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1、)5.江苏省淮安市田家炳中学 2015-2016 学年七年级英语下学期期中试题亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加本次考试!请你细心阅读,用心思考,耐心解答。祝你成功!第 I 卷(65 分)()6. What is the girl looking for?()7. Who always goes swim ming after supper?()8. What should the girl wear for the trip?I.听对话回答问题(共 10 分,每小题10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,?()2. Where is Jack from?A.B.(What sweathertoday?)

2、3.thelikeA.()4. Which boy is Li Ming?A.B.(A. the sec ondWhich floor doesB. the fifthStephe n live on?C. the eighthA. Her hair clips.B. Her CDs.C. Her comic books.A. Mr GreenB. Miss GreenC. Mrs Green(听力。第一部分本部分共有B.1 分)每段对话听两遍。()24.2A. A pair of boots.B. A pair of trai ners.C. A pair of jea ns.()9. Ho

3、w many stude nts doNOT have the books?A. Forty.B. Twenty-five.()10. What is Alan doi ng now?A. Drawi ng a picture.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计B. Watchi ng TV10 分,每小题 1 分)C. Fiftee n.C.Play ing computer games你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12 小题。()11. Where are they?A. In a restaura nt.B. In a clothes shop.()12

4、. What will the woma n take?A. A grey coat.B. A pair of purple jea ns.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15 小题。()13. What s Amy s bedroom like?A. It s very big.B. It s not clean.()14. What doesn t Amy have in her bedroom?A. Toys.B. A bedside table.C. In a stati onery shop.C. A white coat.C. It s not very big but tidy.C.

5、A bookshelf.()15. How many desks are there in Amy and Sandys bedroom?A. Two.B. Only oneC. None听第二篇短文,回答第 1620 小题。()16. Where are Bettys family now?A. In Guan gzhou.B. i n Lijia ng.()17. How long will Bettys family stay there?A. For five days.B. For seve n days()18. Where do they live?In a house n ea

6、r the beach.C. In Sanya.C. For ten days.In a house far away from the beach.In a house in the tow n.II.)19. What do Betty and her mother usually do in the morning?A. Swim.B. Go shopp ing)20. What do Betty s family NOTdo?A. Swim in the sea.B. Fly kites.单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)21. I have_e-dog . I

7、t s_ lovely dog.A. a, aB. a, anC. an, an)22. My un cle is a(n)_ . He works in a restaura nt n ear my home.A. artistB. waiterC. doctorC. Sit un der the trees.C. Walk on the beachD. an, aD. teacher_.We all like it.B. beauti fullyC. goodyou_ Shan ghai Disn eyla nd this summer holiday?A. Do; visitB. Wil

8、l; travelC. Will; visit)25. What_your dream home_?A. does; look B. does; like C. is; like)26. Do you like a bathroom_ a shower in it?A. hasB. withC. have)23. The music soundsA. wellD. won derfullyD. Do; travelD. is; look likeD. having()24.34()27.-May I speak to Mr Gree n, please?- -A. Yes, I am.B. T

9、his is Mr Gree n speak ing.C. Do you know him ?D. I m speaking.()28. Tom usually_ a bike to school. Look, he_to school now.rides; is ridi ngB. is ridi ng; is ridi ngC. rides; ridesD. is ridi ng; rides()29 .- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?-_.You can ask the policema n over t

10、here.On ly 20 yua n.A. How many B. How long C. HowD. How much()34.-Do you know which city is the capital of Russia?A. Washi ngton DCB. Lo ndo nC. TokyoD. Moscow()35.-Can I have_ cakes, please?- Sorry, I don t have_cakes in my fridge.A. some; any B. any; anyC. any; some D. some; someIII.完形填空(共 10 小题;

11、每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)My father is 37 these days, and he still She 38 worktoday. So I mgoing shoppingwith _39_ this after noon. We have a lot of things _40_. Look at our shopp ing list. We aregoing to buy some food and drin ks. So we must go to the supermarket first. We live _41_ the_supermarket, so we ar

12、e going to _42_ there. And we must go to some clothes shops. It s coldnow.I have an old scarf. I want my mother to buy a new one _43_ me. I also wa nt to buy a CDfor Jack. It shis44birthday tomorrow.I think we are goingto have dinner in a restaura ntbecause we may have no time _45 .()36.A. goB. to g

13、oingC. to goD. /()37.A. busyB. sadC. freeD. lucky()38. A. does ntB.don tC. isn tD. aren t()39.A.she sB. hersC. sheD. her()40. A. buyB. buysC. buyingD.to buy()41. A. nextB. nearC. to closeD.far()42.A. walkB. walksC. walki ngD. to walk()43. A. toB. forC. withD.at()44. A. twelveB. the twelveC. twelfthD

14、. the twelfth()45.A. cookB. to cookC. cook ingD.cooksIV.阅读理解(共15 小题; A 篇每小题 2 分,B,C 篇每小题 1 分,满分20 分)阅读下文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A. Have a good timeC. Sorry, I m new here)30. A tall boy sits_A. in front of )31. That white car is not_A.Jack s; myme anB. behind.It is)32. It takes_A.he;do)33.B.No,tha nksD. Y

15、es,ofC.besideD. belowD. Jack; myB.Jack s; mineC.Jack; minehalf an hour_ his homework every day.B.he; to doC. him; to do D.him; doingpocket money do you usually get every week?It s Saturday.works at his office.Wedon t have _36_ to school.Mymother is an English te acher.5A young man is sitting by the

16、road eating something. A policeman is coming over. At once ,the man gets upquickly and runs down the road. The policeman runs after him. The man runs very fast. But the policema n runs fas ter.After a few minu tes, the policema n catches him. Where areyougoing? says the policema n. You must be a cri

17、m in al ( 罪犯) if you run like that whe n you seea policema n. No, no, says the man, I m not a crim in al. I m just too fat, you see. Thedoctor says to me that I must always run fast after eating. I see, says the policeman,You are running to help to lose some weight (重量).()46. What is the young man d

18、oing by the road?A. He is play ing games.B. He is drinking tea.C. He is eat ing someth ing.D. He is liste ning to the radio.()47. What does the young man do whe n he sees the policema n?A. He says hello to him.B. He gets up and runs.C. He is waiting for him.D. He doesn t go away.()48. Why does the p

19、olicema n run after the young man?A. Because he knows him. B. Because he thi nks the young man is a bad man.C. Because he is catch ing a bus.D. Because the young man drops his pen.()49. Who runs faster?The young runs faster tha n the policema n.The policema n runs faster tha n the young man.The doct

20、or runs faster tha n the young man. No one runs faster tha n the young man. ()50. Why does the young manrun?Because the doctor tells him to run after eati ng. He wants to catch a bus.He sees a friend.He remembers somethi ng.BLovely dog aged 5I m moving and can t take him with me. Very friendly with

21、children.I d like to give it away (赠送)t o a good home.Tel: 863196Nice dresses on sale150 dollars ( 美元)for adults ( 成人),70 dollars for childre n, and you will pay 20 dollars less if you buy two dresses.Address: Second StreetTel: 569832Welcome to HILO s StoreTake an old pair of shoes to us before Sept

22、ember 30 and you will pay ten dollars less for any new pair of HILO shoes.Your old shoes will be sent to people in need. Address: Stone streetTel: 245591 245683()51. You needn t pay if you want to get_.A. a pair of shoesB. a women s dress C. a girls dressD. a lovely dog()52. Mrs. Evans is in tereste

23、d in the dresses, so she may call_ .661. His home is not_the school and he walks to school on weekdays.62. There is_with my computer .Please help me check it.63. We are happy to live_ like that.A.863196B.569832C. 245591D.245683()53. Mrs. Evens has to pay_if she wants to buy two dresses, one for hers

24、elfand the other for her 7-year-old daughter.A.$150B.$190C.$200D.$220)54. You can_ with your old shoes if you buy a new pair in HILOA. pay $10 lessB. pay less than $10C. pay only $10D. pay nothi ng at all)55. You can probably see the three ads above in_.A. letters B. newspapersC. dictionaries (字典) D

25、. studentss Store.booksAmerica n schools beg in in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms ( in aschool year; the first term is from September to January, and the second is begin to go to schoolwhen they are five years old.期)to June. Most American children学from FebruaryMost childr

26、e nare seve ntee n or eightee n years old whe n they finish high school.High school stude nts take five or six subjects each term. They usually go to differe ntclassrooms every day, and they have lots of homework for every subject. After school, they do manyin teresti ng thin gs.After high school, m

27、any students go to college. They usually have to pay a lot of money.So many college stude nts work after class to get money for their studies.()56. In America, summer holidays beg in in_A. SeptemberB. July)57. When a boy is six years old, he_A. has to stay at homeC. is old eno ugh to go to school)58

28、. America n high school stude nts_A. have lessonsC. MayD. FebruaryC. help the old)59. In order to (为了)A. help their pare ntsC. help others)60. Which of the followi ng is true?B. can go to high schoolD. goes to work_ after school.B. go to workD. do lots of in teresti ng things,many America n college

29、stude nts work after class.B. get money for the ir studies D. lear nsome useful things(America n stude nts usually only have a two-month holiday every year.America n stude nts have four terms in a year.A 16-year-old child usually has five or six subjects each term at school.High school stude nts go

30、to the same classroom each term.第 II 卷(55 分)I .词汇运用(共 16 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 16 分)A.从方框中选择恰当的词组,将下列句子补充完整。look ing forward to far from byun dergro und someth ing wronggo straight onple nty ofin a n eighbourhoodare going to764. It takes only 40 minu tes_to the hospital.88. Who also likes Chin ese food very

31、 much?865. _, and you II see the traffic lights.66. The Children s Day is coming and we_watch a film.67. My pare nts will prepare_ food and drinks for us at weeke nds.68. Teachers and stude nts are all_the summer holidays.B.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空69. She_ (water) the flowers the day after tomorrow.70. My

32、new n eighbours are polite and_ (help).71. Tom and Jerry are both_(policema n). They work hard.72. Mon keys are funny and they ofte n make people_ (laugh).73. Some volun teers are ready_(visit) the old.74. She is_(luck) to have a lot of friends to help her.75. Mr Zhu is always the_(one) to come to s

33、chool and the last to leave.76. This is not our classroom. It s_(they).II根据汉语意思完成下列句子(空格词数不限)。(共 7 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 14 分)77.街道拐角处有一座美丽的花园。There is a beautiful garde n_the street.78.图书馆里有各种各样的书。There are_books in the library.79.我的英语老师经常在家庭作业方面帮助我。My En glish teacher ofte n_ my homework.80.为什么不乘坐有轨电车去河下古

34、镇?_ take the streetcar to Hexia An cie nt Town?81.你愿意带我们参观学校的新图书馆吗?Would you like to_the new library in our school?82.苏果超市在我们学校的南边。Suguo Supermarket is_ our school.83.向左转,你就会发现操场。_ ,and you ll find the playground.III 任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面的短文,根据内容回答问题。I am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Jun

35、. I had a wish to go abroad (至 U 国夕卜)for a very longtime. Finally a good chanee came. Now I am studying in the USA. My wish comes true (真实的),but I am not happy here. I want to go back to China because I hate the food in the USA. People in the USAeat a lot ofbread. They also like fast food and fried chicken very much. But I don t like such food. I like Chin ese food. There aremany differe nt kinds of food in China. They areall very delicious. So, I often go to the Chinese restaurants in America. The food there is nice


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