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1、英语学习理论复习题1. It is necessary to choose between formed-based and meaning-based instruction. Do you agree with the views ? State your idea.I dont think it is necessary to choose between the two instructions.Form-based instruction refers to the instruction which draws attention to the forms and structur

2、es of the language within the context of communicative interaction. This may be done by giving metalinguistic information, simply highlighting the form in question or by providing corrective feedback. While meaning-based instruction is mainly used in communicative language teaching. This approach to

3、 teaching emphasizes the communication of meaning over the practice and manipulation of grammatical forms, because successful language learning involves not only a knowledge of the structures and forms of a language, but also the functions and purposes that a language serves in different communicati

4、ve settings.In my opinion, there is no definitely separation between the two instructions, so we cant generally definite which of the instructions is superior to the other.As we all know, when teaching a second language, we often combine different approaches together to make our lessons more affecti

5、vely, as language learning is affected by many factors,. That means there is more than one method that can be used to achieve a better understanding of a second language to be taught. We teachers cant decide a certain way according our own preference to direct our students. In fact, in my daily teac

6、hing, I usually choose different methods to deal with different items to be taught. For instance, when I deal with language points, I usually use the form-based instruction to introduce the grammar items to my students. I even use necessary Chinese to analyze the language points for them if the item

7、s are difficult for my students to understand well. But when I help my students to practise their speaking, I seldom give them form-based instructions. Instead, I ignore their tiny mistakes in the structure of the language and just give them hint to let them pay attention to some serious mistakes, s

8、o that the students can have enough courage to express themselves and communicate with each other. In such circumstance, meaning-based instruction is more acceptable.In short, both form-based and meaning-based instructions are common and basic methods used in second language teaching, each of them h

9、as a better effect in dealing with different teaching materials and aims. There is no need for to choose from the two.2.      What are the significance and weak points for UG theory for language learning ? Please use one concrete example to illustrate how UG relates to the p

10、roblem of language learning ?UG refers to Universal Grammar. It has replaced the earlier term LAD in work based on Chomskys theory of language acquisition. Its considered to consist of a set of principles which are common to all languages. If children are pre-equipped with UG, then what they have to

11、 learn is the ways in which their own language makes use of these principles and the variations on those principles which may exist in the particular language which they hear spoken around them. Children seem to develop language in similar ways and on a similar schedule, in a way not very different

12、from the way all children learn to walk. Innate knowledge of the principles of UG permits all children to acquire the language of their environment, during a critical period in their development.UG is a good framework for understanding first language acquisition, and in some linguists opinion, it al

13、so offers the best perspective from which to understand second language learning although Chomsky has not made specific claims about the implications of his theory for second language learning.But on the other hand, some linguists argue that UG is no longer available to guide the acquisition of a se

14、cond language acquisition. Besides, adult second language learners can not benefit from UG.Though a variety of different theories might be sufficient to explain some early language performance, UG is necessary to explain learners knowledge of complex syntax. Researchers working with the UG framework

15、 find out that even if second language learners begin learning the second language after the end of the critical period and even if many fail to achieve complete mastery of the target language, there is still a logical problem of (second) language acquisition: learners eventually know more about the

16、 language than they are exposed to. They infer from this that UG must be available to second language learners as well as to first language learners. The nature and availability of UG in SLA is no different from that which is hypothesized to guide first language learners. I think this example can il

17、lustrate how UG relates to the problem of language learning3.      What do you think are the most important personality factors which contribute to success in L2 learning ?We all believe that language learners have certain characteristics which lead to more or less successfu

18、l language learning. In addition to personality characteristics, other factors, such as intelligence, aptitude, motivation and attitude, are also relevant to language learning. I think, among those factors, motivation, self-confidence and attitude are the most important factors which contribute to s

19、uccess in L2 learning. The reasons are as follows:*         Its known to all that learners who want to learn tend to do better than those who dont. Positive attitude and high level of motivation will help with second language acquisition, they will play a faci

20、litative role in second language acquisition. So we can often see that in a group of highly motivated second language learners, there are always those who are more successful than others. Whats more, in a teachers mind, motivated students are usually those who participate actively in class, express

21、interest in the subject-matter, and study a great deal. They often seek out opportunities to interact with speakers around and in search of more opportunities to practise what they have learned.*         Depending on the learners attitudes, learning a second l

22、anguage can be a source of enrichment or a source of resentment. Active motivation and attitude can bring about language learners interest, and being interested in a second language can be the best way to learn it well. If the speakers only reason for learning the second language is external pressur

23、e, internal motivation may be minimal and general attitude towards learning may be negative.*         Self-confidence plays an important role in second language learning as well. It can influence the kinds of strategies the learners choose in order to learn ne

24、w material. Second language learners are not always conscious of their individual learning styles, but virtually all learners, particularly older learners, have strong beliefs and opinions about how their instruction should be delivered. Learner beliefs can be strong mediating factors in their exper

25、ience in the language learning. If a learner is full of self-confidence, he can overcome more difficulty sufficiently during language learning and provide himself with more and more opportunities to enjoy success in language learning.So, in my point of view, motivation, attitude and self-confidence

26、are the most important personality factors which contribute to success in L2 learning4.      How do you understand Krashens monitor theory ? Do you think it is applicable to foreign language learning ?Krashens monitor model is an innatist theory of second language acquisitio

27、n. It has had a great influence on second language teaching practice. It contains five hypotheses: (1) the acquisition-learning hypothesis; (2) the monitor hypothesis; (3) the natural order hypothesis; (4) the input hypothesis; and (5) the affective filter hypothesis.*     &

28、#160; Language acquisition is one of the most impressive and aspects of human development. It is contrasted with learning. According to Krashen, acquisition represents “unconscious” learning, which takes place when attention is focused on meaning rather than language form. Language learning refers t

29、o a “conscious” process which occurs when the learners objective is to learn about the language itself, rather than to understand messages which are conveyed through the language.*        The monitor hypothesis explains the relationship between acquisition and lear

30、ning and defines the influence of he latter on the former. The monitoring function is the practical result of the learned grammar. The monitor acts in a planning, editing and correcting function when three specific conditions are met: a. the second language learner has sufficient time at his disposa

31、l; b. he focuses on form of thinks about correctness; c. he knows the rule.*          The natural order hypothesis is based on research findings which suggested the for a given language, come grammatical structures tend to acquired in a certain order acco

32、rding to learners age, L1 background and conditions of exposure.*          The input hypothesis is to explain how the learner acquires a second language. When the learner receives a second language, he not only improves and progresses along the “natural o

33、rder” but also input on step beyond his current atage of linguistic compentence, i.e. i+1.*        The affective filter hypothesis tells us an imaginary barrier which prevents learners from acquiring language from the available input. The hypothesis embodies Krashe

34、ns view that a number of “affective variables” play a facilitative role in second language acquisition. These variables include: motive, self-confidence and anxiety.I think Krashens monitor model is applicable to foreign language learning as well as teaching though there are theorists holding differ

35、ent ideas from Krashens views, for research findings from a number of different domains are consistent with the five hypothesis, and when teachers are familiar with the items of monitor modal, they can offer their students better conditions so that they can have better teaching effects.5. How import

36、ant are imitation and practice for language learning ? Does it help to correct learners when they make errors ?The behaviorists view imitation and practice as primary processes in language development. They believe that language learning is the result of imitation, practice, feedback on success, and

37、 habit formation. Children imitate the sounds and patterns which they hear around them and receive positive reinforcement for doing so. Thus encouraged by their environment, they continue to imitate and practice these sounds and patterns until they form “habits” of correct language use. So there is no doubt that imitation and practice play a very important role in language learning. But children do not imitate everything they hear, they often selectively imitate certain words or structures which they are in the process of learning.Errors are a natural part o


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