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1、牛津译林版8上unit 8知识点梳理单词8a unit8知识点.earthquake地震 an earthquakein the earthquakeeg. There was an earthquake in Sichua n in 2008.2.thousa nd1)thousands of 成千上万的 /hundreds of 成百上千的 / millions of 成百万的+名词复数eg. Thousa nds of people lost their lives in the earthquake.There are thousa nds of people on the road.

2、2)数词 +hu ndred/thousa nd/millio n+名词复数There are three thousa nd stude nts in our school.Three men lost their lives in the car accide nt three days ago. 在三天前的一场交通事故中三人丧生。3. coachn. 长途汽车(coaches) get on/off the coachIt took us three hours to go to Nanjing by coach.4.floodn洪水 a terrible flood一场可怕的洪水5.w

3、ash away冲走wash away the village 冲走这个村庄wash them awayeg. A terrible flood washed away his house.6. villagen村庄,乡村(villager 村民)in the village 在村子里a small village 一个小村子7. thun dern 雷声,雷lightningn 闪电 thunder and lightning电闪雷鸣The light ning started a big fire in the classroom buildi ng.8. catch fire着火(强调动

4、作)be on fire着火,失火(强调状态)eg. Look! The house is on fire.The house caught fire yesterday.9. shakevi.& vt.摇动,震动过去式是shook,shake slightly轻微震动Look! The trees are shaking in the strong wind.shake hands with sb 与某人握手n.摇动,震动a slight shake一阵轻微的震动shak ing n.摇动,震动 Fin ally, the no ise and shak ing en ded.10.

5、 loud adj.响亮的;大声的;喧闹的 in a loud voice大声地 Please speak louder. I ca'hear you clearly.请大声点讲话。我听 不清楚你说的话。loudly adv.大声地,吵闹地(有时强调声音高,吵闹,不悦耳), 其基本意义与loud相同,还常与ring ,knock等动词连用。Sudde nly the bell on the wall rang loudly.突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。11. fear11. fear n.害怕,恐惧 a momentof fear 一丝(阵)恐惧, scream in fear 惊慌的

6、尖叫The girl is _afraid_ (害怕)of lightningand thunder.The eat ran away quickly in _fear_(恐惧).12. directionn.方向 in all directi ons: 朝四面八方=in every directi ongo in a wrong direct ion 走错方向in the direction of(不是东南西北等方位名词),朝村庄方向: walk in the directi on of the village。13. sile ntadj.寂静的silent adj. 寂静(英文释义:qu

7、iet ) keep sile nt=keep quiet保持安静14. n ot atall一点也不I don 'like swim ming at all.He was not tired at all after the long walk.15. n ervousadj.紧张不安的 Don 'be n ervous whe n you are in trouble.16. beatv.(使)规律作响,做节奏运动 beat vi.(心脏)跳,做节奏运动 过去式是beat(不同于:jump跳跃He jumps very far/high.他跳得很远、很高。)我的心脏跳得很快

8、。 My heart is beat ing very fast.17. ifconj.是否引导句子常放在 wonder, know之后,充当宾语从句。女口:I don ' t know if he will come tomorrow.我不知道他明天是否会来。不同于:if作如果解时从句中的将来时要用一般现在时。If he comes here tomorrow, please call me.女口果他明天来,请给我打电话。we ll play football if it doesn' t rain tomorrow.女口果明天不下雨我们就踢足球18. mind18. min

9、d n. 头脑 go through ones mind 传遍我的大脑;make up onWs min d(s) to do sth=decide to do sthv. 介意 mi nd doi ng sth19.si neeconj.因为;由于;既然Since you come here, you should work hard at your En glish2O.darkn.黑暗;夜;黄昏;in the dark/ dark ness在黑暗中;21.fi nd one'sway out找到出路lose on esway 迷路 get lost22. shoutn.呼喊;呼叫

10、hear shouts from excited people 听到来自那些兴奋的人的喊叫声v. shout at对大喊shout loudly大声的喊23. at last.at last = in the end = fin ally24. daylightn.白天;日光 see the bright daylight看到明亮的日光25. safeadj.安全的;可靠的;平安的safelyadv. land safely 安全着陆 n. safety (反义词 dan ger)26. asleepadj. 睡着的,almost asleep 快要睡着了 fall asleep 睡着 fee

11、l sleepy感到瞌睡 the sleepi ng boy正在睡觉的男孩27. breakv.打破;broke (过去式)be broken毁坏了break down 出故障,坏掉 break into 闯入break out 爆发28. daughter女儿 granddaughter (外)孙女 son 儿子grandson (外)孙子29. headachen.头痛have a headachetoothache n.牙痛 have a terrible toothache重点短语1. be all wet全湿了2. come income in 进来 come here来这里 com

12、e up with 想出 come down 下来.崩塌 come on 快点 come out of 从 出来 come from=be from 来自 come true 变成现实 comeback回来 come out出版 come with me 跟我来3. hear abouthear about 听说=hear of4. be hurt受伤5. feel a slight shake感到一阵轻微的震动6.in fearin +名词 .in fear惊恐地 in + dan ger在危险中in + trouble 在困境中in need需要8. run out of.run out

13、of the building 跑出 了楼房the build ing9. try on e's best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事try on e's best to do sth=do on 'best to do sth10. say to自言自语myself11pull myself slowly through the dark 在黑暗中缓慢地爬动12move away the bricks 把砖块移走13sta nd on the side of the roa(站在路边14coverwith sth.用某物把盖上15protect your

14、self from thick smoke保护你自己免受浓烟的伤害16 keepkeep+adj keep healthy 保持健 康 keep+sth/sb+adj keep our classroo17. protect yourself from thick smoke 保护你自己免受浓烟 的伤害m clean保持教室干净 keep +doing sth 一直做某事 She keeps running .她一直再跑。 keep on doing sth 反复做某事 She kept on raising her hand .她反复举手。keep- from doing sth 阻止-做某

15、 事=prevent/stop - from doing sth That will keep you from being hurt .那个会让你防止受到伤害。keep a pet饲养一个龙物 How long may I keep this book ?keep 指借重点句子1. Light ning hit a classroom build ing and it caught fire.一幢教学楼被闪电击中而着火了。catch fire意为着火,强调动作;on fire也意为着火,强调状态,有be burning 之意。其中fire是不可数名词,只有作“火灾”讲时是可数名词。如:Whe

16、 n did the house catch fire?房子什么时候着的火?Look! The house is on fire.瞧!那房子着火了2. At first, I felt a slight shake.起初,我感到一阵轻微的晃动。shake作名词,意为 摇动,震动 ;作动词,意为 摇动,震动;发抖 。如: Can 1 shake hands with you?我可以与你握个手吗?3. People screamed in fea人们恐惧地尖叫着。in fear意为“恐惧地”,相当于副词frightenedly。in fear of则意为“害怕 担心”。如:We're in

17、 fear of more snow我们担心会再下雪。4. Outside, people were running in all direct ions while pieces of glass and bricks we falli ng dow n.外面,碎玻璃和碎砖块纷纷掉落下来,人们四处逃散。in all directions意为“四面八方”。 其中direction是可数名词。如:You father walked in the direction of the post office.你父亲朝邮局的方向走去了5. It was dark and silent around me

18、在我周围是一片漆黑和寂静。(1) dark作形容词,意为“黑暗的;深色的”;作名词,意为“黑暗”。如:He has dark skin他的皮肤是黑色的。A girl can't walk alone in the dark.女孩子不可以单独在黑暗中行走。silent意为“寂静的;沉默的”.它的名词是silenee,多指不讲话;quiet意为 “安静的”,指不弄出响声。如:We should keep quiet in the read ing room.在阅览室我们应保持安静。6. I saw you and your pare nts sta nding on the side of

19、 the road 我看至 M尔和你父母正 站在路边。see sb. doing sth意为“看到某人正在做某事” 。see sb. do sth意为“看到某人 做某事”,往往是经常的动作或动作的全过程用此句型。 hear sb doing sth听到某 人正在做某事” hear sb do sth听到某人做某事是经常的动作或动作的全过程no tice/watch用法相同 on the side of the road意为“在路边”。7. My dad's car broke dow n because of the cold weather.我爸爸的车子因寒冷的天 气而抛锚了。bre

20、ak down意为“出故障,坏掉”。相当于be in trouble如:Our car broke dow n on the motorway.=Our car was in trouble on the motorway.我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。because of意为“因为,由于”,后接短语作宾语,不能接从句.because后可 接原因状语从句。两者可替换。如:They arrived late because the road was froze n.=They arrived late because of the froze n road. 由于路面结冰他们迟到了。8. Who

21、 will mop up the water if I go home without you?假如我回家了,没有你谁把 水拖干净呢?mop作名词,意为“拖把”;作动词,意为“用拖把擦干净” 。mop up意为“把 拖干净”。它的宾语如果是代词,则代词必须放在 up前。如:The floor is wet. Mop it up, Bill. 地板湿了。比尔,把它拖干净。9. I could not see anything at all, and I did not know if anyone else was n ear me我 根 本什么也看不到,我不知道我附近是否有其他人。not at

22、 all意为“根本不,一点也不”。else意为“别的,其他的”。它只能修饰不定代词和疑问代词,且必须后置, 不能修饰名词。如, What else would you like?你还想要其他什么吗? 10.1 felt nervous and my heart was beat ing fas我 感到紧张,我的心跳加快。beat有两种意思:意为:打,击,敲;冲击。如:He beat his brother for lying.他因为他的兄弟说谎而揍他。(2) 意为:打败,胜过。此时要与 win区别开:win和beat都可用作及物动词.作“赢,战胜”讲时,其区别主要在于宾语的不同。win的宾语通

23、常是比赛、战争、 奖品、金钱等名词,即 race, match,game, competition,war,prize 之类的词-beat 的宾语则通常是比赛、竞争的对手,即人或球队的名词或代词。如:They won the match this time 这次比赛他们赢了。We played very well, and we beate n them.我们发挥得很好,打败了他们。11. He was ringing some one to come and help whe n you saw us 当你看至 U我们时他 正在给人打电话叫人来帮忙。ring sb意为“给某人打电话”,后可加

24、up,即ring sb. up,其同义词组有:give sb. a call/ring,telephone sb., call sb., make a telephone to sb.12. Try to get out as soon as possibles快逃出去。asas possible= asas one can/could®为“尽可能”。如:He ran as fast as he could他尽可能快地跑着。13. A mome nt of fear went through my mi nd, but I told myself to calm dow n sinc

25、e l was still alive.我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然活 着。(1) mind作名词,意为“头脑;想法”;作动词,意为“介意,反对”,后接动名 词作宾语。如:We cha nged our minds at last.最后我们改变了主意。Do you mi nd my sitti ng here?你介意我坐在这吗?14. Try to get out as soon as possibles快逃出去。asas possible= asas one can/coulc意为“尽可能”。如:He ran as fast as he could他尽可能快地跑着

26、。15. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to protect yourself from thick smoke.用潮湿的毛巾捂住你的嘴和鼻子,以便保护你自己避免受到浓烟的伤害。 (1)coverwith意为“用把盖上”。如:We covered the ground with grass. 我们用草把地面盖上。protect sb. from意为“保护某人免受的伤害”。如:We should protect ourselves from the fire.我们应保护我们自己免受大火的伤害。16. We learnt a lot abou

27、t keeping ourselves safe from fire,floods,earthquakes and我们学了很多有关保护我们自身安全免受火灾、洪水、地震的伤害的知识。 keep.safe意为“保护安全” 。from有”远离”之意17. Do you know what to do first whe n we burn ourselves?当我们烧伤了我们自 己,你知道首先应该做什么吗?what to do是带有疑问词的不定式短语,在句中作 know的宾语。如:I don't know whe n to leave.我不知道何时应离开。18.1 nearly fell o

28、ver.我差点摔倒了。nearly意为“几乎,将近”。与almost意思接近。两者区别如下:(1) almost可用于 any 以及 no, none, nobody, nothing, never等否定词之前,但 nearly 一般不这样用。如:Almost any man can do it.几乎任何人都会做。Almost no one came to the party.几乎没有人来参加晚会。nearly前可用very, pretty, not等词修饰,但almost之前不能用这些词。如:It's not n early so difficult as you think.这远不

29、像你想像的那么难。19. People were trying to clear the snow from the streets.人们正尽力把雪从街上清 除。clear作形容词,意为“清晰的,透明的” ,clearly是它的副词形式;作动词,意 为“清除,打扫”。如:We should clear up the park. It's too dirty.我们应把公园清扫干净。太脏了。语法(一).过去进行时1用法过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或者某段时间正在进行或发生的动作2. 过去进行时的谓语部分构成:肯定形式:主语 +was/were+v. -ing。否定形式:主语 +was not(wasn't)/were not(weren't)+v. -ing。 疑问形式: Was/Were+主语 +v. -ing。如:I was doing my homew


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