2 用2m靠尺和楔形塞尺检查2缝格平直3 拉5m线,不足5m拉通线和尺量检查3接缝高低差0.5 尺量和楔形塞尺检查4踢脚缝上口平直3 拉5m线,不足5m拉通线和尺量检查5踏步宽度、高度3 尺量检查5 成品保护 5.1 陶瓷地砖镶铺完后,如果其它工序插入较多,应在上铺覆盖物对面层加以保护。 5.2 切割陶瓷地砖时应用垫板,禁止在已铺好的面层上操作。 5.3 推车运料时应注意保护门框及已完工的地面,门框易被小车碰的部位应加以包裹。走车地面要加垫木板。 5.4 操作过程中不要碰动各种管线,也不得把灰浆和陶瓷地砖块掉落在已安完的地漏管口内。6 应注意的质量问题 6.1 缝格不直:操作前应提前在两平
17、台上弹出梯井中心线上,使中心线为砖缝向两侧粘贴,踏步砖与平台砖缝对齐。梯井边依据梯井宽度及楼梯斜板侧面装修厚度将地砖套割整齐。 6.2 面层空鼓:做找平层之前基层必须清理干净,洒水湿润,全面扫水泥浆,扫浆做完之后,房间不得进人要封闭,防止地面污染,影响与面层的粘结。铺陶瓷地砖时,水泥浆结合层与锦砖铺贴同时操作,即随抹随铺,防止水泥浆风干影响粘结而导致空鼓。水泥浆应随用随拌制,严禁上午配好下午用,掌握好砂浆虚铺厚度,以防上部粘贴时将下部已经贴好的地砖,因挤压翘起,造成空鼓。6.3 面层污染严重:擦缝时应随时将余浆擦干净,面层做完后必须加以覆盖,以防其他工种操作污染。6.4 踢脚砖出墙厚度不一致上口不顺直:粘贴前应根据上部墙面是否为保温砂浆面层,用水泥砂浆打底,预留粘贴踢脚砖的厚度
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