Who Am I教学设计_第1页
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Who Am I教学设计_第5页




1、Who-Am-I教学设计Who am I?教学设计一、教学对象分析本节课的教学对象为高一上学期的学生,在经历了必修1的学习过程之后,学生已经对高中的英语学习有了初步的了解和感知,但仍需要 训练和提高语篇的理解,归纳和分析的能力。本节课的一系列活动, 就是为学生的语篇阅读打开一扇窗户,培养学生的语篇意识,使其更 全面的理解文章内容,归纳主旨大意。学生在前一节课的词汇学习中,已经掌握了文中所出现的大部分生词, 这为本节课的阅读扫清了障碍,能让学生更好的专注于语篇结构的理 解,而不必因为生词过多影响阅读效果。高一学生活泼好动,思维活 跃,愿意积极的投入到思考和各种活动中。这就需要老师积极热情的 引导

2、,合理设计活动环节,有条理的分解知识层次,帮助学生循序渐 进的掌握语篇的处理能力。二、教材内容分析 本节课阅读材料是本单元的主要阅读篇章,属科普类说明文,讲述了 计算机的发展历史及其在当今世界各个领域的应用。内容较为抽象, 且有一些专业术语,对高一学生来说有一定的难度。但写作手法上以 计算机为第一人称进行自白,这种拟人的手法能够激发学生的阅读兴 趣,也使得文章更浅显易懂。本文共分3个段落,以时间为顺序说明计算机的发展历史,且每段的 第一句话均为该段落的主题句。这种结构的语篇非常适合用来启发和2引导学生寻找段落的主题句,并进一步归纳文章主旨大意。同时配以适当的练习,帮助学生归纳总结出方法,在练习

3、中运用这些方法,从而提升对语篇的全局意识,增强对语篇的解题能力。Class Type: Read ing classTeach ing Aims:Kno wledge aims:1. Students will be able to understandthe new words an exp ressi onsfrom the text.2. Stude nts can have a better un dersta nding of the history and basic kno wledge of computers.Ability aims: 1. Students can tal

4、k about the passage after skimming, scanning and carefulread ing.2. Stude nts can improve the abilities of read ing and sp eak ing.Emotio nal aims: 1. Stude nts can get more in terests in lear ning En glish.2. Stude nts will get great in terest in lear ning compu ters and learn how to use computers

5、correctly.Teach ing Key P oi nts:Have a clear picture of the development of computers in the order of time.3Teach ing Difficult Points:1. How to make studentsunderstand the terminologyaboutcompu ters?2. Howto make students understand the passage and introduce th* history and basic kno wledgeof compu

6、 ters?Teach ing Aids: multi-mediaTeach ing Procedures:Step 1 lead-inEn able stude nts to guess the top ic of this less on.It is a machine, which you can use to typep ictures,p lay games, watch movies, liste n to music, com muni cate with your frie nds,gather in formati on设计意图:让学生通过英文描述,猜测所描述物品。而且以Wh

7、oamI?的问题引出。描述的内容简单并贴近我们的生活,学生很容易猜出所WUCtBDVMt! Iyour homework, drawWho am I? (Com pu ter)ItIt4描述的物品并能活跃课堂的气氛,为下步阅读策略的教学做了有效的铺垫。step 2: P re-readi ngShow some pictures of calculation tools calculator, huge computer, P C, la ptop, P DA, and ask stude nts t。act as a guide, in troduc ing them. Ask stude

8、nts to look at the p ictures and the titleof the readi ng p assage. Predict what it is going to be about.设计意图:让学生通过介绍的方式,对电脑的发展史有个基本的了解,通过介绍计算机硬件可以扩大学生的词汇量,为理解文章做铺垫,同时激发了学生学习的兴趣。Step 3: While-readi ngSkim ming and sca nning 1. Ask students to skim the passage quickly to prove their guessand an swer

9、the questi ons.(1) Who am I? (A com pu ter.) (2) Whaf s the passage about? (Its about the history of WhatsWhats next?next?flIVIVsuch as abacuscnivubiiorcnivubiiorhugQhugQ Cl)1Cl)1 M M 卩卩 LilerLilerFDAbpLnp5compu ter.) (3) In which order is the text written? (According to the time.) 2. Ask studentsto

10、 scan the text and find out the topic sentence of each p aragra ph.设计意图:在略读和查读过程中,学生在对整个文章的大意有了基本的把握,锻炼了学生快速阅读的技巧。Careful read ing 1. Divide the stude nts into two teams. Show some true or false questions on the scree n.(1) Alan Turing built an Analytical Machine to solve an mathematical p roblems.

11、(F)(2) People bega n to realize that the compu ter got cleverer and quicker with time p assing. (T)(3) The compu ter bega n to serve the huma n race si nee it was brought into peopleshomes. (F)(4) Since the 1970s, the compu ter was used by people around the world through the In ternet.(T)(5) The lar

12、ger the compu ter is, the more memory it has. (F)Ask stude nts to have a comp etiti on. They should sta nd up and6decide whether its true or false first and then find the in formatio n from the textto support their opinion.2. Ask stude nts to work in groups of four people and compi eteuni versal mac

13、h ine, memory, la ptop, the early 1960s, n etwork, share, ways) 3. Enablestudents to see the changes of computersshape, and come to the in side of the compu ter.Then read p aragra ph 2 and fill in the bla nk. After that, pr ese nt some p ictures tohelp stude nts un dersta nd the words easily.These c

14、hanges became possible as mylarge(Suggested an swers: memory, i n Tubes, On Tran sistors, On smallchips, small)Tn 142The computer began葺aW fl)nuchime in TranveAbout 200 yearslaterThe compGttt-bmlt as国n f 2)mathine.The computer was programined bv an operator using (3.In 1尅6A tKhok about how it? maie

15、a f orapineT afn f斗)“was wTinenBy Alan Turing. From diMi心丄eojuputwrapidly.From the 1餌血tothe ie70sThe coTiiruter wag made smalier, aj辺its (5became better.The computer c-ould Enemtnize all the hings. During the time, thefiisi PC and the fiist (6) were made.Computef were conneaed bv a S.Throush the rem

16、wt, peo口上couldkmowiedae andinformation.SinceSince CheChe 1919 MsMsComputers have been used in tnarv 10)the followi ng chart. And the n check the an swers.(Suggested an swers: calculati ng, an alytical, cardswith holes,improved.It was storedihape7设计意图:通过任务型教学法,让学生仔细阅读文章,可以加深学生对文章的理解。第二段的主要内容是电脑内部构造的变

17、化。难点是导管,晶体管和芯片的概念过于抽象,通过图片的展示和表格的填写增强理解。Ste P 4: P ost-readi ng 1. Ask stude nts to retell this p assage with the help of the informatio n that we have fini shed in while-readi ng.2. Have an in terview: Imagi ne the stude nts meet Bill Gates whe n going out of the museum .Invite a stude nt to act as

18、 Bill Gates, the others may ask him the questi ons like these:(1)“Mr. Bill Gates, could you tell us in what ways comp are used now? ”(2)“Mr. Bill Gates, what do you think the future computers will be like?”设计意图:根据已有信息复述文章可以加深学生对本课的掌握程度。设置采访活动,可以锻炼学生用英语表达的能力,让学生将所学的知识进行信息输出,加强说的训练。在采访的过程中,增强同学们的合作理念。Step 5: Discussi on:Ask the stude nts to discuss the adva ntages and the disadva ntages.uters8Di


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