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1、非谓语语法练习(一)1. Now that we ' ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions(take)?2. We are in vited to a party(hold) in our club next Friday.3. I still remember(take) to the Fame n Temple and what I saw there.4. Many teachers were praised at the meeting, Mr. Zhou (include).5. With

2、the government ' s aid, those(affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.6. (tremble) with fright, a hungry fox hid himself in a small cave, (expose) his tailto the rai n.7. (blame) for the terrible accide nt, as the public thought, the mayor felt n ervous and was at a losswhat

3、to do.8. (suffer) from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medici ne with himwhe never he goes.9. He told us whether(have) a pic nic was still un der discussi on.10. (tell) many times, he fin ally un derstood it.11. (complete) the project in time, the staff were worki ng at wee

4、ke nds.12. (en courage) by the adva nces in tech no logy, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.13. (tire) and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.14. There is a great deal of evide nee(in dicate) that music activities en gage differe nt parts of t

5、hebrai n.15. Michael ' s new house is like a huge place,(compare) with his old one.16. With the world cha nging fast, we have someth ing new (deal) with all by ourselves every day.17. They use computers to keep the traffic (run) smoothly.18. Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our schoo

6、l(attend) the ceremony of the 50thAnniversary this morning are our alumni( 校友)from home and abroad.19. I like getting up very early in summer. the morning air is so good (breathe).20. I feel greatly honored(welcome) into their society.21. It is worth con sideri ng what makes“ convenience ” foods so

7、popular, and(i ntroduce) better onesof your own.22. (throw) their hats into the air, the fans of the wi nning team let out loud shouts of victory.23. I hear they ' ve promoted Tom, but he didn' t mention(promote) when we talked on the phone.24. We finished the run in less than half the time

8、(allow).25(complete ) the project as planned, we' ll have to work two ndary. hours a答案:1.taken2.to be held3.being taken4. included 5. affected6.trembling ,exposing 7.Being to blame8.Having suffered 9. to have 10.Having been told11.To complete 12. en couraged 13. Tired14.i ndicat ingpared 16.to d

9、eal17.r unning18. atte nding19.to breathe 20.to be welcomed 21.i ntroduc ing22.throw ing23.havi ng bee n promoted24.allowed25. to complete1.非谓语语法练习(二)(show) around the Water Cube, we were the n take n to see the Birdest for the 2008 OSyNhpicGames.2. We had an an xious couple of weeks(wait) for the r

10、esults of the experime nt.3. (fail) to reach them on the phone, we sent an email in stead.4. (not realize) that was in great dan ger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.5. -Ca n those(seat) at the back of the classroom hear me?-No problem.6. He was busy writi ng a story, only(stop) once in a while t

11、o smoke a cigarette.7. Please rema in(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon.8. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English (speak) as much as we can.9. Lucy ' s new job paid twice as much as she had made(work ) in the restaura nt.10. -he last one(arrive) p

12、ays the meal.-Agreed!11. At the beg inning of class, the no ise of desks(ope n and close) could be heard outside theclassroom.12. There is nothing more I can try(persuade) you to stay, so I wish you good luck.13. -Robert is in deed a wise man.-Oh, yes. How ofte n I have regretted (not take ) his adv

13、ice!14. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there (train) for a space flight.15. Things(lose) n ever come aga in.16. Peter received a letter just now (say) his grandma would come to see him soon.17. “ Genius ” is a complicated cone (involve) many different factors.18. People have learn

14、t the importanee of keeping a balaneed diet (satisfy) their nutritional needs.19. Once(marry), Jose devoted her life to look ing after childre n and being a full-time homemaker.20. (kick) a wet football can hurt your foot if you are not careful.21. Big compa nies usually have a lot of branch offices

15、(operate ) in differe nt parts of the world.22. (ask) to work overtime that evenin g, I missed a won derful film.23. This mach ine is very easy(operate). An ybody can lear n to use it in a few minu tes.24. The old couple ofte n take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog (follow)them.25.

16、 Tom took a taxi to the airport, only (find) his plane high up in the sky.答案:1.having been shown2.waiting3.having failed 4.not realizing 5.seated6.stopp ing7.spoke n8.worki ng9.see ing 10.to arrive11.be ing ope ned and closed 12.to persuade13.not taking 14.to betrained 15.lost16. say ing17.i nvolvi

17、ng18.to satisfy 19.married20. kick ing21.operati ng22.havi ng bee n asked23.to operate24.follow ing25.to find非谓语语法练习(三)1. Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car (wash).2. Having finished her project, she was invited by the school (speak) to the new students.3. John has really

18、 got the job because he showed me the official letter (offer) him it.4. Time,(use) correctly, is money in the bank.5. We' ve had a good start, but next, more work needs(do) to achieve the final success.6. Before you quit your job, (con sider) how your family would feel about your decisi on.7. We

19、 ' re havi ng a meeti ng in half an hour. The decis (make)at the meeti ng will in flue nee the future of our compa ny.8. I make $2,000 a week, 60 surely(make) that big a differe nee to me.9. If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but (meet) an even greater challenge.10. One lear ns a I

20、an guage by maki ng mistakes and(correct) them.11. (use) with cafe, one tin will last for six weeks.12. George returned after the war, only (tell) that his wife had left him.13. -Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?-$4,000, or it won ' t worthy(make).14. China recently tightened its

21、 waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from(attack) in the South China Sea.15. Pressed from his pare nts, and(realize) that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determ ined to stop play ing video games.16. "It ' s a such nice place, ” Mother said as sh

22、e sat at the table (reserve) for customers.17. I think Tom, as the head of a big departme nt, should either study regularly or (quit) his job.18. (gather) around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.19. When(ask) for his views about his teach ing job, Phillip said he found it very in

23、teresti ng and rewardi ng.20. The next thing he saw wan smoke(rise) from beh ind the house.21. The isla nd,(join) to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.22. It ' soritapit for the figures (update) regularly.23. Bird ' s singing is sometimes a warning to other birds(stay) away.24. He g

24、ot up late and hurried to his office, (leave) the breakfast untouched.25. Film has a much shorter history, especially when(compare) to such art forms as music andpain ti ng.答案:1.washed 2.to speak 3.offeri ng4used 5.to be done6.c on sider7.to be made 8.mak ing 9.to meet10. correct ing11.used12.to be

25、told13.to be made14.be ing attacked15.realiz ing16.reserved 17.quit18.gatheri ng19. asked 20.ris ing21.jo ined22.to be updated 23.to stay24.l eavi ngpared非谓语语法练习(四)1. After complet ing and singing it, please return the form to us in the en velope (provide).2. Passe ngers are permitted(carry) only on

26、e piece of hand luggage onto the pla ne.3. (ope n) in 1955, Disn eyla nd in California is regarded by many as the origi nal fun park.4. Harris on Ford is thought to be one of the few movie stars (work) as a carpe nter before.5. Look over there there ' s a very long, winding path(lead) up to the

27、house.6. Recen tly a survey(compare) prices of the same goods in two goods in two differe nt supermarketshas caused heated debate among citize ns.7. Tsin ghua University,(found) in 1911, is home to a great nu mber of outsta nding figures.8. The differe nee in thick ness and weight from the earlier v

28、ersion makes the iPad 2 more comfortable (hold).9. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier(break ) into small pieces.10. Bats are surpris in gly Ion g-lived creatures, some(have) a life spa n of around 20 years.11. Even the best writers sometimes find themselves (lose) for

29、 words.12. If they win the final toni ght, the team are going to tour around the city (cheer) by theiren thusiastic supporters.13. Simon made a big bamboo box(keep) the little sick bird till it could fly.14. (offer ) an importa nt role in a new movie, Andy has a cha nee to become famous.15. More TV

30、programs, according to government officials, will be produced (raise) people ' s concern over food safety.16. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself (remind) of his own dreams.17. Claire had her luggage(check) an hour before her pla ne left.18. More highways have bee n built i n Ch


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