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1、小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语底汉市芻二初级中学&武汉二中广推申学2017 2018学年度下学期期申考试八年级英语试卷听力部分)6 When ill the wpiThiin kac)7 Whjl arc lhe tiiosl prb;ibh tkHn1A Homing n portH Hjunij n ponyC ( Itupmt ibv fiKun)K W hai canMVICttH aboiri man1A He idh llcmcrs m viiucrH Hel

2、lour* 4 lotC He helps the unman plam Utmers1 VMk?rv Boh vesicrdaL artentoonA At hemuB At schoolC A(the cinema、1H1V1K arc inosi probatih these Luo pcoplcPA Husbatid and u ilcB Teacher and studcnl 1丨WIKIIts du; upman Joking for9A Her kc)sB Her handbag 12 Witt is Smith so succcssrd,Tf * T力酬试迎节f H勺小卷*州小

3、JK i昕F曲5牛何輒(i I ASome oidbookhM节小料対小费I卄 蜥卜脚7対*忖丹时詁 故仆读珈讣战时*mE个?V UU#申所蛤的A, B C汁】g 屮“B li lum 4B Mr SmithB hibe*uurulB Fof dboul 2 houn B Uilh Mr Black Sni*il ahd diM r fn Lhcmcctiriu hallfnC On the will(;*IAA Al 7 15B Al 7 3iJC A:7 45C BothA He nc% or makes on% nusiakes.C He)s ah吋 &ihmkEnv c?oth

4、ersfiHecanqmAh沁林小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语第 节l捷13小趙,廊小趕I分淆分15分)听FEM胃时话或独白*毎段甘话或独门厉有比卜小超.乱申腿的JU B临理中选出ih t:速顷毎段討话戒 tt 白it两1,小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语期第口段材料.回答第13主第计题.J口,WhaL is due man leaking far*A.Adiciio

5、nanB. The nrmun 5 book(An utiusl plate.;14 Whj did I he wonua promise m help the man A.Site is dning nothin也right tie*FJ- The rtian (ailed (o hud his thinjiC She knev litre the lest thingWHS15 Where ded thciYoniHci riudTI9A On the desk.B bi the deskC. Under (he desk旺盗討段材料、回帶期|(S至第用赳! 16. Whal urc th

6、ey talking about?A Where山碍ivcnl IJSL niglilB Wh die liadEGslay al home.JJ 7. Who sta ed at home血l rught?A The ben and his parcrtis.B The girl and her brcuhcr,(.Jhtf boy and his bixjUivr.rIS EVhail doYYCknex aboul die bo ?A He did bab-sitting hsL nightB.He doesnt hke wniching icnnt a dog for her朋ligh

7、ter?A.HJEdauMcr has拖w children to phy uh.杜Has dauijlilcr is gcxid出Lou口理j aller a dog,C A dog can cal food with her daughter、24, U iiat ear we kcio about die dog?A II is cican bui makes lhe girl dirt*B II is easier to look after for the仙讪C h doesnt always cai up its bod)25 Whal has happened to lhe ma

8、n?C Al JoJius larcntsC Two h0uniPdrive.C. A surprise.A He is lired of the dog.C. He uill have lo move巒in.B_ He doesn i smoke any m眄小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语几圧级英谄试為翦2聲共*贞小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语笔试部分、二,选择t

9、g(本题共1$分,前小鷲?;乱 杯表曲林的字卄和卡上丽皿:血凶於()26一阪心山讪心赧阿睞、KVes,you couldDYesJielpyourscirA Yes. you may b-orrovC比翼go on巧 I 27 -Doyou mind if I険k at;CUT皿皿_. p Yeg please D. It z pleasureA. Be my吨B曲沽:阿afternoon?i 2S. Would you like la play basketbaU v* it一 一 血吨molhcr 15111B叶 snice of youAME】沁D MvpIuret OfcLiur no

10、t, rtfnhlciiiIIHUKSnrC 10frnito worse.(1 29 IFMcontinue to be _ io血pnobkE-1 SI cant agree marc.A fairB. blindC interestDPOr3。When their children lived险away Irom lhem:these old peoplekJlworld.A carried awa B. broken down C. cnl of!31. The research group produced two rcportfi based on the sunej.aii us

11、eful KugcslionEA. allB. noiieC. eitherJ 32. k Wilson on duly in class uxlas ?Ji_ be him. Us his lurn (oniorron.A mustB cantC. diouldroii, theD brought upbut _ contain讪D neitherD. I J 33Unuagc一-a血Your mood.sostanding with vour ams.folded can send out a signal lhai sou are being dcfbnsi(防渝的)A品蓟町B thro

12、w网c put眼典”D-ve auav罰翻啊说礙丽疇知心encouraged toA, underfund0. really广、4v. returnf)35, Il a wondertuL 1511 t it?D developYcs血唤。驷喇啊茂站血0UC商awqv,.L,nd clean sky 5 Ver beautifulA. againstB above)36 You can t prudici everihmg.闻讪 盹11屯mu cutB. break out匸證37Th# Eack of eco-fncndly habits伽叭(.:曲刘glob* dimaE(鱼球汽候)cha

13、nge用PUbhc isthe btucD pastMu expectD. pul oul仙卽址to bea major 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语D. shttalLanshimming cciinpctitBaii toA how thev Merc伙為厂 忸唤心ig g肋皿心昭C.认excited uertltlCv吐】叭哄i

14、ted Lhey三,完解填空(本壮共祐分,毎屮題1分 门怖砕“匝h附績诅讯 恥畔:;从务嘅吗给时九乩C D四个选项啊业出-仔仕备策庄苔題卡上恥tdtlicr hroujn Imc sailboal when I waj ten, aaid ulmosi cadi Sunday in sLiiiimcrs we呎曲d聘呦lint;Eiiwas quil匕skilled in sailing butHOIgHJd al _L,As血me, I _42_ both before州凶作txxai of living clow馆Lake OntanoThe last Mine LMd n;id I se

15、t sail icyfldicr is really luilbrctiablc. Il uas a perfeeL v cekcnd aUer 1 gradiiJkLJi F- f ihjiii uni* ersit. canic home and 42. Dad)Qgo smling. Oirt set soon on the土-皿匚Dad hadn t sailed erjccirs. but everything,wdl u ith the tiHenf呐i in his handsW hen we ixtrc in仙毎middle of tlic loke. a sErung vin

16、d came ail ul a sudden TIKbeat嚣昭hit皴烈理)Dad was always At his best in any 4. bu( al ibis inomtnl he 47 .johp! 48 V he should in. a tirnihhn吕蝕扌斗的)TOICC, with the tiller Still m his handsEn m me mon he could fix an J2_- Heivasthconel alvvasturDedtoforstrenh and safety Bclbre I couldrcspondJa ?() _ f、a时

17、酿l mio die bnji I rushed to i】ie tiller ? I. nz 丽too |aK.Another huge wall or water立the boal in n mnulE We vcrc ihrcui irioihc xalcr. and Dad m测struggluig aimlessh At thal moment. I fell论目pnHuelhci 師ml氷am to Dad _53_ rnui helped him dimb onlo tht liulHthe boai. Upon sHtmii un thehull. Dad讥as a hiika

18、rdf为难的about his flash of主L恥聊right Dad畑宓沁now,_i comlbricd him.Thai活第the first nmu Dod had ccuriicd onTDCtn a tnomeiH Hcmernc More imponandj【found was niv lumto start _ VI fbr眄rather八年级临iij试魅A- result总、卵f ihe Hnals,圈i訥;腭亦C冷阿i- - with cqch ether rLm血nee*恤A 现B deal)39. 1 fed neallv,ociupetc-驚叭歳B丄:;囂汙 E

19、如EY:二 5 昨 5 譽严5 叫D lightD. ftcrvouSi()41 A. boaling;B. runmng(42.扎enjoyedB. desired()43, A scutB ordered()44. A. calmB. icy()45. A. finishedB wcnl()46. A. dangerB place()47. A. reportedB Jdl )4K. A lookB HdpC. I IIOur introdiicioB scuba lessons willenable oti lo cnjtvimg ill 1 (awnit弭Ibh to已duplJi o

20、l 4U itei (hir scubj inLniclorswill guide veu an two Hawaii scuba dive sites tor abmiL 3fl*5Omitiulcs on verae(平均)-Th our Hawii Scuba dising Temronly S1G0.0U from Monday to Friday;$】25 00 per person nil weekendJ 56. lime ScubaL$ most probabK _ ._ “=_.A a dh mg leatherB. a dis mg dubC a guidebookD. a

21、 cotnpclilive game H Hou long will口ycubn lesson probabh last1A A bcm 3n niirLLic$.B. About 5()minuicC. Abo id SO nniniics.D. AbcHH ?ll niinuic$-II丿対Wha! can Ac know fron (he passage:1A Seme cvperienrv in tliiing is mquintdB Vbu will cnjo diving to 30 feel deep safely.(You can coiilacl with First ILD

22、ICSciibu b emails,D Otte can spejid less motif on scekdays如diving.)39* My parents and I wan! to Uy $vuba diving this Saturday, w should paA. $200B. $250C $3制D $375()60 We may read lhe above material _,A. in a rcporlB in n sports niaazincC. in a storj bookD on Lhe Inicrnei种A prnhlejn50 A. m er51. A i

23、f52. A ihtrcugh 5? .Xhopeless IT54. A. pain55. A. rthakciik;upB rclalinnHhppB aimainB. torB. pomrd an to Rquick lxB也够心rB. gsMun乌readCC曲小商C afterC. hinted ctC.C. featC pa I n弓QHD bojlD.D bulD lilled upD helpless hD. shnnicI) took ins oul小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/Js学英语、英语课件、英语教案、/Js 学英语试题、英语导

24、学案、英语单词短语Please caW朋咄艸朋(3胡粉9(heck anti tie for full detailsmi n. flonQhthiscubadrvm, cum小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/J 洋英语、英语课件、英语教案、对学英语试題、英语导学案、英语单词短语UKcdio work m an African eountn called St-ncgal Lor a feur* Bcfcxic eiitug ihcrv, J ihink it waa t、m ptxit placeand I he people were rude Houu

25、tui. one血ng chn叫霁 head al ojtcc and said,、ourvcgciablcs arent so great Thex eosi at mOtit 750 African (runes 1 he translator told I be farmer wiiat I had said I inexpcctedly. he got anyn and shouted, I nn treduce the price lo sell it In nu Be quick to get oul nf here. We had tci lenve ill ere. Later

26、.wclenmed mSenegal baainmgwus thought lo be not loo fhendly thenWith experience- uc sniricil lo lhe (armet of another farm atid prmsed how nice KLScgciahg wereHe s;jnilcti back huiUPH忙d l.60( African Irancs,for each pile We agreed and bou弓hi three pilesof cucumbers md hie piles cf lomatocsThe fanner

27、 quickly helped me to pul Lhe tvegetables onto our truck. While【was leaving h* sudden1 look my hand into the Held A fev nnnuces later, he picked up a full hag of cuciimhcrs ind tomafocf;which were big und nice. Then he soiduarc ail free to you.They are iresher Lh酬thoic【sold you juM non hen g less wh

28、ile the、d send as mam thin呂Eas lhe uanted to the one who could take care of their business. As a mill, berth the seller and thebuyer arc happy.It is bcttc.9 lo praise than to bcliEtlcwlicn you nantLOachieve more in life1 61 Betorc tlw author got to SenenL heB haled lhe eounlry朗d pcopk thereC could s

29、peak the local language O knew hcu io get along with people there 62 Why did the first farmer refuse to sell lus vegetables to lhe author?A Because the author uas a lbreijiiierB.Because lie asSOIT Jbr his bad vegetablesf Because he hated people lo bargmn uiih h)m.D Because he wanlcd to send lhe XTgc

30、lables lo him friends 63 The mithor_cn lhe ether liirnicri larrn.A.bnughl some xcciabics tvrth a cheupcr prtpc8 bouglU 2柿cuuunibcrs and IX tom aloesC.asked lhe fanrtcr to send him sonic cgclnhlcs ibr freeD goi almost惭mans cgcUiblcs tor tree as those he had bought ()64 Which of the foil owingis TRUE

31、according lo lhe passage?idcfl when I began to sta tiicrc.One du、,my inuulnu)r(胡讦and I wcnl io a ncarb) farm lobuy cucumburR and tornjtocsA. had a wTon idea about it小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语/J 洋英语、英语课件、英语教案、对学英语试題、英语导学案、英语单词短语A The first farnicr uas ahvax s rude lo athtrs.B.l he yulhor Jike

32、d to cut dow n ilk? price uhei) shopping.C The secund farmer sold the author nod叫bill senC many to himD The aulh席might think lhe people in Senega? are direct and honest八年级英诸试卷莒6贞共g更UAOq严卫連.s=) Q蓉lupdEya ImLj一汙-疔iHSFQL目0三QprcdcMpodnll-e u-soy9= s(u duSAslispdmLJLounl 二suquql-S-5FIMpmu占gpos匸dmv.-.dd2J

33、yl.s心唱三opo】UEVl01W3ffluoHGll=Jd P=:OJ2 2岂.=1P2m_.H4m-po三2o-sssnmg idwrR呂pl-ouos-MT.sa=LPcksoe=cnplsncpotpP-H49-wpydp-rjq l=p=ooSJowmmJP0口送 d_9qufewfiaqpplroqbHPsJl吕工.-tsuffi】OAQU.ETVA CP -=2=8-31ysnpro尘mijo三芋吕一書&5pirqPITEft吕-=込QCJsncg Eoq皆匕主8UDI?mllmrwp盟一 jJq支总二Ep_p台注9-svm一xp営。内E 3jnq*月昌pbjrtss

34、s I ISKC=2-虫poll壽三管3 3二二一一苜呂二第费出 q伶一-旨二包3-=二UZ二弓三一昌呂姐#uqow4ppu0-npu =un芒gulpucM.=pu55-PPLQput?W吕e奩w.戏 sjnojokkukUTUE罢=MPs艮寻 ujvd对壬s U2C-迺B.=(却农)Q显一二忑_ =s mmKssaipw bspI百-二眉sgp3二nj 10qe三NEP二弓亠E;一一ml=总1saNsaN圭0苕Dumul.EimMH0=pnp宀pcj - w-cln-=! ss =02UUSGtp-gqp蛊二亘5哲Kd u=0(qp&dQ0=23u戏2考旨左/Amsw3iSEI;O

35、Sup g 3 2 WJO舍-= J逼p勺g二gB .P3U變二PPM口gq u-zMEQq於启8s帶zr srsi二211 R.E-3n-ssolu-a:un.2dg三=SIIEQK(PPBGHauxollzud.rt P2UI?出宀 puc1P靈】uljwf 4 pGqojpap一sop一.Mlnoysso- L F#s-HlocnMwq-00一u s?PILE 二0*R -=Bfl為-s宀qpu才0Ea2玄mjsl=p-p启SH -on-c05i Eo肾主却rjlvlQso-CcusI.TJfososnol-o -ru dv工el.二eotinvotw-(ppea35K3-d2一sn嘗二

36、e.tUAUopG- psh一:pa w=2CMolfs5三OIEdzs-吆弋 F*.-wncuvtP=EEUJ-2ajq二n-?E左du七p-nus”Dq Jxxio 吕pci|UHCIE E.2JVJMmy亡3apl-c2pasJ3AOUox E2- 5E.1S一umpipal.EoddDVJP8 sCJiUH -sq m P3UEF (plo中:E MyqglD.?A QEULyEDldoodAMUB.I-S】esULyvinWUEddollsCEEJmsauj.lgc of Missouri She worked rulhiitnc during lle daand sold liai

37、idiradc gifh on weekends She also s_ 76 much ircc lime on msnchants Bild coin mu nil、prcjcchThen eric Marte r 77 sotnc shucking nc丘uni her doe LOFShe liqd enneer, and it nas spreading q_ 7K. She dit iiac enough rnomn- forEIKmedical trcadiicjit.SiKin. Marie found siiat she had ;)hm、3 knon. a_ 7讣悍was nul nch, she nlreadv had the intMlVlublc pos&essiciusC i ) on cartli. Huicdb 0people | her cnnimuciLt and neig-hberi H areaslearned Up IC h_lltr ;ind her fiilfHbl伽、people she had touched in cariig虻 $she we d apprccioLiun of Maries life Marie didnt livet


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