1、And the n the Drago n Warrior joined the Furious Five.And they became the most awesome kung fu team ever.En ough talk lets fight.Liste n you can hear theDrago n Warrior training right now.Stop him! Thats too dan gerous! Stay focus.Thirty-seve n.Why is he doing that to his face?Thirty-eight bea n bun
2、s!Yes new record!You mon ster!Keep going! Hit forty!Hell n ever hit forty.You got it buddy.Im going for forty!Do it!No problem.rm going to make it.He did it!-Well done Po!Your training has paid off.Oh Master Shifu.Gotta go. See you later!You will save those for me right?Inner peace.Inner peace.Oh in
3、ner peace.Master Shifu.Master Shifu.What have we got?Pirates?Van dals of Volca no Mountain?Long ago in an cie nt China.The Peacocks ruled over Gon gme n City. They brought great joy and prosperity to the city.For they have inven ted fireworks.But their son Lord Shensaw darker power in the fireworks.
4、What that brought color and joycould also bring dark ness and destructi on. Shens troubled pare nts con sulted a Soothsayer.She foretoldthat if Shen continueddow n this dark pathhe would be defeated by a warrior of black and white.The young lord set out to cha nge his fate.But what he did n extonly
5、sealed it.Shen retur ned to his pare nts full of pride.But in their faceshe saw only horror.He was bani shed from the city forever. But Shen swore reven ge. Someday he would retur n and all of China would bow at his feet.Its almost done Lord Shen.But we ran out of metal.Search the furthest villages.
6、Find more metal!China will be mine soon.the Musicians Village.Dan ger.Tell those musicia ns to start playi ng some actio n music because it is On.Dont worry Master Shifu. ni master inner peace as soon as I get back.No sn ack stop this time.Ha-ha-ha!Sn ack stop.Wait are you serious?Get all the metal
7、you can find! Grab the metal!Help.Help.Help.Help!Thats everyth ing.Lets get out of here!Wings of justice!The Drago n Warrior.The pan da? Thats impossible. My fist hun gers for justice.That was. my fist.Get them!Come on!Take that!Po! Incoming!Tha nks Man tis!Tigress! Double-jump strike!Feet of Fury!T
8、igress!Mo nkey!Viper!Ma ntis!Bunny! What?Oh sorry.Crane go!I am on it!Is every one okay?Yeah! Awesome!I got this.Po!Chew on that tubby.Are you okay?What happe ned?Whatever it is ni take them dow n. Cause I am in the mood.I n eed to get someth ing done you know what I mean?What are you doing?One of M
9、aster Oogway final teach in gs.Awesome!How did you do that?Inner peace.Inner peace. Thats cool.Inner peace of what?Its your n ext phase of training.Every master must find his path to inner peace.Some choose to meditate for years. And became just like this.Without the slightesttaste of food or water.
10、Or.?Some find it through pain and suffering. As I did.Po the day you were chose n as Drago n Warrior was the worst day of my life.By far nothing else came close.It was the worst most painful mind destro ying horrible mome ntI have ever experie need.But once I realized the problem was not you but wit
11、hin me I found inner peace.And was able to harn essthe flow of the uni verse.So thats it.I just n eed inner peace?My in erts are already super peaceful.So all I n eed to do is just get this thi ng going.Inner peace youre going dow n.Now show me what you were doing there with your feet.I saw you just
12、 sort of fan ciful foot work. Po ban dits approach ingI think I saw.I thi nk.I got to go.Thank you.Thank you for coming toDrag on Warrior Noodles and Tofu.Some more tea? Lem on sauce?If you n eed anything just ask.Feet of Fury!Drag on Warriors mop.It must be very good.Hey! No touching!Youll get the
13、mop dirty.He once waited on me.-Awesome.Yes I have a sta in to prove it.Hey where is the Drago n Warrior? He does nt work here anymore.Hes busy out there protect ing the valley. The Drag on Warrior.Po!You should have toldme you were coming.Hi Dad.I would have save you some st inky tofu. Dad can I ta
14、lk to you?Of course son.In honour of my son free tofu dessert for everybody .with purchases.Its so good to see you Po.Have you lost weight?I can almost put my wings around you. Well maybe a little.Poor you. You must feel weak.Let me get you some soup.No thats okay Dad.rm not hun gry.Not hun gry?Po a
15、re you alright?Yes Im fine. Im just.Earlier today I was fighting these bandits.Noth in g. too. dan gerous.And the n the stra ngest thing happe ned. Ah. I had this crazy visi on.I thi nk I saw my Mom. and me as a baby.Mama?A baby?OhDad?What.what.How do I say this?Where did I come from?Well you see.s
16、on.Baby geese come from a little egg.Dont ask me where the egg comes from.Dad thats not what I meant.I know its not.I think its time I told you someth ingI should have told you a long time ago. Okay.You might have bee n kind of. .adopted.I knew it.You kn ew?Who told you?No one.Come on Dad.But if you
17、 knew why did nt you say anything?Why did nt you say anything?How did I get here Dad?Where did I come from?Actually you came from this.It was just ano ther day at the restaura nt.Time to make the no odles.I went out to the back where my vegetables had just bee n delivered.There were cabbages turn ip
18、s radishes. Only there were no radishes.Just a very hungry baby pan da.There was no no te.Of course you could have eate n it.I waited for some one to come look ing for you.But no one did.I brought you in side.Fed you.Gave you a bath.And fed you aga in.And aga in.And tried to put some pants on you.An
19、d the n I made a decisi onthat would cha nge my life forever. To make my soup without radishes. And to raise you as my own son. Hsiao Po. My little pan da.And from that mome nt on both my soup and my life have bee n that much sweeter.And my little Pothats the end of the story.Look at me.No dont look
20、 at me.Thats it?That cant be it!There 抯 got to be more Dad.There was a time you ate all my bamboo furn iture.It was imported too. One Dumpli ng please.Drag on warriors size. Po your story may not have such a happy begi nning but look how it turned out.You got meyou got Kung Fuand you got no odles!I
21、know but I have so many questi ons. Like how did I ever fit into this tiny basket?Why did nt I like pan ts?And who am I?Watch your fall. Good.She n?Good after noon gen tleme n.Now we got the pleasa ntries out of the way please leave my house.Your house?Didnt you see the Peacockon the front door?Ther
22、e you are Soothsayer.It seems that your fortune telling skills are not as good as you thought.We shall see She n.Oh you shall see old goat.Where were we?What do you wa nt She n?What is rightfully mine.Gon gme n City.Gon gme n is un der the stewardship of the Masters Cou ncil and we will protect it e
23、ven from you. rm so glad you feel that way. Otherwise I would have dragged that thing here for nothing.What is in the box She n?Want to see it?Its a gift.Its your part ing gift. In that it will part you. Part of you here part of you there and part of you where you were there. .staining the wall!You
24、in sole nt fool!Show off.That is a warning.You are no match for our Kung Fu.I agree.But this is.Are you familiar with the Master of Gon gmen City? Master Thun deri ng Rhino? -Yes.Son of the lege ndary Flying Rhino?-Yes.And slayer of the ten thousa ndOf course. You have a job to do. Far from home.In
25、a stra nge cityfill with stra nge people and stra nge no odles.Fac ing horrible dan ger from which you might n ever return. Dont go Po!I gotta go.I am the Drago n Warrior.Its kind of my job to save Kung Fu. And if I dont.What am I?Youre my son.Right?Po its time.Goodbye.Dont worry Mr. Ping.Hell be ba
26、ck before you can say no odles. Noodles.Come on guys lets go!Yeah!Mama?Mom? Dad?Is that you?Mom? Dad?Oh hi.Hey son youre back.Uh.?Honey what are you doing here?But I thought.We replaced you dear with this lovely radish. Radish?Its quiet polite and frien dly it does better Kung Fu.No. No. No!Wait!Ouc
27、h!.Hoo.!Radish.Radish.Radish!Inner peace.Inner peace.Uurrr.serpe nts in the Valley of Woo?Hes dead.That. thats impossible.Rhi nos Hor n Defense isnt pervious to any tech niq ue.It was not any tech niq ue.Lord Shen has created a weap on.One that breathes fire and spits metal.Uni ess he is stopped thi
28、s could be the end of Kung Fu.But I just caught Kung Fu.And now you must save it.Go! Destroy this weap on!And bring Lord Shen to justice!Okay here we go!Wow.wow.wow!Wait a sec ond.How can I do this?How can Kung Fu stop somethi ng that stops Kung Fu?Remember Drago n Warrior anything is possible whe n
29、 you have inner peace.Inner peace. inner peace. inner peace.Peace on.Oh Po!Po I got you a travel pack.I packed your food for weeks.Cookies buns vegetablesand I even packed all your action figures. See!Oh I dont know what those are.Never seen them before in my life.Dad you got scratches on my Tigress
30、.I also packed your pain ti ngs of our best time together.Just in case you get Ion ely.Thats you and me making no odles.And thats you and me eati ng no odles.And thats me givi ng you a piggyback ride. Aint that cute?On sec ond thought ni hang on to this one. Hey theyre waiting for me.No no no!Man ti
31、s this isnt about you.Po is the one freak ing out.rm not freak ing outPo!Im freak ing in.Po!What?Were here.Gon gme n City.My fathers thro ne.He used to let me playhere beside him.Promisi ng someday this thro ne would be mine.A little to the left.But its so heavy Master.Thirty yearsve waitedfor this
32、mome nt.Everythi ng must exactly how I en visi oned it.And I en visi oned ita little to the left.Perfect.With the weap on by my side.a more bit more.With the weap on by my side all of China will bow before me.We move out in three days when the moon is full and the tide is high.Now you old goat.Why d
33、ont you tell me my.fort une?The future.I was going to say future.Look into your bowl and tell me what glory awaits.If you continue on your current path You will find yourself at the bottom of the stairs.I seeI seeI see. pain.Urghh.Urrghh!Inner peace.nner peace.nner peace.!Im a.trai ning.The mast is
34、not a worthy opp onent.rm ready.Okay. So serious.Ha.ha.haa.ouch!I think I prefer the mast.Apologies.I used to punch the iron wood trees by the palace.Now I feel nothing.Thats severely cool.Aga in!So this punching iron wood trees how long did youve to do that?Twenty years.Oh twenty years?Is there any
35、 faster way un til you dont feel anything?No!BesidesI dont think hard style is your thing.Po why are you really out here?I just found out that my dad isnt really my dad.Your Dad the goose?Must have bee n quite a shock.Ya.And this bothers you?Are you kidd ing me?We are warriors right?Nerves of Steel!
36、Soul of Plati num!Like you!So hardcore you dont feel anything.I was.-So what are you talk ing about?Noth in g. nothing.Pos havi ng Daddy issues. rm so lucky I dont have any problem with my Dad.Maybe its Mom ate his head before I was born.Ouch!And an ger.How dare you?!That is the fin est silk in the
37、provi nee!Followed by deni al.This is not fortune telli ng.Youre just say ing whats happe ning right. now?The most importa nt time is now.But if you really want to see the future.Oh what do you see?A Peacock.is defeated by a warriorof black and white.Noth ing has cha nged.Thats impossible and you kn
38、ow it.Its not impossible.And he knows it.Who?Lord She n!I saw a pan da.A Panda?A Kung Fu Warrior.He fought like a dem on.Big and furry.Soft and squishy.Kind of plush and cuddly.There are no more pan das.Even with his poor eye-sighthe can see the truth.Why is it that you cannot?Find this panda and br
39、ing him to me!Yes Sir!One panda lives.That does not make you right.You are right.Being right makes me right.The n ni kill him and make you wrong.Will you stop that?That must be Shens palace on the other side of the city. Great!Well march in and proclaim were the Drago n Warrior and the Furious Five.
40、And were here to bring you to justice. What are you doing?This place is crawli ng with wolves.Hey isnt that guy who hammered you on the face?I do no t like that guy.We n eed to get to that towerwithout being spotted by those wolves.Got it. Stealth mode.Ouch!Ah get out of my way!Hmm.a nd where does t
41、his.ouch!Woo!Hello. I could nt help.Ouch!Okay. Any way where was I?Wheres Po?How come we lose a guy that big? Guys?Hehe Po.-What!?Sorry.So that was stealth mode uh?Lets be hon est its not one of my stron ger modes.a ny gold ni ckel or lead.?This rice is raw!You stole all my metal pots.Either you coo
42、k my riceor ni cook you!Po do someth ing.How am I suppose to help her cook rice without gett ing caught? Wait I have a better idea.Hey.-Hey.We are here to liberate the City and bring Shen to justice.You will n eed help.Tha nk you brave sheep.But it is too dan gerous.I cant let you.-Oh oh not me.Its
43、not safe to speak here.Right.rm talki ng about Masters Ox and Croc. They are in Gon gme n jail at Black Dragon Alley.What?They are still alive?They must be in that jail gatheri ng in tellige nee hatch ing a plot to use their awesome ness to defeat the weap on.Okay lets go.Thanks sheep.Hey stop that
44、costume!Get them!Sorry.Take that!Keep going!-Faster!Hey stop!Ah.ha.ha.Now!Got you!Spread out!Search everywhere!Right over there!Is there a part of everywhere?Yes the n search there.They must be close.I can feel the kung fu chill riding up my spine. Sorry Po. Its just me. Look Gon gme n jail. Oh its
45、cute.Cute uh?Nice work Po.At the first sight of trouble ni give you a sig nal.Kaka kiki.You mean like crane does?-Yes!Excuse me when have Iever make that no ise?Master Ox!Master!The ferocious Master Croc.And Master Stormi ng Ox.I cant believe were rescu ing actual Lege nds of Kung Fu.We are going to
46、 free you from those bon dages and injustice. No problem. Theres got to be a key around here.No they would nt leave a key around here. Oh good you found it!Come on you guys! Yeah!Were coming for you She n!Guys are we going or not?Do you want to meet us there later?You do want to take back your city
47、right? Of course we do.But if we sta nd up to She n hell turn the weapon on the city.Liste n to yourselves.Youre protect ing Gon gme n city by not protect ing Gon gme n city?If we all fight together.the n the weap on would kill every one.Oh would it?The n we use.a sn eak attack.We get in side and th
48、e n.And the n youll be stopped.By the un stoppable weap on.Noth ing is un stoppable except for me when I am stopp ing you from telli ng me someth ing is un stoppable! Master Ox rm not lett ing you stay in the cell!I like to see you get me out!You guys see that?Its called being awesome.Come on! Whate
49、ver happe ned being a hero?The only hero in thistow n is a dead one!Like I said youre not gett ing me out of the cell!Yes!Alright lets go.I get the top bund.Its time to surre nder pan da.You.Kung Fu is dead.I.I.You.Kung Fu is.dead?Fine!You stay in your pris on affair.With bars made of hopeless ness
50、and all you get is three square meals of shame!With despair for dessert.Well take on She nand prove to all those whore hungry for justice!And honour that Kung Fu still lives!Yeah.Mon key?You! Youre mine!ni tell you what is going to be yours.My fist in your plush cuddly super soft face.Oh-oh.Get him!
51、Get me out of here!-Yes Sir.Stop him!Faster.Go Po!Loose him!Yes Sir!Viper!-Hang on!Watch out!Its very un cool!Try this!Guys!Maybe someth ing smaller!No! No!Not in my mouth.We better go this way!Pard on me!Okay pard on me.Fire! Fire!We lost them.Yeah! Agai n!Crane catch.Guys guys give me a shove!Man
52、tis now.Is that all you got to defeat uslike a big old fluffy cloud?This cloud is about to bring the thun der!Your turn!Why are there so many sig ns?Come here.I like to squash you!Yes! Taste the defeat!Let me tell you someth ing.Next time you mess with a panda you better bring a whole army.Guess n o
53、body told you.You mess with a Wolfyou get the fan gs.I hit you twice.What are you gonna do now?We surre nder.You could cha in my body but youll n ever cha in my warrior spirit.Hey dont forget the little guy.Did you just call me.Po what are you doing?Trust me I got a pla n.No way!Eight point acup unc
54、ture cuffs?Just like the ones they held Tai Long.The more you move the tighter they get.These are the best cuffs.Greeti ngs Pan da.At last we meet.No no no.We meet at last.Yes thats it.Greeti ngs Pan da. We meet.You are afraid for a reas on.rm n ot afraid.Hes coming to me in cha ins.If anyone should be afraid its.You!Dont even think about it.I hope this turns out better tha n your pla n to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and drinking boiling water. This pla n is nothing like that pla n.How?Cause this one is going to work.Keep moving.
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