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1、Sample Letter One: Asking for Amendment to L/CNew Words & Expressionsmetric ton n. 公吨in strict conformity with: in exact accordance with; in full agreement with 与严格相符Sales Contract n. 销售合同,售货合同其简写形式为:S/Cto make amendment to 对修改;修订at Sellers option 由卖方选择extend vt. to prolong (period) 延展;延期validit

2、y n. 有效期Dear SirsRe: L/C No.AC-567We have today received your L/C No.AC-567 covering the shipment of 2,000 metric tons of Rice. After we have checked the L/C carefully, we find the L/C stipulations are not in strict conformity with the terms of our Sales Contract No. 473. Thus, we have to ask you to

3、 make the following amendments:1. The quantity should read: 2,000 metric tons (5% more or less at Sellers option). However, in your L/C, “5% more or less at Sellers option” is omitted.2. Draft to be at 30 days after sight, instead of at 90 days after sight.3. The last shipment date should be extende

4、d to the end of November and the validity of the credit to December 15.Please confirm your amendments by fax, so that we may arrange shipment accordingly.Yours faithfully,Notes1. amendment n. 修改;修订e.g. 1) to make amendment to an L/C修改信用证2) an amendment to the original L/C原本信用证的修改3) amendment advice

5、修改通知书;改证通知书4) We hope you will make the necessary amendments to your L/C as requested. 希望你们将按我们的要求对该证作必要的修改。5) Please send your amendment advice promptly so as to facilitate shipment at this end. 请即寄信用证修改通知书,以利我方装船。6) We have to ask you to make/effect the following amendments/modifications/alteratio

6、ns to your L/C: 我们不得不请你方对该证作如下的修改:amend v. 修改;修订e.g. 1) to amend the L/C 修改信用证 2) Please arrange with your bankers to have the relative L/C amended as follows: 请联系你方银行将该(有关的)信用证修改如下: 3) Please amend the L/C as allowing transshipment (as allowing shipment in two equal instalments). 请将该证修改为准许转船准许分两批均等

7、装运。 4) Please amend the port of shipment “Dalian” as “Dalian” or “Tianjin”. 请把装运港“大连”修改为“大连”或“天津”。5) You are requested to amend the clause “” to read “” in accordance with the stipulations of the contract. 请按合同规定把“”条款修改为“”。 6) The clause is to be so amended as to read “”. 该条款应修改为“”。2. metric tons (a

8、bbr. M/T) 公吨 国际贸易中常用度量衡单位,在公制当中表示重量。除此而外,还有英制和美制的度量衡单位有时也使用。现就“吨”这个单位在不同的度量衡制度中的等量关系列明如下:1 metric ton=2,204.6 lb=1,000 kg (metric system) 公吨公制 =0.9842 long ton =1.1023 short ton1 long ton =2,240 lb=1,016 M/T (British system) 长吨英制1 short ton=2,000 lb=0.907 M/T (U.S. system) 短吨美制3. stipulation n. 约定;规

9、定;条款 e.g. 1) to conform to / to abide by / to comply with contract stipulations 遵守合同条款 2) according to the L/C stipulations 按照信用证的规定 stipulate vt. & vi. 规定;订立;订明 e.g. 常用的习惯搭配有:(1) to stipulate for sth. 规定要求 (2) to stipulate that 规定 1) The contract stipulates (for) direct shipment. 该合同规定直运。 2) We

10、 stipulate (for) payment by confirmed L/C. 我们约定凭保兑的信用证支付。 3) The contract stipulates that shipment shall/should be effected by direct steamer. 该合同规定必须用直达船装运。 4) It is stipulated that the goods should be packed in seaworthy export wooden cases. 双方约定该货必须用适合于海运的出口木箱包装。stipulated a. 约定的;规定的e.g. 1) stipu

11、lated quality/quantity 约定的品质/数量 2) stipulated time of shipment 约定的装运期4. “The quantity should read”: 数量应为:5. 5% more or less at Sellers option: 卖方可溢交或短交5%。 在粮食、矿砂、化肥、食糖等农副产品和工矿产品的大宗商品交易中,往往由于商品的特性、生产能力、船舶舱位、装载技术和包装等原因,卖方较难准确地按合同规定的数量交货。为防止在履行合同中发生数量争议,买卖双方常常事先约定并在合同中订明这种差异的最大限度即“数量机动幅度”。 数量机动幅度一般有两种规

12、定方法:1规定“溢短装条款”(“More or Less Clause”) 即本信当中的方法;2规定“约”量(“About” or “Approximate”)即在数量前面加上“About”字样。6. “Draft to be at 30 days after sight”: 汇票应为见票30天付款的汇票。7. extend vt. to prolong (period) 延长;延期e.g. 1) Please extend the L/C (for) 15 days. 请将信用证展期15天。2) Please have your letter of credit extended to Ju

13、ly 20. 请将信用证展至7月20日。 3) As there is no shipping space available within this month, we have to request you to extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to/till/until the end/30th of September and October 15 respectively. 由于本月没有舱位,我们只得要求你方将信用证中的装船期和有效期分别延展到9月底和10月15日。extension n. prolongin

14、g (period) 延长;延期 e.g. 1) extension of the time of delivery 交货期的延长 2) extension of the time of expiration of L/C 信用证有效期的延长 3) An extension of 15 days is required. 需要展期15天。 4) We request you to make an extension of the credit to 15th August. 请将该证的有效期展至8月15日。 5) No further extension of shipment will be

15、 allowed. 我方将不允许再次延展装运期。8. confirm vt. ractify; agree definitely to (a treaty, an appointment, etc.) 确认e.g. 1) We confirm our fax of Dec.12 regarding Walnutmeat. 2) We confirm September/October shipment. 3) We confirm having faxed you a firm offer for the following goods: 4) We confirm that we sent

16、you a fax this morning offering the following goods:5) The order was confirmed for CIF Toronto.confirmation n. ratification确认e.g. 1) Please fax your confirmation. 2) We are making (you) an offer for the following (items), subject to our (final) confirmation.Sample Letter Two: Asking for Amendment to

17、 L/Cto agree with conform to/with; accord with 与相符;与一致discrepancy n. disagreement, difference between an L/C and a contract/documents 不符;差异provide v. stipulate; prescribe 规定transshipment n. transferring from one ship or conveyance to another 转运;转船to amend to read 修改使之成为to make the necessary amendmen

18、ts 进行必要的修改to make/effect shipment 办理装运credit amendment n. 修改通知书;改证通知书Dear Sirs,We thank you for your L/C No. 789 concerning our S/C No.234, but regret to find that there are certain points which do not agree with the terms of the S/C. Here are the discrepancies:1. Our S/C No.234 provides that your L

19、/C shall allow transshipment, but the L/C in hand states: “TRANSHIPMENT PROHIBITED”.2. To amend “CIF” term to read “CFR”.3. There is no word “about” before the quantity and amount in the L/C, although the word is clearly indicated in our S/C.You are requested to make the necessary amendments immedia

20、tely, as shipment will not be made until the above are corrected.We are awaiting your banks credit amendment.Yours faithfully,Notes1. discrepancy n. disagreement 不符点指信用证条款与合同条款不一致时,信用证上的此类条款称为不符点。2. provide vi. & vt. (fml.) stipulate; prescribe; set forth; lay down 规定e.g. to provide for 规定It is

21、provided for in the contract. 这是合同中所规定的。 The agreement provides that the two sides shall meet once a month.协议规定双方每月会晤一次。3. “TRANSHIPMENT PROHIBITED” 不许转运;禁止转船transshipment/transhipment n. transferring from one ship or conveyance to another 转船 指货物由运输合同中规定的船只在到达目的地之前转到另一艘船只。无正当理由的转船是一种违约行为,并且一旦货物灭失应由承

22、运人负责。在海运保险中,如货物不必要地由一艘船转到另一艘船,就被认为风险变动,可解除保险人的风险责任,除非保单中规定可以转船。4. to amend “CIF” term to read “CFR”: 将“CIF”修改为“CFR”(1) to amendto read: 将修改为在amend的直接宾语后面常跟动词不定式“to read”,中文意为“将修改为”。e.g. Please amend your L/C No.123 to read: “Partial shipment and transshipment allowed.” 请将你们第123号信用证修改为:“允许分批装运及转船”。在a

23、mend的直接宾语后面也可跟现在分词“reading”。e.g. Please amend your L/C No. 123 reading:(2) CFR: 成本加运费国际贸易术语之一C=Cost, FR=Freight CFR是常用贸易术语/价格术语之一,其后要跟目的港名称。它与CIF贸易术语的区别在于:卖方只自行负担费用订立运输合同,将货物按惯常航线用通常类型可供装载该合同货物的海上航行船只或适当的内河运输船只装运至指定的目的港。卖方无订立保险合同的义务,即不必对货物保险,不负担保险费,也不提供保险单。 如同CIF合同,采用CFR术语签订的合同也不是“到货合同”,而是“装运合同”。因为虽

24、然卖方负责签订运输合同并支付运费,而此术语的风险界限却在货物越过装运港船舷,货物在运输途中的风险由买方负担。采用此术语成交时,卖方在装船后必须立即向买方发出“装船通知”“Shipping Advice”,以便买方及时办理投保手续。如因卖方疏忽而致使买方未能投保,那么卖方不能以风险在船舷转移为由免除责任,要承担货物在运输途中的风险。I. Associative Words & Phrases(1)Verbs学习文档 仅供参考pay 支付,付款remit 汇付,付款collect 托收accept 承兑;接受draw 开汇票endorse 背书confirm 确认negotiate 议付d

25、eliver 提交,交付单证check/examine 审核stipulate/prescribe/provide 规定issue 出具,开具信用证open/establish 开立信用证rush 催促expedite 加快,促进urge 促使,敦促amend 修改extend 延展honour 承兑,执行present 提示,出示学习文档 仅供参考(2)Nouns学习文档 仅供参考payer 付款人payee 收款人,受款人drawer 出票人drawee 受票人draft, bill of exchange, bill 汇票promissory note 本票check 支票clean b

26、ill/draft 光票documentary bill/draft 跟单汇票sight draft/bill 即期汇票time/usance draft/bill 远期汇票invoice 发票commercial invoice 商业发票negotiation 议付L/C信用证collection 托收D/P 付款交单D/A 承兑交单remittance汇付bank, banker银行amount 金额value价值total总值documents单证payment terms支付条件,付款条件stipulation规定amendment修改extension 延展discrepancy,

27、disagreement 不符,不符点establishment开立applicant 申请人issuing bank (opening bank) 开证行beneficiary 受益人correspondent, correspondent bank 往来银行advising bank (notifying bank) 通知行negotiating bank 议付行paying bank 付款行confirming bank 保兑行expiry date 到期日validity 有效期presentation 提示shipping documents 装运单证,运输单据学习文档 仅供参考(3

28、) Phrases学习文档 仅供参考D/P at sight 即期付款交单D/P after sight 远期付款交单L/C at sight 即期信用证L/C at 30 days sight 30天期信用证documentary L/C 跟单信用证confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证the relative/relevant/covering L/C 有关的信用证L/C payable/available by draft at sight凭即期汇票付款的信用证to issue an L/C 开具/出具信用证to open/establi

29、sh an L/C with/through a bank通过一家银行开立信用证to draw a draft on/upon sb. 向某人开具汇票to make negotiation办理议付to negotiate shipping documents 议付单证to honour sb.s draft on presentation 提示汇票时予以承兑to rush/expedite an L/C 催开信用证to urge (establishment of) L/C 催开信用证to lay down / to set forth 规定to amend an L/C 修改信用证to ma

30、ke amendment to 对修改;修订to agree with, to accord with, to conform to/with 与一致,与相符to extend an L/C 延展信用证to make an extension of sth. 延展某物payment by L/C 以信用证支付against presentation of shipping documents凭提示装船单证for the amount of 金额为in favor of sb. 以某人为受益人in payment of以支付in settlement of以结清in full conformit

31、y with, in exact/strict accordance/agreement with 与严格/完全相符in due course/time 及时,按时on D/P basis/terms 以付款交单为基础/条件to sbs order, to the order of sb. 以某人为抬头for account of sb. 付某人的帐学习文档 仅供参考II. Associative Expressions1. Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable (divis

32、ible and transferable) letter of credit without recourse for the full amount of purchase.2. Please note that our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C, payable/available by sight draft (by draft at days sight) accompanied by shipping documents at the Bank of China at the port of shipment.3. In vie

33、w of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight (or at 30 days sight) for the value of the goods shipped.4. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that as a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-pu

34、shing stage. We trust this will greatly facilitate your efforts in sales, and we await your favorable reply.5. In compliance with your request, we will make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.6. We regret having to infor

35、m you that although it is our desire to pave the way for a smooth development of business between us, we cannot accept payment by D/A.7. We regret our inability to make any arrangement contrary to our usual practice, which is payment by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable against present

36、ation of shipping documents and valid for at least 15 days beyond the promised date of shipment.8. We have instructed/asked the Bank of China here to open an L/C for US$50,000 in your favor and this will remain valid/in force until March 31, 2010. The bank will accept/honor your draft at sight for t

37、he amount of your invoice drawn under the L/C.9. According to the terms agreed upon, we have drawn on you at sight against this shipment through Bank of China here. We ask you to protect/honor the draft upon/on presentation.10. It would be advisable for you to establish the covering letter of credit as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipme


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