1、with+宾语+宾语补足语there-be 句型with+宾语+宾语补足语/there be句型结构with"宾语+宾补” (with+复合宾语)结构主要有一、With+宾语+宾语补足语英语中六种表现形式:形容词(词组)副词(词组)1介词(词组)27Lwith+名ing分词(词组) kd分词(词组) 不定式(词组)1. with+名词/代词+形容词(词组)He looked at Alice , with his eyes full of doubt. 他充满疑 惑地看着爱丽丝。2. with+名词/代词+副词(词组)She went out with her coat on.她穿着
2、大衣出去了3. with+名词/代词+介词(词组)我们We used to work in a tow n with rivers around it.以前在一个小镇工作,小镇四面环水。4. with+名词/代词+ing分词(词组)With so many people helping me, I succeeded at last. 由于得到许多人的帮助,最终我成功了。5. with+名词/代词+ed分词(词组)With the job finished , we went to China for a holiday.那项工作做完以后,我们就去中国度假了6with+名词/代词+不定式(词组
3、)With these people to help her,she tried to write a paper.有这些人的帮忙,她试着写一篇论文。O所给动词的适当形式填空all that n(1)1 could n't do my homework with(go) on.With much workplay.(3) It was a pity that the great writerwork(finish).(4) 1 send you 100 dollars today ,(follow) in a year.(5) With the sun(set) down , we a
4、ll went he(do), hehad no timdied withwith theoisee tohisrestme.提醒这种复合结构多作状语。当宾补是现在分词时, 表动作正在进行,过去分词表示被动动作,不定式表示 将来动作,介词、副词、形容词表示一种状态 练习:1.用括号中(6) The lorry with apples(load) on bel ongs ©(consider) , this projectme. With all the factorsis a good one.2.用“ with复合宾语”吉构完成句子(1)因为你站在这里,所以我无法集中思想学习。_
5、I can't concentrate onmy studies.(2) 那位戴帽子的人就是我的父亲。The manis my father.(3) 有向导为我们带路,我们会毫不费力地找到他的家。_ we will have nodifficulty finding his house.(5)因为作(4)他经常开着灯睡觉。Heoftensleeps业做完了,所以就出去玩_ he went out toplay.二、There be 句型词的后面。在There be句型中There虽占据着主语的位置,但真正的主语放在动可用 beem, happen,live,sta nd,come,go
6、,lie, rema in, exist, arrive, used to 词。e.g. There is/stands a tree in front of the house. 屋前有棵 树。除了系动词be外,还 等动提醒(1)There be句型表示 某地或某时有/存在某 物”若表示某人或某物拥有某物时,要用have。eg There is a small pond in the school. 学校里有个小池塘。 I have many books.我(拥)有许多书。在there be句型中,主语后的动词形式。主语与动词是主动关系,用现在分词;是被动关系用过去分词;表示将来发生的事则用
7、不定式。 There is a purse wng on the ground.地上有一个钱包。 There are ten people killed in the accident.有十人死于事故。 There are five soldiers to atte nd the meeti ng.有五名兵要参加这个会议。 There are seve n roads to be rebuilt n ext year.下一年还有七条公路需要重修。(3)几种扩展形式:There used to be.曾经有(但现在没有了)There is/are going to be. 将有There see
8、ms to be.好像有There happens to be. 碰巧有用There be句型翻译下列各句。1.希腊有个伟大的思想家。(be/live)2.碰巧家里没人。(ha ppen to)3 .学校里有个小花园。(be/lie)4.那儿过去有座桥。(used to) 5 .教室里好像有个人。(seem to)6 .我有一支钢笔。桌子上也有一支钢笔。(have/be)注意:受汉语的干扰,会运用一些汉式表达。请观察下 列句子:(1) There are two boys are wait ing for you.(2) There are many people do exercises i
9、n the park every morni ng.第一句应改为:第二句应改为:三、There be结构的高级句型不容否1 . There is no denying the fact that.认;这一事实是不容否认的 There is no denying the fact that Japan invadedChina.日本侵华历史不容否定。2. There is no doubt that.毫无疑问 There is no doubt that they will ask you for help.无疑问,他们会请你帮忙的。3 There is no sense/point in do
10、ing. 做是没有意义的/道理的 There is no sen se/point in argu ing with him. 和他争 论没有意义。There is no point in doing so. 这样做是没有意义的4 There is no use in doing.没有必要做 There is no use in denying the fact that she had an 5 There is no need to do.没有必要做affair.没有必要去否认她恋爱的事实。 There is no n eed to cry if you really want to tr
11、y.昊你真想尝试,就没有必要哭泣。6 There is no telling.不知道 There was no telli ng what the next assig nment would be.不晓得下一个任务将是什么用上述句型翻译下列句子。1 .毫无疑问,他是胜任(be qualified for)这个工作的。2把重要决定留给(leaveto)没有经验的 (inexp erie need)人是没有道理的。3 试图跟这些人评理是(reason with)没有意义的。4.我已经没有必要回答。5 .不知道他打算做什么。简单句五个基本句型的综合运用:请根据以下内容要点 写一篇关于我父亲的短文。
12、1 .我父2.他工作起来像个年轻人一样充满活力。3.每天晚上他都批改作业、备课、读书。(correctexercise-books, prepare less ons)4.父亲全身心地投入到工作中。 (put one' heart andsoul into )5.这就是我的父亲,我很爱他This was an un forgettable and won derful exp erie nee.It happened about three years ago and it has had a_1_effect on me. I would like to show respect h
13、ere for the two men I do not know person ally but whosegen erous.actions gave anew 2 to the words kind andI was walk ingday in early _3_down a busy street on a cold, windy A homeless man , probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes , was begging for change on a street corner.A BMW car pulled up
14、(车)停下 on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed ste pped out of the car. He was p robably about 60 years old. He was weari ng a blue bus in ess suit with a dee p red silk tie. He walked 4_ across the street and over to the homeless man. Without saying anything , h
15、e first gave him a lot of 5_ and the n he sat dow n and took off his leather gloves(手套),beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks. Then he 6 them to the homeless man. The homeless man took them and stared with a/a n 乙 mouth.As he drove off , I could n't help thi nking that it was p
16、robably the first time he had pressed the pedal( 踏板)ofthat top -bra nd BMW car with a _8_ foot! I stoodthere and the looks of astonishment appeared on my face and the homeless ma n's.Two men of about the same age but very different lives had met and the one who was _9_ in materials had offered m
17、ore tha n his shoes. He had left this BMWcar and ste pped dow n from his high po siti on. He liftedup the other man whe n he offered respect10andreal gen erosity.1. A. strongbadC. lightD. slow2. A. benefitattitudeC. meaningD. award3 A. springsummerC. autumnD . winter4 . A. directlyusuallyC .unwillin
18、glyD . flue ntly5 . A. moneywaterC . sand6 . A. po stedhandedC . kickedD. threw7. A. closedB . full C . openD. empty8. A. relaxedB. largeC. bareD . sin gle9 . A. successfulB . careful C . usefulD . hel pful10 . A. sur prisedisa ppoin tme ntC . an xietyD . kindn essere2015暑假新高二英语读写训练2-with+宾语+宾语补足语/
19、thbe句型with+宾语+宾语补足语结构英语中“with+宾语+宾补” (with+复合宾语)结构主要有 六种表现形式:with+ 名形容词(词组)副词(词组)介词(词组)ing分词(词组)ed分词(词组)不定式(词组)1. with+名词/代词+形容词(词组)He looked at Alice , with his eyes full of doubt. 他充满疑 惑地看着爱丽丝。2. with+名词/代词+副词(词组)She went out with her coat on. 她穿着大衣出去了3. with+名词/代词+介词(词组)We used to work in a tow n
20、 with rivers around it.我们以前在一个小镇工作,小镇四面环水。4. with+名词/代词+ing分词(词组)With so many people helping me, I succeeded at last.由于得到许多人的帮助,最终我成功了。5. with+名词/代词+ed分词(词组)With the job finished , we went to China for a holiday. 那项工作做完以后,我们就去中国度假了。6. with+名词/代词+不定式(词组)With these people to help her , she tried to wr
21、ite a paper.有这些人的帮忙,她试着写一篇论文。提醒这种复合结构多作状语。当宾补是现在分词时, 表动作正在进行,过去分词表示被动动作,不定式表示 将来动作,介词、副词、形容词表示一种状态。1. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空all that noise(1)1 could n't do my homework with(go) on. (1) goi ng(do), hehad no time toWith much workpl ay. (2) to dodied withhis(3) It was a pity that the great writerwork(fini
22、sh) . (3) unfinishedwith therest(4) 1 send you 100 dollars today , (follow) in a year. (4) to followme.(5) With the sun(set) down , we all went he(5) sett ing(load) on bel ongs to(6) The lorry with applesme. (6) loaded(consider) , this project With all the factorsis a good one. (7) con sidered2 .用“
23、with复合宾语"结构完成句子(1)因为你站在这里,所以我无法集中思想学习。myWith you standing here, I can't concentrate on studies.hat那位戴帽子的人就是我的父亲。The man with a on is my father.(3)有向导为我们带路,我们会毫不费力地找到他的家。With a guide to lead the way ,we will have no difficulty finding his house.(4) 他经常开着灯睡觉。He ofte n slee ps with the light o
24、 n.(5) 因为作业做完了,所以就出去玩。With his homework done,he went out to pl ay.二、There be 句型,除了系动词be外,还There虽占据着主语的位置,但真正的主语放在动 词的后面。在There be句型中可用 seem, happen,live,stand,come,go, used to 等动词。e.g. There is/stands a tree in front of the house. 屋前有棵 树。提醒(1)There be句型表示 某地或某时有/存在某 物”,若表示某人或某物拥有某物时,要用have。e.g.There
25、 is a small pond in the school. 学校里有个小池塘。I have many books.我(拥)有许多书。在there be句型中,主语后的动词形式。主语与动词 是主动关系,用现在分词;是被动关系用过去分词;表示将来发生的事则用不定式。 There is a purse lying on the ground.地上有一个钱包。 There are ten people killed in the accident.有十人死于事故。有五名 There are five soldiers to atte nd the meet ing.兵要参加这个会议。 There
26、are seven roads to be rebuilt next year. 下还有七条公路需要重修。(3)几种扩展形式:There used to be.曾经有(但现在没有了)There is/are going to be. 将有There seems to be.好像有There happens to be. 碰巧有用There be句型翻译下列各句。1希腊有个伟大的思想家。(be/live)1. There was/livEd a great thi nker in Greece.2 碰巧家里没人。(happen to)2 There happened tb be no perso
27、n at home.3 学校里有个小花园。(be/lie)3 There is/lies a small garde n in the school.4 .那儿过去有座桥。(used to)4 . There used to be a bridge.5 .教室里好像有个人。 (seem to)5 . There seems to be somebody in the classroom.6 .我有一支钢笔。桌子上也有一支钢笔。(have/be)6Ihave a pen and there is a pen on the desk, too.注意:受汉语的干扰,会运用一些汉式表达。请观察下 列句
28、子:(1) There are two boys are wait ing for you.(2) There are many people do exercises in the park every morni ng.(1) There are two boys are wait ing for you.( 应去掉第二 个are或在 boys 后力口 who)在第一句中,如去掉are,waiting for you是现在分词短 语作定语修饰two boys;如在boys后加 who,who are waiting for you 是定语从句修饰 two boys。(2) There ar
29、e many people do exercises in the park every morning.(应去掉 There are)第二句如果不去掉there are,句子结构就非常混乱。还 可将do改为doing。三、There be结构的高级句型1 . There is no denying the fact that. 不容否认;这一事实是不容否认的。 There is no denying the fact that Japan invadedChi na.日本侵华历史不容否定。2. There is no doubt that.毫无疑问 There is no doubt tha
30、t they will ask you for help.无疑问,他们会请你帮忙的。3 There is no sense/point in doing. 做是没有意义的/道理的 There is no sen se/point in argu ing with him. 和他争论没有意义。 There is no point in doing so. 这样做是没有意义的4 There is no use in doing.没有必要做an There is no use in denying the fact that she hadaffair.没有必要去否认她恋爱的事实。5 There i
31、s no need to do.没有必要做 There is no n eed to cry if you really want to try.曳你真想尝试,就没有必要哭泣。6 There is no telling.不知道 There was no telli ng what the next assig nment wouldbe.不晓得下一个任务将是什么用上述句型翻译下列句子。1.毫无疑问,他是胜任这个工作的。1. There is no doubt that he is qualified for the job.2. 把重要决定留给没有经验的人是没有道理的。2. There is
32、no sense in leaving important decisions to inexp erie need people.3.试图跟这些人评理是没有意义的。3. There is no point tryi ng to reas on with these people.4.我已经没有必要回答。4. There was no need for me to an swer.5.不知道他打算做什么。5. There is no telling what he is going to do.简单句五个基本句型的综合运用:请根据以下内容要点写一篇关于我父亲的短文。1.我父亲是个中年教师。My
33、 father, a middle-aged man, is a middle school teacher.2.他工作起来像个年轻人一样充满活力。But he workslike a young man, full of en ergy.3.每天晚上他都批改作业、备课弓。Every eve ninghe is busy correcting his students preparing his less ons, and doing some readi ng.4.父亲全身心地投入到工作中'xercis&books,。 Father puts all his heartand
34、 soul into his work.5.这就是我的父亲,我很爱他。Such is my father, and Ilove him very much.This was an un forgettable and won derful exp erie nee. It happened about three years ago and it has a_1_effect on me. I would like to show respect for the two men I do not know person ally but w actions gave anew 2 to the
35、 words kindhadherehoseandgen erous.I was walk ingdown a busy street on a cold, wndyday in early _3_A homeless man , probably about60and without wearing any shoes , was begging for change on a street corner.A BMW car pulled up(车)停下 on the other side of thestreet and an executive(主管)who was perfectly
36、dressed ste pped out of the car. He was p robably about 60 years old. He was weari ng a blue bus in ess suit with a dee p red silk tie. He walked 4_ across the street and over to the homeless man. Without saying anything , he first gave him a lot of 5_ and the n he sat dow n and took off his leather gloves(手套),beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks
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