



1、复习三词汇专项1. Stephen often chats with his friends on the 阳( 台 ).2. The food in this r is very delicious.3. His aunt will (到达) in Shanghai next week.4. We all know September is the n month of a year.5. Don ' t (担心). I will help you with your English.6. There are about eight m people in the small cit

2、y.7. Our teacher is f and helpful. 8. Farmers g rice in the south of China.9. We are glad to have our (自己的 ) rooms now.10. Please keep q in the hospital. 11. Her room is clean and 整( 洁的 ).12. Kitty lives in a flat in the c of a small town.13. There is a big and modern 厕(所) in the building.14. We can

3、a plate of fish.点)15. They are a group of (. 交流学生)16. How much do your trainers? 238 yuan.(值)17. There are many sin the supermarket. They are choosing food they like.18. His brother is a win a Western restaurant.19. He likes cooking very much. He wants to be a cwhen he grows up.20. The little girl i

4、s s, so her parents take her to a hospital.21. If we get up late, we will mthe bus.22. The most popular food in England is fish and c.23. How much is a (小包) of this kind of sweets? 18.00 yuan.24. My family need two lof bread for breakfast every morning.25. Would you oa glass of orange juice for me?

5、I'm thirsty now.26. They were all very tired, but nof them would take a rest.27. We have to buy some more food because there's no_t_h_in_g_i_n_t_h_e_f.28. I like films. Let 's go to the c._29.Some pop music is 精( 彩的).30.It is only 40 minutes from my home to the center of Beijing by地( 铁).

6、31.Is there a 乡( 村) park near your home ?32.I arrived late and mthe train.33. We often enjoy Beijing Opera at the t.34. We didn't go to bed uwe finished our homework last night.35. Grandpa is sick and we must take him to h.36. -Would you like to go shopping with me? -I 'm aI can 't.37. T

7、he little boy fhis mother all the time.38. The zoo is 东( 南) of the hospital.39. It 's difficult to climb the hill, but it's easy to walk dit.40. Go son, and you 'll see the bookshop at the end of the road.41. There is a dog lying in the 角( 落) of the room.42. The boy often helps old peopl

8、e cthe street.43. The students will meet at the school gto have a class trip.44. Our team is very strong and I think it will wthe match tomorrow.45. It 's so ctoday and it's going to rain later.46. When you come here next time, please bme my book.47. Thanks for邀请)me to your school. 48.Let &#

9、39; s take不同)routes.49. He walks经过)the hotel a nd does n ' t find it.50. Ca n you jump从上过)the chair?51. Take the seco nd拐弯)on the left, and you will find it.52. He feels 惊( 讶). They win the game.53. The police station is on 五( )Street.54. You can go out of the museum at E A.55. Friends often sen

10、d p to each other before Christmas.56. E in our class likes to come to the party.57.Some students in poor areas don' t have enough p to write on.58. We can walk a the road when the traffic lights turn green.59. The moon moves a the earth.60. Jump ithe swimming pool and let ' s swim together.

11、61. Every day, after he gets o the bus, he runs to the school.62. When Yao Ming a, the young people were all excited.63. I w only two kilograms when I was born.64. It ' s_a_p that I missed such a good film.65. His grandfather 死( ) three years ago.66. He listened carefully but h nothing.67. This

12、morning, he got up as u, but found something strange outside.68. There are lots of people over there. What ' s h there?69. -Is there anything s _ in today's newspa-p-eNro?, nothing is u.70. The baby panda was very w at birth71. Eddie found a UFO from the 灌( 木丛 ) behind the tree.72. He (搜寻 )

13、his room for his book but didn't find it.73. .When he came back home, he found 一(切 ) was different.74. It ' s a that so little a boy eats so much food every day.75. The e is the biggest animal on the land.76. Every morning, my father gets up e to go to work on time.77. She often 旅( 行) from o

14、ne country to another.78. Look! There is (明亮的 ) light in the sky.79. Can you hear the 奇( 怪的 ) noise?80. The air is f in the country.81. It 's very far from 地_球( ) to the sun.82. The world is so interesting. It is full of (令人惊奇的 ) things.83. How many (秒) does an hour have?84. - Can you tell me th

15、e 重( 量) of the box?85. Do you know who (发明) TV ?Who is the (发明家)?86. The young man 决( 定) to play basketball in NBA at the age of 10.87. We all want to know the历史)of the computers.88. The police 搜( 查) the town and found the missing boy.89. He got up late and ( ran quickly) to the school.90. Jack fell

16、 off the ladder and hhimself.91. The big fire烧伤)his left arm last night.92. The old man lives ( by oneself) in the country.93.It was too late for the doctors to (拯救) him.94.Be careful not to (倒) the milk over the ground.95.I can 't see anything clearly because of the heavy s.96.The young woman u

17、sed a (毯子) to keep herself (安全的) .97.It 's d to play with fire.98. He often forgets to bring his key, he is such a c boy.99. There are two 学( 期) in a school year.100. (地理 ) is very useful so we must learn it well.101. He likes music very much and often plays the p .102. Pollution(污染)is a big pfo

18、r all the countries.103. There will be a (家长) meeting in a few days.104. I will (推荐) Jim to be our monitor.105. It (下雪) hard in some parts of our country in 2008.106. Can you do something to keep yourself安全的)when you ' re in 危险).107. He is win history because heloesn' t try to remember anyth

19、ing.108. Yesterday my frie nd foff her bike and she fsad.109. Look, you made many mistakes. How cyou do your homework!110. The Maths pare too difficult. Who can work them out?111. I can' t hear you because it ' s a little nin the classroom.112. There is a ssaying“ No smoking ” in the meeting

20、 room.113. She n ever wabout exam 考试)because she is good at all subjects.114. He is walk ing so s. Let him walk faster.115. What ' s the ) with the old man ?116. I can ' t find Sally because I don' t know where she 斶 (117. The workers建 造)a new supermarket n ear our school last year.118.

21、Simon isn ' t a good boy. He often (with his classmates.119. He looked at the sky with his eyes ope n w.120. You should cthe water every day.121. When someo ne按响)the doorbell, the dog barks.122. Parrots are dfrom the other birds.123. She will give us a演讲)on ani mals.124 - How much do you w?- Abo

22、ut 30 kilos.125 .If you get up earlier, you can cthe early bus.126.I heverywhere just now but I couldn' t find it .127. You must always隐藏)the kn ife from childre n.128. They打架)yesterday, so they don ' t speak to each other today.129.I' m sorry to bring you so much(麻烦).130. Your shoes are

23、 too dirty, you should byour shoes soon.131. Some people hunt the tigers for their bones and f.132. It ' s very _ for us to learn English well.133. Her parrot always rafter her .She can say many words.134. The oof the house went to Beiji ng last week.135. Don ' t make so muchn, I am thinking

24、.136. There are some sover there. On them are somebooks.137. Our En glish teacher is kto us.138. Tof people will watch the basketball match tomorrow.139. Look! He is lon the ground.140. This is their fless on, so they are very excited.141. The cof the USA is Washi ngton DC.142. I ofte n ca ladde梯子)t

25、o get upstairs onto the sec ond floor.143. Of all the rooms, my fplace is the balc ony.144. The nless on is a little easier tha n the eighth one.145. There is a bridgethe river.在上面)146. We live in theof Moscow. 中 心)147. His dream home is very large. It has four.1层)148. He has a big room )twelve show

26、ers and four baths.149. September 29th is my二十)birthday.150. There are more tha n eleven百 万)people in Sha nghai.151. There are a lot of海 滩)in Hong Kong.152. They did n't go home utheir teacher came into the classroom.153. My classmates and I all live in the same build ing. So I have many frie nd

27、s n.154. Look at the sunshine.lt' s bright. So today it' s a sday.155. A nna lives in a flat. There are many frie ndly naround her.156. The lpeople here like to go the theater to enjoy Beiji ng O.157. How many books can we buy with the mon ey?(一本也没有)158. Timmy likes going to the (运动中心) after

28、 work.159.I can 't find my Walkman. 也_许( ) I left it in the classroom.160. Tomorrow we will hold a party. Now we are (准备) food and drinks for it.161. There are many foreigners in Zhenjiang H.162. An old woman is standing at the cof the road.163. Would you like to be the m of our class, Tom?164.

29、Can you b me some water?165 The park is in the 西( 南 ) of Sunshine Park.166. My father likes watching news (报道 ) on TV.167. The students are playing on the playground 开( 心地 ).168. The teacher is walking 向( ) his students.169. We should give a s to the old on the bus.170. We all know people usually p

30、trees in spring.171. We all know December is the twelfth m in a year.172. A car goes fast, but a bike goes s.173. He couldn't write because he h his arms.174. He p some milk over his trousers just now.175. Kate is a 勇( 敢 ) girl. We like her very much.176. My sister saw a lot of 烟( ) from next do

31、or just now.177. Be (小心 ) of the dog that doesn 't bark.178. My cousin often helps his mother do 家( 务活 ).179. There is a long (历史) behind the building.180. I won't buy this red (毯子 ). It's too expensive.181. Look! The house is 燃( 烧). Let's go and help.182. My brother got an 奖( ) at t

32、he sports meeting.183. (记得 ) to turn off all the lights before you leave.184. My mother (叫醒 ) me up early yesterday morning.185. The dog 犬( 吠) at him when he came close to it.186. You must wash your hands right now. Look, how 脏( 的) they are!187. I live four floors b him.188 It is comfortable to have a 淋( 浴) after a day' s hard work.189.She is good at Chinese and she writes good a.190. Would you like to have another hamburger? No, thanks. I'm 饱_的_)(.191. Bring me some grapes when you


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