1、精品文档,欢迎下载1 / 9维护服务合同The maintenance service contract根据中华人民共和国合同法 等相关的法律和法规, 委托方和受托方本着 平等互利,等价有偿,诚实信用的原则,在协商一致的基础上签订本合同,就委 托方的服务事宜,达成以下协议。This contract was made, with the principal of mutual benefit and good faith, inaccordancewith the“Contract Law of the PRC”and related law, regulation and/orinterpr
2、etations, by and between the entrusting party and trustee, subject to the services thatprovided hereunder.一、 服务范围和服务时间、服务条款、合同金额I, Scope of services, Busin ess Hours, Service Items and Con tract Value1、受托方负责对附件一的服务产品清单,按合同约定在服务期间内完成技术服 务。The trustee shall, within the agreed service periodhereof, be
3、responsible for complete thetechnical services that exhibit in Appendix 12、受托方将按照合同附件一约定的服务条款标准在合同约定期限内,提供合同 所列的服务。The trustee shall, in accordance with service standard of the Appendix 1 of this contract andwithin the agreed contract period, provide the listed service.3、合同附件一:服务产品清单及服务条款,是本合同不可分割的一
4、部分。精品文档,欢迎下载2 / 9Appendix 1: Product list and service items shall be deemedas an integral part of this contract.4、服务合同总金额为Y _元,大写:人民币 _ 整,此价格为包括服务费、差旅费、人工费、税费等项费用的最终价格。the total amount of this service contract isY _(RMB _ only), thisamount is all-in prince and shall include but not limited service f
5、ees,travel expenses, laborcost, taxes and other expenses.二、 双方的义务n, the obligations of the parties委托方的义务Entrusting Partysobligation1、当故障发生时,须以书面或电话、邮件形式向受托方提供详细的故障说明, 以帮助受托方人员作出正确的故障判断。Whenever the failure happens, the entrusting party shall use written notice, telephone oremail inform trustee with
6、detailed failure explanations;to convenient the trustee make correctresolve solution.3、为受托方实施服务提供必要的人员、场地和其他环境安排。The entrusting party shall, for the convenient of trustee, provide the necessary personnel,venues and other environmental arrangement.受托方的义务精品文档,欢迎下载3 / 9The Trustees Obligations1、 受托方按照合
7、同附件一中的服务条款就合同附件一中服务内容, 向委托方提 供保证质量的服务。The trustee shall, in accordancewith the service clause in Appendix 1, provide qualityguarantee to the entrusting party.2、 其它按照本合同应当由受托方完成或协助完成的工作。Other works should be assisted by the entrusting party that pursuant to this contract.三、 违约责任川,the liability for br
8、each of con tract3、受托方未按照合同约定保证质量地完成工作任务,每违约一次按服务合同总 额的0.05%计算向委托方支付违约金,违约金最多不超过当月服务合同额的50%。If the trustee failure to complete the required work that pursuant to the requirement of thequality guaranteeof this contract, the trustee shall pay to the entrusting party liquidateddamages 0.05% of the cont
9、ract value for each breach, but the total liquidated damages shallnot exceed 50% of the contract value.四、 付款方式:IV, Payment terms委托方收到受托方发票并不说明委托方已经向受托方支付了合同全款。 双方一致 认同,委托方货款支付以到达受托方指定银行账户为标准。Both parties agree that the payment by entrusting party enter into thedesignated bank精品文档,欢迎下载4 / 9account of
10、 the trustee shall be deemed as payment accomplished.合同签订生效后30天内,买方向卖方支付合同全款。买方付款前,卖方向买方提 供合同全额的增值税专用发票,对应税率见附件约定.Within 30 days of this contract signed, the buyer pay to the seller full amount of this contract.But before the payment is made, the seller shall issue the VAT invoice with full amount o
11、f thecontract value to the buyer, the relevant tax rate shall be exhibit in appendix.五、 解决争议V, Dispute resolution如履行本合同发生争议, 双方应首先协商解决。 如协商不成, 任何一方均可向委 托方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼,通过法律程序予以解决。In the event of any disputes arise by this contract; such dispute shall be resolved throughfriendly negotiation; if failur
12、e to make the consensus of the parties through negotiation, eitherparty may bring such dispute to the peoples court where the entrusting party located.六、 不可抗力、政府行为及免责条款W, Force majeure, government behavior and the exemption clause1、本合同双方中任何一方面临不可抗力事件,包括但不限于火灾、水灾、地震、 台风、自然灾害、 原厂商原因等过程中可能发生的不可预见、 不可避免
13、且无法控 制的情况,致使合同履行迟延或履行不能, 受不可抗力影响的一方应以书面形式 将相关情况及时通知对方, 除支付义务外本合同约定履行期限应自动顺延。 如前 述不可抗力致使合同履行迟延或不能履行的情况持续达一百二十日, 且双方未能 就合同变更达成一致意见的, 未受不可抗力影响的一方可提前一周通知对方后终 止合同;精品文档,欢迎下载5 / 9In the event of any force majeure of either party hereof, force majeure herein meansunforeseeable,unavoidable and uncontrollable
14、 events that including but without limitation fire,flood, earthquake,typhoon, act of god, or automakersinterruptions, which makes theaffected party delay to perform or failure to perform the contract liabilities; the affected partyshall use written notice to inform the other party about the force ma
15、jeure event, exceptotherwise the payment obligations, other performance liabilities shall be extend accordingly.If the continuous of the aforesaid circumstance makes the performance of this contractdelayed or unperformed over 120 colander days, and the both parties failure to make newagreement, the
16、unaffected party may upon one week in advance with written notice toterminate this contract without any other liabilities.2、因政府颁布法律、法规、行政命令及相关权力机关抽象行政行为原因导致任 何一方迟延或不能履行本合同所约定义务的, 应及时通知对方, 合同约定的履行 期限相应顺延, 因此造成的对方损失彼此不承担违约责任。 合同任何一方上级主 管单位针对本合同相关项目的具体行政行为导致该方无法履行合同的不在免责 范围之内。Any delay or failure perfo
17、rmance to this contract of either party, under the reason of law,regulation, government decree or any other abstract administrative acts, which make thecontract delayed or cannot be performed; the affected party shall inform the other partytimely, the contract period shall be delayed accordingly; ne
18、ither party will not be responsiblefor any loss of the aforesaid reasons. Nevertheless, any specific administrative act that leadto this contract cannot be performed shall definitely not be included.七、 商业秘密精品文档,欢迎下载6 / 9VD, Confidential委托方和受托方均有义务对在本合同签订、 履行过程中知悉的另一方的商业秘密 予以保护, 不得向其他任何第三方泄露, 本合同项下的商
19、业秘密包括双方明示并 通过书面形式确认的文件或以其他载体存在的文件或信息。 保密期限将不受本合 同期限的限制。受托方在履行本合同过程中触及和知晓的有关委托方的设备、 网 络情况、 业务程序及方式、 管理的方法制度和专有技术等, 无论此种信息的形式 和目的为何,均为委托方的保密信息,未经一方书面同意,另一方不得复制、记 录或以其他方式泄露上述信息。Both parties, knowing the other partys confidential information before or during this contractperformance, shall keep secret a
20、nd never release to any third party; the confidential hereofshall means, explicit or implied, any type of written document or any other information ormessage stored in any media. The trustee, during the performance of this contact, with knowor obtain any information about equipment, network, busines
21、s process or structures,management systems or proprietary information and etc. that belong to the entrusting party,irrespective of the information type or purpose, the confidential information shall remainbelongs to the entrusting party, without written consent; the trustee cannot copy, record orrel
22、ease by any other method.八、 技术成果归属Vffl, Ownership of the technical achievement1、委托方利用受托方提交的技术服务工作成果所完成的新的技术成果,归委托方所有。精品文档,欢迎下载7 / 9Any new technical achievement,the entrusting party create by using technical serviceprovided by trustee, shall be owned by entrusting party.2、受托方在服务过程中获得的技术成果,包括但不限于新技术、
23、新工艺、新方 法、新发明、新发现等,所有权及知识产权的归受托方所有。The new technical results acquired during the service terms, including but not limited to newtechnology, invention, new discovery and etc., the ownership or intellectual property rightshall always belongs to the entrusting party.九、 权利瑕疵担保IX , Guarantee Obligations因执
24、行本合同的需要,合同一方提供的与本合同有关的设备、材料、工序工艺、 软件及其他知识产权, 应保障对方在使用时不存在权利上的瑕疵, 不会发生侵犯 第三方知识产权等情况。 若发生侵害第三方权利的情况, 提供方应负责与第三方 交涉,并承担由此产生的全部法律和经济责任。 因侵权给合同另一方造成损失的 应给予赔偿。During the contract period, any equipment, material, technical process,software, or otherintellectual property that used to perform this contract b
25、y one party, the party shallensure,using the aforesaid,will no right defects and will not infringe the intellectual property ofany third party. In the event of the infringement, the providing party shall be solelyresponsible for any liability of both the legal and economical, and shall be indemnify
26、for theloss that caused to the other party.十、 其它事项:精品文档,欢迎下载8 / 9X, Miscellaneous1、 本合同自委托方和受托方加盖双方印章后生效,合同传真件等同原件,有同等法律效力。本合同一式陆份,委托方执叁份,受托方执叁份。未尽事宜,依照 中华人民共和国合同法的规定处理。This contract shall be enforceable only upon the signed and sealed by the duly authorizedrepresentatives; the facsimile shall be deemed as the original and enjoy same legal forcewith the original. This contract is made in six copies, either of the party hold three copies. Anyp
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