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1、本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题  共115分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How many birds does Jack have?AFive.BTwo.COne. 2Where did the man meet his friend?AAt school.BIn the street.

2、CAt a bookstore. 3What is the relationship between the two speakers?AMother and son.BTeacher and student.CDoctor and patient.4What did the man do yesterday?AHe went to New York.BHe went to Susans party.CHe met his friend at the airport.5What does the woman mean?AThe man should sell his TV set.BThe m

3、an should repair his TV set.CThe man should buy a new TV set.第二节 (共15小题;每题分,满分分)听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6When did the woman get home?AAt 9 oclock.BAt 10 oclock.CAt 12 oclock.7Where did the

4、woman have her dinner?AIn a restaurant.BAt home.CIn her office. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8Why does the woman talk to the man?ATo help him with his lessons.BTo invite him to watch their play.CTo ask him to join the theatre group.9How many hours does the group practise every week?AThree hours.BSeven hours.CTen

5、hours.听第8段材料,回答第10至11题。2,4,610Where is Tom?AAt home.BAt the airport.CIn a hotel.11Why did the plane stop at Paris?AThe weather was bad.BSomething was wrong with the plane.CPlane couldnt fly to London directly.听第9段材料,回答第12至14题。12What is the man doing?AGiving advice.BMaking an apology.CMaking a reques

6、t.13What did the man do last might?AHebroke a cup.BHe drank too much.CHe made the carpet dirty.14When will they meet again?ATonight.BNext Monday.CTomorrow morning.听第10段材料,回答第15至17题。15What are the speakers talking about?AMexico.BTheir vacation plan.CTheir friends trip.16What was the weather like in M

7、exico City?ACool.BWarm.CHot.17What does Betty suggest?APutting off their trip.BReading the guide book.CMaking early arrangements.听第11段材料,回答第18至20题。18Why does the speaker give the talk?ATo introduce the Music club.BTo explain the rules of the club.CTo choose the program for the club.19How to become a

8、 member of the club?ABring some CDs.BFill in a form.CWrite some music.20How many times will the members meet every week?AThree.BFive.CSeven.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。21You can trysecond time if you failfirst time.Athe; theBa; theCa

9、; 不填Dthe; 不填22She was sleeping on the sofa,the television on.AwithBforCoverDthrough23Are the new rules working?Yes.books are stolen.AFewBMoreCSomeDNone24I tried so hard to get some information about the result of the game out of his mouth, but he remained.AquietBcalmCsilentDunknown25Why havent you a

10、sked her to come here?Shean important experiment when I found her and she hasnt finished it.AdidBwas doingChas doneDhad done26How do you usually go to school?If it is fine, Ion foot.AgoBwill goChave goneDam going27my teacher, after all thirty years in Boston, was an unforgettable moment, one I will

11、always treasure.AMeetBTo meetCMeetingDBeing met28Tom failed his exam again.But what did you? He had never been working hard.AthinkBexpectCconsiderDimagine以下内容跟帖回复才能看到=29Ito telephone a friend in New York for the last two hours but the line is still busy.AtriedBhave triedChad triedDhave been trying30

12、How did Tom go to the concert last night?Since it was not far, hethere on foot.Awould goBwould have goneCmust goDmust have gone31The little girl got lost in the woods, neveragain.Ato hear fromBto be heard fromChearing fromDbeing heard from32Does anyone know?Awhen the newspaper startedBwhen did the n

13、ewspaper startCwhen the newspaper was startedDwhen was the newspaper started33He had his camera ready, justhe saw something that would make a good picture.Aever sinceBas ifCeven thoughDin case34I cant find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?In the hotelhe stayed.AthatBwhereCwhichDwhen35I

14、ll come and see you next Wednesday.Is that a? Dont disappoint me, I hope.AdecisionBrequestCpromiseDjoke第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。While the rest of the world is sleeping, my dad is pulling my warm covers off me36we wont be late for my 6:00 a.m. i

15、ce hockey(冰球)game. What started as a hobby is now my profession passion(激情), and none of it would be possible without my37.“Lets go, Brendan. You can do it!”38like that does not go unnoticed. Every game, no matter what the 39is, my dad always says “Good game” and “You looked great out there.” Im40,

16、knowing that even if I make a mistake or41poorly, my dad will still be there for me.42is one of the greatest things anyone can have. My dad is my support, without43me to become something Im not. It was my dream to play ice hockey, and he just44me.As I get older,45becomes fiercer. Each season brings

17、a new schedule with more than thirty games, which my dad eagerly 46. He gets as 47as I do, but somehow he just sits in his seat and keeps 48. He wants to shout and scream like most hockey parents,49he is different. After each game, we sit down to eat and go over things to work on in the future. Usua

18、lly he only tells me how 50he is of me.51all those early morning games and later-afternoon skates with dad, I realize how52I am to have him. Its not53getting up and driving to rinks(溜冰场)at all hours. My dad not only does that, but also helps me realize my 54. I make sure that every game he attends,

19、I play my 55,just to show him those 6:00 a.m. games did me some good.36AsoBbutCthoughDbecause37AdadBparentsCfriendsDteacher38APromiseBAdviceCInstructionDEncouragement39AgoalBresultCpurposeDeffect40AclearBcarefulCconfidentDcomfortable41ArunBplayClearnDshow42AHelpBLoveCTrustDSupport43AallowingBforcing


21、yCimportantDspecial53AexcitingBfunnyCeasyDusual54AproblemsBmistakesCambitionsDdreams55AbestBmostCquickestDcleverest第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ABayfield Shopping Coupons(赠券)56What do you do to get a 10% discount at Toms Bookstore?ASpend $ 100.BChoose two

22、 books.CBuy some toys.DPresent Coupon No 3.57A second shirt will costafter you buy one at $180.A$ 180.B$168.C$90.Dnothing58If you drive to Bayfield Shopping Center, which coupon might be most useful?ACoupon No. 5.BCoupon No. 2.CCoupon No. 4.DCoupon No. 1.59What are these advertisements for?AThings t

23、o do in a store.BThings on sale in a store.CGreat fun at a shopping center.DSpecial offers at a shopping center.BBEI JING - - - China has a growing middle class, a tradition of expecting education and millions of new babies every year. Selling educational toys should be easy.While China may be the w

24、orlds biggest toy-maker, many of the best are exported (出口). Department stores here do not have enough high quality toys. It is said that the demand for educational toys is low.A US company, BabyCare, has been trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China. BabyCare works basically toget

25、her with doctors in Beijing hospitals. People who join the companys Mothers Club get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra cost- - - if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the companys educational toys and childcare books.“We want to build a seven-year relationship

26、 with those people,” said Matthew J. Estes, BabyCares president. BabyCare works on a one to one basis. Doctors, nurses, and teachers - - - paid by BabyCare - - - advise parents, explaining toys that are designed for children at each stage of development to age six.BabyCare opened its first store in

27、China in a shopping center in central Beijing. It has about 80 stores in China now. The new model has developed a market in young childrens education and health.60Who does BabyCare basically work with?AMothers. BDoctors. CShopping centers.DMembers of Mothers Club.61What is the problem of Chinas toy

28、market according to Paragraph 2?AHigh price. BPoor quality. CLow demand. DA fall in production.62What can a member of Mothers Club get?AAdvice on designing toys. BSeven years service from hospital.CFree educational toys and childcare books. DFree lectures and advice on child development.63What does

29、the passage mainly talk about?AAn American toy company.BProblems of Chinas toy market.CBabycares new idea of selling toys.DBabycares cooperation with hospitals.CMy husband talked me into starting a blog(博客)related to my organic(有机的)food business.He had been trying to get me interested for over a yea

30、r. But I felt it was a waste of time and didnt really see the possibility for making lots of money. My organic business blog relates to news of interest to parents who are interested in environmentally friendly food. Its made a little money. It pays for itself, plus a tiny extra, but it certainly is

31、nt enough to make a living.Then, in December I read on ProBlogger that Mr. Darren had written a blog on 2004 Summer Olympics. The Winter Olympics were coming up, and I thought we could write about them. My husband wasnt sure that it was a money-making idea, but I made him believe that it would be, s

32、o we bought . I started writing at least one post daily at the end of December. By February, I was writing 5-6 posts per day. During the Olympics. I was writing nearly 10 posts per day.I consider the site a success for some reasons. First, it made some money. Second, I was interviewed by several med

33、ias and was even quoted(引用)for a front page story in Washington Post. That was pretty exciting, as that sort of thing doesnt usually happen to a house wife and mom with five children. Finally, it has got me to see what my husband has said along-you can make a living from blogging. Were in the proces

34、s of trying out several new blogging ideas. Some of them have been more successful than others. I have no doubt that well drop some of them in them, or change them to something different.64The writer began to write a blog because.Ashe wanted to be famous Bshe was interested in bloggingCher husband p

35、ersuaded her to do so Dshe thought she could make a living from blogging65What does the writer mean by saying “It pays for itself” in Paragraph 1?AHer blogging has made ends meet. BHer blogging costs her little money.CShe spends much money on blogging. DShe borrows some money for blogging.66What inf

36、ormation can be found on www. 2006 truinolympics. com?AOrganic food. BThe Winter Olympics. CMr. Darren and his blog. DThe Summer Olympics.67What do we know from the passage?AThe writers husband is a journalist.BBlogging has made the writer world famous.COrdinary people can achieve success through th

37、e Internet.DThey will probably give up blogging for something different.DStop for a moment and think of all the wonderful things that never happened because someone feared failures and hadnt the courage to act. Think of all those singers, musicians and painters who never developed their talent becau

38、se they were afraid of being laughed.The surprising fact is that there is no such thing as failure. Failure is merely an opinion that a given act wasnt done satisfactorily. Can you imagine one squirrel(松鼠)telling another, “Max, youre a first class climber, but your nut cracking(破裂)is not bit enough?

39、” How foolish can you get? The fact is that animals dont know what failure is. They simply do and enjoy. Failure doesnt stop them because its totally off their map. If Max cant open a nut, he simply tries another.Choosing to be governed by the fear of failure has clear advantages. Being ruled by fea

40、r of failure lets you take the easy way out. You can tell yourself success is impossible or not worthwhile.Reacting to a fear of failure also provides a false sense of safety and security. You cant lose a race you dont enter.If youve ever failed in the past, the fear of failure gives you a perfect e

41、xcuse for not trying in the present or future. After all, whats the point in going to all that trouble for nothing?Finally, by not trying you made yourself a critic(评论家). You can put our time and effort into laughing all those fools who are out there trying to succeed.Those who give in to their fear

42、 overlook(忽视)one major point. Failure is not a measure of success. In fact failure isnt anything. In life, it isnt what you lose that counts, its what youve gained and left.If you find yourself afraid of failure, here are some ideas to help you overcome it.1Set your own standards of success. You don

43、t have to be president of a company because your parents want you to be. Its your choice, not theirs.2Dont feel you have to succeed or achieve excellence in everything you do.3Meet your fear of failure head on. Its better to feel sorry for the things youve done than to regret missed opportunities.4I

44、f you do feel your have failed, recognize it as a learning experience that will make you wiser and contribute to later success.68What do people who are afraid of failure ignore?AEveryone may fail.BFailure isnt a measure of success.CA person cant be a failure forever.DFear of failure can be easily ov

45、ercome.69Why does the author take squirrels as an example?ATo show even animals have to face failure.BTo prove human beings are cleverer than animals.CTo suggest people learn to face failure from animals.DTo compare fear of failure in humans with that in animals.70What does the author may agree with

46、?AFailure can be prevented.BPeople can benefit from failure.CAvoiding failure is better than being laughed at.DIts clever to stop trying when success is impossible.71What is the best title of the passage?AFear of Failure.BWays to Achieve Success.CFailure is Nothing.DThe Courage to Face Failure.EEach

47、 term, Andrew Tom receives a term bill: tuition(学费), student center recreation fee, resident activity fee, health insurance. If only the rest of his expenses were as easy to quantify(确定数量).“Its like you start out the term with plenty of money and then $ 20 for dinner out here and $ 100 at the depart

48、ment store there , its gone,” said Tom, a third-year student. “And there are so many daily necessary things that you dont think about until you get here and need it.”From the books to the fashionable clothes, college students say the expenses of a college education go well beyond tuition and a dinin

49、g hall meal plan. Many say they arrive on campus only to be frightened by unexpected costs from sports fees to the actual price of a slice of pizza.Balancing a job with schoolwork, especially at colleges known for their heavy workloads like Harvard and MIT, can be tough. So can the pressure that stu

50、dents often feel in order to financially go along with their friends.“When you get dragged(拖拉)along shopping, youre going to spend money; if you get dragged to a party and everyone wants to take a taxi but you are cheap and want to take a bus, chances are youll end up sharing the fee for the taxi,”

51、said Tom. “I guess you could say no, but no one wants to be the only one eating in the snack bar while our friends are out to dinner.”Max Cohen, a biology major at MIT, said he is used to watching fellow students spend $40 a night to have dinner delivered or $50 during a night out at a bar. During t

52、he schools recent spring break, friends on trips for the week posted away messages that read like a world map - - - Paris, Rome, Tokyo. “Meanwhile I stay at home and work,” said Cohen. “I didnt realize when I came here how much money I would spend or how hard I would have to work to get by.”It is a

53、lesson some younger students learn quickly. Others, surrounded by credit card offers, go into debt, or worse, are forced to leave school.“A lot of people dont think twice about how much they spend, ” said a first year student at MIT, “and you feel the pressure sometimes to go along with them.”72What

54、 do we learn from the first two paragraphs?AThe tuition in the college is very high.BAndrew Tom should reduce the budget.CIts easy to quantify how much will be spent each term.DThe cost of college education is much higher than expected.73The underlined word “cheap” in Paragraph 5 means.AinexpensiveBunwilling to spend moneyCvaluelessDlow in price and quality74What can be inferred from the passage?AStudents have to work hard to pay their tuition.BMost students have heavy loads in their studies.CMany students are under great financial pressure.DStudents depend on their families for all the exp


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