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1、ContentAimsLan guage focusTeach ing aidsStepP re-taskprep arati onWhile-task procedure4B Module 4 More things to learnUnit 2 Festivals in ChinaM4U2 Look and lear n(P eriod1)1、Using nouns to ide ntify festivals in China、e、g、the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival, the D

2、ouble Ni nth Festival2、Using wh-questio ns to find out sp ecific in formati one、g、, What festivals do you like? What do you do at/ during?3、Using modelled sentences to give sp ecific in formati onEg、, I like the Spring Festival、I usually visit my grandparents and relatives、Using nouns to ide ntify f

3、estivals in China、Using wh-questio ns to find out sp ecific in formati onUsing modelled sentences to give sp ecific in formatio nPPT, etcProceduresTeachersactivity1、Warming up、2、Poi nt to the PPT and ask questi ons:1)What can you see in the picture?2)What are the doing?3)Why are they moon cakes?Stud

4、entsactivityWarming up、2、An swer questi ons:I can seeThey areItthePurposepeo pieeat ing1: teach: the Spring Festival duri ng1)Show the PPT of Spring Festival,relatives2) Ask:What seas on is it?What are they doing?3)Read the words、4) What do you do duri ng the Spring Festival ?5) What do you like to

5、do?2、to teach: the Dragon Boat Festival, ricedump li ngs1) Show the PPT of the Drago n Boat Festival,the1、1、Lear n:the Spring Festival, duri ng1) Watch、Answer: It They re3)Rep eat the words、4)I5)I like to2、Lear n: the Drag on BoatFestival,1) Watch、2)Rep eatthe words、3)To know the Drag on Boat Festiv

6、al ison the有趣得儿歌将学生 带入轻松得英语学 习氛围。通过问答,复习已学过中国节日,为新授作准备。了解节日得时间,了 解更多祖国节日得 知识。填空培养学生阅读 与理解能力。了解重阳节人们得 习惯,养成尊重老人 得好品质。2)Read the words、3) Show a cale ndar and circle the date、4) Ask and an swer:1) What seas on does it e?2)What can you do on it?3、to teach:theMid-autu mnFestival,usually1) Ask the stude

7、nts to draw a round Moon2) Ask: What Festival is it?3)Fill in the bla nksAt the Mid-autu mn FestivalThemoon is rWePost-taskactivityAssig nmentfifth Day of the fifth lunar month、4) An swer:1) It es in summer、2)I canTo lear n the Mid-autu mnFestival1) Draw、2) Answer: It3)Read and fill bla nksLearn: th

8、e DoubleFestivalin theNinthcanthe bevening、andthe Moon The Moonbinis1) Look and read、3) To know the date4) An swer:They climb mountain、TheyvisitthetheirWe usually eat m_、We like eati ng m_、4、teach: the Double NinthFestival1) Show the p icture2)Read the words、3) To in troduce the date、4) Ask and an s

9、wer:What do the people do the Double Ni nthFestival?on5、To teach: Liste n and say1) Show the PPT、2) Ask and an swer3)Read the text1、Do the exercises、(Wbp 78)2、Try to say:1)What festival do you like best?2) What do you do on、?P air workMake a new dialogueTalk and write about thefestival you like best

10、、grandparents、1)Watch2) An swer3)Read1、2、1、Read and copy the new wordsDo、Try to say:Pair workAct out the dialogue、Talk and write、多项练习训练学生运用知识得能力。培养学生运用知识板书设计2、Write: I like4B U2 Festivals in Chinabest得能力。during visit、the Spring Festival:relativesthe Drago n Boat Festival : rice dump li ngthe Mid-aut

11、u mnFestival,moon cakes,usuallythe Double Ninth Festival climbvisitvisit,ContentM4U2 Say and actAims1.2.3.Lan guage focusTeach ing aidsSte pP re-task preparati onWhile-taskpro cedure教学反思(Period 2)1、Using formulaic expressionsto greet old people at the DoubleNinth Festival、e、g、, Happy the Double Nint

12、h Festival、2、Using wh-questio ns to find out sp ecific in formati one、g、, What do you do every day, Grandma Li?3、Us ing modelled sentences to give sp ecific in formatio ne、g、, We have some classes here、The sentences、PPT etcProceduresTeachersactivity1、P lay a guess ing game This festivalusually es Ma

13、y or June2、Ask and an swere、g、, What do you do ChildrenDay?、 、 、inon1、Show a picture of DoubleNinth Festival1) Ask and an swer-What do you know about theDouble Ni nth Festival?-Is it a festival for old peop le?Which seas on is it in?2) Try to say sentences withinformation、sometheDouble Ninth cakesol

14、d people autu mn climbmountainsStudentsactivity1、Guess2、An swer1) An swerYes, it is、Itin autumn、Try to say、WatchAn swer the questi ons、Read、Purpose了解更多不同节日为不同人们所设立举一反三,鼓励学生 积极交流。活学活 用,通过组句操练,鼓励学生勇于表 达。e、g、: The Double Ninth Festival is in autumn、2:To teach : Say and act1) Show the flash(Say and act)

15、2) Ask and an swer、3)Read the dialogue、Post-taskactivity1、Have the students act out1、Act it out、the dialogue、2、Read and fill、2、Read and fill in the3、Read and judge、blanks、Athe Double NinthFestival,Igo tousually my gWedump li ngs together、We are happy、3、Show a passage、(wb p81)Read and judge、riceAssig

16、 nment板书设计阅读判断,培养学生理解能力。1、Have the(stude ntsliste n and read the dialogue、2、Do some exercises、M4U2 Say and act old peoplehome Class 3 Grade 4at the Double Ninth Festivallearn paintingContentAimsLan guage focusTeach ing aids1、Listen and read、2、Do the exercises、M4U2 Look and read(P eriod3)教学反思To lear

17、n the words about the Spring FestivalTo help stude nts to bring out the love for the Spring FestivalTo en courage stude nts to describe the Spring FestivalUsi ng modeled senten ces to give sp ecific in formatio ne、g、People buy new clothes and traditional food before the SpringFestival、PPT, etcProced

18、uresStepTeachersactivityStudentsactivityPurp osePre-taskprep arati on1.Si ng a song、2.Daily talk、What festivals do you like? Why do youlike it?Si ng a song、2、Answer the questions、轻快得歌曲为课堂While-task procedure1、To teach: traditi onal1、To lear n: traditi onalPost-taskShow some traditi onalfestivals pic

19、tures、To elicit: traditi onal2、Ask some questi ons、e、g、How is the SpringFestival?What do you do duri ng theSpring Festival?3、People celebrate theSpring Festival4、To teach Picture 1In troduce of things to dobefore the SpringFestival、(1) Show some pi ctures(2) Ask questions、5、To teach Picture 2、andPic

20、ture 4(1) Show some pi ctures In troduce New Yearseve do To teach: New Years eve6、To teach Picture 3、What can you get on NewYearDay?(1) To teach : red envelope(2) Show a picture、1、Show the whole textLook and read、2、An swer somequestions、3.4.(1)Watch the video、Look and listen、Liste n to the teacherAn

21、 swer thequestions、Learn Picture 2、Picture 4(1) Look and liste n To learn: eve(3) Introduce at homeoneve at doingNewandYearsthemselvesNew Years6、Learn Picture 3、(1) Lear n: red envelope(2) Look and say1、Read the p assage by营造轻松得氛围。 日常对话围绕节日 展开,为本课新授 作铺垫。通过瞧一些传统节日得图片,让学生 了解中国有哪些传 统节日,同时引出 新单词得学习。观瞧人们

22、过春节得 景象,让学生整体 感知。介绍人们过春节前 夕得心里活动与购 买东西得情景,使 学生感受到中国人 对春节得热爱。让学生在教师介绍 除夕得基础上,说 说自家过除夕得过 程,再次感受中国 人过春节得意义。 小孩过春节能拿红 包,让学生感受人 们对小孩得爱。形式多样得巩固练activity2、Read and fill in the blanks、3、Do the exercise on page54themselves2、Read and fill in the blanks、3、Do the exercise onp age 54习加强学生掌握知 识得能力。Assig nmentIntr

23、oduce how do you celebrate the SpringFestival andwrite it down、开放式得作业加强 学生得思维。板 书设 计The Spring FestivalJanuary or FebruaryNew YearEvehave a big dinnervisit relatives and fiendsget moneywatch colourful fireworks教 学反 思ContentM4 U2 Ask and an swer & Thi nk and write (P eriod4)Aims1、To use the key w

24、ords and senten ces to talk and write about differe nt festivals、2、Using wh-questi ons to find out sp ecific in formati on、e、g、When isFestival?What do you do at?3、Writi ng several sentences to describe a festival、Lan guage focus1、using modelled sentences to give sp ecific in formatio n2、Using wh-que

25、sti ons to find out sp ecific in formati on、Teach ing aidsPPT, etcProceduresSte pTeachers activi itesStudents activitiesPurp oseP re-taskPrep arati on1、Say a chant、2、Show some pictures of the festivalse、g、:the Drago n Boat Festivalthe Mid-autu mn Festivalthe Double Ni nth Festival1、Say a chant、2、Res

26、pond quickly、创设语境,愉悦心 情,让学生在儿歌 得诵读与对节日得 快速回答中复习所 学知识,并为新授 埋下伏笔。While-task1、Picture 1、1、Picture 1提问引发学生思ProcedureWhat can you see?(1) Look and an swer考,养成带问题听、What are they doing?(2) Read the dialogue瞧得习惯。What festival is it?(3) P air work在上两幅图片训练Is it hot?(1) Play the flash(2) Show the short dialogu

27、e2、Picture 2What festival is it?What do you do atthe1.(1)2.Picture 2Liste n and an swerPair works、Picture 3Work in pairs、Mid-autu mn Festival?What sp ecial food do you eatat the Mid-autu mn Festival?(1) Broadcast abouttheMid-Autu mnfestivalisin troduced Show thekey wordsandsentences、3、Picture 3(!) S

28、how thepicture oftheDouble Ni nth Festival(2) Show the key wordsandsentences、得基础上,给出关键词由学生自己操练。Post-taskactivity1、Prese nt three pi ctures1、Choose one picture反复操练,让学生Homework板书设计2、Make a new dialogue、Show two pi ctures(1) the Spring Festival(2) Natio nal Day3、Write about a festivalChina、(1) Show the

29、 key words Do it together(festival) is(month)、It is(weather)、At/Duringpeople go toPeople usuallyeatinin(place)、(activity)、People(food)、I like(festival) very muchTalk about the festival whatyou like with your friendsM4 U2 Ask and an swerWhen isFestival?ItinIs itatFestival?Yes/No、ItsWhat do you do?I/We usuallyWhat sp ecial food do you eat atand work in pairs、2、Act out a newdialogue、3、Writi ng some sentences to describea festival、Talk about the festivalwhat you like with yourfriends、教学反思举一反三,灵活运用。让学生描述自己喜欢得一个节日,激发学生对祖国得热爱,同时也达到学以致用得目得。鼓励学生灵活运用所学得语言,拓展


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