



1、工程技术论文I桐庐综合码头办公楼结构设计与施工 组织设计摘要土木工程是一门古老而又现代的学科,在进行工程实践的过程中,我们应该立足经典的理论知识, 在不断的工程实践积累中,勇于创新,扩大交流,不断形成我们的工程技术优势。现在我国正处于 基础建设的高峰时期,作为一名新世纪的土木工程人员,我们应该立足本国的具体情况,充分利用 我国的人力和物力优势,不断的加强对外工程技术交流与合作,在竞争激烈的国际市场中占据我们 的一席之地。&dquo;三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。”在繁忙紧张的工程实践中,作为一名工程技术人员,我们应该努力调动集体的积极性和创造力,充分挖掘团队的潜力,这样我

2、们的工作才能以最高的效率 来进行。在工程实践上,有很多问题应该发挥集体的智慧和力量,所以我们要重视团队作用的发 挥。该综合码头的兴建将使桐庐县的水运自然条件和丰富的水运资源得以发挥,特别是大宗物资及集装 箱不需再由公路至上海或宁波进出,从而大大降低运输成本,进一步优化投资环境。本次设计培养我们在建筑工程设计中的配合意识;培养正确、熟练运用规范、手册、标准图集及参 考书的能力;通过实际工程训练,建立功能设计、施工、经济全面协调的思想,进一步建立建筑、 结构工程师的责任意识。关键词:土木工程 团队结构积极性创造力规范施工Abstract: Civil Engin eeri ng is an anc

3、ient and the moder n discipli nes, in the process of engin eeri ng practice, we should be based on the classic theory of kno wledge, con sta ntly accumulated in the engin eeri ng practice, the courage to inno vate, expa nd excha nges, the formati on of our engin eeri ng and tech ni cal adva ntages .

4、 Now China is in in frastructure duri ng the peak period, as a new cen tury of civil engin eeri ngpers onn el, we should be based on their specific situati on and make full use of Chin a"s huma n and material adva ntages, con ti nue to stre ngthe n the engin eeri ng and tech ni cal excha nges a

5、nd cooperati on in the competitive In the intern ati onal market place we occupy."Three out Pijia ng, top-of Zhuge Lia ng.&qu ot; Peak of tension in the engin eeri ng practice, as an engin eeri ng and tech ni cal pers onn el, we should be collective efforts to mobilize the en thusiasm a

6、nd creativity, the team fully tap the pote ntial, so that we can work with the highest For the efficie ncy. In engin eeri ng practice, there are many problems should play a collective wisdom and stre ngth, so we n eed to play a role of the team.The in tegrated termi nal will en able the con structi

7、on of the waterway Ton glu Coun ty, n atural con diti ons and rich water resources to play an importa nt role, particularly bulk goods and containers no Ion ger by road to and from Shan ghai or Nin gbo, thus greatly reduci ng tran sport costs, and further optimize the in vestme nt environment.The de

8、sig n of our culture in the desig n of con struct ion projects with aware ness training is correct, skilled use of no rms, manu als, reference books and sta ndard atlas the ability to work through practical trai ning, the establishme nt of fun ctio nal desig n, con struct ion, the overall coord in a

9、ti on of econo mic thought, further The establishme nt of build in gs, structural engin eers sense of resp on sibility.Key words: Civil Engin eeri ng team structure actively regulate the con struct ion of creativity目录目录3 第一部分6第一章 屋面楼板设计61.1设计资料61.2板块计算71.3屋面楼板配筋计算11第二章楼梯设计132.1设计资料1322楼梯设计13第三章次梁与连续

10、梁设计263.1设计资料263.2 A号次梁设计263.3 ?号连续梁设计28第四章框架计算344.1框架计算简图的确定344.2框架梁、柱的线刚度计算354.3竖向荷载计算3954584.4各杆的固端弯矩和柱端偏心弯矩的求解4.5竖向荷载作用下的弯矩分配与各内力计算4.6风荷载计算76第五章框架的内力组合845.1框架梁内力组合845.2框架柱内力组合88第六章截面设计与配筋设计946.1 框架梁正截面受弯承载力计算946.2 梁斜截面受剪承载力计算956.3 框架柱配筋计算99第二部分110第七章施工组织质量1107.1质量保证措施1117.2建立质量保证体系 1117.3搞好施工前的准备

11、 1127.4本工程采用的具体措施1137.5成品保护1157.6内业档案管理115第八章安全生产、防火保证措施 1168.1做好施工准备工作 1168.2加强施工过程管理工作1168.3本工程具体安全防火措施117118第九章 文明施工,减少扰民,降低环境污染措施9.1做好施工准备 1189.2做好施工过程中的管理1199.3本工程特殊的技术措施119第十章保证工期措施12010.1搞好施工前的准备工作12010.2加强施工过程中的管理120第十一章雨期施工技术措施 12111.1搞好施工前的准备12111.2加强施工过程中的管理12111.3本工程采取的具体措施12211.4冬期施工准备 123 11.5施工过程中的管理 12312512711.7越冬


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