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1、成人高考专升本英语历年真题归类汇编分词2009-06-02北京安通学校【群组讨论】【进入论坛】编辑推荐09年各地成人高考报名时间各地计划招生人数 成人高考历年试题免费下载2009成考考试大纲 成人高考填报志愿指导专题高起本可兼报高起专 北京成人高考网上报名系统 09年成考完全指南 上海成人高考网上报名系统 成人高考考试科目 动漫专业成就快速高薪之路! 关键词: 成考 成人高考 专升本 英语 历年试题 字体:大 中 小分词重点:现在分词与过去分词的区别; 分词在句中充当的成份;分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语是否一致。1. _ what the situation would be like, the

2、y decided to keep silent.A. Having not known B. Knowing not C. Not know D. Not knowing2. The program was so _ that they were too _ to fall asleep.A. excitingexcited B. excited.exciting C. excitingexciting D. excited.excited3. The _ children were opening their Christmas presents.A. exciting B. excite

3、d C. excite D. excitement1.Not too many years ago, it was an excited experience to travel 25 or 50 miles from home.2.China is a _ country while the U.S is a _ country.A. developeddeveloped B. developingdeveloping C. developeddeveloping D. developingdeveloped3.Mrs. White found her husband surrounded

4、by letters and papers and _ very worried.A. looking B. looks C. look D. to look4.She returned home from the market only to find the door open and a number of things_.A. stole B. missing C. missed D. stealing5.Just as I turned round the corner, I saw a car _ towards me at a high speed.A. to come B. c

5、ome C. coming D. came6.All those _ to go to the football match please raise your hands.A. wish B. wished C. will wish D. wishing10. No one else _ willing to go, he offered to take the message.A. was B. had been C. were D. being11. _ the teachers suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the prob

6、lem.A. Following B. To follow C. Follow D. He followed12. _ crossing the street, he was knocked down by a car.A. By B. During C. At D. While13. There was a terrible cry _ the fall of the pole.A. followed B. to follow C. following D. that follows14. Most of the artists being invited to the party were

7、 from South Africa.15. Some of the guests _ to the party were from other cities.A. to invite B. invited C. being invited D. had been invited16. The telephone was invented in 1876 by a man _ Alexander Graham Bell.A. named B. naming C. that names D. who named17. Water _ into vapor by the sun falls as

8、rain.A. turns B. turning C. is turned D. turned18. The children _ in red sang songs together.A. dressed B. dressing C. worn D. wearing19. The musician, _ for his splendid speech, was warmly received by the students.A.knowing B. known C. having known D. being known20. The cinema _ last month, is very

9、 popular especially among the young people in the town.A. opens B. opened C. to open D. having opened21. -Do you know anything about the meeting _ in Italy?-Yes, and as a matter of fact I attended it.A. to be held B. held C. being held D. to hold22. There are about 70 people _ in the accident.A. wer

10、e killed B. who killed C. killing D. killed23. Its such a big room. If you dont speak loud enough, youll never make yourself _.A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. heard24. In earliest times, people had eaten their food_.A.uncooked B. being uncooked C. uncooking D. to be uncooked25. The hunters had the

11、fire _ at the night in the woods.A. burnt B. burning C. to burn D. burned26. John went to town yesterday and had his bike _ there.A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired27. My wife is planning to have the furniture _ light gray.A. paint B. painting C. to paint D. painted28. The dress doesnt

12、fit, Ill have to have it _.A. sold B. charged C. changed D. adopted29. Mr. Smith had the report _ as soon as he finished _ it.A. to be typedto write B. typedto write C. being typedwriting D. typedwriting30. _ white, the kitchen looks much better than before.A. Paints B. Painted C. Paining D. To pain

13、t31. He kept us _ with _ stories about his Arctic adventures.A. entertained/ exciting B. entertaining/ excitedC. entertained/ excited D. entertaining/ exciting32. _ their luggage, the tourists hurried to the airport,A. Packed B. After packed C. Packing D. Having packed33. _ a wrong address, he could

14、 not find his friends flat.A. Giving B. To be given C. Having given D. Having been given34. _ his party to power for the fourth time, he becomes famous among Western leaders.A. Lead B. Leading C. Have led D. Having led35. _ for several times, Bill made up his mind not to watch late night movies any

15、more.A. To be scolded B. To have been scolded C. Being scolded D. Having been scolded36. The recorder _ out of order, the students did not know what to do.A. were B. has been C. was being D. being37. After seeing the movie, _.A. the book was read by him B. the book made him want to read itC. he want

16、ed to read the book D. the reading of the book interested him38. All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door_.A. to lock B. locking C. locked D. lock、虚拟语气重点:虚拟语气的基本用法及其常见形式,如含if 条件句的句子,as if 从句; it is necessary/ important that 从句; suggest (建议)等词后面的宾语从句; it is suggested that 从句; suggestion

17、等词后面的同位语从句,表语从句; wish 后面的宾语从句等。1. His doctor suggested that he _ his right hand.A. avoid to use B. avoid using C. has avoided using D. avoids to use2. Jim suggested that they _ their supper.A. had B. would have C. should have D. should have eaten3. I suggest that he will be sent to hospital as soon

18、as possible.4. I suggest that (他再把这个实验做一遍)he should do the experiment again5. Its suggested that _ a while before we make a decision.A. she waited B. she wait C. she waits D. she will wait6. The manager insisted that the chief engineer _ testing the new model immediately.A. start B. starts C. starte

19、d D. will start7. The doctor insists that _ (我父亲戒烟). my father (should) give up smoking 8. The company recommended that a new railway station _ here.A. build B. built C. should build D. be built9. 他命令销毁这些文件 He ordered that papers should be destroyed.10. Something about his manner suggested that he _

20、 not interested in what we were doing.A. was B. were C. be D. is11. It is necessary that he _ there on time.A. is B. be C. will D. has been12. Mary wishes that she _ law instead of history when she was in college.A. study B. studied C. has studied D. had studied13. I wish I _ busy yesterday; I could

21、 have helped you with the problemA. was not B. were not C. have not been D. had not been14. Its high time _ about the traffic problem.A. something was done B. everything is done C. anything will be done D. nothing to done15. In spite of the noise, he went on working _ nothing were happening.A. as if

22、 B. because C. although D. where16. 他的行为好像小孩子一样 He behaves as if he were a child.17. If I had known all this before, I would not speak to him that way.18. 如果你早一点告诉我,我就不会错过这个机会了。If you had told me a bit earlier, I wouldnt have missed the chance.19. If you had followed the doctors advice, (你现在就不会再床上躺着

23、了)you wouldnt lie in bed now20. 如果我昨天来的话,我会跟你们一起去野餐的。I had come yesterday , I would have gone for the picnic with you.21. If her grandfather would have three more days, he would have been 100 years old.虚拟语气强化训练1.If Peter had enough money, he _ on the trip to Los Angeles.A. had gone B. would go C. we

24、nt D. would have gone2. He did his homework carefully for fear that he _.A. made a mistake B. makes a mistake C. would make a mistake D. make a mistake3. I would have asked him to attend our gathering, but I _his address.A. didnt know B. hadnt know C. dont know D. wouldnt know4. The stubborn young m

25、an did not follow the advice that he _ on his behavior since he didnt believe that he had done anything wrong.A. reflect B. had reflected C. would reflect D. must reflect5. I _ the airport to make a flight reservation, but in fact I didnt.A. should have called B. called C. could call D. would call6.

26、 I would have told him the answer, but I _ so busy at that moment.A. had been B. was C. were D. would be7. If only we _ a phone! Im fed up with lining up outside the public phone box.A. have B. had C. will have D. are to have8. Mr. Smith received the order that he _ the documents to the new product

27、meeting for further discussion.A. bring B. brings C. will bring D. has brought9. I wish _.A. I know how to program the new computer B. I will know to program the new computerC. I knew how to program the new computer D. I do know how to program the new computer10. He believes he has been cheated. He

28、_it.A. should not have believed B. should not believe C. did not believe D. cant but believe11. But for the reform, we _ such great achievements.A. shall not make B. could not have made C. should not make D. can not have made12. I need a helping hand, but I would sooner you _.A. come B. coming C. wi

29、ll go with me D. didnt join me13. If the government had built more homes for the poor several years ago, the housing problems now _ so serious in many parts of the country.A. wouldnt be B. wont be C. will not have been D. would not have been14. Tom might have come to school in time for the lecture _

30、.A. if he got up earlier B. unless he had got up earlierC. but he got up rather late D. but he had gotten up late15. They took the injured straight to the hospital. Otherwise some of them _.A. might have died B. might die C. would die D. could die16. It is a perfect fit, sir. I _ to you otherwise.A.

31、 wouldnt show it B. wouldnt have shown itC. wouldnt take it D. wouldnt have taken it17. Jeff looked as if he _ a ghost.A. saw B. has seen C. had seen D. would see18. I would have gone to the concert, if I _ time.A. had had B. have had C. had D. would have had19. _ I known it, I would have told you.A

32、. Have B. If C. Had D. Having20. The headmaster required that all the teachers _ at the meeting.A. present B. must be present C. be present D. would be present21. The mother rejected my suggestion that she _ her daughter the next week.A. met B. meets C. would meet D. meet22. It is necessary that any

33、one _ exercises every day if he wishes to keep healthy.A. do B. would do C. did D. will do23. It is high time that we _ all ready for this afternoon meeting, _it would be late.A. must get, or B. got, or C. should get, and D. get, and24. In spite of the noise, he went on working _ nothing were happen

34、ing.A. as if B. because C. although D. where25. _ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A. In case of B. In spite of C. As of D. But for分词答案1. D 2.A 3.B 4.B: exciting 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10. D 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B: invited 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.B 21.B 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.

35、B 26.D 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.B 31.A 32.D 33.D 34.D 35.D 36.D 37.C 38.CX.虚拟语气1. B 2.C 3.B: should be 5.B 6.A 8.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.A 17.C: would not have spoken 21.A: had lived虚拟强化训练:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. A14. C 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. C 21

36、. D 22. A 23. B 24. A25. D成人高考专升本英语历年真题归类汇编动词2009-06-02北京安通学校【群组讨论】【进入论坛】编辑推荐09年各地成人高考报名时间各地计划招生人数 成人高考历年试题免费下载2009成考考试大纲 成人高考填报志愿指导专题高起本可兼报高起专 北京成人高考网上报名系统 09年成考完全指南 上海成人高考网上报名系统 成人高考考试科目 动漫专业成就快速高薪之路! 关键词: 成考 成人高考 专升本 英语 历年试题 字体:大 中 小.动词 重点:动词的主要时态;被动语态的构成及其基本用法;情态动词的基本用法(尤其是后接现在完成式);used to与be/ge

37、t used to时态1.The teacher said that the earth ?_ around the sun.A. run B. ran C. runs D. was running2.Tom laid on the floor, reading a book.3.If you bring your shirt to me, I _ it for you.A. will mend B. am mending C. have mended D. will have mended4. -Did you go to Beijing last year? -No, _.A. I hav

38、e never gone B. I havent gone to BeijingC. I did never go there D. Ive never been to Beijing5. Mr. Smith _ here for two weeks.A. has already come B. is already being C. has already been D. has already being6. We used to go skating in Michigan every winter, but _ for the past five seasons.A. I dont g

39、o B. I havent C. Im not going D. I didnt go7. _ lately? I have not seen you for quite some time.A. Where were you gone B. Where did you go C. Where were you going D. Where have you been8. We _ a walk when it started to rain.A. take B. took C. are taking D. were taking9. Although he promised to chang

40、e. Im still wondering when he _ able to put his heart into his studies.A. was B. will be C. be D. were10. The lady said that shes been living in that city for years.11. By the time we got to the cinema the film _for half an hour.A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on12. He has alrea

41、dy gone home. But before he left, he _ all the mistakes in his translation.A. had corrected B. has corrected C. corrected D. would correct13. By the end of last year we _ more than 2000 teachers of English all over the province.A. trained B. would have trained C. had trained D. have trained14. 昨天下午三

42、班赢了那场足球赛。 Class 3 won the football match yesterday afternoon15. While I was skiing, I _ and broke my wrist.A. fell B. felt C. feel D. fallen被动语态1.You dont have to pay for your flights: theyre _ in the price of your holiday.A. concluded B. held C. settled D. included2.The doctor _ my forehead and said, “ Your forehead _ hot.”A. felt, feels B. felt, was felt C. feels, felt D. feels, is felt3.去年沿着这条河种植了二百多棵果树。More than two hundred fruit trees were planted along the river last year.4.Last week a rare stamp _ at a p


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